Crying rape:

actually there is nothing to stop the victom (in this case the guy who was wrongly convitcted) from hiring a lawyer and taking a criminal case against the worman her self. Under australian law (and i belive all the common law systems) ANYONE can take a criminal case against someone but the AG can refuse to alow them permission to take the case. However this power is limited to cases where the crown intends to take the case themselves (because of double jepody). If the state has no interest in procicuting then he is free to do it himself.

Also he can take a civil case against the state for false inprisionment because there case was based on a lie
I don't know about Australia, but in the U.S. private citizens can't prosecute other private citizens for criminal offenses - only civil offenses.
Yep, its what OJ got hit with. Not guilty of double first degree murder. Guilty in a civil suit.
orleander in the case of OJ no one could procicute him after the state did because of double jepody

Thats the reason the AG can denie the right to procute someone from a private citizan, so that the DPP (who has a better chance of conviction through there resorces) doesnt run up against double jepody

However apart from that ability there is nothing legally to stop a private citizan taking an action under the crimes act
Here in Texas, a woman was sentenced to prison for a false rape claim...not to the law..but to her husband.

Apparently, she was caught by her husband "testing the suspension" n her lover's car. Rather than owning up to cheating, she told her husband her lover was raping her. Her husband, enraged, went and got a gun and shot her lover to death. She was found guilty of causing his death.

Stupid selfish bitch. Caused the death of someone to save her own ass...and at the same time, discrediting real rape victims.

(Edit:I posted this on my phone, here's the link to the story:
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Here in Texas, a woman was sentenced to prison for a false rape claim...not to the law..but to her husband.

Apparently, she was caught by her husband "testing the suspension" n her lover's car. Rather than owning up to cheating, she told her husband her lover was raping her. Her husband, enraged, went and got a gun and shot her lover to death. She was found guilty of causing his death.

Stupid selfish bitch. Caused the death of someone to save her own ass...and at the same time, discrediting real rape victims.

I'm sure she was victimized by somebody, either the husband or the boyfriend. I mean, she had to be, right?