
I first 'encountered' cutting when I found out my ex-girlfriend(girlfriend at the time) did it. I tried it a couple times but I have an extremely hard time intentionally inflicting pain on myself. It's much easier to hit brick walls or slam my head against them. Though this can lead to severe headaches. Occasionally I still do these things (cutting, head butting walls), but some of my friends look down on that type of thing so mostly I stopped. I can definately see where MutualDesire's coming from when he describes it as rational however.
very relavant topic for the state we find ourselfs in, in this civilisation.
#sorry other posters i have not read your posts...
it is a crossectional manafestation of discord between
body and soul!
in other terms...
most people have an inate ability to identify the nature of truth
through actions and materialism in conjunction with capilistic or any other form of societal construct has a huge component of conflicting dualality.
this "state" that is used as a boundery peg for self realisation/self worth/values of self in relation to society...
are forced to render the individual to a point of contradictory
this is one of the founding (flawed) basic moral constructs.
i.e "hi how are you"
most people say this but have no desire to actualy mean what they are saying/asking.
the material hinge(action of group/peer pressure) is forced to place the person in a point of dishonesty.
the person then will attempt to 'flood' (psyche term)
the material while reinforcing the corrupted moral value.

ill leave it there in case i have lost you? :)
pm me if you wish to gain better clarification.

(i can cure this problem but it requires a face to face meeting/s
to found trust and truthfull response)

#####seeking 'genral therapy' is a good start!######

groove on all :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above

Semen contains chemicals (prostaglandins mainly) that are pain-sensitizing and believed to be associated with addiction. These chemicals get absorbed into the digestive system (and thence to the brain) via sodomy. Sodomy is frequently concomitant with physical abuse (torture) and is often forcible. Not infrequently, victims associate the pleasurable and profound feelings caused by sodomy on account of the addictive nature of semen with the physical pain and violence often associated with this abuse. So to understand their (fake and chemically induced) pleasurable and profound feelings, victims try to understand the significance of the pain that generally accompanies these feelings. The victims (vainly) try to find significance in the pain, whereas no significance exists therein. The situation is akin to gambling or other reckless behaviors. Often abusive experiences happen to a victim when she/he is reckless, so the abused person looks in vain for some sort of significance to recklessness. The best approach for an abused individual is to ignore the feelings felt during the abuse, except superficially as is necessary to explain to protectors like parents what happened.
These chemicals get absorbed into the digestive system (and thence to the brain) via sodomy.
# ? sodomy = ? (all women) and men through internal absorbsion?
are you saying that the reproductive orgins are completely sheilding the "uptake" of these chemicals?

i am confused with where you draw a line on your theory in relation to a test group
(aside from the obviouse perversive intrusions into the lives of unsuspecting... ?inocents? err to assume (?)... missing children reports of factualy inacurate???

Often abusive experiences happen to a victim when she/he is reckless, so the abused person looks in vain for some sort of significance to recklessness.
#how does this marry with authoritative abuse and torture, physical and mental.

i am concerned at the close affiliation to rightwing religouse theory to a self admonishing doctrine of denial for the diversaty of life based on ignorance imposed for self defence, post/pre abusive activity.

your thoughts?

groove on all :)