Covering Faces VS Covering Breasts

Bells said:
You seriously want me to show proof that black women have evolved at the same rate as a white woman? You want me to show proof that an African woman's breast is as evolved as a European woman's breast for example?
Wait a minute...wait a minute...wait just a damn minute....stop please! putting words in my mouth (or post) I SAID show me that womens breast have evolved ! When did the comparison phase start.
You've become the best friend of racists
I never claimed (once again) that I wasn't a racist! I'm not....but I never claimed it.- at least I don't think I did...anyway I digress. I don't know if you're actually reading these post or not Bells but this is exactly what I said towards this topic
by ReighnStorm
Men are the reason we women can't go around publicly naked.....already have enough rape cases happening while fully clothed! Duhhh!
Look, you could never account for all the reasons why men rape! Even if it's a fifth (1/5) of a reason that women get raped for an orgasm then it's still reason enough! I know women who got raped because he wanted to have sex period! I could find plenty of stories on it and so could you ,if you look. But why bother : you're right and so am I.
Spymoose, I'm a woman....that's not what I said or implied. I'm speaking only on what men think about womens body and what turns them on. Rape happens for many different reasons. All I was saying is that one reason is too much.
Your view is the one that's shifty
Again....women's breast have not evolved...womens breast were made to give milk to our just so happens that the sensation creates -what you may think of - as sexual desire. But that is not and never was it's extended purpose...back pain is not caused by large breasts. Back pain in most women are caused by the disproportionate body structure
(small butt, large breast). Majority of black women (original woman) can carry their breast just fine since the beginning of their time.
Some leg pain is caused by walking, some wrist pain is caused by writing, some neck pain is caused by tension. Pain is a part of life, but the body has not evolved at all because of it. What's confusing this for me and for people responding is that I'm speaking only of sexual organs themselves. Not what can be used by sexual stimulation

One statement above about point when I said that maybe was not clear enough. I mean that giving milk to children by way of breast have not evolved! :bugeye:
Err ok. Because it was this statement that I was asking about...

ReighnStorm said:
The only true thing you can go on is what kind of breast black women have and had in the beginning of the human life cycle.
I, and I think Blind, replied that the breasts of black and white women are the same in that they evolved the same. That the African woman is as evolved as the white European or Caucasian woman. And no you're correct. The giving of milk from the breast is still the same. But other things have changed.. such as the breast becoming more fatty and such and that has been a part of evolution in regards to the female breast.

LOL at least something's cleared up.
No, I don't think so! I think it's cause most women's bodies are ugly as hell and if men could see it, they'd run away screaming in terror! Fat, sloppy breasts, wrinkled and drooping over their chests; rolls of ugly fat hanging on their bellys; dimpled cellulite on their thighs and butt; ......I could go on!

Back at you! Most of you men look pretty ugly yourselves when naked. Hairy, concave chests with big ole bellies. Flabby square butts and droopy testicles, flacid little penis's wagging about...And you don't think we want to run in terror?
Now, maybe if you all looked like Calvin Klien models it wouldn't be so bad.. :)

Are you all freaking idiots???

I've had the debate, a very long one, with someone else about what causes rape. To save me writing it all out again, just look at my posts on the following message board link, and you'll see that rape is about power and violence - the sexual aspect is just a part of it, just a tool to ensure that the victim's life is ruined and that they remain traumatised and tortured for years after the event, sometimes even for life maybe, so trumatised that they too often consider suicide. Here's the link: Debate About rape (check page 3 of the debate, scroll down, and look for the links that I've posted there backing up what I said)

Incidentally, in my opinion, the reason women aren't supposed to show their breasts is because they are sexual body parts - that is, sexual arousen can be gained from allowing a person to touch your breasts. That's also the reason it's illegal in civilised (and some non-civilised) countries to touch a woman's or girl's breasts without her consent - it can have traumatising effects and is just as bad as touching a woman or girl's vagina without their consent.
Beryl said:
I think women should be allowed to go topless.
Finally, someone speaks sense!
I think it should be mandatory, too, as soon as the female turns 18. :D
PJ1 said: my opinion, the reason women aren't supposed to show their breasts is because they are sexual body parts ...

Then why are women's fashions designed to show the breasts, narrow waist and butt to the very best advantage? Even with clothes, the breasts are quite prominently displayed in the western world ....and some t-shirts that women wear are almost see-thru!

If women didn't want to attract men, they'd wear Muslim burkahs!

PJ1 said:
DUH! Are you all freaking idiots???

Some of us are, but surely not "all".

Baron Max
cato said:
I think genitalia should remain covered. (juts my personal opinion)
Juts? Juts! Hahahahhahaahhahaha!!!!!!!!!!
No one else saw this gem?

Something that protrudes; a projection.)

Perhaps it all goes deeper, to our need to cover 'Truth'?
This is 'me', 'truth', deal with it.
But no, there are so many 'reasons' to cover 'truth'...
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cato said:
I once brought this up in an anthropology class and everyone laughed and thought I made a joke.

what I said was something to the effect of: why should it be ok for women to show their faces but not their breasts? someone had said something about it being wrong to make women cover their faces, but what is the difference? a persons face is naturally as much of a sexual organ as their breasts. so why does the western world have a double standard when it comes to covering breasts? I could understand with genitalia, or even if we also made men cover their breasts.

its like the old story from Herodotus, where one civilization is shocked at the thought of eating their dead father's corpse, and the other is shock that instead of eating it, the would burn it.

it is a case of cultural relativism, and yet we (western world) think things are so cut and dried.

just wondering your thoughts on this subject.

My 2 cents regarding the orginal post:

At first I tought this was a post on 'hidding a persons face on TV with a black mark on their eyes or a blue dot on thier face' vs 'nudity'

But I was disapointed :(

However, I do note understanding to your post.

Michel Jackson is accused of child molestation.... it is know all over the world... However when some random guy is accused of the same crime, their face is cencored for his own sake, on the TV.

Lets face some facts here... nudity is out there and we cannot hide it from th children.... Buy a V-Chip for your TV... your children will see porn in the internet... screw around with your internet settings... your children will learn about sex in school... take them out of sex ed class, your children will go to a friends house and see hardcore porn for the first time....

You cannot hide everything from everyone.......

You see a breast pop out at the super bowl.... big deal! They are there for a reason for crying out loud... why are people ashamed to see breasts. Did your whole world end becuase someone made one little mistake on TV where a whole nation should be reading books or doing something better with thier time than watch a stupid football game.

If anything, things seem more dirty when they ARE cencored!!!

Every watch the Jimmy Kimmle Live segment called "This week in unnecary cencore ship"?

A news casters can say "1,000,000 where killed"
but cencore the word 'kill'
"1,000,000 where @#$%"

Oi. :rolleyes:
If you want women to cover thier breasts, you're an idiot.
If you want ugly people to show thier ugly mugs, you're an idiot.
Hapsburg said:
If you want women to cover thier breasts, you're an idiot.
If you want ugly people to show thier ugly mugs, you're an idiot.

What if you want an ugly woman to cover her perfect breats? ;)
A Canadian said:
You see a breast pop out at the super bowl.... big deal! They are there for a reason for crying out loud... why are people ashamed to see breasts?

Well, as I see it, after a woman passes about 20 or so, her tits begin to sag and grow flabby and droopy and ugly. If that ain't enough reason for women to want to cover the damned things, I don't know what is!!

Have y'all ever seen the tits on a 50-yr old broad?? Oh, geez, talk about a major horror show's enough to make a man want to commit hari-kari right there on the spot. Damn, I hope y'all don't live long enough to see something like that ....or if you do, I hope ye're eyesight ain't so good.

When "god" made tits, he surely had in mind young girls less than 20 years old! :)

Baron Max
cato said:
I think genitalia should remain covered. (juts my personal opinion)

Juts? Juts! Hahahahhahaahhahaha!!!!!!!!!!
No one else saw this gem?

Something that protrudes; a projection.)

Perhaps it all goes deeper, to our need to cover 'Truth'?
This is 'me', 'truth', deal with it.
But no, there are so many 'reasons' to cover 'truth'...
good catch, I wonder what sigmund fraud would think ;)
If any of you have ever participated in the naturalist movement [ Nudist resorts ] Where all persons regardles of gender and physical shape enjoy a lifestyle free of all the hangups that clothes can create you would find a little more understanding about how it takes emotional maturity to see a woman or man naked with out making somesort of vanity driven appraisal.
You come to understand that clothing is necessary to protect the weaker minded individual who has not achieved a certain maturity. That he and most of the time it is a he can't control his sexual urges enough to allow women to be relaxed and free to be themselves.

Also women tend to be modest as a way of protecting those less physically fortunate as a response to our vain glorious society.

If you think the shape of a womans breast makes for sexual attraction you haven't got past base one when it comes to true sexual attraction.
[ My wife has had a double mastectomy and happens to be the sexiest woman I know.] She doesn't bear her breast in public because she has none to bare and she is considerate of the fear a mastectomy conjures up in other women.

The reason society is so uptight is it is trying to protect it self from the moronic thinking of superficial attractions. Protecting women from men who have not the self control to know what the difference is between consent and non- consent.
Sorry for the rant!!
A Canadian said:
What if you want an ugly woman to cover her perfect breats? ;)
What? No, ugly women should cover thier faces but expose thier b00bs at all times. That way, I won't care if they're ugly. The boobage makes up for it.