[Dear Christians/Jews, etc.] If someone never heard of God, does he not go to heaven?

It's a misfortune.

That's all it is. That guy needs to learn to deal with his misfortune. He shouldn't complain; there are people on the other side of the world(in Africa) starving. They didn't choose that life. He did choose his fate.
false, they do, I have Jewish friends, of course they do!
Where in the Torah is there described a heaven and hell as places of punishment and reward?

Where in the old testament?
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Where in the Torah is there described a heaven and hell as places of punishment and reward?

Where in the old testament?

ill answer that for you.


this person's "jewish friends" are either deluded about their scripture, been lied to and just accepted it as truth, or are lying to fit in.
Yes, thats the trick. to overcome indoctrination.

That's the beauty of memes. The one that has the more adapted method of overcoming indoctrinations of another's and inoculating itself from the attempts to be overcome by others survives.

Its fascinating to watch people that favor one cult discuss the failures and inadequacies of another; but, just as interestingly, speak of other cults as though theirs isn't a cult as well!
First, list for us a set of premises that establish that there are such things as "souls." Show us evidence of such a thing.
Please list your set of premises that lead you to the conclusion that there is a soul. Then we have a discussion. It was your point. Finish making it.
Why isn't it the human brain that contemplates these things? Moreover, how do you know what animals contemplate and what they don't? There are data that support the idea that chimps and other apes "contemplate" and have morality. Do these imply that they have souls? Please cite supporting data that these "contemplations" aren't simply brain activity.