Creation Museum Scheduled to open in 2007

stretched said:
* Nah, you`ve got Allah, Jehova, Krishna, Apollo, etc. All based on FAITH. Interpreted by you as:
“Faith is something that nobody gets to by reasoning. If faith came by logic and by sight then it would not be faith.”

* So by your very own reasoning, the average Muslim must be right on track as well? You don’t see anything wrong with this picture perhaps?
Quite amusing, stretched, but there's a certain amount of silliness in criticising a person for the faith they maintain, specifically against logic and reasoning to do so, and then referring to their "reasoning". Woody's very faith precludes him from considering all the other faiths to be equally valid (even if they are all equally irrational - or equally rational, for that matter).
stretched said:
Quote Woody:
“Maybe that is just part of God's personna -- he hates being ignored.”

* And you are quite comfy to place 100% faith and trust in such a fickle being?

If He is indeed the king and Lord of the universe, maybe He deserves a little respect from peons like us. By the way -- He was steadfast on the cross, not fickle.

Quote W:
“There is no other alternative, and Christ has the words of life.”

* Nah, you`ve got Allah, Jehova, Krishna, Apollo, etc. All based on FAITH. Interpreted by you as:
“Faith is something that nobody gets to by reasoning. If faith came by logic and by sight then it would not be faith.”

* So by your very own reasoning, the average Muslim must be right on track as well? You don’t see anything wrong with this picture perhaps?

I don't like most of their Gods.

Allah: too violent, virgins in heaven made for sex -- heaven or harem -- geez all based on the claims of a polygamist pedophile named mohammed. No wonder sex is the centerpiece.
Jehova: yeah I believe in the "I am" God with a makeover
Krishna: Hindu -- well I like to eat an occasional hamburger. If the best I can be is a Mcdonald's happy meal then just forget it.
Apollo/Jupiter: I read Homer. His epic tales were fascinating, but did he mean to start a religion?

I do like Jesus. I don't see anything wrong with him do you?


The religion many atheists and agnostics hold dear is called Humanism It s a religion without a God:


Humanism can be used in some ways to fulfill or supplement the role of religions in people's lives, and therefore qualifies as a stance on religion. It is entirely compatible with naturalism (and therefore atheism), but doesn't strictly require either of these, and is compatible with some religions.

While the broad category of humanism encompasses intellectual currents running through a wide variety of philosophical or religious thought, it is embraced by some people as a complete lifestance. For more on this, see Humanism (lifestance).

Though the dominant forms of humanism are agnostic (and typically reject the existence of a supernatural), not all forms of humanism are. However, humanism denies the importance of the supernatural in human affairs, regardless of whether or not it exists. In this way, humanism does not necessarily rule out some form of theism or deism, and there are many humanists who consider themselves religious, some of whom are members of (typically, liberal) religious organizations. What humanism clearly rejects is blind deference to supernatural beliefs in resolving human affairs, not necessarily the beliefs themselves.

For that matter, agnosticism or atheism on its own doesn't necessarily entail humanism. Indeed, many different and incompatible philosophies are atheistic in nature.

According to humanism, it is up to us to find the truth, not wait for it to be handed to us through revelation, mysticism, tradition, or anything else that is incompatible with the application of logic to the evidence. In demanding that we avoid blindly accepting unsupported beliefs, it supports scientific skepticism and the scientific method, rejecting authoritarianism and extreme skepticism, and rendering faith an unacceptable basis for action. Likewise, humanism asserts that knowledge of right and wrong is based on our best understanding of our individual and joint interests, rather than stemming from a transcendental or arbitrarily local source.
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SkinWalker said:
You might say he's almost as much as an atheist as I am.

Yep, I rejected all religions except one. That's the only religion difference between me and you.

Yes. Fundamentalists are the laughing stock of the Western world.

Until a funeral when people sober up about the reality of death.
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Until a funeral when people sober up about the reality of death.

Yes, death sucks. What does this have to do with fundamentalists and how idiotic they are? I am sure at my parents funeral I will still find fundamentalists funny. Atheists are very well aware of their own mortality, Woody.
Quote Woody:
"If He is indeed the king and Lord of the universe, maybe He deserves a little respect from peons like us. By the way -- He was steadfast on the cross, not fickle."

* Ah, if he is indeed a worthy Lord of the Universe, he would have the respect, not sow confusion, or coerce respect via promises of eternal fire.

Alas, neither you or anyone else have any idea exactly what happened on that day, or whether it happened at all. Regarding fickle, this statement: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) seems a strange, if not fickle statement, indicating a severe identity crisis. All the standard answers don’t quite explain why god would ask himself why he has forsaken himself.

Quote Woody:
“I don't like most of their Gods. … I do like Jesus. I don't see anything wrong with him do you?”

* Perhaps if we knew more of what Jesus actually said, in his own words, the question could be better answered. But, If you concur that Jesus is God, and by default, then is also the cruel, discriminatory and jealous God “Jehova” of the OT, then the other gods would be like St Theresa in comparison.

Humanism is not a religion, it is a worldview, and essentially it espouses what Jesus purportedly held dear: Love your brother like yourself. From what few words of Jesus that we have, I would consider him a humanist.

Quote Woody:
“Until a funeral when people sober up about the reality of death.”

* Am I correct in saying this is what drives your belief - Fear?
Quote Silas:
“Quite amusing, stretched, but there's a certain amount of silliness in criticising a person for the faith they maintain, specifically against logic and reasoning to do so, and then referring to their "reasoning". Woody's very faith precludes him from considering all the other faiths to be equally valid (even if they are all equally irrational - or equally rational, for that matter).”

* Could you say this in English please?
He was steadfast on the cross, not fickle.


Like he had a choice.

"Wanna get down now Jesus?"

"Do I look like a wimp? No way! I'm staying right here!"


BTW he was fickle enough not to stay dead..

Dee Cee
*chuckles* - I have to say, that was quite an amusing image Woody generated there - not dissimilar to Life of Brian: "Hands up everyone who wants to be crucifed somewhere else?" (All the crucifixees struggle trying to raise their arms.) "Right, let's get on with it then!"

stretched - just skip it, it's not important.
DeeCee said:
He was steadfast on the cross, not fickle.


Like he had a choice.

"Wanna get down now Jesus?"

"Do I look like a wimp? No way! I'm staying right here!"


BTW he was fickle enough not to stay dead..

Dee Cee

He had a choice beforehand. He knew everything that was going to happen to him.
stretched said:
From what few words of Jesus that we have, I would consider him a humanist.
Typical liberal assumption (made by religious and non-religious alike), based on insufficient reading of the New Testament and watching too many Jesus movies. In the actual Gospels, Jesus talks about God (describing him as his "Father") all the time, and generally preaches the opposite of thinking for yourself, seeking for yourself, educating yourself, but rather total submission to God alone. (Mohammed was exactly the same, btw). I'm not aware, by the way, that Humanism specifically preaches "brotherly love", only the rejection of authoritarian diktat and the skeptical questioning of everything. That all humanists tend to be liberal-thinking all things to all men is because they derived that view from skeptical questioning of the common authoritarian nostrum that we must fear "aliens" - whether national, racial or religious. But every individual has to derive that belief from first principles, not accept it as a given to begin with.
He had a choice beforehand. He knew everything that was going to happen to him.

Ah that explains it.
Guess it's easy to act tough on a crucifix when you know you ain't gonna be dead for long.
I imagine suicide bombers operate on a similar principle.

Dee Cee
Hi Silas,

Fair enough, to expand, I base that statement simply on the fact that Jesus seemed to rejected authoritarian religion. He insisted for example that the “Kingdom of God is within you” and, “The sabbath was made for people ... people were NOT made for the sabbath” (Mark 2:27). That together with his consistent emphasis on the needs of human beings. I am not intimating Secular Humanism per se, but rather the broader picture of Humanism roughly defined as: “A system of thought that centres on humans and their values, capacities, and worth. Concern with the interests, needs, and welfare of humans.”
It wasn't until after I'd posted that I realised what it was you were really saying - and instead of going off on a half-informed exposition of what Humanism is and isn't about, all I should have said was, "Jesus wasn't a Humanist just because he was humane".
Quote Woody:
“Until a funeral when people sober up about the reality of death.”

* Am I correct in saying this is what drives your belief - Fear?

Fear was involved in the original assessment many many years ago -- understanding that death would bring an ultimate end to this life -- realizing that there probably is some kind of afterlife -- and being totally unprepared for it.

The thing that drives faith is what we call "love." Love is a decision to be faithful to something. Faith is like a decision to be married. A person that is truely faithful to a spouse will even die for them if necessary without really thinking much about it.

This is the kind of faith Christ demonstrated on the cross.
He was steadfast on the cross, not fickle.


Like he had a choice.

Yes, he had a choice, and he knew what was coming. He asked the father to take the cup away from him if there was any other way for humanity to be forgiven of sin. "Not my will but thine be done," is what he said before He was taken prisoner.
Yes, he had a choice, and he knew what was coming

Y'said "steadfast on the cross"
Once your nailed to a tree I suggest your options are limited.
BTW When you say "he knew what was coming" are you saying that his fate was predetermined by god or simply that jesus knew from experience what his likely fate would be?

If his fate was predetermined then Jesus really had no choice at all.
Dee Cee
I think Jesus knew they were after him, but not that he intended to be taken.

...Therefore I say to you, if the owner of a house
knows that the thief is coming, he will begin his vigil before he
comes and will not let him into his house of his domain to carry
away his goods. You, then, be on your guard against the world.
Arm yourselves with great strength lest the robbers find a way to
come to you, for the difficulty which you expect will (surely)

Gospel of Thomas, Vs. 21