Dating stuff

Dude, just start asking out any reasonable girl you see. Eventually one will say yes. Gotta start somewhere.
Listen to the space monkey. He knows what he's talking about.

Don't just go around asking out every girl you see or you'll get a horrible reputation at school. But if you meet a girl that you start to remotly like, don't worry about whether or not you 'really like her', ask her out and if she says yes you'll find out how much you like her along the way.
Originally posted by Tyler
Listen to the space monkey. He knows what he's talking about.
No I don't. If I knew anything at all about women, I'd probably have a girlfriend. Don't listen to me, just make up your own crap like everyone should.
"Single means relearning to love and depend on yourself. Single means you're an individual. Single means looking at your buddy who isn't single and can't go watch the game with you on saturday night."


"No, being single just sucks. There is no good side to it."

Look at it this way:

Don't have to worry about losing anyone.
Don't have to worry about what they think, whether you are still what they wanted, whether they still care, what they think, whether they're screwing around.

"Single is NOT good
Single means there is no one to hold when the world sucks
single means there is no one who you know wants you no matter what
Single means looking at everyone ELSE who ISN'T single and wishing you were them"

The FoxyNutter has a point, actually. There's never really anyone to hold anyways, at least for long. And since when does a man or woman want you no matter what? Right. Maybe our parents feel that way. I think dad would care about me, no matter what. Other than that, nobody.

Everyone else? What about abusive couples? Their lives suck with each other.

Could be worse. Wanting is hell, that's for sure, worse than being single.
commandments for a boy

Thou shall not admit loneliness, for loneliness is weakness and weakness is unattractive.
Thou shall be confidant, for only he who presumes his own worth, shall be worthy of love.
Thou shall not talk too much, if she can't think of any thing to say it's your fault.
Thou shall not call for two days.
Thou shall have sexual prowess.
Thou shall not want sex.
Thou shall be all.
Xev you seem to speak from a damaged heart!

"Don't have to worry about losing anyone.
Don't have to worry about what they think, whether you are still what they wanted, whether they still care, what they think, whether they're screwing around."

In a good relationship (which, granted, is not that frequently found) none of these things exist.
I am a retired veteran of the dating game. I am not married but engaged for quite some time. I am hardly a master but I am experienced enough to answer some of your question.

What do woman really want in a dude anyway?

-Besides sense of humor, I've got that covered and it hasn't really helped me much.

Also how should you go about "getting to know a girl" before going out with her. I was thinking about E-Mailing her. But I don't know anything about her beyond shes incredibly good looking and really nice.
sadly that changes quite a bit with age. A teenage girl would want something totally different from a 25 year old. A 30 year old woman want something completely different from a 25 year old.

Here are some common tips.

1. Don't date people out of your league. You will be just wasting your time and you will be heart broken. If you are an average woman dating a hot guy, he probably just wants to get inside your pants. You should have a very good idea what league you should play in. If you have unrealistic expectations, then you will be single for a long time while missing out some chances alone the way.

2. Never lower your standard. Again you should know what league you should play in. Be patient. Never be desperate.

3. Be yourself. Don't be someone you are not. Having a good sense of humor helps but if you are not a comedian you look worse try to be one. But in general be considerate, honest, and generous. A lot of women like bad boys but most eventually get it out of their system by the time they turn 25.

4. Women are attracted to guys with high status. In high school that means football or basketball players.....But eventually that will become managers and executives. Forcus on your career now. If you are a geek now your luck will change as you get older.

5. Don't be afraid to date outside of your race. If you only stick with your race you are missing out. My fiancee is Hispanic. Interracial relationships does come with a baggage but statistically interracial relations (especially Caucasian M/Asian F) last longer. Divorce rate is very low (a single percentage vs 50% national wide) and household income is higher than same race couples.
Where Cactus and I live we don't have to worry about that race thing. There is nothing but white people here, and I know the difference because I lived in Brooklyn until I was six. Lots of kids here have never experienced real world culture because we're all white.

I've got the humor thing down as well as the expectations.
Now you really just feel like a nerdy little red-neck now don't you? Don't we all...:D

In a good relationship (which, granted, is not that frequently found) none of these things exist.

No! Xev is right! There are many benefits to being single, one of which is, not worrying!

Cactus Jack: You should not feel bad. You are young and have many, many chances ahead of you.
Hey foxster, hate to say this but I've been in a relationship where worrying did not exist. I consider it the best I've had.

Know your league, but never forget that you could be wrong. Believe me, a lot of people think either way too highly of themselves or way to low of themselves. At least at our age cactus.

"In high school that means football or basketball players"

Vive le hockey! Our football teams here generally aren't that important, and while Toronto would definetly see basketball in high regard (what with the emergence of Air Carter and the Raps), hockey is still the reigning sport across Canada for this! That or lacrosse in some areas! And booooooy do I love it!
There is no "league" when it comes to dating and love and such. There is peer pressure for some people, but that only matters for weak people. If I like a girl, I like her regardless of her "league".
"There is no "league" when it comes to dating and love and such. There is peer pressure for some people, but that only matters for weak people. If I like a girl, I like her regardless of her "league"."

I disagree. There are leagues, they just don't matter. A league basically means to me a group of people who tend to date within their own group. If you're the right kind of person, these things don't matter though.

I don't know what it's like where you were/are but in my school it's highly unlikely that a gorgeous girl will go out with an overweight guy. (Actually, in my school it's highly unlikely a really gorgeous girl will go out with a guy less than a year older than her).
"No! Xev is right!"

Of course I'm right. I always am. :p

Say, I'm thinking of dating this guy, but he's unnaturally pale.....(BAD XEV! NO TEASING THE NUTTER!)

"In a good relationship (which, granted, is not that frequently found) none of these things exist."

Awww, you believe in trust. That's so cute!

"1. Don't date people out of your league. You will be just wasting your time and you will be heart broken. If you are an average woman dating a hot guy, he probably just wants to get inside your pants."

Win-win situation there. Either he loves you, in which case that's cool, or you have a nice fling for a night or two, also cool.

"You should have a very good idea what league you should play in. If you have unrealistic expectations, then you will be single for a long time while missing out some chances alone the way."

Like Adamski, I'd rather live trying than live complacent and content with nothing. What's the point in life if you don't try?

It'd be rather sad to live in a world where only attractiveness mattered.

Unrealistic? So fucking what? The Absurd Man lives as if his actions are of paramount importance, but he shall die one day and they will not matter much. Is that realistic? No. But there is no choice.
"Awww, you believe in trust. That's so cute!"

Trust is not necessary to releave the stress or worrying. Think of it like this, do you trust with everything you do that you won't die? I don't. I realize the risk is very real that by jaywalking on blades with no breaks on the busiest street in the neighborhood I have a good chance of dieing (almost did once), but i don't worry about it. Know why? It's illogical. You of all people should realize this Xev. Worrying never got me anywhere, so I don't do it. It's taken some time but I have pretty well been able to control my fear and worrying.

"It's taken some time but I have pretty well been able to control my fear and worrying."

Good for you. Why fear in the first place, though? You see, everybody leaves, eventually. Living in the present, and not 'needing' is the best strategy.


Odd, I suppose my approach is second nature for me, but some struggle to attain it. And some would rather "play the game".

Bloody foolish 'game', IMO.