Creation Museum Scheduled to open in 2007


Musical Creationist
Registered Senior Member
Creation Museum

It will be south of Cincinnati -- not far for me to drive.

I wonder if it will be as good as the Smithstonian's paleontology "art". ;)
I didn't know that creationists included werewolves in their "theories".

superluminal said:
I didn't know that creationists included werewolves in their "theories".

absolutely, didn't "homo" originally mean "werewolf" in its word origin? lol
I would question their audacity for calling it a museum, which is primarily a depository for collecting and displaying objects having scientific, historical or artistic value. All I see in the guided tour are drawings and depictions of biblical events, hardly a museum, more like Sunday school cartoons.
It seems very moronic. They make a museum to proclaim to the world that the Bible is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and practice and in every area it touches on.
My idea is that in a museum I am presented with facts, not fairy tales.

For example, just a few days ago I was in a museum of the history of our city and the territory it's in.
There were some ancient (late bronze age) swords and below them there was a note telling where those swords have been found, to what culture and age they presumably belong.

But it seems that in this creation "museum" the label will tell that those swords belonged to a guy named John and that he was a christian and the swords were made by his father Elijah in a very hot summer month.

That "museum" is a joke.
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Woody said:
Creation Museum

It will be south of Cincinnati -- not far for me to drive.

I wonder if it will be as good as the Smithstonian's paleontology "art". ;)

so its just going to be a building with a stack of bibles and a ton of idiots in it right?
A most favorable comment, I'm glad to hear they're turning countless minds. :)

Scheduled to open in 2007, this “walk through history” museum will be a wonderful alternative to the evolutionary natural history museums that are turning countless minds against the gospel of Christ and the authority of the Scripture.
Glad to hear that the word of the Bible should be taken as literal fact. That means I get my very own slave! YEAH!
charles cure said:
so its just going to be a building with a stack of bibles and a ton of idiots in it right?

Ok so their artwork isn't as good as the smithsonian's. Like the progression from ape to man. It takes a good paper mache effigy to get the imagination going you know.




What's the difference between cro-magnon and Homo sapiens besides a shave and a hair cut?

Here are some gems from evolutions arrow:

In an important further development, some individuals will begin to undergo a critical shift in consciousness. Instead of experiencing themselves as isolated and self-concerned individuals, they will begin to see and experience themselves as participants and actors in the great evolutionary process on their planet.

Gotta love that evolutionary drama. I really get excited when one monkey bashes another over the head with a club -- like in 2001 a space odessy -- boy is that progress -- it just makes me swell up with pride!

more good tidbits:

the main game on their planet is and always has been the evolutionary process;

the successful future evolution of life on their planet depends on their conscious participation in the evolutionary process. Unlike past great evolutionary transformations, the step to a unified and sustainable planetary society will occur only through the conscious efforts of organisms, and not otherwise. Conscious organisms will need to envision the planetary society and design strategies to get there. If it is left to chance, it will not happen – in the past, chance took millions of years and many failures and false starts to produce cooperative organizations such as complex cells;

Evolution never depended on conscious effort, but in the future it will -- remarkable. We must keep the faith.

As more and more individuals make this transition, a wave of evolutionary activism will emerge, directed at the unification of living processes on the planet to form a creative and sustainable planetary society.

Is this like New Age religion or something?
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Woody said:
What's the difference between cro-magnon and Homo sapiens besides a shave and a hair cut?

The ability to invent organized religions.
Hapsburg said:
Too bad we didn't stay cro-magnon, then...

How do you know they didn't have religion too?

Actually the apes don't have religion, nor do other lower forms of life. You could say they are all atheists.
I don't understand creationism.
could somebody explain it to me?

Perhaps I'm missing something but I thought the big question was

What is the origin of life?

How does creationism answer the question?
It don't. No info on the creators is ever forthcoming.
I'm just left pondering the origins of god.
The big question is still unanswered.

What are the origins of life then?

Dee Cee
Woody said:
]Actually the apes don't have religion, nor do other lower forms of life.
How do you know that? You are not a gorilla, thus you do not know if they have religious beliefs.
Woody said:
What's the difference between cro-magnon and Homo sapiens besides a shave and a hair cut?
No missing link to account for here then.

Back to the Museum. I understand they did not go the conventional route of approaching a firm of architects with a brief, then developing the final building design through a series of meetings and proposal assessments.

Instead the committee turned up at their AGM and found the plans complete to the final detail lying atop the boardroom table. [A spokesman has denied that earlier versions of the plans were found in the trash, or that there are visible corrections on the adopted blueprints.]
What's the difference between cro-magnon and Homo sapiens besides a shave and a hair cut?
None at all, as far as I know. "Cro-Magnon" is the term applied, after all, not to a living species, but to particular skeletons of a certain age. But we are Cro-Magnon man. Although as far as I can see we've evolved even further than the distinctly 1950s "Modern Man" at the end of that sequence.

Isnt' that Creationist Museum already open? Robert Winston (leading Brit scientist and science explicator) went there for his recent series, the name of which escapes me - and then he went on a radio phone-in to debate the guy who runs it. I could not believe my eyes or ears when Winston first of all questioned the guy's Biblical knowledge (basically Winston, who's Jewish, asked a Christian why he wasn't circumcised, which is definitely not the area I would have touched with a barge pole) and then when asked to provide "proof of evolution" (on a redneck radio station, please note) started burbling on about braincase size.... From the rationalist point of view, it was absolutely cringemaking. And if it had been me, I would have said to the producer "We're cutting that bit, I made a complete arse of myself." The only conclusion I can draw from the fact that I actually saw all this in the programme was that Winston actually thought he'd made sufficient point about the CM-owner's ignorance, when he really hadn't dented it one jot, nor demonstrated why he was wrong for the benefit of his viewers.