Creation or Global Flood?

Is Psalms 104 describing the Genesis "Creation" or a "Global Flood" from Noah's

  • Creation

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • Global Flood

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
Yeah, just like the Mississippi River "swelled" in '93, right? How many buildings did it destroy again?
But Saquist, the passage says God then established bounds which the oceans would never pass over, and the Deluge covered the Earth, so clearly it's talking about the Deluge, the bounds established after it.

Okay guys...
Lets think about this...David lived after the flood. This a Psalm..or a song. And songs frequently include many different topics. Don't tell me you think that it's talking only about one or the other. Could it not be speaking of multiple topics.

It's a song...interpret it like you would Dave Matthew's What Would You Say
It's a song about the "wonders" of Creation. But it's from his stand point too. Which was after the flood.
There is no indication at all that the "waters" David writes about in Psalms 104 are referring to the flood waters. Where's the talk of all men dying and God displaying his great wrath as seen in all other references to the flood?

Why would David begin the Psalm about the greatness of creation, then suddenly for no apparent reason switch to talk of the flood for 3 verses, then immediately switch back to creation again for the rest of the Psalm?

I can't see how Psalms 104 in any way would be referring to the waters of the Noah flood.
Yeah, it's like the idea that we are about 99.99999999% that we landed men on the moon, but there always that .00000000001% chance that it was all a hoax.
Hey Saquist, sorry I couldn't respond sooner, I got one of those stealth banishments, and I think David would have known about his ancestor Noah and his plight, so considering this, I still think it there describes the Deluge.
M*W: Has anyone ever given a thought to the Flood of Noah and the Great Deluge being two separate events?

A while back I read something about Noah's flood and the Epic of Gilgamesh (the oldest known written document) to have occurred before the story of creation with A&E. Maybe that's where all the confusion comes from.
While it's intresting to entertain such ideas I usualy find such speculation are lacking circumstantial compared to the bible. While the bible purpose is to instruct man to God's will it also records history very accurately. Not all sources agree with the bible but that's far from surprising. Different perspectives causes different stories....Yet the bible takes the time unlike any other book to etch out a time line and future prospect for the literal nation of Israel and the figurative nation of Israel as well.
I dig your moniker Saquist, "once burned, twice shy," good line for a movie, we hope to be making one, maybe we'll use it, along with Roman's line "at least we know the difference between poodles and sheep."
What kind of evidence would you expect from a parting of the Red Sea 3,500 years ago nova900?

I believe Archeology is Skinwalkers' field of study...perhaps he can elaborate.
Such a huge exodus of people leaving Egypt and the death of thousands of Egyptian soldiers,a event never recorded in their history.
Well, this is to be expected since the story is a mythical one.
The question is can you show any historical inaccuracy in the Bible.

Actually, the question is can you differentiate between parable and literal truth.

Did a walking snake really talk to Eve and convince her to eat an apple of off the Tree of Knowledge? Or was the apple and the tree symbolic of something deeper?
It would seem ..Not!

Exodus Link:

Can anyone here provide some proof of the alleged historical accuracies??

The Fall of Babylon to the Medes and the Persians
Cyrus' coming to power there is more I've a couple of books with correlations. The bible is the book archaeologist go to with historical finds because of it's accurate record keeping. That was not by accident. God meant for the bible to be precise in this manner in order to plot the arrival of the Christ. As a result many Isrealites were looking for the Messiah at the time of Jesus birth and of course so were others who did not wish for the Messiah to live.
The Fall of Babylon to the Medes and the Persians
Cyrus' coming to power there is more I've a couple of books with correlations. The bible is the book archaeologist go to with historical finds because of it's accurate record keeping. That was not by accident. God meant for the bible to be precise in this manner in order to plot the arrival of the Christ. As a result many Isrealites were looking for the Messiah at the time of Jesus birth and of course so were others who did not wish for the Messiah to live.

References to other cities or historical events really does not prove much except the authors were aware of some events unfolding (or ones already unfolded). Science fiction authors do this all the A fictional story set in the future in a real city (say New York).
So, the bible contains references to real events and places interwoven with mythical stories, so what?

And as for the lack of proof of exodus???
References ot other cities and the fall of those cities prove historical accuracy Otherwise you're not looking for're looking for disproof.

As for Exodus...It is proof. I know of no correlations in history, yet neither have I looked. Exodus deals with the movment of an isolated group of people from captivity. Why others in history would record it I don't know. To that point there has been no correlating evidence. Exodus is merely an account events withing a nation.

Like China whose interior events are unknown to most of us. Or the Tiananmen Square incident. In the outside world many of us know about this event yet there is an entire generation of children who will grow up with out knowing this event.

You say the burdeon is ours. I do not accept the burdeon you place upon me. I give it back to you, For I have no use for it.

In a court of law a plaintiff has the burdeon of proof. A planiff has an alegation like yourself. You statement is that the bible is historicaly inaccurate? Now you must prove it beyond reasonable doubt.
As for Exodus...It is proof.To that point there has been no correlating evidence. Exodus is merely an account events withing a nation.

Thank you for confirming there is no evidence of this event.

You say the burdeon is ours. I do not accept the burdeon you place upon me. I give it back to you, For I have no use for it.

In a court of law a plaintiff has the burdeon of proof. A planiff has an alegation like yourself. You statement is that the bible is historicaly inaccurate? Now you must prove it beyond reasonable doubt.

Total B/S !
Your logic (as usual ) is bizarre to say the least.
You want atheists and others like myself to believe in your bible and it's infallibility,then the burden IS on you,not me sir. You made the claim of the bibles accuracy and I dispute it,this means the burden is on the person making the claim.
Like most apologists you are creating an excuse to get around the issue of providing proof.
If you cannot provide proof of what the bible claims then what is your purpose here?
Nova, the Old Testament has been the primary roadmap for archaological investigations in the Middle East for two centuries, so how can this be if it's not the most accurate text available?