Crop Circles


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What or who do you think created crop cicles?

Crop Circles
Humans. Now it's up to you to pick which ones, they come in a variety of forms ranging from Hoaxers, Drunks, Drunk Hoaxers. There are also a number of Media related groups that do them especially in regards to advertising.

I have a hypothesis on how to create one differently from the above, however I've yet to setup any apparatus for a controlled experiment considering that the outcome of the experiment itself isn't exactly going to forward science 100 years.
I think all crop circles are hoaxes. Don't write me off as a stubborn skeptic just yet though, I do think there is certainly quite a real possibility that we have been visited by ET's, but I dunno.....

....crop circles just don't make sense to me..........if aliens want to communicate with us, there are better means than leaving random images in fields that we can't even understand.
Look at the photos above. These circles are complicated, aren't they?

Now, think back to when the whole crop circle thing started, years ago. The circles were just simple circles. So, why the change?

Answer: the human beings who have been making the circles have got better at it over the years. They have swapped techniques. They have looked at each other's artworks. They have learned to do circles bigger and better than before.

If these circles were made by aliens, why wouldn't the aliens start with the complex circles; surely that would impress us more.
I think it is pretty clear that the vast majority of these circles are man made. However, as James R (formerly Evil Administrator) pointed out they started out simple. And it is the simple ones that have been found worldwide.

I don't think anyone can fully explain all of them. Are they made by ET's possibly. I keep my mind open, but there are certianly a lot of frauds out there.
Again, if ETs wanted to communicate with us, there are better means than just leaving random incomprehensible circles in fields secretly.
Again, if ETs wanted to communicate with us, there are better means than just leaving random incomprehensible circles in fields secretly.

Who says it is a communication mechanism? The communications thinig came in when all the complexshapes started to appear.

Etched into crops, the outlines of Bronze Age burial mounds surround a roughly 190-foot (57-meter) circular Stone Age temple site about 15 miles (24 kilometers) from Stonehenge in southern England in an undated aerial photo.

Discovered during a routine aerial survey by English Heritage, the U.K. government's historic-preservation agency, the "crop circles" are the results of buried archaeological structures interfering with plant growth. True crop circles are vast designs created by flattening crops.
Good grief.

In the old days it was simply, "Oy! Git orf moi larnd" and now it's Blam! "Bugger off you bastards".
Progress, eh?
Good grief.

In the old days it was simply, "Oy! Git orf moi larnd" and now it's Blam! "Bugger off you bastards".
Progress, eh?

Possibly, or he might of watch a VHS version of "Signs" to the point of wearing the tape out.
Oh that film...
I'd rather watch Mary Poppins that sit through that again. ;)
I was surprised to learn that someone published 2 articles early on about crop circles in a peer reviewed journal.
I remember when I first heard about them a long time ago
I was somewhat taken in. I didn't fully rule out that it could be aliens. lol
I still find it amazing, that people make those. Some of those are really elaborate.

Can you imagine if they threw us all in a field somewhere to make something spectacular by the morning.

There would be so many fights and disagreement the crops would be splattered with blood and not much else. :D
To my knowledge there are two types of corn circle. Both are indeed "Hoaxes" however one is far more elaborate than the other.

Type 1 is the type that most people are familiar with, the use of string, a plank of a wood, maybe a conspiracy of individuals all working late one night to crush corn. Then of course a few phone calls being made, perhaps sightings of UFO's, or lightening balls or something equally as bizarre to get people to draw their own conclusions about the conspiracy.

Type 2 is far more elaborate and requires Radiological matricing. It can be identified to be different from type one because the corn itself has "Nodules", this is where the corn stem suffers from a "Hutchison Effect" from radiology causing its structure to appear to have been superheated when it's actually a distortion of spacetime that caused it. There is usually a higher level of EM background to these circles that parapsychologists pick up on with equipment like Geiger counters.

No "Hoaxer" has taken responsibility for this more "High end" version of the conspiracy, mainly because the equipment being used is more likely to either be Military, Telecommunications or "entertainment" related (Television).

A simple explaination for this highend version uses a piece of clingfilm to represent spacetime being stiffened radiologically and a Cigarette as a cornstalk. Wrapping the clingfilm around the cigarette tightly can allow the cigarette to be tied in a knot, it can even be untied and smoked like the cigarette had never been tied in a knot to begin with.

The clingfilm aids in dispersing the strain of the cigarettes contortion across it's surface area, which is why it doesn't tear.

Now how this can be applied through matricing is still questionable in regards to whether it's actually all done in one night or actually done over many nights. You see if you were to grow the corn in a matriced environment, then it would be possible to alter the actual makeup of the corn stalks over it's growth period. This could cause corn circles to appear slowly, with only the one night of acceleration occurring when corn has been orientated long enough.

The one night occurrence is what would cause the nodules, since it would cause stress on the corn.

Obviously this type of matricing would cause electromagnetic background beyond that of normal, which is why most corn circles apparently fall into a Wayline (at least that's what the neo-druid lot would suggest) The wayline myth was probably created by the very people perpetuating these particular hoaxes to cover the EM background.

Using this Matrix method, it allows computer generated symmetry to be placed into a pattern and created without anyone ever being found loitering in the middle of a corn field.
To my knowledge there are two types of corn circle. Both are indeed "Hoaxes" however one is far more elaborate than the other.

Type 1 is the type that most people are familiar with, the use of string, a plank of a wood, maybe a conspiracy of individuals all working late one night to crush corn. Then of course a few phone calls being made, perhaps sightings of UFO's, or lightening balls or something equally as bizarre to get people to draw their own conclusions about the conspiracy.

Type 2 is far more elaborate and requires Radiological matricing. It can be identified to be different from type one because the corn itself has "Nodules", this is where the corn stem suffers from a "Hutchison Effect" from radiology causing its structure to appear to have been superheated when it's actually a distortion of spacetime that caused it. There is usually a higher level of EM background to these circles that parapsychologists pick up on with equipment like Geiger counters.

No "Hoaxer" has taken responsibility for this more "High end" version of the conspiracy, mainly because the equipment being used is more likely to either be Military, Telecommunications or "entertainment" related (Television).

A simple explaination for this highend version uses a piece of clingfilm to represent spacetime being stiffened radiologically and a Cigarette as a cornstalk. Wrapping the clingfilm around the cigarette tightly can allow the cigarette to be tied in a knot, it can even be untied and smoked like the cigarette had never been tied in a knot to begin with.

The clingfilm aids in dispersing the strain of the cigarettes contortion across it's surface area, which is why it doesn't tear.

Now how this can be applied through matricing is still questionable in regards to whether it's actually all done in one night or actually done over many nights. You see if you were to grow the corn in a matriced environment, then it would be possible to alter the actual makeup of the corn stalks over it's growth period. This could cause corn circles to appear slowly, with only the one night of acceleration occurring when corn has been orientated long enough.

The one night occurrence is what would cause the nodules, since it would cause stress on the corn.

Obviously this type of matricing would cause electromagnetic background beyond that of normal, which is why most corn circles apparently fall into a Wayline (at least that's what the neo-druid lot would suggest) The wayline myth was probably created by the very people perpetuating these particular hoaxes to cover the EM background.

Using this Matrix method, it allows computer generated symmetry to be placed into a pattern and created without anyone ever being found loitering in the middle of a corn field.
The simpler explanation is that all circles are hoaxed by pushing the crop down. Cerealogists volunteer their time and investigate the circles but let their eagerness for the paranormal get in the way of their ‘scientific’ research. They are hunting for anything that could be described as an anomaly, such as elongated nodes. There may be very simple explanations for the way the nodes end up such as the crop growing faster there to push the top towards the light after being bent down. An Italian sceptic investigating crop circles claims that he found nodes with holes and elongation in crop which had been flattened by wind.
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