Crazy things famous Christians say

I didn't say she wasn't a Christian.
I said you can't say she represents Christians.
There are over 2 Billion Christians in the world, so I expect that you could find a few others who think as she does.
I didn't say she wasn't a Christian.
I said you can't say she represents Christians.
There are over 2 Billion Christians in the world, so I expect that you could find a few others who think as she does.

Where did I say she represents other Christians? The op is simply about quoting Christians period.
Are Christians generally more homophobic than other people?

Yes..both Catholic and Protestant churches teach that homosexuality is a sin and a perversion and should be abstained from and repented of. They get this straight out of the bible. Refer to previous posts in this thread for proof.
Franklin Graham: "Gays don't adopt, they recruit!"

Comments on that video :

InternetDisciple1 month ago

It is just not a good idea to let open sexual deviants adopt children.
For the sake of the children - resist the sodomite agenda.
Pedophilia is evil.


Almost every gay or zoosexual looks mentally disturbed

Koala KoKo1 month ago

cokie roberts sounds like a lesbian and a man-hating feminist.

AWResistance1 month ago (edited)

So if somebody is sexually attracted to children and doesn't actively turn away from it, can they also enter heaven if they simply believe in Jesus Christ? Homosexuality is a deviation from the norm, it was not intended, just like bestiality and paedophilia were not intended (they cannot reproduce either), the only difference between homosexuals and the unions i just stated, is that homosexuals can consent to their abnormal attraction, which means we tolerate their behaviour behind closed doors as consenting free adults, but we do not accept it in public or accept it as being normal sexual behaviour to be promoted to children.

novemberain1 month ago

The gay agenda absolutely is recruiting minor children in the hopes of legitimizing a warped lifestyle choice. Vladimir Putin banned the homo's of Russia from handing out their deranged propaganda to children saying children need to be protected from this mental illness. Look at how the so called "tolerant" gays and liberal leftist treat one of their own who walks away from this warped lifestyle!! They are enraged and do everything in their power to silence them!! Such tolerance!!

I didn't say she wasn't a Christian.
I said you can't say she represents Christians.
There are over 2 Billion Christians in the world, so I expect that you could find a few others who think as she does.

Where did I say she represents other Christians? The op is simply about quoting Christians period.

That's disingenuous. You've already explained your purpose in this thread in no uncertain terms. (Never mind the logical and ethical defects in what you are trying to do.)

I think people have a right to hear about some of the bigoted and just plain crazy things Christian leaders say and have said. Naturally Christians will want these statements forgotten if not totally censored from public awareness. Afterall, everybody "knows" Christianity is all about LOVE and doing good and being non-judgmental, right? Or that's at least the official PR line we are all SUPPOSED to buy into. I'm here to show the darker side of religion. The hateful and bigoted and homophobic side that nobody is supposed to talk about. If you don't like it, I don't care. I have a right to expose this ugly side of religion in a public science forum. It exists and should be shown for what it is primarily because it has caused and continues to cause untold suffering and self-hatred in the lives of so many of its victims.

So you're cool with bigots. Nice..

It has everything to do with religion. It demonstrates the attitudes and thought processes of religious adherents.

I suffered delusion and injustice at the hands of religion period. That's why I have a burden to expose it as the soul-killing mind-warping emotionally-manipulating system it is. To help others see the wild goose chase it really is. If that bothers anyone, oh fuck'n well. People have a right to know the truth.
That's disingenuous. You've already explained your purpose in this thread in no uncertain terms. (Never mind the logical and ethical defects in what you are trying to do.)

Is there anything false about the statement that I am demonstrating the bigoted attitudes of religious adherents?
Is there anything false about the statement that I am demonstrating the bigoted attitudes of religious adherents?

It's just false (to say nothing of bigoted) to suggest that the craziest things that particular Christian fundies say expose how religious people in general think and what the true underlying essence of religion is.

Religion doesn't consist only of Christianity. Christianity doesn't consist only of fundies. And even fundies aren't all as crazy and evil as you make them out to be.

Whether we are talking about religion, African-Americans or gays, it isn't cool to suggest that the craziest and least defensible examples of a large heterogeneous group somehow represent the entire group and exemplify all of its members.

If we start thinking that way, then what does NAMBLA tell us?
It's just false (to say nothing of bigoted) to suggest that the craziest things that particular Christian fundies say expose how religious people in general think and what the true underlying essence of religion is.
I'm sure that you would like us all to stick our heads in the sand and ignore all the evil that Christians say and do, but we're not going to do that.

Your job of trying to cover for them just makes you complicit in the evil.
Whether we are talking about religion, African-Americans or gays, it isn't cool to suggest that the craziest and least defensible examples of a large heterogeneous group somehow represent the entire group and exemplify all of its members.
It is not OK to refuse to acknowledge what members of a group actually do and what others in that group tend to let them get away with.
yazata said:
My objection is first, that this thread is an example of faulty generalization. MR quotes (sometimes falsely and unfairly) the Christians that he likes the least, then concludes that all Christians (and all religious people along with them) agree with the same things and are guilty of the same faults. That conclusion is simply false.
I don't see the part where anyone necessarily assumes or claims, even, let alone "draws" as a conclusion, that all Christians agree with all those quotes. That's a strawman.

And that kind of reponse helps illustrate the value of such threads as this - the effort to distance themselves from these quotes , and the effort it takes (note the failed attempts) provides the possiblity of insight.
It's just false (to say nothing of bigoted) to suggest that the craziest things that particular Christian fundies say expose how religious people in general think and what the true underlying essence of religion is.

I can expose the bigotry that springs out of religion to my heart's content. These people derive their bigotry directly out of their religious beliefs. Religion is the cause of it, and I have demonstrated it here over and over. I know that spoils your view of religion as a noble and virtuous state of delusion, but I don't care. People have a right to see what religion does to people's minds and how it affects the society we live in.

If we start thinking that way, then what does NAMBLA tell us?

LOL! I have no idea what you think NAMBLA tells us. What do YOU think it tells us?
Pastor advocates electrically-fenced concentration camps for lesbians and "queers"..This is video of his sermon in front of his own congregation. THIS is the sort of shit that gets ingrained into children's minds. THIS is the sort of hate that gets spread in the name of Jesus. Think about a few closeted gay teens sitting in that audience, struggling with the issue of their own orientations. Think about the sort of shame and terror these words would inspire in them.
MR quotes (sometimes falsely and unfairly) the Christians that he likes the least, then concludes that all Christians (and all religious people along with them) agree with the same things and are guilty of the same faults

I never stated such a conclusion. I have only maintained that religion does indeed cause bigotry in people, and have supported it with quotes demonstrating the ideologically-justified sort of hatred that Christians get a free pass spouting in our free-speech society. I've noticed this is angering a lot of proreligion types here. I should think so. Nobody who admires religion wants this sort of theologically-based ugliness exposed to the world. Better to pretend it doesn't exist. I'm not going to do that. I refuse to be censored from quoting terrible things OTHER people have said.
I can expose the bigotry that springs out of religion to my heart's content.

It's a sad thing when people turn into the mirror image of whatever it is that they most hate.

LOL! I have no idea what you think NAMBLA tells us. What do YOU think it tells us?

For those who don't know, NAMBLA is the North American Man-Boy Love Association. It's a homosexual pedophile advocacy group.

If we start thinking about homosexuals in the way that you think about religious people, by treating the worst examples as illustrative of the nature of the whole, then the example of NAMBLA would seemingly justify the conclusion that pedophilia and pederasty are inherent in what homosexuality is and that homosexuality gives rise to child sexual abuse.

We both know that there are people out there who try to make that kind of argument, and I think that both of us would agree that isn't the correct conclusion to draw.
It's a sad thing when people turn into the mirror image of whatever it is that they most hate.

For those who don't know, NAMBLA is the North American Man-Boy Love Association. It's a homosexual pedophile advocacy group.

If we start thinking about homosexuals in the way that you think about religious people, by treating the worst examples as illustrative of the nature of the whole, then the example of NAMBLA would seemingly justify the conclusion that pedophilia and pederasty are inherent in what homosexuality is and that homosexuality gives rise to child sexual abuse.

We both know that there are people out there who try to make that kind of argument, and I think that both of us would agree that isn't the correct conclusion to draw.

It's a common rhetorical trick homophobes use: equating a "homosexual" pedophile with a homosexual. Ofcourse it's clear to the intelligent that "homosexual" in the former case is an adjective equivalent to "same sex". In the latter we are talking about a whole sexual orientation, and one that is distinct from pedophilia. Just like a "heterosexual pedophile" is not a subclass of heterosexuals. It's not surprising that you would resort to the same sort of slander that your Christian brethren use to demonize gay men as pedophiles. I mean what else is there besides lies and word tricks?
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Magical Realist,

That's just basic grammar.

If Jesus really believed that he was ''the light of this world'', and it was only through him one could see God, then his statement ''of myself alone, I can do nothing'', has no meaning.

Here's another verse showing Jesus as the only way to get to heaven:

"It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.

In this case the term ''name' refers' the memory of his reputation and standing, it's obvious that the mere utterance of the name ''Jesus Christ of Nazareth'', was not the method they used to heal the man, but who he was, what he said, did, taught, etc. And what thy had gleaned from that.

11 Jesus is“‘the stone you builders rejected,
which has become the cornerstone.’

This describes Jesus, as a foundation, base, bedrock, of this new religion (of his disciples).

12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”---Acts 4:10-12

Again, this does not refer to his name, Jesus. It refers to his whole purpose. Through taking shelter of him, as opposed to the other religious authorities, you could get your desired result. But not without doing the work yourself. Being ''saved'' does not automatically give you an audience with God.

Whoever you devote yourself to, for guidance, you start to take on some of their characteristics.

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