Darwin Awards

If "only the best survived" there would be very few in the next generations. The ones who have been fit to survive to this point will continue to survive until something tilts the odds against them. Sloppy thinking handed down from the 19th C. continues to dog the debate.
Survival of the fittest is best understood as a probabilistic statement. The fittest are more likely to survive.

Gawdzilla Sama is quite correct. If only the fittest survived, there would be very few in the next generation.
BTW: The concept of Darwin Awards was intended to be a humorous concept, not a serious belief.
I've always thought of the Darwin Awards as a "well done, that man! for removing a bad patch of genes from the available strings."

I think it includes "the most creative" method by which the person dispatched themselves

I tried to interest our local politician to apply to those giving out the awards to hold a awards convention here in Darwin

She thinks they are tacky

They really should be held in Alabama, so the contestants don't have to drive so far.

Interesting but impossible

All Darwin Awards are awarded posthumously

However I understand that honorable mentions are awarded

Would it be ghoulish to ask the honorable mentions to re-enact the event? Perhaps a re going over would clinch the deal for the real thing?

Interesting but impossible

All Darwin Awards are awarded posthumously

However I understand that honorable mentions are awarded

Would it be ghoulish to ask the honorable mentions to re-enact the event? Perhaps a re going over would clinch the deal for the real thing?

You'll notice I said "drive". Takes care of all those problems.
it's pretty obvious that the fittest do not always end up with the most power as it does in the lower animal kingdom. this is because the variables are more complex, even artificial in human societies.
Correct. Power has nothing to do with it. Reproductive fitness does.
if the absolute fittest which denotes the best always end up with the most power, trump would not be president, would he?
Again, power has nothing to do with it. Reproductive fitness does. From a purely evolutionary standpoint, Trump is quite successful because he's had five children (that we know about.)
survival of the fittest is a loaded statement. it is also true that those, especially in the past, who were of integrity, more evolved, more ethical or even of higher intelligence were also isolated, misunderstood, marginalized, persecuted, disgraced, oppressed and/or destroyed or killed.
Again, you are talking about two different things.

Take two people - a serial rapist who ends up fathering two children and a priest who has spent his life celibate and working with the poor. The priest is certainly the better person. The rapist will be the "fittest" in terms of evolution because he will pass on his genes.