Dead Squirrels

Lesion...I have to ask: do you enjoy the...the k-kennel? I used to work there and it was sheer, constant misery. I vowed that I would never pick up dog crap again. But that vow has been broken every time I've been sent to clean out the back yard.

Firefly: I'm just curious, you can never tell about someone's sex unless they actually PROCLAIM it, so generally I just chauvenistically (if that's a word) assume that everyone who becomes what I call an 'avid' member is a male unless I know otherwise (like if their name is girlgirl123). You should start exercsizing your power as a female here, Xev already controls vast hordes of minions.
Yes, Pollux, I am enjoying the kennel. I'm only a 5 minute run away from it, and I get the middle of the day off. Plus I got a raise to $7 an hour. Maybe you did slightly different stuff than I do?:confused:
Yes, but it's not so bad if you just don't breath through your nose, and do a quick walk around the perimeter, then give the center a quick check. Plus you get used to it. It's the worst part of the job. The rest is almost blissful.:D
Pollux - I kind of do the same, assume everyone is a guy, though I did think Firefly was a kinda "female" name. Though the mistake has been made before, and will probably be made again. :p

Lesion42 - Do you have to have a rabies shot or anything? What kind of dogs go there? Homeless ones, or those who's owners are on holiday?

Minions - I figure each to their own, don't really wanna start up a cat fight with Xev, but I'm slowly building up an army anyway. the fact that you're reading this means that I now claim you as my own minion. :) I just thought it would be... harder, thought I'd have to infiltrate some kind of clique. But you're all really friendly. :)
I don't need shots. All owners must provide proof of recent vaccination for various infectious whatsits before their dog will be boarded. The event will make for a good story though.:D
The dogs:
- Kira, the huge black freak.
- Lucy, the smart brown one half Kira's size.
- Britt, little white one a tad smaller than Lucy.

As for minions, Firefly, I'm really pathetic about women, and am automatically the minion of any and every female who pays me even the slightest attention.

We also used to have sheep, and in those days there actually were wild kangaroos passing through now and then.
Adam-- Weird. There was a black pain-in-the-butt poodle named kira at the kennel. She was with a German Shepard named Kobi, and he would never stop yapping.:eek:

Firefly-- I'm with Adam, minion-wise:D
This is all well and good, but what about the dead squirrles? Did this little pic in photoshop. heh heh


I would never!

I don't know what Geraldo was thinking. Dead Squirrels in Pseudoscience??? And all he posted was a smilie face!:confused:
Right then, my good minions, I will hereby be reading ALL your posts, and paying vast attention to you to ensure you stay mine. :)

I loooove squirrels tales, watching them run and stop, and their tails kinda catch up, it's soo cool. :)
There aren't as many grey squirrels in my area as there used to be.:( I like them the best.
I actually know a good place in my area to go squirrel spotting, but I never get to go there. :( Might actually try though, cos of this thread. :p
Just remember, if anyone asks you, it's really a camera, just like on Pine_net's pic right? Bring peanuts. They like peanuts. And human fingers.:eek: