Death penalty argument

Opinion of the death penalty is...

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Big difference if you later turn out to be innocent.
Perhaps. But nonetheless, sometimes innocent people waste decades of the best years of their life in prison. That is also unacceptable. I think after that I would probably not care to live anymore.

Also we should be trying to improve the judicial system, not destroy the penalty altogether

I disagree. The aim of prisons is to punish, deter and rehabilitate (to different degrees). Of course prison deters crime, its just there will always be some who are not deterred by it.
However, this is also true for the death penalty - in states and countries where is a part of the law terrible crimes are still committed... frequently. Does this mean it is totally ineffective at deterring crime?
The main goal is to punish.

Many criminals are released each year.....and many of those are not fit for society. In fact they come out exactly like they came in, if not worse. Killing them is more convenient, since they can't harm anyone then.

Also look at South Africa: it has one of the highest crime rates of any developed nation, and it got higher after they abolished the death penalty I heard.

Deserves punishment, or deserves death? It sounds to me as though it wasn't a wilful crime - just a stupid and terrible mistake that he failed to face up to and turn himself in for. We see the evil consequences of such tragedies and think evil must have caused them. Often crimes are committed by ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.
It sounds to me as if you're defending murderers.
Death is punishment.

You're turning these criminals into pantomime villains - I thought society had moved on from gathering en masse to cheer the hangman.
"Move on" from this? I'd find it entertaining. Seeing a sick old fool who raped and tortured and murdered little children get what's coming to him.

The justice system is not fair. Once someone is found guilty, no matter how strong the evidence against them, or their background, they are eligable for the toughest penalty. Innocent people go to death row.
Which is a flaw in the judicial system. Innocent people also waste decades of their life in prison.

And then there is the act of killing someone. I'm not talking about the criminal here, I'm talking about the death sentence. It's a morbid affair, and just because the person being excecuted has done something bad in their life does not make it better.
Same with prison.

I thought the main goal IS deterant. Imagine a society without jails...

The second main goal is to remove criminals from society.
Death penalty can do both, and the latter with better effectiveness:)

It does. But my point is that capital punishment doesn't appear to deter it more so.

And your point........?

The only good argument against cp is that innocent people die sometime. I haven't heard a single argument so far against the punishment itself.
The only good argument against cp is that innocent people die sometime. I haven't heard a single argument so far against the punishment itself.

Actually even that is not a good argument. After all innocent people die during surgery and we don't outlaw surgeries. Hell,50K mostly innocent people die on the roads in the US every year and we are not switching back to horses. Not to mention people also died of horseback riding....

I still haven't heard 1 good argument against CP, but people keep crying about it....
Actually even that is not a good argument. After all innocent people die during surgery and we don't outlaw surgeries. Hell,50K mostly innocent people die on the roads in the US every year and we are not switching back to horses. Not to mention people also died of horseback riding....

I still haven't heard 1 good argument against CP, but people keep crying about it....

That's apples and oranges. Surgery and driving are voluntary. The innocents who die in those cases make almost always make the choice to engage in the activity and to accept those risks. No one knowingly and voluntarily accepts the risks of being wrongfully executed in any practical way.

Besides that, the reason we don't ban surgery or driving (but we do drunk driving) is that the benefits outweigh the costs. The alternative to people dying in surgery is "no surgery," and that leads to huge problems. The alternative to wrongful executions is "automatic imprisonment" for convicted murderers. Since it costs more to execute them than to imprison them anyway, one could argue there was a *savings* there, in cash terms, plus zero wrongful executions. There'd be wrongful imprisonment issues only.
Norsefire said:
The only good argument against cp is that innocent people die sometime. I haven't heard a single argument so far against the punishment itself.

I thought the good argument against was the fact that you are killing a human being. An act almost as bad as the crime itself.
I thought the good argument against was the fact that you are killing a human being. An act almost as bad as the crime itself.

Then you must be against prison. That is also against their will. Honestly, confining a murderer rapist within walls for life? How awful

You are killing criminals, not human beings.
Your dehumanisation of criminals is worrying, to say the least.

My point is, you are killing people who harmed and even killed others.

So you can't say "well what gives you the right to kill them" and "that's bad"

What gives the government the right to even decide what is legal and illegal? Or the right to essentially waste a man's life (life sentence)?
My point is, you are killing people who harmed and even killed others.

So you can't say "well what gives you the right to kill them" and "that's bad"

Explain to me why two wrongs make a right.

If killing is wrong, then why is it ok to kill criminals?

What gives the government the right to even decide what is legal and illegal? Or the right to essentially waste a man's life (life sentence)?

Depends on what kind of government you've got. If it's democratic, the people delegate to the government the power to make laws.
Explain to me why two wrongs make a right.

If killing is wrong, then why is it ok to kill criminals?

Killing is not wrong if it is with good reason. If you are attacked and kill the offender, is that "wrong"? No

In the same manner as the offender in this case is being punished, therefore he has already committed an offense.

All punishment is retribution, and in that it is retribution it is a response to crime, not a crime itself.

Depends on what kind of government you've got. If it's democratic, the people delegate to the government the power to make laws.

OK, so if the people support the death penalty, there will be a death penalty. I'd say the majorities in most developed nations do in fact support the death penalty.

Japan is as high as 90% last I checked
USA is as high as 70%

I don't know about European countries.

You say there is no good argument against the Death Penalty - that statement is false. In fact, there is no way of arguing against pure emotion.

Arguments for?

- The finality of it. You said 'as long as they are sure' - but Norsefire, they are always 'sure'.
- If we become a society that considers life as something that can be taken easily if for the 'right reasons', then surely that encourages those who kill because they think it is 'necessary'. A mentality which, worryingly, you seem to have.
They deserve it and afterwards they can't harm anyone
"They deserve it" is not an answer to my question. And it is only your personal judgment.
"afterwards they can't harm anyone" is also met by life imprisonment.

forced labor
So prison in short.
I assume you mean life imprisonment ?
Why is it not as good as the death penalty ?