Dating stuff


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
Several threads have been taken over by discussion of datings and such. How about dumping it all in one place, eh?

As for me, I'm a socially inept, former gung-ho ex-military, now geeky student, dateless and dumped desperado. l know nothing about women except they have fun lumpy bits and speak some weird incomprehensible language.
I'm an absolute geek who once mentioned on a date that she was an athiest.

Date thought this was odd. My reply:

"What, you're not?"

And I was SERIOUS! :eek:

I have no social skills, preferring my computer to most people (people are boring as all hell). If I were not female, I would have a hell of a time finding 'partners'.

Praised be Cthulhu that I was not created a fundie. Praised be Cthulhu that I was not created a man. Praised be Cthulhu that I was not created an ignoramus. :p
At the moment the keys to my dating car are jingling in my hand but I just don't really yearn to be doing it.....I'm fairly happy the way I am and I think it'd be awkward--damn I'm so inexperienced.

Adam I'd really have to agree with those lumpy bits. They are fun, aren't they?:D
Fox is that the first thing you tell the ladies when you meet them? How old are you (if you don't want to be approximate then don't be)?
What do woman really want in a dude anyway?

-Besides sense of humor, I've got that covered and it hasn't really helped me much.

Also how should you go about "getting to know a girl" before going out with her. I was thinking about E-Mailing her. But I don't know anything about her beyond shes incredibly good looking and really nice.
FoxyNutter: Don't worry, I'm sure there is some special lady who hunts demons or somthing out there for you. :)

Polly: If you're happy the way you are, why change that?


"What do woman really want in a dude anyway?"

Xev prefers men who accept geekiness, but cannot speak for all women. In fact, even I contradict myself on that one - He does not seem to understand geekiness.


It varies from woman to woman. Some like unpredictability, some like stability. Some like the whole 'chevalric'* routine, some don't.

I'd sound trite if I told you to be yourself, but it is the safest bet. Can't please all of the people all of the time, you know?

Self confidence, self assertion, that's about the only uniform 'good quality' I can think of.

"Also how should you go about "getting to know a girl" before going out with her. I was thinking about E-Mailing her. But I don't know anything about her beyond shes incredibly good looking and really nice."

Well, I know Him fairly well, so I would think it's a fairly good idea. One is more willing to go out with people one knows.


If only.

*I swear, I am going to build a fucking time machine, go back in time, and murder whoever thought that word up!
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What do women want? Well, I was told recently by my ex and a mutual friend that women like dangerous guys. Motorcycles, leather jackets, bad attitudes, maybe illegal drugs, and so on. Also good looks, because apparently image is important. Basically, they told me that women want everything I'm not. That sucks.
Yeah Nice Guys Finish last dude. Damnit, say they want a nice guy to love them but actualy are attracted to the "bad boyz" oh well.......
Super, major, insane ouch dude. But I think that it is (A) better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all (I know from th flip side) and (B) that you'll be able to find someone else.

Sorry to hear that dude, chill out and try to be happy.
What do women want? A question as old as time. It's my guess that in the near impossible (in my view) chance god is real, even he couldn't answer this.

I think most women enjoy a sense of humour, someone who's going to be trustworthy, someone who's going to be loving, someone who they enjoy spending time with and someone who's attractive to them. At least for someone who they're wanting to actually get involved with.

For a fling? The dangerous guy.

Fox is that the first thing you tell the ladies when you meet them? How old are you (if you don't want to be approximate then don't be)?

I am 25. But I do not have time to date because I have so much to fight.

Im about to be single again

she dosn't love me

Being single is not so bad! You will meet one nicer than her, anyway. Keep your chin up, like Tyler said.

FoxyNutter: Don't worry, I'm sure there is some special lady who hunts demons or somthing out there for you.

Thank you, Xev. Rather strange advice from a woman who worships Cthulhu, but thank you anyway.

You are single?
Thanks guys
it hurts so much

Single is NOT good
Single means there is no one to hold when the world sucks
single means there is no one who you know wants you no matter what
Single means looking at everyone ELSE who ISN'T single and wishing you were them

Nay dude. Thou aret wrongo.

Single means relearning to love and depend on yourself. Single means you're an individual. Single means looking at your buddy who isn't single and can't go watch the game with you on saturday night.

Being with someone you really like or love is better, I agree, but single does not, I repeat, DOES NOT suck.

Single for an extended period of time without any action on the other hand.....
You're speaking about single without the action.
Single with flings is fun. Sometimes more fun than a relationship.

No pain at the end of flings.
I have no idea what women want but I know exactly what they don't want... ME!!!

But frankly ive just about given up on the human race as a lost cause and am now trying to work out if its possible to be a hermit and keep my computer. Im thinking solar power (which sadly won't work inside my cave) and DSL connection. Another problem that a hermit life style will cause is Ill have a hard time getting books. I don't think im cut out for the hermit life.

For those of you still trying my best advice is to get a pretty good idea of what I do then do the exact opposite. Its worth a try.
Single with flings means more chance of diseases, more chance of unwanted kids, et cetera. Screw that. I've had enough of everything to do with single life.