[Dear Christians/Jews, etc.] If someone never heard of God, does he not go to heaven?

Spirit is only evident to the Spiritually attuned, such as John the Revelator, he describes some of what Heaven is like in Revelation, and its location is not specified, so you are out of luck in your current condition of God rejection, you cannot have a clue, but you can snap out of it if you are a seeker, but if not, you're out of luck.
Spirit is only evident to the Spiritually attuned, such as John the Revelator, he describes some of what Heaven is like in Revelation, and its location is not specified, so you are out of luck in your current condition of God rejection, you cannot have a clue, but you can snap out of it if you are a seeker, but if not, you're out of luck.

This is the argument of intellectual cowardice. You can't define or show evidence in an intellectual discussion, so you resort to "you can't know because you don't believe." A convenience for the person making the assertion, but it does nothing for an intellectual discussion since it leaves your premises unavailable to the person who disagrees with you. Thus, the argument is one of intellectual cowardice since you're too afraid to continue the discussion on rational and intellectual grounds and can only defend it from a supernatural position.
I should rather have said "the ignorant man may enter the heavenly state." For, heaven is not a place, but a state of being. People can experience levels of heaven and levels of hell while they are living here and now.
nickelodeon said:
terra said:
nickelodeon said:
Yes, thats the trick. to overcome indoctrination.
Without anyone [from outside his cult] "opening his eyes"?
Yes, precisely.
atheists come to be atheistic totally alone, they become enlightened to the truth, nobody helps them, it is a completely solo thing, done mainly through study.
however once there they find many like minded people.
You would think that if God existed, the natural state of man would be to know about him. This is an excellent argument for His non-existence.
Except God seems to crop up all over the place, even people living far apart with no contact.

There is no natural English deity.

Red Indians worshipped no deity. etc

Now, you might state that these people did have forms of worship, (for trees, eagles, land and buffalo etc), but those are not "god".

However, it's not a surprise for people that knew nothing about the world they inhabited. Very few gods are created nowadays and yet you're surprised that many, millions even, were created by ancient nitwits?
An African man, living in a remote tribe, detached from the west & (our) communication, for example.

lol There are more African Christians than European ones. What about the poor European atheist who never gets to hear about Jesus from any African Missionaries.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I never understand this thing about Hell.... God is Love!

Any "God" who demands absolute allegiance to one religion - on pain of eternal torture (Hell) cannot be 'Love', but is a dictator - a monster like Sadaam Hussein or someone... The only honourable course is to fight the ba*tard, not worship it...? :mad:

I know it's now standard doctrine but I don't think the Bible does say anywhere that all non-Christians are condemned to Hell... does it? The only bit I know of is in Revelations 20 (which should be taken with a pinch of allegorical salt anyway! e.g. it envisions a physical resurrection.).

REV20:12-15 said:
"And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

I agree with beyondtimeandspace - Heaven and hell are states of mind... we chain ourselves by our attachments to mundane things that bring us suffering e.g. love of money, power etc. Many paths lead to us finding the scintilla animae which is within all of us, and which can free us. "You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free".

No doubt aboriginal peoples have their own spirituality too! In many cases (e.g. Australian aborigines), it seems more benign than our own culture/religion. We should respect it, and maybe learn from it!
I never understand this thing about Hell.... God is Love!

Any "God" who demands absolute allegiance to one religion - on pain of eternal torture (Hell) cannot be 'Love', but is a dictator - a monster like Sadaam Hussein or someone... The only honourable course is to fight the ba*tard, not worship it...? :mad:

I know it's now standard doctrine but I don't think the Bible does say anywhere that all non-Christians are condemned to Hell... does it? The only bit I know of is in Revelations 20 (which should be taken with a pinch of allegorical salt anyway! e.g. it envisions a physical resurrection.).

I agree with beyondtimeandspace - Heaven and hell are states of mind... we chain ourselves by our attachments to mundane things that bring us suffering e.g. love of money, power etc. Many paths lead to us finding the scintilla animae which is within all of us, and which can free us. "You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free".

No doubt aboriginal peoples have their own spirituality too! In many cases (e.g. Australian aborigines), it seems more benign than our own culture/religion. We should respect it, and maybe learn from it!

I see your point. However, you are forgetting something. first of all it is the actions made by YOU which condemn you to hell, all of the sins YOU commit. God is a god of love because he saves you from these sins. To not have god is to suffer the punishment you have built up on yourself.
M*W: No. In an ideal world, there would be no screw-ups and no saviors needed.

:D And we know that we do not live in an Ideal world and we do live in a world full of scew-ups lol

Therefore A Savior is needed :D lol

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
In Islamic teachings, he is only liable for what he knows. Even if he hears the truth, if he rejects it because he does not understand it properly. It is God's choice. We don't have knowledge of who is going to Heaven or Hell. His beliefs must be measured along with his deeds. The most important thing is to believe in your heart that there is One God.