Death penalty argument

Opinion of the death penalty is...

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I've argued against death penalty here, to many times to be bothered again.
My reasons for being against(death penalties enacted by governments) are basically outlined here:

The argument not stated there that won me over is. It is not lawful to ask an official to slay human beings, thus another violation the law, as part of their job.
Map of "Death Penalty" Check out the company you keep - other than a few exceptions(U.S-keeps DP and on the other end of strangeness South Africa - abolished), the map looks similar to a map depicting a general problem with disease...

That is no good argument. If the government has the right to imprison people for life, with prison being a medieval concept, I see no reason why they don't have the right to execute them.
That is no good argument. If the government has the right to imprison people for life, with prison being a medieval concept, I see no reason why they don't have the right to execute them.
Actually I really think it is, after googling some maps on disease...

So.........I don't get it. What you trying to link? You can't link the death penalty to disease.
I think I just did.

Therefore you are saying that if you have alot of disease, you have to have the death penalty?

Obviously untrue. I don't understand the link between the two. Next thing you know, you'll be trying to say that eating alot of cheeseburgers means you have to [insert whatever here]
Another stupid argment. You folks can't even come up with one good one:

It is not lawful to ask an official to slay human beings,

Why would it be unlawful? But if you are worried we could make a special law for executioners.

thus another violation the law, as part of their job.

I have a much easier solution. If we let the criminal starve to death, nobody executed him, right? So your objection loses its argumentative power. :)
It certainly would be a lot more than just the skin off your nose if you or a family member were wrongly convicted.

It would be decades shaved off their life if they were wrongly imprisoned.

Again, there is no single good argument against the death penalty.
Point is, there is no good argument against the death penalty.

Then you haven't researched it very well.

Juries are marginally less likely to convict if the death penalty is a possible sentence. IE, the guilty may walk under this system.

The appeals process following a death sentence, and the time spent on death row costs more than regular incarceration.

The number of people on death row indicate that the sentence is not a deterrent.

The ethnic bias on death row shows that the penalty is not handed out evenly.

OK, there's four off the top of my head. Maybe if you'd just spent a few seconds thinking about the issue, you'd have seen these for yourself.
Phlogo, will you be a man sometimes and acknowledge that your silly arguments were killed a few pages ago? I know, it takes a man, so man it up! :)