Could we be the reason for destruction?

I fucking hope so, most humans are little more than parasites.
Damn where's Enmos when you need someone to talk some sense? ;)

by that analogy then anything that lives is a parasite. so we would be left with a desolate rock and it would be meaningless anyway.

see a small flower grow, pull the parasite out by the roots. is that what you want? own daughter..she grew up around me watching it all her life and she still can't spell star
by that analogy then anything that lives is a parasite. so we would be left with a desolate rock and it would be meaningless anyway.

see a small flower grow, pull the parasite out by the roots. is that what you want?

That's why I redefined us as a virus, parasites leach, but unless something goes wrong they co-exist with their environment. Humans don't care about letting anything live, we fish the oceans clean, destroy trees without replanting nearly enough, and take any natural resource we can because it falls inside our countries borders, and if it doesn't then we'll kill for it.
I realise when it comes to survival we have to do some damage, but we could at least limit it to sustainable levels. Or just kill off humans, I'm not fussy. ;)
I realise when it comes to survival we have to do some damage, but we could at least limit it to sustainable levels. Or just kill off humans, I'm not fussy. ;)

designate a place on the globe (perhaps where there has always been fighting)
let the ppl who like to fight go there and fight..
designate a place on the globe (perhaps where there has always been fighting)
let the ppl who like to fight go there and fight..

Three places, and they could all engage in RollerBall tournaments:

Mecca, Jerusalem and the Vatican.
how would you rather go out? A bomb, H bomb, nuclear melt downs, or fusion explosion?
how would you rather go out? A bomb, H bomb, nuclear melt downs, or fusion explosion?

Do we have to necessarily choose among "explosions"? Are you close to other options such as nano-transformations or matrix type environments?
Do we have to necessarily choose among "explosions"? Are you close to other options such as nano-transformations or matrix type environments?

we finally conquer the mind and all its electrical impulses so that we can reproduce it onto a memory storage we can record our moments on earth,before we die it is saved to a central core where all the rest of humanity is recorded,so much so that the storage device has evolved a conscienceness of its own, directed by the combined thoughts of those ppl who were recorded..
in essence creating a matrix type enviroment....

hmm how to tie in nano-tech...oh yea...the storage device is the size the period on your keyboard..

now where did i put that?..
Progress is generally measured by the ability to kill large numbers of people so efficiently that you don't even need to be there or take a body count.

OR by the ability to save people through hospitals, medicine, doctors, treaties, and help.
how would you rather go out? A bomb, H bomb, nuclear melt downs, or fusion explosion?

Christa, the way nukes are built and the way nuclear reactors are built are totally different.

Its like comparing a helium balloon to a waterballoon, just cause they both use latex doesnt mean they both do the same thing.
I dont want to live forever! I think that once I cannot go to the bathroom alone, its time to take me outback for a nice picnic and then shoot me! haha
Originally Posted by christa
how would you rather go out? A bomb, H bomb, nuclear melt downs, or fusion explosion?
Christa, the way nukes are built and the way nuclear reactors are built are totally different.

Its like comparing a helium balloon to a waterballoon, just cause they both use latex doesnt mean they both do the same thing.

consider that the only choice is explosion or radiation..don't worry your not the only one who see's her blonde roots...:runaway:
Squirrel is watching a show on the science channel, its talking about how they have created a machine that could do fusion things.. and i get to thinking. If i remember right, awhile ago they said that there was a black hole near our universe right?

man reason for this thread...

Could we be the reason for our future self demise? With everything that we are doing could it all blow up? Maybe create a new black hole? Or would we explode to nothing and have a new would be created by "the big bang theory"? What is on the other side of the black hole? And dont give me this warped timed bullshit!! I am not listening to that crap!!! you have not been there, noone has ever been!!!

When the world ends it will just END. No explosions, black holes etc. :shrug: There is simply no way of knowing if the world will ever end, some say it will however the earth's been around for quite a few decades :p and nothing has happened. The only thing that ever happened to earth regarding explosions etc. is A) the creation and B) the collision with it's twin planet... LONG time ago.
The only thing that ever happened to earth regarding explosions etc. is A) the creation and B) the collision with it's twin planet... LONG time ago.

A) Earth was never created. It was formed as a planet around its sun. Nothing is created in this universe, this is not allowed.