Dead Squirrels

Funny you linked the picture thread, I just happened to be there looking as it was. :eek: :p

I prefer that cat to the Siamese ones - especially those that have no (or v little) fur. :)
There is a siamese at the kennel I work at. She has more hair than most, and really huge eyes. she always hides between the wall of her enclosure and her litter box.:)

Funny how far off topic this thread is, and it wasn't our fault to begin with.:D
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I'm also kind of intrigued as to why the original post, which contained only a :D had to be edited. :confused:
Maybe it contained offensive pictures of dead squirrels?:bugeye: What I want to know is why was it under pseudoscience?:confused:
Let me just say that reading it made my skin crawl and the milk in my refrigerator curdle.:bugeye: :eek: :bugeye:
Truly so. It contains no useful information whatsoever. It should probably be deleted.:)
My family also has a 5-year-old cat who still tries to prretend she's a kitten. My sister and mother have three standard poodles. There are nine or ten horses. And because a creek runs through the farm, we get all sorts of wild birds visiting and nesting there.
LOL, you guys really must be starved for attention, I'm definately one of the minor, less territorial females around here. :p

Adam - I have a cat who I pretend is a kitten. :p He's really beautiful, and not especially small, but I still pick him up and pet him as much as I did when he was a kitten, though I think he prefers to either be fighting or sleeping rather than being petted by me. :) Sometimes I get small birds in my garden, but generally the only birds I get are the ones that eat the fruit on my fruit trees in my garden! :mad:
Adam-- I've taken care of a lot of poodles at the kennel, and they've all been black.:confused: they've all been really friendly except one who almost took a chunk out of my hand. I've only been bit once this summer. I guess I'm lucky.:) What are yours called?

Firefly-- Yes, we are starved for attention. Kind of obvious, isn't it?:D