Creationist questions evolution

If it had happened you would see my name all over the news within a few days.

So watch the news. If you don't see a headline about cheap fusion being proven possible, I am not God. QED.

You could of just said "Your name will appear on your monitor NOW!"
Prove that you are not God.
God does not seem to be able to prove he exists at all, let alone do the things Gods do.
However I am inclinded to think there was a flood that gave rise to the many flood myths.
About 11 thousand years ago a something from space hit causing an overnight rise in oceans of 30 feet and more over the following 12 months...the idea is seen as crack pot but recently a hole was found which may help the story.
I am following that stuff.
Entirely plausible scenario. Of course that would mean Noah had no time to build his ark and just grabbed a bunch of chickens and a couple of goats, threw them in his fishing boat and sailed with his family to the nearest high ground.

Just like we do now with major floods.
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:) you must be a lass surely! or a kid with an inquisitive mind.
LOL, you are a terrible researcher. My profile gives a short synopsis of my life story. It's just a keystroke away.

p.s. Just saw you did. ........:biggrin: Thanks for your generous compliment.
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Of course that would mean Noah had no time to build his ark and just grabbed a bunch of chickens and a couple of goats, threw them in his fishing boat and sailed with his family to the nearest high ground.

There was no Noah.

There may have been a flood 11,000 odd years ago and the story could have been retold over and is referenced in the first book that we know of Gillgamesh (spelling???) And that version was changed and found its way into the bible...ancients would not understand why the sea rose and like everything ...god did it..why? Well we pissed him off otherwise why would he sink the world.

Heck ask folk why the last earthquake or big waves that most will say god did because he is not pleased with you sinners...there were folk blaming Katrina as gods anger for not allowing intelligent design to be taught in schools as starts early.. the kid wont they play pretend planes or trains..then the tooth fairey..santa..the easter bunny...and tv pretend pretend pretend..god seems notmal just one more game of pretend...but as they grow up and santa leaves with the easter bunny and they realise eat or die... but god .... no one is going to take him away all I have to do is pretend so hard reality is excluded.

I believe there is some evidence of this event actually having happened.
Of course. Does that mean the novel that mentioned it was any less a work of fiction?

As with the flood. Does that mean the book that mentioned it was any less a work of fiction?
You have to put it together a little better as at first I had no idea what you were talking about.

But you are right there is no evidence of Noah or the Ark and all we have to go by is what we find in the bible.

Now given it comes from the book of Exodus and that is clearly made up and that the Summariams told a similar flood story before Exodus then we can only conclude that the biblical version was made up.

And as I said earlier it is to be expected that if there was a real rising of the sea 11,000 years ago that story could have been told offering an explaination that god caused the flood to punish and what we find in the bible presumably attempts to retell a very old story.

Now I think that it seems that more than one author put together Noahs tale...look I cant be certain but that would also indicate it was an old story.

If you mean that I need to provide evidence that there was no Noah then what I wrote covers that propostion as well.

If you think it thru you can assemble a variety of reasons why the ark is fiction...the boat...experts could not build one even with gods help unless god suspended most of the laws of physics...the animals...feeding for a start...eight people could not do it and the storage requirements needs a bigger ark...then when the animals and the eight humans got off the boat what would they eat...the ground would not grow anything for at least a year probably much longer given the water would be salty and ruined the soil.

And you need more than two for any species to survive...I think when a species is down to 100 individuals it is all over...certainly some species with jands on care can be managed but two of each sounds extinction.

Anyways as I said the story is in that part of the bible where its all made up...take the creation part...made up...if you disagree tell me who was the witness that recorded this step by step process of creation...and of course we already know that because the universe is eternal there was no creation...made up all of it....still thats ok we all know it is early folk attempting to make sence of it all...most reasonable and in that context they did a great job...but this new testament is clearly a lie and not an attempt to interprete what god did but a blatant usurping of gods place...humans cant be a god or become a god yet here we have someone either professing to be god ...or more likely the whole thing was made up years after any real Jesus was around.

It is all astrology and very very second hand at that.

I hope you understand where the death and resurrection comes from...

Tell me if you dont and I will explain but a hint the new testament wont tell you the truth...well it cant the whole thing is a lie and an attempt at deception...and heck great con job...made more money than any other con job and is getting more profitable each year...look at the money the monks and priests bring in...ask yourself how much have you given them over the years...heaps I bet.
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Of course. Does that mean the novel that mentioned it was any less a work of fiction?
No, in fact most fiction based real on real evidence is the best type of fiction. We can relate to a real event, it makes the story more plausible and we can relate (empathic response).

It is why we love Asimov and Clarke. Their science fiction is often cloaked in real physics.
As with the flood. Does that mean the book that mentioned it was any less a work of fiction?
No, and if we want to critique the bible, it is really an implausible and poor work of fiction, with some interesting metaphors.
I just found this and I love it because there is a reference to that age old question I love to bring up re folk back in the bronze age not knowing where the Sun went at it.


Hi Jan
You sound like you are gathing your thoughts but I suspect you are trying to divert attention from the many issues raised in this thread and take the focus off evolution.

Heck its your thread so what do you have to say about evolution now that it has been explained and you realise all you once attacked was a creationist straw man.

I hope you saw my thread touching on how we should thank Darwin for leading humans out of the darkness that is the superstitious belief in a creator that can not belong in an eternal universe.

Do you think statues would be appropriate to thank Darwin and promote the magnificence of his intellect or just put his head on all our currency.
Seeing JC is fake maybe substitues Darwin for those holidays..
Yes yes yes.
Anyways have a merry Darwin.
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