Crying rape:

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
We talk a lot about men raping women and even women raping men, but what about the men and women (women mostly) that cry rape?

it has happened to a lot of men, even famous people. craig charles from red Dwarf was jailed (in Bristol) for raping a woman that he didn't, he did time in jail, but when she was found to be lieing, she didnt have any punishment, Craig Charles had to put his career on hold, and nearly seperate from his wife, and she went through life not having any punishment,

so what i am asking is, what should happen to these people who cry rape but then admit that they lied??

I think that they should do some jail time, if the man did jail time for a crime he DID NOT commit then perhaps she should do time for a crime she did commit??

your thoughts:
Feminists will gladly tell you that if you even suggest that any woman would be able to allege a rape that didn't take place, then you are a pro-rape sexist...
I've been accused of all kinds of lol stuff in the past (my favorite was my senior year of high school with this fat fuggo ass freshman that started going out with my friend, and despite me keeping the same pattern of spending time with friends at school then going home and going to play the online game we played together for years, she started to claim that i was 'stalking' her and shit like that because i told her to eat shit and die), but thankfully the one time that police were involved i had physical evidence to defend myself.
I've been accused of all kinds of lol stuff in the past (my favorite was my senior year of high school with this fat fuggo ass freshman that started going out with my friend, and despite me keeping the same pattern of spending time with friends at school then going home and going to play the online game we played together for years, she started to claim that i was 'stalking' her and shit like that because i told her to eat shit and die), but thankfully the one time that police were involved i had physical evidence to defend myself.

Come and lie down on the long sofa and tell old Spudda all about it.
Let's start with your mother. Tell me about your relationship with your mother.
they should be punished as much as the falsely accused person suffered, at least. take into account the jail time they did, damage to their reputation/career/relationships(family, friends, peers). its ridiculous that anyone would not be punished for inflicting so much damage, and we need the punishment to deter others.
If the person they accuse is jailed, they should be tried for false inprisonment. As if they had confined the person to their basement.
And the other person should sue their ass off.
I would also push for it to be taken off their record.
In my admittedly hot-headed 18-year-old opinion, falsely accusing someone of rape is as vile as actually committing rape.

And should receive the same jail sentence.
She didn't 'get away with it'.

There are laws which say you can't lie in court - even the biggest no-brains know that. Because, if you could without consequences, the whole legal system would collapse.

Feminists will gladly tell you that if you even suggest that any woman would be able to allege a rape that didn't take place, then you are a pro-rape sexist...

Would they.
You're not a bad person, but I'm afraid to say that you are a moron.
Isn't this what Tawanda Brawley did? And she accused cops, white cops, which caused a HUGE uproar.
Did anything ever become of that?
She didn't 'get away with it'.

There are laws which say you can't lie in court - even the biggest no-brains know that. Because, if you could without consequences, the whole legal system would collapse.
In theory, yes - even simply making false statements to the police can be illegal, let alone lying in court. But in practice, these laws are almost never enforced. People are exposed as liars all the time in court, but almost never prosecuted for perjury. This is especially true when someone is telling a lie that favors the prosecution (lying to say that someone is guilty). Those people virtually never get prosecuted. You are only likely to ever face a purjery charge if you are caught telling a lie in your own defense.
LA why wasnt she punished?

under even curent law (with no specific amendments) there are criminal santions

Definmation (civil suit)
Filing a false report (criminal fallony)
Pergury (asuming she testified in court), criminal falony

so how could she possably just walk away?