Dating stuff

When good looking x goes out with not so good looking y, the couple does not survives peer pressure. It does happen because sometimes a person can be attracted to something other than just appearance, but eventually nothing good come out of it from what I have seen back in my college days not too long ago. What usually happened is person y becomes increasingly insecure about the relationship and person x is constantly reminded that he/she can do better.

There is no "league" when it comes to dating and love and such. There is peer pressure for some people, but that only matters for weak people. If I like a girl, I like her regardless of her "league".

There are definitely leagues. People don't live in caves. The funny thing is you will find out sometimes the best looking people are the loneliest. That is because in their league, the number of gamers are so few.


My guess is you are playing the game and don't really realize it. That is why you were felt confused. You can always try to date guys above your league, but that would require the guy to violate my rule #2 in my previous post. :) You can't easily find guys willing to do that.
Screw peer pressure. Ignore it. Such things don't exist at all if you don't let them.
Originally posted by Xev

Nope. I don't date at all. Don't need to date to get laid, and would rather fall in love than go through pathetic rituals.

You see, I value love.

One simply must separate sex and love. Then you are free to pursue the former, without being deprived of the latter.

As I think I've mentioned before, I am somewhat a romantic I think, and tend to associated sex with love. I wouldn't want some girlfriend to tell me "I'm heading out to shag some strangers, have some dinner ready for me at 10 please."
"As I think I've mentioned before, I am somewhat a romantic I think, and tend to associated sex with love. I wouldn't want some girlfriend to tell me "I'm heading out to shag some strangers, have some dinner ready for me at 10 please.""

Yep, we differ there. I don't closely associate them. I understand your position, though.

*In 'Bevis and Butthead' voice:

"Dude, she said 'position'. He he he"*

Sorry. ;)

I suppose I am a romantic, too. I would not make Joe 'pathetic excuse for a man''s choice of dating people just to play games and get a quick and reliable shag. Not my cup of tea.
Originally posted by Xev

Nope. I don't date at all. Don't need to date to get laid, and would rather fall in love than go through pathetic rituals.

You see, I value love.

One simply must separate sex and love. Then you are free to pursue the former, without being deprived of the latter.

I am not talking about pathetic rituals or love vs sex. I am talking about the system in place. You can either use the system to find love or you don't. A lot of people dispise the system or the game I am talking about. I personally think it is easier to go by the rule.

You haven't the first idea what I look like, Joe. So it would not.

You attemptin' to flame, twat? Would you like to see what a real flame looks like? Not a obscure insult, but a real, live one?

Of course an assumption about looks has to be made. Most of us look pretty close to average (Not me:D) according to the curve invented by Mr. Bell. There is a high probability your look fall in the average category. I never said how you look anywhere in my post, but it is highly unlikely that your look would fall outside of two standard deviations. I can't see anywhere in my post I was trying to flame. I never flame people I like so I have no reason to flame you.

You are right about my grammar. I never took 3rd grade English. I took 1st and 2nd grade English and the next one is 10th grade. I missed a lot of English in between which explains my pathetic grammar. I am still glad I got out of the country because my math and science were so far ahead when I came back. I don't need good grammar to make a decent living. That is what secretaries are for.
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Originally posted by Xev
I suppose I am a romantic, too. I would not make Joe 'pathetic excuse for a man''s choice of dating people just to play games and get a quick and reliable shag. Not my cup of tea.

I am totally misunderstood. I am not talking about so called hooking up. I am not talking about play games to shag. I am talking about playing the game to find your true love or whatever. Different cultures have totally different dating rituals and unwritten rules. It might sound ridiculous but there are actually a lot of strategy and tactics involved. You can't master the tactics without knowing the rules first that is why I tell people to start dating as early as possible NOT for sex but for experience.

BTW, I am a realist more than a romantic. Maybe that is why some of my ideas sound so radical.

I don't believe the man of your dream would some day just appear by luck. (again I am a realist) You actually have to do some work to find the man. That is part of the game. At times you will be required to be clever and ruthless to get your man. That is part of the game. Nice guys finish last. That applies to women as well.
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"Fuck them. As you mentioned, they're weak."

True. The unfortunate fact is that many of these weak people are attractive. And therefore not a good idea for datin'. Oh well, still good for a shag.

"No airhead who lets peer pressure control her decisions deserves you. At least not seriously."

Aww. Xev, how sweet.

"Best shut up before I start flirting."

Haha. Now there's a lack of logic! Stop before the fun part? Haha.
"True. The unfortunate fact is that many of these weak people are attractive. And therefore not a good idea for datin'. Oh well, still good for a shag."

My man! You put it better than I did. Unless you share Adamski's veiws.

Why would attractive be a minus, though?

"I am totally misunderstood. I am not talking about so called hooking up. I am not talking about play games to shag. I am talking about playing the game to find your true love or whatever. "

Isn't the idea of manipulating in order to find true love rather a contradiction? I cannot see why one would 'fight' to obtain love - or even sex. If they don't reciprocate, they don't reciprocate and that's that.

Why try to find such a person? Why waste time that could be spent on usefull activities?

"BTW, I am a realist more than a romantic. Maybe that is why some of my ideas sound so radical."

No, just not my cup of tea. I don't believe in manipulating people for emotional gain. Political or financial gain, well...

"I don't believe the man of your dream would some day just appear by luck. (again I am a realist) You actually have to do some work to find the man. "


Rather contradicts my personal experience. I've never had to look.
Well Xev, some of us aren't as lizardly beautiful as you are. So we do need to do some work to find someone good!
"Well Xev, some of us aren't as lizardly beautiful as you are. So we do need to do some work to find someone good!"

*Flicks a bug off her computer, then turns and asks:

"Wanna know what else I can do with the tounge?"*


Oh, that's not what I meant at all! I meant that, well, I've never had to look. I don't consider myself at all attractive, but I've never had much trouble finding sex.

As for love, well, I don't look for it. I don't need it, and I'd prefer to be pleasently suprised.

  • Love yourself
  • Be yourself
  • Be joyfull
  • Be detached from the outcome

It's not easy... but it works. :)

Love yourself
If you don't Love yourself, who will?

Be yourself
If you be yourself you won't make mistakes and will attract the right person to you. Be realistic. Don't pretend to be someone that you are not just to please some girl. Have self-esteem. Everyone is worth loving. :)

Be joyfull
If someone is joyfull, don't you feel desire to be with that person? ;)

Be detached from the outcome
This ultimatly avoids hurt.

Why do you want to go out??

I will answer:
To have fun!!!!

So, don't worry...
Learn to have fun alone...
Then you can easily have fun with someone.

You are not in a relationship to be happy... YOU ARE ALREADY HAPPY!! Once you enter in a relationship joyfully, you don't NEED the relationship to feel joyful and you don't put your hapinness in the hands of someone else. There's NO DEPENDENCE!!! :)
I would encourage you to tell those things to her whoever she is...

Have Fun!!

thats bull TS

i just got dumped and like adam there is no way on earth i could be detached from that

i love her so much and it hurts so much

how can you be detached from love?
thats not possable
especially not if thats what you are looking for
Originally posted by Xev
Isn't the idea of manipulating in order to find true love rather a contradiction? I cannot see why one would 'fight' to obtain love - or even sex. If they don't reciprocate, they don't reciprocate and that's that.

Manipulation others to a certain degree is fair game. It happens. If you don't manipulate others, they will manipulate you. If you are in the game that is not your choice. You have to manipulate others to prevent others from manipulating you. If you manipulate others too much, it will come back to bite you. That is why playing the dating game is so confusing.

Look. Most people take the rolling the dice approach to find love. They meet someone at random who happens to be single and attrative to the them. They date and if things don't work out back to square one. But things are more complicated than that. If you belong to the good looking league, chances are there are women already after the guy you want, and also the guy has many women in his mind. The windows of opportunities to get those single hot guys are small since they are not single for very long. If you are in the same league in terms of look, you should have guys interested in you as well who you don't consider your first choice. You can either ignore them or use them as leverages. Veteran gamers would stay in touch with them so that maybe they have handsome friends or relatives.

In any rate, most of my philosophy in dating goes back to the idea of being realistic. I do not the think the probability of the men of your dream would just appear in your life and want you at the same time is very high. The probability of that is the percentage of guys you will meet who are qualified to be the men of your dream multiply by the probability of them being single multiply by the probability of them being attracted to you.. I believe the number should be quite low. I don't think people should just sit back and hope the luck in on their side. If you know a way to win that man over from your competitor, then you can erase of the probability of them being single from the equation.... Just an example.

It took me a while to realize dating is like a game. It is difficult for me to explain how to play the game in general without knowing the cultures of your community(although I can always explain the specifics) but I believe young schoolers should start dating as soon as possible to learn the game. You have to be ready to be heart broken, and you have to be ready to break some hearts. If you choose to be a dating outcast, the probability of success is even lower IMO.
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i would NEVER use someone like that

it is WRONG to lead people around on a string like that
I think the "College" bit in Joeman's post pretty much sums it up... back then, looks counted for a hell of a lot more than they do now. Or is it a yank thing :)

thats bull TS

i just got dumped and like adam there is no way on earth i could be detached from that

i love her so much and it hurts so much

how can you be detached from love?
thats not possable
especially not if thats what you are looking for

I know what you are saying...
But that's more need than Love...
And it's more like possession too...

But... what went wrong?