Darwin's Is Wrong About Sexuality

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Darwin revisited

It is clear that Darwin was heavily biased in terms of the 'purpose of sex'. His theory reflected the powerful mindset of his times --- which had been in place since the inception of Christianity. But he also differed from that mindset in a significant way. He made 'sex' and 'reproduction' the main, rather the exclusive aim of life. Religion had given only the latter an extreme importance, but this importance was not exclusive. Religion cared for bonds with parents, children, friends, and other duties in life --- and it had placed significant regulations on male-female sex by binding it to marriage. Science with Darwinism became single tracked, and it sought to make male-female sexual bonds all powerful. (People were earlier governed by religion, now they were governed by science).

Yet, Darwin was only speaking half the truth. And half the truth is more dangerous and misleading than a complete lie.

Sure, there are aspects of life that can be explained by neo-Darwinism/ sexual selection. But they are just a small part of the entire truth.

What Darwin did was to collect the scattered incidences of this small part in a place and showcased them as the complete picture and sold his faulty theory.

There was no opposition on that count from peers --- and if someone differed he'd be a fool to speak out --- because that would have included talking about same-sex sex in a terribly hostile world.

If Darwin was indeed sincere, scientific and non-motivated/ non biased in his approach, he surely could not have missed the widespread same-sex behaviour prevalent in the wild that runs smack in the face of 'sexual selection' or 'survival' or 'reproduction' theories. It is clear that he selectively took his samples --- (a problem rampant in the scientific world and overlooked by the peers in most cases. There are no inbuilt checks in the scientific institution/ methodology to tackle this problem of wrong sampling, and the validity of sampling is dependant totally on the conscience of the researcher) in order to distrort the truth, and present a version which the 'scientific community' (read selected scientists) and the 'public opinion' wanted to hear in the 1st place. And others took it on from there.

Neo-Darwinism built on that half-truth and built an entire heterosexual society with the backing of now extremely powerful 'science'.

Male- female sex became the most important human characteristic upon which the entire new social order was built upon. Only, in all the jubilation, the basic purpose of male-female sex was lost and it became an end in itself. Ironically this socially institutionaliosed non-reproductive, casual male-female sex/ romance too seeks ratification from neo-Darwinism --- But then, when the heterosexual institution is so strong, who cares or dares to challenge the contradictions. Everyone is too overawed by the power of science to question it.

Also amidst the jubilation of those empowerd, the majority suffered in silence taking their inner conflicts to be their fate and several others became more marginalised and persectued than religion was ever capable of.

Homosexuality is a direct fallout of Neo-Darwinism/ heterosexualism, therefore homosexuals too are not likely to challenge it.

And thus casual male-female sex, or one which is purely for romance becomes the most 'natural'/ scientific thing that every one must take part in. Neo-Darwinism has at one sweep rationlaised the entire oppression of men initiated thousands of years ago in order to make the institution of marriage possible --- and consolidated this oppression through heterosexualism/ homosexualism (both products of Darwinism).
Buddha1 said:
Darwin revisited

It is clear that Darwin was heavily biased in terms of the 'purpose of sex'. His theory reflected the powerful mindset of his times --- which had been in place since the inception of Christianity. But he also differed from that mindset in a significant way. He made 'sex' and 'reproduction' the main, rather the exclusive aim of life. Religion had given only the latter an extreme importance, but this importance was not exclusive. Religion cared for bonds with parents, children, friends, and other duties in life --- and it had placed significant regulations on male-female sex by binding it to marriage. Science with Darwinism became single tracked, and it sought to make male-female sexual bonds all powerful. (People were earlier governed by religion, now they were governed by science).

Yet, Darwin was only speaking half the truth. And half the truth is more dangerous and misleading than a complete lie.

Sure, there are aspects of life that can be explained by neo-Darwinism/ sexual selection. But they are just a small part of the entire truth.

What Darwin did was to collect the scattered incidences of this small part in a place and showcased them as the complete picture and sold his faulty theory.

There was no opposition on that count from peers --- and if someone differed he'd be a fool to speak out --- because that would have included talking about same-sex sex in a terribly hostile world.

If Darwin was indeed sincere, scientific and non-motivated/ non biased in his approach, he surely could not have missed the widespread same-sex behaviour prevalent in the wild that runs smack in the face of 'sexual selection' or 'survival' or 'reproduction' theories. It is clear that he selectively took his samples --- (a problem rampant in the scientific world and overlooked by the peers in most cases. There are no inbuilt checks in the scientific institution/ methodology to tackle this problem of wrong sampling, and the validity of sampling is dependant totally on the conscience of the researcher) in order to distrort the truth, and present a version which the 'scientific community' (read selected scientists) and the 'public opinion' wanted to hear in the 1st place. And others took it on from there.

Neo-Darwinism built on that half-truth and built an entire heterosexual society with the backing of now extremely powerful 'science'.

Male- female sex became the most important human characteristic upon which the entire new social order was built upon. Only, in all the jubilation, the basic purpose of male-female sex was lost and it became an end in itself. Ironically this socially institutionaliosed non-reproductive, casual male-female sex/ romance too seeks ratification from neo-Darwinism --- But then, when the heterosexual institution is so strong, who cares or dares to challenge the contradictions. Everyone is too overawed by the power of science to question it.

Also amidst the jubilation of those empowerd, the majority suffered in silence taking their inner conflicts to be their fate and several others became more marginalised and persectued than religion was ever capable of.

Homosexuality is a direct fallout of Neo-Darwinism/ heterosexualism, therefore homosexuals too are not likely to challenge it.

And thus casual male-female sex, or one which is purely for romance becomes the most 'natural'/ scientific thing that every one must take part in. Neo-Darwinism has at one sweep rationlaised the entire oppression of men initiated thousands of years ago in order to make the institution of marriage possible --- and consolidated this oppression through heterosexualism/ homosexualism (both products of Darwinism).

You make one basic theory with a huge gap (wrong assumption). It gets accepted because of social environment and slowly through repetition becomes the gospel truth. Others go on building on the theory which is 'wrong' in the first place --- they go on adding more and more misleading assumptions and make an entire structure. Surely, cracks build up as you go higher and higher, but they go on pasting upon the cracks hiding them in the hope of ignoring them.

The fact will remain that this structure is only the magnified version of half-the truth.
Science ratifies heterosexuality without the basis of evidences

That science makes no distinction between male-female sex for reproducction and casual male-female sex and ratifies both of them under one term --- heterosexuality, speaks volumes for its biased approach. The 'rationalisation' goes like this.

- Male-female sex for reproduction is found in nature.

- Therefore male-female sex for reropduction is universal and all pervading – and the basic purpose of life.

- Therefore man-woman sex for reproduction is 'natural' and its called heterosexuality.

- Therefore any kind of man-woman sex is natural – even the non-reproductive kind because that is also called 'heterosexuality'.

- Therefore male-female sexual desire ought to be permanent and all pervasive --- even when no reproduction is required.

- Therefore male-male sex or its desire or need for bonding is 'unnatural', unscientific and is dispensable. And if it happens, we must find a cause for it, rather than question or reexamine our basic assumption --- Darwinism.

The above rationalisation also supports the traditional marriage institution and adds to it the heterosexual lifestyles of the modern west with it dating and other heterosexual customs and spaces, which pervade the entire social space driving out earlier lifestyles and spaces into marginalised ghettos with funny/ weird sounding names.

It is obvious that the above rationalisation is only half the truth.
Buddha1 said:
Darwin revisited

IIt is clear that he selectively took his samples --- (a problem rampant in the scientific world and overlooked by the peers in most cases. There are no inbuilt checks in the scientific institution/ methodology to tackle this problem of wrong sampling, and the validity of sampling is dependant totally on the conscience of the researcher).....
Something that National Geographic and the Discovery Channels do unabashedly.
Buddha1 said:
Male-female sex for reproduction is found in nature.
Yes. The male-male and female-female forms of reproduction have generally been unsuccessful.
Buddha1 said:
Therefore male-female sex for reropduction is universal and all pervading – and the basic purpose of life.
It is Universal amongst any organisms that reproduce sexually. It is all pervading amongst any organisms that reproduce sexually and exist for more than one generation. It is not the basic purpose of life; it is the means by which life continues from one generation to the next.
Your statement here is, therefore, wrong. This is not what science claims at all.

Buddha1 said:
- Therefore man-woman sex for reproduction is 'natural' and its called heterosexuality.
Yes, it is natural. Are you denying that reproduction is a natural process? If you are denying this, then I see little hope for you. If you are not, then so what?
Please note it is called hetero-sexual because it is between two different sexes. It is a descriptor.

Buddha1 said:
Therefore male-female sexual desire ought to be permanent and all pervasive --- even when no reproduction is required.
Ought to be? I know of no scientist who would make such a bizarre claim. I can however point you to many scientific articles that note the occurence in a small percentage of instances of homosexual behaviour.
Again, the rationalisation you claim science attempts is a figment of your imagination or misinformation, it is not how science sees the issue.

Buddha1 said:
Therefore any kind of man-woman sex is natural – even the non-reproductive kind because that is also called 'heterosexuality'.
The primary function of male-female behaviour is, as we have seen, to procreate. An important secondary function, especially in humans, is to encourage male-female bonding. This increases the likelihood that both parents will remain involved in raising the offspring. Naturally, the non-reproductive sex is also referred to as heterosexual, since it is between two different sexes. What is so difficult about these concepts?

Buddha1 said:
Therefore male-female sexual desire ought to be permanent and all pervasive --- even when no reproduction is required.
Ought to be? No. It is observed to be continuous through the bonding period, the pregnancy and the raising of the offspring.

Buddha1 said:
Therefore male-male sex or its desire or need for bonding is 'unnatural', unscientific and is dispensable.
No. Male-male sex is perfectly natural. It is routinely observed in a small percentage of all males and all females, regardless of culture, education, ethnicity, religion, etc. It's just that it is a small percentage. And a secondary effect.
The issue of identity is one that often comes up when the mind finds itself unable to accept nature, or anything else, as a defining factor in what it is.

That we are now challenging nature in all her determining and authoritarian manifestations is obvious, and it begins with our disentanglement from her necessity.
Nature is being made obsolete, and as a consequence all her manifestations and methods are to be evaluated according to their utility and productivity, within human artificial settings.

Civilization provides the circumstances and environments through which we abandon our genetic past and strive to replace them with new futures. In so doing, it often uses nature’s manifestations and diverts them or builds upon them - as totally repressing them is improbable and attempting it can result in psychological problems.
Thing is even diverting and accentuating or diminishing natural mechanisms is not completely harmless. Centuries of evolution have shaped mankind into a particular being with specific needs and motives, and a few centuries of civilization are not enough to alter this genetic code.
Civilized man is fraught with anxieties, disillusionments and a sense of being lost.
This can also be seen as a result of an alteration in the environments man is asked to adapt to. Whereas nature’s ways took centuries of trial and error, man’s environments result in an accelerated change which leaves the mind gasping for stability and identity.

Sexuality plays a central part in the human condition. In many ways life can simply be seen as the endless repetition of itself, with its only motive being continuance. For this reason sex, in our species, is an underlying current in all human thoughts and creations. It is our only claim to eternity, up to this point.

Marriage is an example of how civilization diverts and warps human natural tendencies into communal necessities.
Marriage is part of the technology that binds us to our social group and an aspect of domestication, which attempts to harness and efficiently use man’s energies.
It is also a method of indoctrination and harmonization.
In so doing it takes the natural biological tendencies for procreation and establishes rules that contradict the natural ones but that do not completely ignore or contradict them.
Heterosexuality is not a social construct, no more than sexual identity is, but what is a social construct is how sexuality is refined and restricted by moral and social standards.

Nature is frugal and efficient. It does not reproduce what is ineffective or what is redundant. Therefore the existence of sexual types serves a function that has been successful in the continuance of our species.
Penises are not ornamental nor are they simply cosmetic and superficial appendages. They represent a genetic mutation which has both physical and psychological repercussions and which is essential for a particular method of reproduction, life on our planet seems to favor.
Sexuality not only identifies our sexual function but, in many ways, it determines our physical and mental abilities and psychological leanings. To reinvent sexuality is to reinvent the human being.

But socialization and civilization have not only restricted but reinterpreted maleness using preexisting natural determinations which have been diverted into communally productive ways. Same goes for females.
This does not mean that masculinity and/or femininity have been invented by society but that they have been given guidelines and limitations or modes of appropriate and inappropriate expression.
The underlying forces that establish gender behaviors and potentials are already there, due to natural selection, and society merely exaggerates this behavior in ways that serve the community interests.

The growing obsolescence of sex as a method of procreation, coupled with new technologies in birth control, which has made sex casual and degraded it’s severity, and technological breakthroughs in all areas, which have made all physicality a marginal factor, have made sexual identity redundant. This growing redundancy of sexual identity is to be blamed for most of man’s growing despair and ‘lostness’. For if he is not his sexuality, which as I’ve said is a fundamental part of his identity, then what is he and if life is but a self-replicating mechanism with no discernable finality or purpose, then what is man to do?
It’s not that nature intended sexuality to be something other than what it is currently defined as by human culture, but that human culture has made sexuality a remnant of a primitive past, where its expression is now freed from its natural intent and is diverted into an entertaining pastime or a matter of choice.

Under these new conditions a male struggles to repress the parts of his nature which he is told are undesirable and ‘evil’ and, in so doing, he battles growing psychological stresses, and he also struggles to enhance the parts of his nature he is told are desirable and ‘good’ and, in so doing, he feels fake and partial.
Here we see how the Other becomes a determining factor in self-identity.

Similarly a female struggles to play the parts in the appropriate ways, trying to remain moral – disciplined to cultural norms – but also true to her sexual function, as it has been determined by nature. As a result some play the part of morally pure, monogamous, independence, while in secret they crave a more primitive expression of their sexual nature.

A social group requires individuals with particular characteristics, if it is to maintain its harmonious stability (health). The size of the group determines the specificity of the characteristics.

It is evident that in our overpopulated, space-deprived, world, a more docile, passive, tolerant and easily manipulated mind is desirable for the attainment of social health.
This can be referred to as ‘feminization’, due to its relationship to the feminine psychological types natural tendencies, or ‘domestication’ or ‘hermaphrodization’.

To ignore the role of nature in the determination of sex and sexual behavior is to ignore millennia of natural selection. But to ignore the growing effect of culture and society upon human behavior is to ignore the new environments that are shaping and altering this behavior.
Ophiolite said:
Yes. The male-male and female-female forms of reproduction have generally been unsuccessful.
No one is contending that. The list/ sequence mentioned above consists some truths and some generalisations --- and that makes the rationalisation as a whole -- half the truth.

Reproduction is clearly meant to be through male-female sex. But there is much much much more to life than reproduction. And male-female sex has no other value.

Male-female bonds amongst mammals have no value at all --- as far as nature is concerned.

Ophiolite said:
It is Universal amongst any organisms that reproduce sexually. It is all pervading amongst any organisms that reproduce sexually and exist for more than one generation.
Can you quote any study/ peer-reviewed paper that clearly proves that the majority of males in animal species (apart from birds and a few others) indulge in regular, all-year round male-female sex? Can you also give the percentage?

Ophiolite said:
It is not the basic purpose of life; it is the means by which life continues from one generation to the next. Your statement here is, therefore, wrong. This is not what science claims at all.
Darwin has claimed 'survival' and 'continuance' to be the basic or rather the exclusive purposes of life. This of course takes from religion (Christianity and Islam who only cared for numerical dominance). Darwinism has claimed every biological development amongst organisms to be geared towards this end, and anything that does not lead to 'continuance' is a 'disease' (even though termed in a more politically correct manner!).

It is actually a combination of science and media which aggressively claims that. I can again quote popular science as represented by National Geographic, Discovery and other such channels as well as the print media. I grew up watching these channels which gave me a distinct impression that life is about 'continuance' and subconsciously figured that anyone who does not contribute to that is not normal.

Ophiolite said:
Yes, it is natural. Are you denying that reproduction is a natural process? If you are denying this, then I see little hope for you. If you are not, then so what?
Yes of course it is natural. Like I said the list contains truths and generalisations. This is the 'truth' part.

Ophiolite said:
Please note it is called hetero-sexual because it is between two different sexes. It is a descriptor.
Ophiolite said:
Naturally, the non-reproductive sex is also referred to as heterosexual, since it is between two different sexes. What is so difficult about these concepts?
Modern English language is just wonderful. It thrives on giving different, ambiguous meanings to the same term which makes it so easy to distort and misrepresent facts and to present half-truths as gospel truths.

Since heterosexuality by definition refers to both male-female sex for reproduction and male-female non-reproductive sex, if one of the definitions is 'natural' then it is automatically stretched to the other definition --- by default, since they both go by the same name.

If my name is john, and your name is john too. And you are rich. So John is rich. It automatically follows that I am rich too, because I am also john. Can you see the absurdity?

Ophiolite said:
Ought to be? I know of no scientist who would make such a bizarre claim?
Well they don't call it 'unnatural' in as many words --- because the term has no scientific meaning --- besides you need to be politically correct. So they use other words --- mental disorder, anamoly, brain differentiation (read abnormality) gene differentiation (abnormality) and other such terms. There isi a frantic attempt to show 'homosexual' men as inherently different than 'heterosexual' men.

The scientific struggle to find a 'cause' for so-called homosexuality is only because it is considered out of the scheme of 'nature'.

Even the use of the clinical term 'homosexuality' to isolate male sexual need for men from his overall sexuality, and to isolate such behaviour in the society is directly related to treating it like a 'disease', something that is wierd, something that is not there.

You cannot look at the issue of male sexuality without taking into account, the hostility male-male sexual need has suffered for at least two thousand years, and the issue of masculinity which is a matter of life and death for most men.

Ophiolite said:
I can however point you to many scientific articles that note the occurence in a small percentage of instances of homosexual behaviour.
Yes, science frantically tries to showcase it as 'deviant' and 'minority'. For a long time science kept quiet and let it be thought that so-called 'homosexuality' is non-existent amongst animals. I was rather taken aback to notice such universal male sexuality for men during my work (and life experience).

There is enough doucmentation now to show that the scientific institution had forcefully sought to suppress information about widespread same-sex behaviour in the wild. This fact alone proves this assertion of yours wrong.

Just to take an example I remember reading on the net (several years ago) about the first female scientist who tried to report widespread same-sex behaviour amongst macaque monkeys She was shunned and ridiucled by the scientific community and 'accused' of being a lesbian. Her bosses refused to accept her papers.

Ophiolite said:
Again, the rationalisation you claim science attempts is a figment of your imagination or misinformation, it is not how science sees the issue.
The scientific institution is quite clever (cunning!). It knows that the 'homosexual' group enjoys political power today. A separate, marginalised homosexual group in any case fits in with the heterosexual scheme of things (they just want it out of the mainstream).

Ophiolite said:
The primary function of male-female behaviour is, as we have seen, to procreate......
Where have we seen that? I think we have shown several evidences that run contrary to Darwinism.

Ophiolite said:
An important secondary function, especially in humans, is to encourage male-female bonding. This increases the likelihood that both parents will remain involved in raising the offspring.
That there is no heterosexuality amongst the wild has been proven beyond doubt in the (now non-existent) thread "there is no evidence for heterosexuality in nature". The posts are now to be found in the thread "Heterosexuality is unnatural". To claim otherwise at this point doesn't particularly show you as an honest and straight forward debater.

If you know of evidences in the wild (apart from birds and possibly a few other non-mammal species) of opposite sex sexual bonding then you are welcome to relate them here.

Science cannot claim male-female bonding to be natural for humans when the society has to force it upon its members with such extreme mechanisms including social pressures. Also male-female bonding is never seen as such a large scale in societies other than the west.

Ophiolite said:
Ought to be? No. It is observed to be continuous through the bonding period, the pregnancy and the raising of the offspring.
Can you show evidences of it in the non-bird species? The incidences of it amongst mammals in particular are extremely rare.

Males in most animal species including mammals just don't partake in the upbrining of offsprings. Nature has just not designed it to be that way. Amongst mammals the females do it together with other females.

Science cannot claim this behaviour to be natural for humans when the society has to force it upon its members with such extreme mechanisms including social pressures.

Ophiolite said:
No. Male-male sex is perfectly natural. It is routinely observed in a small percentage of all males and all females, regardless of culture, education, ethnicity, religion, etc. It's just that it is a small percentage. And a secondary effect.
What is the use of presenting peer-reviewed papers when you are going to ignore them anyways, and continue with your claims.

I have already given evidences of Bruce Bagemihl's research --- and it is peer-reviewed and accepted --- that specifically and clearly points out that 90% to 100% of males amongst mammals exhibit same-sex sexual behaviour. He has also reported several instances of life-long sexual bonding between the males (example: bottleneck dolphins and Giraffes), and between the females (examples: macaque monkeys and bonobos) --- apart from widespread sex for pleasure and for short term bonding between the same-sex.

You can claim otherwise only when you show evidences that run contrary to what Bruce Bagemihl has clearly shown.

Opposite sex sexual activities have never been observed at such a large scale. Even though no one has coducted any study to find out the percentage of males that have sex with females in the wild, its largely known to be few --- especially those that indulge in such sex at a regular basis.
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Satyr said:
The issue of identity is one that often comes up when the mind finds itself unable to accept nature, or anything else, as a defining factor in what it is.

Could you say what you want to say in simpler and understandable words. And use less of philosophical ideas. If you do include philosophy, please explain things further. Otherwise, they don't make much sense.

Satyr said:
That we are now challenging nature in all her determining and authoritarian manifestations is obvious, and it begins with our disentanglement from her necessity.
Nature is being made obsolete, and as a consequence all her manifestations and methods are to be evaluated according to their utility and productivity, within human artificial settings.
Yet, do you realise that man is eventually a part of this nature. Getting away from nature means getting away from himself. That's not very helpful or healthy. In the end this exploitation and manipulation of nature will harm the man himself. No amount of scientific technology can make him god. When nature exerts itself man with all his technology can only be a helpless spectator, as proved by Tsunami and Katrina. Man's extinction, like those of Dinosaurs is a foregone conclusion.

The day we make nature obsolete, humans will become obsolete too.

Satyr said:
Civilization provides the circumstances and environments through which we abandon our genetic past and strive to replace them with new futures. In so doing, it often uses nature’s manifestations and diverts them or builds upon them - as totally repressing them is improbable and attempting it can result in psychological problems.
Yet, like you admit later, it is a harmful process. Every single move of humans that go against the nature or harm it is harmful eventually. This is one rule wiht NO exceptions at all.

Satyr said:
Thing is even diverting and accentuating or diminishing natural mechanisms is not completely harmless. Centuries of evolution have shaped mankind into a particular being with specific needs and motives, and a few centuries of civilization are not enough to alter this genetic code.
Artificial selection is a reality and man can make biological changes in his own make up through changing his environment. But these changes eventually will harm our species.

Some examples of artificial selection:

Elephants in a particular region of Africa have started being born without their tusks as a biological defense mechanism, when centuries of poaching for their tusks threatened their survival.

Jews whose ancerstors lived in Europe for centuries have developed a genetic abnormality (I only have sketchy account of this!) because the ancestors were forced into white collar jobs for centuries.

Satyr said:
Civilized man is fraught with anxieties, disillusionments and a sense of being lost.
This can also be seen as a result of an alteration in the environments man is asked to adapt to. Whereas nature’s ways took centuries of trial and error, man’s environments result in an accelerated change which leaves the mind gasping for stability and identity.
In the case of male sexuality, the environment has not really changed the reality of man's sexual need for men. It is in all likelihood more ingrained in men than we can imagine.

Satyr said:
Sexuality plays a central part in the human condition. In many ways life can simply be seen as the endless repetition of itself, with its only motive being continuance. For this reason sex, in our species, is an underlying current in all human thoughts and creations. It is our only claim to eternity, up to this point.
There is no evidence to support what you are saying. What you're saying is only partly true. Continuance is very important. And continuance is not dependant on sex. But it has found it the best vehicle as of now. Sex too is not there only because of reproduction, as I have shown through scientific evidences (a discussion on them is welcome).

There are so many evidences that suggest that meaningful survival rather than survival is the goal of life. E.g.:

- Many members of animal species go on mass suicides when the quality of life goes down below a certain level.

- Suicides or suicidal tendencies are a common human occurence. Nature has given us an instinct to end our lives when it becomes meaningless for us to live on. We may have all the money and resources that we want but if we are taken away from our natural needs (including sexual needs) life can become meaningless and one can lose all interest in living. You can consider the example of Giambatista. There are innumerous such examples around us. Depression is a common manifestation of this instinct.

- As a rule, the further we go away from nature, the more 'depressed' and 'wary of life' we get.

I am not sure if science is really capable of determining this 'meaning of life'. But that makes only science redundant, not the 'meaning of life'.

Satyr said:
Marriage is an example of how civilization diverts and warps human natural tendencies into communal necessities.
I think you need to make a distinction between 'necessities' and 'greed'.

Satyr said:
Marriage is part of the technology that binds us to our social group
There I disagree. Men were perfectly capable of forming social groups and bonding without the pressures of getting married. The only healthy models of social bonding are ones that come naturally. No mammals show, and no human societies before marriage came along showed, a tendency towards male-female bonding. It's something that can only be brought along by blocking the man's capability to sexually bond with men, and pressurising them through various mechanisms to bond with women, willy-nilly.

Satyr said:
Marriage is.....an aspect of domestication, which attempts to harness and efficiently use man’s energies.
It is also a method of indoctrination and harmonization.
That to civilise humans is to domesticate and subjugate man and his masculinity I agree. Civilisations have always looked down upon masculinity and its natural source --- male-male bonds, and have worked to force it out of its spaces. Civilisation in the way we know it wouldn't be possible otherwise. I'll give an example:

In the summer of this year I had gone on a trekking tour to the mountains. It was a remote area and the villager boy who ferried me down the rocky terrain on his mule gave me this intereting information:
He told me that the male horse always stuck with the female mare whereever it went. He told that to me in a proud way -- the way we have been trained to glorify heterosexuality.

I was admittedly puzzled. This went against everything I had learnt in the past few years. Mammals are not supposed to bond emotionally with the opposite sex.

Therefore, I confronted the boy (he was about 16 years old) with the query. I told him it was strange because in the wild males don't usually bond with the females. Perhaps a grown up man would have given me a misleading answer, but he was very honest about what he told me.

He said, they force the males to learn to bond with the females, right in their youth. And they cut them off from males so they can't bond with them as they are naturally meant to do. This is how males become emotionally dependant on the females. I asked him the reason for all this. I was really puzzled! What is the point in forcing heterosexuality on animals!

His answer was equally interesting --- and something that I have analysed for days, and found answers to many questions I was looking for in the context of humans.

He said. "when males bond, they become impossible to 'civilise'." You can't restrain them or use force against them. As an example he said, when two males are too close to each other, if you beat up one horse the other horse will come like mad in order to defend his mate. Therefore, it is a must to separate the male from the male and to keep them from bonding if you want to make them docile.

Barring the natural masculinity of man and his feminisation, my friend, is at the root of human civilisation. And it is the root of human civilisations' hostility towards male-male bonds. That is why most religions have been dead against them too. Because they were a big pain in the neck for their expansionist ambitions.

Satyr said:
In so doing it takes the natural biological tendencies for procreation and establishes rules that contradict the natural ones but that do not completely ignore or contradict them.
I more or less agree with you here. But would like to add that I have given several evidences that procreation is only a small part of our natural biological tendencies. To impose it upon every member or to make the entire social order primarily heterosexual is to denigrate nature and lose all the valuable stuff it has in store for us.

Satyr said:
Heterosexuality is not a social construct, no more than sexual identity is, but what is a social construct is how sexuality is refined and restricted by moral and social standards.
Sexual identity is a social construct, with very specific anti-man and anti-masculinity motives. Man was not supposed to be bound by sexual identities, nor by spiritual (religious), nor by those of professions (Hinduism). They are all artificial social constructs that are made inorder to mislead people and misrepresent reality.

Satyr said:
Nature is frugal and efficient. It does not reproduce what is ineffective or what is redundant.
I couldn't agree more. And if nature has preserved same-sex bonds so strongly and universally amongst living beings, and in humans thousands of years of hostilities have not been able to extinguish it, then science should actually make us respect such bonds and we should strive to use science to find its real purpose in nature --- rather than to stick to Darwinism and trying to find a cause for it (hoping to do away with it by finding a 'cure', its like finding a cure for being a man!).

Satyr said:
Therefore the existence of sexual types serves a function that has been successful in the continuance of our species.
That is an absurd conclusion. In nature sexual types don't exist. Sexuality is fluid in nature. There are especially no heterosexuals in nature. What exists in nature are 'gender' types which the western civilisation has almost ignored.

Satyr said:
Penises are not ornamental ......
You're kidding ;) They are great for sex though!

Penises were probably designed to facilitate procreation. But it does not mean that they are only for procreation. In all probability sex with its primary function of pleasure and same-sex bonding too adopted itsellf to this new situation of sexual dimorphism, and penis became its 'focal' point. This primary function of sex and its instinct is more universal and widespread than male-female sex for reproduction can ever be.

Satyr said:
They represent a genetic mutation which has both physical and psychological repercussions and which is essential for a particular method of reproduction, life on our planet seems to favor.
No doubt. But the same men who procreate for sex, were also meant to bond sexually with other men. Sexual identities are a hoax.

Satyr said:
Sexuality not only identifies our sexual function but, in many ways, it determines our physical and mental abilities and psychological leanings.
Yes, but in ways way different than society with its anti-man agenda, would like us to believe.

Satyr said:
To reinvent sexuality is to reinvent the human being.
Does that mean you're coming round to my point of view!

Satyr said:
But socialization and civilization have not only restricted but reinterpreted maleness using preexisting natural determinations which have been diverted into communally productive ways.
Same goes for females.
I become suspicious when the sentences become too complex. I think unless you prove these things you should say "part of the preexisting determinations". Also what are 'communally productive ways". Productive for whom? Do you mean as in more population? Why should men (and women) pay for what some may consider 'communally productive ways". Apparently, men were first hoaxed into falling into this trap by convincing them that their freedom is being taken away in order to help the community.

Satyr said:
This does not mean that masculinity and/or femininity have been invented by society but that they have been given guidelines and limitations or modes of appropriate and inappropriate expression.
The underlying forces that establish gender behaviors and potentials are already there, due to natural selection, and society merely exaggerates this behavior in ways that serve the community interests.
Dead wrong!

Masculinity and femininity do exist in nature. But society has forced it away from us. It has introduced its own artificial brands of masculinity and femininity. While natural masculinity is thrown off the limits of civilisation, social masculinity is unduly glorified, in order to fool men and make them vulnerable to social manipulation by inflating their egos. Femininity is given a secondary place and natural femininity in men is denigrated.

That is why the social notions of masculinity changes from society to society depending on the kind of manipulation of men required by the society. In the west an 'equal' relationship with a woman may be deemed 'masculine', a traditional society may frown at it as wimpy. In traditional societies a man's devotion to his mother may be glorified, the western heterosexual society may see it as 'wimpy' or 'childish', while celebrating a man's devotion to his wife/ girlfriend as masculine. A man devoting too much time with females may be considered 'unmanly' by a traditional society, but may be propagated as 'masculine' in the west. Holding hands by men or even kissing each other may be considered macho acts in traditonal societies, while in the west men may cringe at the thought of it since they are considered utterly queer acts.

Satyr said:
The growing obsolescence of sex as a method of procreation, coupled with new technologies in birth control, which has made sex casual and degraded it’s severity, and technological breakthroughs in all areas, which have made all physicality a marginal factor, have made sexual identity redundant. This growing redundancy of sexual identity is to be blamed for most of man’s growing despair and ‘lostness’. For if he is not his sexuality, which as I’ve said is a fundamental part of his identity, then what is he and if life is but a self-replicating mechanism with no discernable finality or purpose, then what is man to do?
For one thing sexuality is not a fundamental part of a man's idenitity. It's been made so by putting artifical stress on it by the heterosexual west. And life is not just a self-replicating mechanism. It has a much deeper purpose to know which it is almost a must to give up heterosexuality. Why else do you think spiritual men give up marriage and children (remember Buddha!).

Satyr said:
It’s not that nature intended sexuality to be something other than what it is currently defined as by human culture, but that human culture has made sexuality a remnant of a primitive past, where its expression is now freed from its natural intent and is diverted into an entertaining pastime or a matter of choice.
Two things:

1. 'Freed' from its natural intent? Only to be imprisioned by sexual identities and social pressures. I'd rather be imprisioned in its natural intent! And so would most of the other men!

2. Sexuality is everything but a matter of choice. If it is a matter of choice, it is only for a few people. For the rest there is no real choice. Like you hold a gun on a person and say you have a choice. If you take orange you'll be shot. If you take apple you will be rewarded. But you have a choice.

This is no real choice.
Satyr said:
Under these new conditions a male struggles to repress the parts of his nature which he is told are undesirable and ‘evil’ and, in so doing, he battles growing psychological stresses, and he also struggles to enhance the parts of his nature he is told are desirable and ‘good’ and, in so doing, he feels fake and partial.
Here we see how the Other becomes a determining factor in self-identity.
At least you recognise that!

Satyr said:
Similarly a female struggles to play the parts in the appropriate ways, trying to remain moral – disciplined to cultural norms – but also true to her sexual function, as it has been determined by nature. As a result some play the part of morally pure, monogamous, independence, while in secret they crave a more primitive expression of their sexual nature.
A heterosexual society is really great for some women. It removes all possible social regulations from them and places a lot of power --- sexual power in their hands over men. After all men must service them in order to get 'social masculinity' --- a matter of life and death for them. And women are the ones who are given the power to give it.

At the same time there is no competition amongst women of the kind that exists amongst men. There is no equivalent concept of femininity like that exists in terms of masculinity or manhood for men. In other words there are no such 'invisible' pressures on women as that act on men. Everything is straight forward for them. Their oppression is also very visible and straight forward and is easy to acknowledge and work upon. On the other hand as is clear from this forum, men are scared to admit their own pressures and vulnerabilities because they are trained to hide them. Indeed accepting them or talking about them makes them feel extremely vulnerable in the 'race for manhood'.

Satyr said:
A social group requires individuals with particular characteristics, if it is to maintain its harmonious stability (health). The size of the group determines the specificity of the characteristics.
While I don't understand the second part of what you're saying, I do agree with the first part. But I will qualify it by saying that this particular characteristic ---when it is a primary identity, should be based on a natural distinction not a social distinction brought about for manipulative reasons. The only natural division of men is along the lines of gender. Not sexuality and that is easy to prove.

Satyr said:
It is evident that in our overpopulated, space-deprived, world, a more docile, passive, tolerant and easily manipulated mind is desirable for the attainment of social health.
What good is social health when in order to make people docile, passive, 'tolerant' and easily manipulated you have to repress and affect the health of the individual in a negative way. Who is a society? Society is not a living being. What is social health if not the health of its individuals? And individuals can be happy only if allowed to exist according to their natural needs, aspirations and instincts. Some regulation and modifications are required for living in a society, but there is a limit. If the requirements of so-called 'social health' (whatever your concept of it may be!) go absolutely contrary to what the nature demands, it is time to take the society for a 'check up'.

Satyr said:
This can be referred to as ‘feminization’, due to its relationship to the feminine psychological types natural tendencies, or ‘domestication’ or ‘hermaphrodization’.
Not only feminisation, but negative, undesirable and harmful feminisation. The femininity of homosexuals is exaggerated, unreal and only a pretence.

Satyr said:
To ignore the role of nature in the determination of sex and sexual behavior is to ignore millennia of natural selection. But to ignore the growing effect of culture and society upon human behavior is to ignore the new environments that are shaping and altering this behavior.
Again, I'm not sure what is the point that you're making. Your last statement can be taken to mean that you're supporting my some of my assertions -- which is otherwise unlikely.

I'm not asking to ignore the growing effect of culture and environments in shaping outward human sexual behaviour. I think there are many people on this forum that can be accused of doing that.

I'm trying to make people see the harmful effects of this effect of culture and environment on human beings and trying to initiate a discussion that can make men see their own oppression if they can get past the biases that the society has built within them.
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Evidences to support that life is not only about survival but 'meaningful survival'
and to say that life is only about survival is to deliberately present half the truth

There are so many evidences that suggest that meaningful survival rather than survival is the goal of life. E.g.:

- Many members of animal species go on mass suicides when the quality of life goes down below a certain level.

- Suicides or suicidal tendencies are a common human occurence. Nature has given us an instinct to end our lives when it becomes meaningless for us to live on. We may have all the money and resources that we want but if we are taken away from our natural needs (including sexual needs) life can become meaningless and one can lose all interest in living. You can consider the example of Giambatista. There are innumerous such examples around us. Depression is a common manifestation of this instinct.

- As a rule, the further we go away from nature, the more 'depressed' and 'wary of life' we get.

I am not sure if science is really capable of determining this 'meaning of life'. But that makes only science redundant, not the 'meaning of life'.
Peer-reviewed materials and the powerful media

The problem with peer-reviewed materials is also that:
- their access is limited and is not readily available to the layman/ general public.

- They are written in complex academic/ scholarly languages that are often unintelligible to the general public.

- They are too detailed for being of interest to the general public.

Now when people like Bruce Bagemihl pubhlish their papers --- however revolutionary they are, the power of heterosexualism ensures that they are lost somewhere in the inaccessible peer-reviewed papers --- unavailable to the general public. So the public remains uninformed due to an unacknowledged and hidden conspiracy.


The media too prefers to ignore these papers --- while it eagerly saps up any theories --- even half-baked that 'prove' same-sex desire as 'queer', 'anomaly' or 'different' --- in other words that claim to find the cause of so-called 'homosexuality'. If the media do report these papers, they do it insignificantly and briefly with the result that the general public remains uninformed about any such discoveries. (I and many other people on this forum read about Bruce's discoveries only through the internet!).

Bruce Bagemihl and Tom Smith perhaps knew this fact and they published their own books. But it seems even to promote a book you need the help of the media --- which will not touch such material.

The general public in America is blissfully ignorant of Bruce Bagemihl's work (even scientists are!) but they know all about some 'gene' that makes 'some' people 'queer'...... or some pheromones that differentiates 'queers' from 'straights' or about 'homosexuals' having the brains of women --- and the like. The media splashes such news on front pages and gives them huge reviews when these theories are all faulty and full of professional discrepancies.
Buddha1 said:
Evidences to support that life is not only about survival but 'meaningful survival'
and to say that life is only about survival is to deliberately present half the truth

I think you have a job to do first. And that is first to read 'on the origin of species'.

Because obviously you have no clue what Darwin claimed.
spuriousmonkey said:
I think you have a job to do first. And that is first to read 'on the origin of species'.

Because obviously you have no clue what Darwin claimed.
Darwin said a lot of things and I'm not disputing all of them. I believe the theory of evolution --- I'm only contending some of his theories which are although corollaries are nevertheless crucial. He did talk about sexual selection as guiding the biological development of males.

I agree I am going by what the popular American culture tells us about 'what Darwin says' --- viz. various 'nature' channels like National Geographic' and 'discovery' + how Darwin is used by those advocating heteroseuxality in various discussion forums.

I believe that is what he actually said, perhaps some of it is Neo-Darwinism. That no scientist has ever contended how media portrays Darwin is proof to me that they also adhere to what is being propagated. Besides I do remember from my biology class, reading about 'survival of the fittest'. He was obssessed with 'survival' which for him was closely related with 'continuance'.

Yes, I have not read 'origin of species'. And I can not read everything --- no one can. The benefit of such discussions is that other people who have read such things can share them with you. So if you have read it, or know something that I don't you may go on to correct me. That is the spirit of a discussion forum. Otherwise we are all wasting our time here.
The problem is that what you are building an argument on what YOU think the POPULAR view is on evolution and Darwin's view. That is a double error. You went wrong twice and your view is distorted. Now you are attacking something that does NOT exist. And that is just a waste of time.

So my advice would still be to stop posting views that argue against something that doesn't exist and start with the basics. Read up. I'm for instance not going to rebut anything anymore in this thread because it is just too much to rebut.
spuriousmonkey said:
The problem is that what you are building an argument on what YOU think the POPULAR view is on evolution and Darwin's view. That is a double error. You went wrong twice and your view is distorted. Now you are attacking something that does NOT exist. And that is just a waste of time.

So my advice would still be to stop posting views that argue against something that doesn't exist and start with the basics. Read up. I'm for instance not going to rebut anything anymore in this thread because it is just too much to rebut.
Like I said, if you know of anything specific where I'm wrong, please come forward to correct it.

Otherwise I'll take your advice as one of the many tactics that people have played here to stop me from exposing the truth.
spuriousmonkey said:
The problem is that what you are building an argument on what YOU think the POPULAR view is on evolution and Darwin's view. That is a double error. You went wrong twice and your view is distorted. Now you are attacking something that does NOT exist. And that is just a waste of time.

So my advice would still be to stop posting views that argue against something that doesn't exist and start with the basics. Read up. I'm for instance not going to rebut anything anymore in this thread because it is just too much to rebut.
If I remember correctly you yourself had used Darwin to assert that "Homosexuality is failure in nature" (or something of the sort!). So, how can you say now that I'm mistaken about what Darwin said. I can give you examples and examples from the popular 'scientific' media which quote scientists as painting the animal world as extremely heterosexual, as well as to dismiss sexual bonds between males. In fact they don't even consider it --- it is Darwinism that condones their heterosexualism.
Buddha1 said:
Could you say what you want to say in simpler and understandable words. And use less of philosophical ideas. If you do include philosophy, please explain things further. Otherwise, they don't make much sense.
Should I type slower for you?

This is psychology, an offshoot of philosophy.

In many ways the Other acts as a distracting element which redirects our focus away from the Self, and its ephemeral, nothingness begging for a something, and it makes it seek out identity in the outside.

In many ways the discovery of Self follows the discovery of the external world, in which this Self is found there amongst existence and is eventually recognized as something that can be called ‘I’.

Self-consciousness follows consciousness and there are few animals that can recognize themselves in a reflection. So, Self is not readily available to the mind, even if it is the closest thing to it and the only thing it can ever know.
What happens is most construct an identity through the inter-relating relationship of the external world, as they perceive them and become aware of them.

Yet, do you realise that man is eventually a part of this nature. Getting away from nature means getting away from himself.
Getting away from nature can be described as the process of unfastening ourselves from our past.
The process is stressful and the subsequent void can be detrimental to our well-being, yet it is necessary if we are to call ourselves truly free.

But overcoming nature does not mean destroying it or ignoring it.

Artificial selection is a reality and man can make biological changes in his own make up through changing his environment. But these changes eventually will harm our species.

If our changes are guided by emotion and not reason, then yes.
But here I was alluding to the differences between natural evolution and social evolution.

This discrepancy causes psychological friction and leaves man trying to live up to external necessities while still remaining true to himself.

Jews whose ancerstors lived in Europe for centuries have developed a genetic abnormality (I only have sketchy account of this!) because the ancestors were forced into white collar jobs for centuries.
Now this is interesting….Elaborate.

In the case of male sexuality, the environment has not really changed the reality of man's sexual need for men. It is in all likelihood more ingrained in men than we can imagine.
You’ve lost me, dear.

Men have no sexual need for other men.
But I do admit that men have a far greater emotional need for other men, since we can only relate to that which is closest to our being.
Men can be more emotionally intimate with other men and it is this hyper-male interpretation that places a stigma on it. I agree with you there.
But this need is not sexual, even if it might have sexual undertones, as all human relationships do - including that between a parent and an offspring.

That men and women do not function well together and that it requires the overwhelming force of sexual desire and institutional indoctrination to create a superficial bond and support a sexual relationship, is true.
Men and women are alike, as belonging to the same species, but where they differ the gulfs are insurmountable.

The ancient Greeks thought of women as so base as to be unable to fully experience agape, and only capable of eros. They believed that women were intuitive, instinctive beings, with little or no ability to be rational thinkers. Women represented man’s animal nature.

They thought the opposite of men. They thought that men were capable of both agape and eros, and were much more talented with rational thought, if they avoided being seduced by their feminine sides and their animal needs.

It is a modern myth that the ancient Greeks advocated homosexual sex and anal penetration. In fact they considered men, who acted like women in this way and who allowed themselves to be used as women, as disgusting.
The word they used for effeminate men who solicit other males into sex, was the word malakas – which is a word often used in Greece today as a form of casual insult.

There is no evidence to support what you are saying. What you're saying is only partly true. Continuance is very important. And continuance is not dependant on sex. But it has found it the best vehicle as of now. Sex too is not there only because of reproduction, as I have shown through scientific evidences (a discussion on them is welcome).
That’s bullshit.
The only reason there are sexual types is for procreation.
If this sexuality has also evolved into a bonding mechanism or as a display of dominance and/or affection, is a secondary effect.

Males and females exist as such only for procreative reasons. Nature doesn’t care for our pleasures or our psychological needs, it uses pleasure as a motivator to enforce a behavior.
Overcoming nature, using reason here, is the only thing that can free man from her authority.
Interesting, don’t you think, that nature is often described using female labels

There are so many evidences that suggest that meaningful survival rather than survival is the goal of life. E.g.:

- Many members of animal species go on mass suicides when the quality of life goes down below a certain level.

- Suicides or suicidal tendencies are a common human occurence. Nature has given us an instinct to end our lives when it becomes meaningless for us to live on. We may have all the money and resources that we want but if we are taken away from our natural needs (including sexual needs) life can become meaningless and one can lose all interest in living. You can consider the example of Giambatista. There are innumerous such examples around us. Depression is a common manifestation of this instinct.

- As a rule, the further we go away from nature, the more 'depressed' and 'wary of life' we get.

I am not sure if science is really capable of determining this 'meaning of life'. But that makes only science redundant, not the 'meaning of life'.
So, suicide is your “evidence”?

Self destruction has multiple causes.
In the wild placing yourself in harms way or sacrificing yourself results from that self-identifying process, I mentioned earlier, which makes the Other and the Self indistinguishable.
It is a psychological characteristic nature uses to facilitate bonding and enable cooperation.
In essence the individual forgoes his/her own survival so as to enable the continuance of the Other which carries his genes or not, but that he has associated as sharing in his/her identity.
Here the sense of Self is shared between multiple entities and so sacrificing one for the survival of the rest still maintains that sense of Self continuance.

Suicide as a human social phenomenon has multiple other causes.

But to “prove” your thesis, you must first define what “meaning” means.

I think you need to make a distinction between 'necessities' and 'greed'.
Marriage serves male need much more than it does female needs.
Through marriage males that would have no chance of mating are offered the opportunity of procreating.
This procreation, in turn, establishes a social investment. Once the male has something important, to him, to lose he can more readily discipline himself to social authority.
If women were allowed their natural sexual powers, then the vast majority of males would never mate and would roam as free-radicals threatening small social groups dominated by a single or a party of males.

In lions most males live in the periphery of small social groups, dominated by a single male or two related males.
In wolves males participate in the group, as adversaries who test the alpha-male’s dominance from time to time, or as effeminate males who become feminine in their disposition and behavior, by subjugating themselves to his authority.

The role of alpha-male in human groups has been taken over by institutions; government being one such institution. The individual holding the symbolic position of alpha-male/female is simply a figurehead who represents the authority of the institutional entity, and is tolerated marginally and temporarily, in such a position which he doesn’t define but which defines him.

Due to this all other males under this alpha-institutions rule, are forced to either live in the periphery or participate as emasculated, partially castrated males, with feminine attributes and behaviors.
Dissenters are quarantined or expelled, or they are rehabilitated through pain/pleasure mechanisms.
The same process of destroying a character so as to fully integrate them within a group is used by the military the world over. During boot-camp the recruit’s sense of identity is deconstructed and diminished, and then rebuilt in accordance with the institutions needs.
In this way complete harmony and discipline is enforced and the unit functions as a whole.

There I disagree. Men were perfectly capable of forming social groups and bonding without the pressures of getting married. The only healthy models of social bonding are ones that come naturally. No mammals show, and no human societies before marriage came along showed, a tendency towards male-female bonding. It's something that can only be brought along by blocking the man's capability to sexually bond with men, and pressurising them through various mechanisms to bond with women, willy-nilly.
You are confusing bonding with sexual bonding.

Sexual bonding is a natural necessity, accomplished through chemical reactions which flood the brain and result in specific behavior.

Bonding, as friends or allies, may have sexual undertones, since bonding itself facilitates procreation directly or indirectly, but it does not necessarily have sexual desire as an element of it.

Barring the natural masculinity of man and his feminisation, my friend, is at the root of human civilisation. And it is the root of human civilisations' hostility towards male-male bonds. That is why most religions have been dead against them too. Because they were a big pain in the neck for their expansionist ambitions.
Civilization is dependant on harmonious co-existence. It therefore moralizes characteristics as desirable and undesirable and attempts to eradicate what is undesirable from its midst.
Masculinity, with its resistance and need to dominate and question and challenge, becomes an element undesirable to the stability of the whole. Especially since the role of top-dog is now taken over by an abstract institutional entity, with only a figurehead as its representative face.

As a result it subjugates both males and females and forces them into unnatural behaviors.
Females are forces to suppress their sexual power, so as to enable male participation and genetic investment, and males are forced to suppress their sexuality and free-spiritedness so as to avoid its chaotic destabilizing effects and violent competitions.

I more or less agree with you here. But would like to add that I have given several evidences that procreation is only a small part of our natural biological tendencies. To impose it upon every member or to make the entire social order primarily heterosexual is to denigrate nature and lose all the valuable stuff it has in store for us.
Procreation is the only natural tendency. All others are strategies towards this end.

What evidences?
Bonding? Bonding for what purpose?
Meaningful living? As determined by what?
What is the standard that measures meaning?
In the case of nature it is she that establishes meaning and purpose and saves the mind from thinking by simply feeding instinctual needs.
Instinct is how nature imposes its own motive, on the individual.
In the case of nature, survival and reproduction is the motive.
Reproduction n search for the ideal form, the most stable structure.
A universe in turmoil seeking an end.
We are manifestations of a universal flux. We call it chaos.
It is the constant alteration and reconstitution of forces, seeking stability.
Life is a continuance of this process. It is these forces given focus and made more efficient through awareness.
Bonding is the means towards this end. Not the end itself.

Any behaviour that contradicts this natural motive, results in feelings of inadequacy and meaninglessness.
Most humans find their sense of purpose in having children.

It is only reason, that questions this role, that establishes the possibility for ignoring it and freeing the mind from its natural tendencies.

Sexual identity is a social construct, with very specific anti-man and anti-masculinity motives. Man was not supposed to be bound by sexual identities, nor by spiritual (religious), nor by those of professions (Hinduism). They are all artificial social constructs that are made inorder to mislead people and misrepresent reality.
Man is the sum of his past.
As such he is male and human. These elements determine his being, as they have participated in bringing him about.

Sexual identity is a reality of being. Men and women exist, as sides to the same existential coin.
Only the mind, with reason, frees itself from such identities, by questioning the natural forces the created him and by seeking to find freedom by overcoming his past.

But reason is an element in both women and men, to varying degrees.
Pure thought knows no sexuality or identity. Nature imposes an identity on the mind through sexuality and psychology and instinct.
Society doesn’t do it. Society simply takes this pre-existing identity and shapes it or warps it using memetic ideals.

I couldn't agree more. And if nature has preserved same-sex bonds so strongly and universally amongst living beings, and in humans thousands of years of hostilities have not been able to extinguish it, then science should actually make us respect such bonds and we should strive to use science to find its real purpose in nature --- rather than to stick to Darwinism and trying to find a cause for it (hoping to do away with it by finding a 'cure', its like finding a cure for being a man!).
Same sex bonds are not restricted by society. Their expression and limits are.
Same sex bonds are part of all-sex bonds.
But this does not mean same-sex sexual bonds. One does not follow from the other.
There is no reason for same-sex intercourse in nature.
What instances exist are mostly dominance exhibition, as in the case with canines where the effeminate position of a subordinate male is reinforced through sexual display, or in Bonobo monkeys where sex functions as a stress reliever and maintains cohesion through energy release.
But these sexual functions come after the fact that sex has become the means to procreate and so necessitates bonding between individuals with whatever means and methods.

That is an absurd conclusion. In nature sexual types don't exist. Sexuality is fluid in nature. There are especially no heterosexuals in nature. What exists in nature are 'gender' types which the western civilisation has almost ignored.
The penis between your legs is what?
Is it not a natural identifying characteristic of sex?

Gender behaviors are established through social groups, not sexual types.

Penises were probably designed to facilitate procreation. But it does not mean that they are only for procreation. In all probability sex with its primary function of pleasure and same-sex bonding too adopted itsellf to this new situation of sexual dimorphism, and penis became its 'focal' point. This primary function of sex and its instinct is more universal and widespread than male-female sex for reproduction can ever be.
Pleasure is an illusion, but that’s another matter.

Pleasure is how behavior is established. Pleasure makes us seek out what gives us pleasure and so, if we are governed by it, we become automatons governed by it.

No doubt. But the same men who procreate for sex, were also meant to bond sexually with other men. Sexual identities are a hoax.
Bonding and sexually desiring are two different things.
If you are saying that male-male bonding has been degraded due to cultural prejudices and social pressures, then I agree.
But the same can be said of all human relationships.

This does not mean that men sexually desire one another.
What homosexual behaviour exists in our species is due to some genetic mutation, caused, presumably, by some hormonal factor during gestation, and due to dominance exhibitions and/or as a form of release where females are unavailable and the instinct to penetrate is so strong and uncontrollable in the male that he’ll fuck anything.

I become suspicious when the sentences become too complex. I think unless you prove these things you should say "part of the preexisting determinations". Also what are 'communally productive ways". Productive for whom?
For the whole.
Your physical body is a community of individual entities that have subjugated their being to a social unity which benefits the whole.
You are a community of cells, individual yet still enslaved to a unity.

The authority in this unity is your consciousness.

Masculinity and femininity do exist in nature. But society has forced it away from us. It has introduced its own artificial brands of masculinity and femininity. While natural masculinity is thrown off the limits of civilisation, social masculinity is unduly glorified, in order to fool men and make them vulnerable to social manipulation by inflating their egos. Femininity is given a secondary place and natural femininity in men is denigrated.
Masculinity and femininity exist as a natural necessity.
Each sex has the appropriate characteristics, both physical and mental, to accomplish its procreative role.
Differences in nature do not become established as a form of aesthetics.
I said nature is frugal.
What is a natural has a reason why it is necessary.
This difference is not cosmetic. It is determining and fundamental.

To overcome it one must overcome the system that produced it. In this case nature.

That is why the social notions of masculinity changes from society to society depending on the kind of manipulation of men required by the society. In the west an 'equal' relationship with a woman may be deemed 'masculine', a traditional society may frown at it as wimpy. In traditional societies a man's devotion to his mother may be glorified, the western heterosexual society may see it as 'wimpy' or 'childish', while celebrating a man's devotion to his wife/ girlfriend as masculine. A man devoting too much time with females may be considered 'unmanly' by a traditional society, but may be propagated as 'masculine' in the west. Holding hands by men or even kissing each other may be considered macho acts in traditonal societies, while in the west men may cringe at the thought of it since they are considered utterly queer acts.
The degree to which masculinity and femininity is allowed to be expressed changes from culture to culture.
The basic elements are always the same, as they are the product of nature.

For one thing sexuality is not a fundamental part of a man's idenitity. It's been made so by putting artifical stress on it by the heterosexual west. And life is not just a self-replicating mechanism. It has a much deeper purpose to know which it is almost a must to give up heterosexuality. Why else do you think spiritual men give up marriage and children (remember Buddha!).
Sexuality plays a central part in identity.
Particularly when the mind is guided by instinct and emotion

In most instances, males judge themselves and their value through their sexual exploits and their sexual performances and endowments.
Women judge themselves through their children.
This is nature dominating over human psychology.

Most of human civilization is rooted in the need to attract and maintain sexual partners.
Men seek wealth to have access to pussy.
Men create and procreate so as to maintain the illusion immortality. We construct symbols of our presence.

2. Sexuality is everything but a matter of choice. If it is a matter of choice, it is only for a few people. For the rest there is no real choice. Like you hold a gun on a person and say you have a choice. If you take orange you'll be shot. If you take apple you will be rewarded. But you have a choice.

This is no real choice.
Are you for real?

I’ve never heard of a man, except one that had homosexual leanings, who ever expressed any coercion in his attraction to females.
I’ve had nobody pressure me into finding female behinds and breasts attractive.

You must, though. :eek:

I sense that you’ve been living some social lie and the psychological pressure to maintain this façade is wearing you down. You fear the repercussions of total disclosure.
So, you’ve constructed this elaborate and self-serving error to let some psychic steam out.

A heterosexual society is really great for some women. It removes all possible social regulations from them and places a lot of power --- sexual power in their hands over men. After all men must service them in order to get 'social masculinity' --- a matter of life and death for them. And women are the ones who are given the power to give it.
Paternalistic societies are, most often, the most stable, because they restrict the destabilizing effects of female sexual power.
But even in paternalistic societies a woman maintains a great amount of control and power.
Women are protected from reality in many ways in paternalistic societies.

A fact they are now discovering, on their own. Female emancipation has deteriorated the family institution around which feminine subjugation was constructed, and as a consequence it has also liberated males from their socially enforced responsibilities.

As a result a female might procreate with a male she finds genetically attractive and then seek out that stable, nice provider that will offer her a stable and safe environment to raise her offspring in.
This arrangement is temporary and tenuous.

Dropping birth rates point to a decline and moral deterioration results in decadence where meaninglessness and emptiness force a search for alternatives (life-styles for example).
The procreation boom, has had the added effect of deteriorating genetic health.
When all males and all females can procreate, weakness and defect is not eradicated from the gene pool.
As a result genetic mutations flourish. Possibly rising homosexual tendencies can be seen under this light.

Perhaps it’s a natural population control mechanism, where large populations with few external regulating threats are stopped from exceeding a certain limit through mutations which are procreative dead-ends.

While I don't understand the second part of what you're saying, I do agree with the first part. But I will qualify it by saying that this particular characteristic ---when it is a primary identity, should be based on a natural distinction not a social distinction brought about for manipulative reasons. The only natural division of men is along the lines of gender. Not sexuality and that is easy to prove.
The size of the group is a well known factor in behavioural psychology.

In small groups the individual still has some relevance. His distinctive traits and talents are still important to the group and so his independent identity is desirable.
Subjugation to group dynamics is minimal.

As a group grows the individual becomes replaceable and his distinctive characteristics, if they confront authority and social harmony, become more and more undesirable.

Common denominators are enforced and nurtured, creating ‘averageness’ as a desirable trait.
The larger the group the more non-descript, “normal”, docile, disciplined, unchallenging, non-confrontational, tolerant, un-free, unthinking the individual must be to be successfully integrated within the whole.

This is why ants and bees are such successful species.

Who is a society? Society is not a living being.
A whole is the sum of its parts.
Society is a non-specific, entity, governed by popular opinion and averageness.

You are a sum of your parts.

Society functions and behaves as a living being.

Nation states establish relationships and behave as living organisms, trying to feed off of and absorb and procreate using other nation-state entities.

This globalization trend is really an Americanization trend, where American society is attempting to integrate the entire planet within its being.
By the way, spuriousmonkey, while you are here can you give us the source for your assertion that even 'bacteria' have sex. And any other information that you might have on this.
That there is no heterosexuality amongst the wild has been proven beyond doubt in the (now non-existent) thread "there is no evidence for heterosexuality in nature". The posts are now to be found in the thread "Heterosexuality is unnatural". To claim otherwise at this point doesn't particularly show you as an honest and straight forward debater.
You have not proven it beyond doubt. you have discarded all the rebuttals that have been made. You are clearly wedded to your erroneous idea and no selection of facts will deviate you from it. I see no point in continuing this discussion.
I am reasonably certain that you will perceive this as a victory of your views over my facts. This will likely be more important to you than to me. Enjoy the future.
spuriousmonkey said:
check out any biology textbook from the library.

For instance Campbell.
Please tell us specifically what you know.

It's no use directing me to books and stuff I don't have immediate access to. While on the one hand its arrogant, on the other it shows that you're trying to avoid the issue, because you cannot refute what I'm saying. I've given several examples to show that Darwin indeed said/ meant that 'existence' and 'continuance' are the sole purpose of life --- and hence he explained the existence and biology of male in terms of 'sexual selection'.

Again, to repeat what I said earlier, you yourself accepted this when you said "Homosexuality is a failure in nature".

Indeed, I'm beginning to doubt your sincerity in discussing this issue fairly. You have on earlier occasions left discussions half-way when you seemed to lose them. You seem to be interested in continuing the false heterosexual propaganda at any cost and are not interested in discussing it openly.

That you have ignored my request to tell me where I have misunderstood DArwin and my other request to give your source for the statement that 'bacteria have sex' --- further casts doubt on your sincerity. You are just there to save heterosexualism at any cost and you don't care for the means you use for it.
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