Crazy things famous Christians say

Firstly I don't misunderstand the term ''sexual orientation'', I'm asking why it is narrowed down to homo/hetero/bi-sexual.
Because sexual orientation does not apply to age, only sex. That is how it is defined in English.
Secondly show where I conflate the two things.
"if a group can campaign for their sexual rights (LGBT), based on the idea that it is a sexual orientation, then what's to stop pedophile groups campaigning for their sexual rights."
You are conflating LGBT rights with pedophile rights by suggesting that pedophiles could use the same justification that LGBT groups do.
That's not what they're saying. They and a growing number of professionals agree that it is a sexual orientation.
And there are a lot of people who think "niggardly" is a racial slur. They can think that all they like. It's not, even if it sounds like one (and even if people want it to be one for political reasons.)
I don't know what you're talking about here.
Why shouldn't pedophiles be able to exercise their Third Amendment rights to sleep with children?

Because sexual orientation does not apply to age, only sex. That is how it is defined in English.

I know that's how it's defined. But why is it defined that way.
The words don't match the definition.

"if a group can campaign for their sexual rights (LGBT), based on the idea that it is a sexual orientation, then what's to stop pedophile groups campaigning for their sexual rights."
You are conflating LGBT rights with pedophile rights by suggesting that pedophiles could use the same justification that LGBT groups do.

Isn't that what is happening? Did you not read the link I sent you.
I can send you more if you like.
But how is that the same as equating homosexuality to pedophilia?

And there are a lot of people who think "niggardly" is a racial slur. They can think that all they like. It's not, even if it sounds like one (and even if people want it to be one for political reasons.)


Why shouldn't pedophiles be able to exercise their Third Amendment rights to sleep with children?

What does the Third Amendment rights have to do with sexual orientation?

I know that's how it's defined. But why is it defined that way.
Same reason "superior" means "higher" and not "lower." That's how it's defined. You don't have to like it; you don't even have to use the word if you dislike it. (Heck, you don't even have to use English if you dislike it, or feel that it's wrong.)
Isn't that what is happening? Did you not read the link I sent you. I can send you more if you like. But how is that the same as equating homosexuality to pedophilia?
It is not. It is CONFLATING it. Conflating does not mean equating.
It seems that whenever you are losing an argument you try to redefine words so that you can win it.
What does the Third Amendment rights have to do with sexual orientation?
Nothing! And what does sexual orientation have to do with pedophilia? Also, nothing. (See how that works?)

Same reason "superior" means "higher" and not "lower."

''Superior'' means higher period.

''Sexual'' means ''relating to the instincts, physiological processes, and activities connected with physical attraction or intimate physical contact between individuals,'' and, ''relating to the two sexes or to gender.''

Again why only use a secondary definition and completely omit the primary one?

It is not.

Of course it's not.

It is CONFLATING it. Conflating does not mean equating.

Are both groups claiming that it their sexual orientation that accounts for their sexual attractions? That they cannot help but be attracted to the type of people they are attracted to?

It seems that whenever you are losing an argument you try to redefine words so that you can win it.

Things aren't always what they seem.

Nothing! And what does sexual orientation have to do with pedophilia? Also, nothing. (See how that works?)

Sorry, but I don't see how that works.

''Superior'' means higher period.
OK. Moving on:
''Sexual'' means ''relating to the instincts, physiological processes, and activities connected with physical attraction or intimate physical contact between individuals,'' and, ''relating to the two sexes or to gender.'
Correct. And the term "sexual orientation" refers to what sex you are attracted to, period. It is different from the word "sexual" and the word "orientation" - when put together the words have a specific meaning, and no matter how much you wish the term didn't mean what it means, it does in fact mean what it means.
Sorry, but I don't see how that works.
Apparently not.
Balerion only HAS to resort to snarky condescending retorts because he has no logical argument to counter the posts he is attacking. It's a lack of confidence on his part. As if bullying is needed to make up for the convincingness of his points. If he was more sure of his argument, he'd never have to resort to such overpersonalized rudeness. Psychoanalytically speaking, it's as if every disagreeing poster is cast in the role of some hated relative he had. As if he "knows" more about the poster than he really DOES know..

Lol! Butthurt troll is butthurt.
Mod Hat

Magical Realist - please refrain from responding to intentional baiting and insults - simply report it and move on. It is simply a yellow card warning because you did attempt, for quite some time, to keep the thread on topic despite such posts.

Balerion has been issued an infraction and, due to have 3 active infraction points (four with the current one) a one month ban, for continued baiting, off topic posts, trolling, and insulting other members

OK. Moving on:

I would if I was you. :D

Correct. And the term "sexual orientation" refers to what sex you are attracted to, period. It is different from the word "sexual" and the word "orientation" - when put together the words have a specific meaning, and no matter how much you wish the term didn't mean what it means, it does in fact mean what it means.

Bravo! It is a made up term which means absolutely nothing in the context it is used.
That is what I thought. Thanks.

Apparently not.

You don't to talk nonsense anymore.

IF you were him, you would do what he does.

Only if 'I' chose to.
The 'I' is the self, the 'you' is nobody, anybody, somebody, or everybody.

All terms are made up. It certainly does mean something.

SEXUAL ORIENTATION. One's sexual orientation is defined by the sex (same or other) of the people to whom one is emotionally and sexually attracted. While the term emphasizes the sexual component of interpersonal relationships, in reality ANY sexual orientation involves a wide range of feelings, behaviors, experiences and commitments....

...Finally, sexual orientation, which has largely replaced ''sexual preference'' in psychological literature, is defined by the sex (not then gender) of the people to whom one is erotically and emotionally attracted. In keeping with arguments perhaps most cogently articulated by Money (1987), this usage is intended to convey that LGB identity is not (simply) a preference but is as much a given as is handedness;

Taken from here

It means what it means to you because you accept that's what it means. But the reality is, it's a lot broader than what you accept.

Bravo! It is a made up term which means absolutely nothing in the context it is used.

From your own post: "SEXUAL ORIENTATION. One's sexual orientation is defined by the sex (same or other) of the people to whom one is emotionally and sexually attracted." Case closed by Jan Ardena.

You don't to talk nonsense anymore.

You do talk to listen of do some nonsense all the time.

From your own post: "SEXUAL ORIENTATION. One's sexual orientation is defined by the sex (same or other) of the people to whom one is emotionally and sexually attracted." Case closed by Jan Ardena.

All I'm saying is that it is broader than you make it out to be.

You do talk to listen of do some nonsense all the time.

Talking you don't know what about you're.

That quote from your own post is accurate - so I am saying that that definition is as accurate as you have said it is.

SEXUAL ORIENTATION. One's sexual orientation is defined by the sex (same or other) of the people to whom one is emotionally and sexually attracted. While the term emphasizes the sexual component of interpersonal relationships, in reality ANY sexual orientation involves a wide range of feelings, behaviors, experiences and commitments.......Finally, sexual orientation, which has largely replaced ''sexual preference'' in psychological literature, is defined by the sex (not the gender) of the people to whom one is erotically and emotionally attracted. In keeping with arguments perhaps most cogently articulated by Money (1987), this usage is intended to convey that LGB identity is not (simply) a preference but is as much a given as is handedness

At last we agree upon something. :)

So you don't even respect the authority of the dictionary?


You don't respect a damn thing. If you cite some source which says "I ate a sandwich" does not mean "I ate a sandwich", it does no damn good. IF you know what the words if, I, were & you mean, you should be able to understand. IF you want to understand.
You don't respect a damn thing. If you cite some source which says "I ate a sandwich" does not mean "I ate a sandwich", it does no damn good. IF you know what the words if, I, were & you mean, you should be able to understand. IF you want to understand.

you may have to rephrase that, its a little ambiguous,