Darwinian fundamentalism, part 1

Quote from James R

Other theories explain the existence of energy and matter. That's physics. The theory of evolution explains (funnily enough) the evolution of life.

But the books I read on physics say much the same thing. That the universe came into existence as the result of the natural laws of physics; that it emerged from a single point (a singularity) of infinite density and zero volume; that it emerged from nothing and I once went to a lecture given by Paul Davies who told the astonished audience that before the universe came into existence there was no matter and because time was a function of matter there was no time and so before the universe there was no time, zero anything, absolutely NOTHING!!!

But the point is we still need to know if it was a crane or a skyhook? If it was a crane is it the same one that drives the evolution of complex species on earth? Pretty big ask for a theory based on coin flips. If it was not that crane then maybe there is a crane theory around that might answer some of the questions that seem to baffle the Darwinian model. And if it was a sky hook would not it be reasonable to assume that a force that created the universe might also have created life and consciousness?



"For any speculation which does not at first glance look crazy, there is no hope." — Freeman Dyson
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Originally posted by Robert Jameson

Pretty big ask for a theory based on coin flips.

Evolution is not based on coin flips or chance, but on selection of variation. There are some chance aspects to evolution, but that is not the same.
You have thirty white rats and 1 black. For a tasty nocturnal animal being light colored is a disadvantage and they will be rapidly eaten. The offspring of the black rat most likely would live to produce more offspring and soon all the rats will be black.

Thats all evolution is. One little step at a time. Cumulative.