I find that an odd statement. How does Westernization or materialism lead to an increase in mental illness?
Look, I'm not trying to bash India here but if you think that mental illness and the correlated social and political problems it engenders is a US or Western phenomena you're sorely in denial.
LOL I agree with you here. I even have a couple of hypotheses to explain it.
1. Human beings need problems; we evolved to struggle for survival. When real survival issues are non-existent the mind seeks challenges and if it cannot find them it will begin to manifest problems of its own. We the same behavioral problems with animals kept in cages. When you're busy struggling to feed a family or escape a predator you don't have time for depression or OCD; "No honey, I'm not going to run from that Tiger. I'm just not feeling myself today."
2. General Psychology is not science. The concept of a "normal" psyche is nonsense and the subsequent agenda to normalize the population is absurd and in my opinion dangerous. Of course, being "normal" is what psychology is all about.
According to pop psychology if your child is not able to sit through
Ben Stein's reading of
War and Peace they have ADD and are in dire need of medication. Last I checked ADD defined what being a child is. Today we have a million children on Ritilin and Prozac so they can sit through class like coma patients and not disturb their parents' valium induced sense of calm when they get home.