could I be the NEW MESSIAH?

You are NOT the messiah. What makes you any different than all the other psychotics who believe they are the messiah?
How can you be if you think masturbation isn't a sin? I was hoping you'd elaborate. Who knows, I could be lusting for a married woman or just an unmarried one which is sin in my heart. So how can you say it isn't? Jesus would know the answer.
How can you be if you think masturbation isn't a sin?

Just out of curiosity, what exactly is wrong with masturbation?

I could be lusting for a married woman or just an unmarried one which is sin in my heart.

Why is lusting for a woman a sin? Surely given that it is a biological imperative, it is something that is supposed to happen?

Jesus would know the answer.

If jesus said lusting over a woman was a sin, jesus must have been gay.
messianic said:
What do you suggest? I'm trying everything possible, i think.

well... the messiah... must accomplish various things....
for this you need a plan of action.

i can provide you with those plans.... if not simply my own.
i can work with you towards developing a plan of action which suits you and your intentions.

contact me... if you are serious.

many people want to do things... but dont know how.
many people need to do things... but dont know how.

you.... obviously.. have alot of things to do... and you need to know how.

i can help.

SnakeLord said:
You need to put less dots, (.), in your posts but clearly don't know how. Email me and I'll help you.
thankyou.... its been a long time problem.... OCD maybe.
Just out of curiosity, what exactly is wrong with masturbation?

Because it is lust. Just because it's natural or 'biological imperative' doesn't make it right. Killing is natural so your point is invalid and so is killing/not caring for the weak, it's darwin's theory. It happens but it doesn't mean it's right because it does happen or always has. Any strong, impulsive emotions create strong impulsive actions which will almost likely create a regret or more. A man of God is not emotional because emotions are animalistic. To care for your young for your own selfish desire to carry on your genes is no better than an animal since even they do it. As I said, even animals have selfish emotions as we do but they don't have the reasoning skills as we do, for one, to judge what is right for all, not for ourselves. To be of God is to be reasonable and do things by what is right, not by emotion. Emotion is there to take care of the self, not necessarily others. So you must be careful to weigh your emotions with reasonings. This is just common sense. And of course Jesus was not gay. Your ignorance in speaking of a man you do not know is astonishing. But obviously this thread is lacking it's medication.
...and what would you say about helping people for the sole purposes of experiencing how wonderful it feels to help people and to avoid the feeling of guilt you'd get if you didn't? That's what human reasoning is: emotions, and what makes YOU feel better in the long run. Our emotions are just more complex than the emotions of other animals.
...and what would you say about helping people for the sole purposes of experiencing how wonderful it feels to help people and to avoid the feeling of guilt you'd get if you didn't? That's what human reasoning is: emotions, and what makes YOU feel better in the long run. Our emotions are just more complex than the emotions of other animals.

Excuse me, I mean our carnal emotions are for the self. That of sex, food, water, greed. Of course our emotions are more complex since our brain is one of the engines of our emotions. We also, as humans, use our reasoning to mentally jump out of our bodies and see how the other person feels. Of course we try to satisfy others as to satisfy ourselves. In it's heart, can be selfish to please our conscience and also to take care of one another as a wolf in a pack, because the wolf has better chances of survival with a pack. But it can also be selfless such as the moments when we reject our own feelings and try to understand and help others with no strings attached, which is rarely the case. A lot of the times it can be to gain a better reputation, look good in front of others, etc. Not because it is what is good for that person. My mistake is discussing this. As complex as emotions are, it's impossible to sum up in such a short time.
Because it is lust.

Well, that's debateable - but in either case what's wrong with lust exactly?

Killing is natural so your point is invalid and so is killing/not caring for the weak, it's darwin's theory.

And how many cows are getting "killed" every single day of the week and eaten? You would claim there's a problem with that?

From a human perspective there are wars - where killing is expected. No punishment is incurred for killing the enemy - it is seen as a human duty. In that instance very few regard killing as "wrong". Further to which, (and focus of much debate), we have euthanasia. Quite often you will see people asking to be able to kill their loved ones - and that is not "wrong", it is through care and love that these things are often done.

When you say "killing is natural", it seems you assume that means people should be killing each other left, right and center for no good reason. Even the biggest psycho's have reason/motive. We don't "naturally" kill, but we do have the ability to when we have reason to. It really is not the same thing as masturbation.

Any strong, impulsive emotions create strong impulsive actions which will almost likely create a regret or more.

Can't personally say I have ever regretted one act of sexual intercourse or masturbation. I guess I'll have to undertake a survey to see if anyone else actually has.

A man of God is not emotional because emotions are animalistic.

Total complete and utter nonsense. I suggest you spend a little time thinking over your statement and then when it finally dawns on you where you've gone wrong, kindly edit it.

To be of God is to be reasonable and do things by what is right, not by emotion.

And that decision is left to you? The biblical god does not say masturbation is wrong - so clearly you are making your own decision. Because that decision conflicts with others doesn't instantly make your decision right. It most likely just means you're a bit scared of your own penis.

And of course Jesus was not gay. Your ignorance in speaking of a man you do not know is astonishing.

And thus I return the sentiment. You do not know the man either, and thus can provide no justification for your statement or claim your ignorance is any less than mine. The only source any of us have to go by is the NT, and not once is there any implication that he has any feelings for women, but is seen telling men to 'eat his flesh'. Got a decent rebuttal?
messianic said:
What do you suggest? I'm trying everything possible, i think.

You can be anything you want to be.

If you want to be a/the next messiah, by all means, knock yourself out. You'll have as equal an opportunity to be one as any others have in the past. Whether it be an individual or a mob who follows your message doesn't really matter, for it is they who will acknowledge and establish your new messiahship.

Of course, any other religion that purports its own messiahs cannot deny or refute you as a messiah, since they themselves follow a messiah but cannot show in any way that the messiah they follow is any more or less credible than you.

It's a win-win situation for you. The fame, the money, the status... its there for the taking - go for it!

All hail the new messiah!
All the messiahs, including the first one, didn't know they were messiahs either. Until the faithful tell you that you are or turn you into one then you are just an ordinary person. Its up to you, shit or get off the pot, messiahships are not handed out everyday.
Well, that's debateable - but in either case what's wrong with lust exactly?

Again, why should I argue with this? It sounds like it came from a 3 year old. When you grow up, you'll learn.

Also, killing in almost any sense is wrong in the eyes of God. Maybe not yours, but Gods. For the protection of self, you may see it as right but for the protection of society and the world as a whole, kill all alternatives before you have to kill someone else in your own defense. And still, if you truly believe in the Bible, you will put others ahead of yourself and if they smite you, you should have no fear if you believe in a just God that will punish those that aren't punished on earth. Killing is for the unbelievers as you are.

Total complete and utter nonsense. I suggest you spend a little time thinking over your statement and then when it finally dawns on you where you've gone wrong, kindly edit it.

Again, like arguing with a 3 year old. When you grow up and aren't as emotional like a whiny, impulsive little 3 year old, you'll figure it out one of these days, maybe. You ever notice how the mentally immature are emotional. The mentally retarded for example. Or children. Need I go on for you to get my point?

And that decision is left to you? The biblical god does not say masturbation is wrong - so clearly you are making your own decision. Because that decision conflicts with others doesn't instantly make your decision right. It most likely just means you're a bit scared of your own penis.

Nothing I know of about it is spoken in the Bible, and again, I'm no expert. I just use my own common sense mostly. But that's why I posed the question, because it's not clearly stated in the Bible. Scared of my own penis? And again, like debating with a child.

You do not know the man either, and thus can provide no justification for your statement or claim your ignorance is any less than mine. The only source any of us have to go by is the NT, and not once is there any implication that he has any feelings for women, but is seen telling men to 'eat his flesh'. Got a decent rebuttal?

You don't expect to seriously debate whether Jesus was gay or not do you? So what's in it for you if you found out he was? You could finally let loose and know it's alright? So why don't you go and ask the messiah himself?
usp8riot said:
How can you be if you think masturbation isn't a sin? I was hoping you'd elaborate. Who knows, I could be lusting for a married woman or just an unmarried one which is sin in my heart. So how can you say it isn't? Jesus would know the answer.
As long as you are not lusting for a married woman it is not considered a sin. But we have to be careful so that the lust doesn't lead you wrong so that you are lead to sinful deeds.
messianic said:
Have suffered a psychotic episode in the years 2000-2002, which i think is the same experience jesus and every other REAL messiah experiences. I need help in pursuing this as i really want to be crowned the one and only messiah! :D
When Christ comes it will be like the light from the lightning which is visible simultaniously from coast to coast.

The problem is, when He comes, we will know.

There are of course exceptions, but that is the understanding I think most christians have (that have read that passage).

You are important.

If we leave that subject for a moment, just of curiousity, when you had that psychotic&/schizofrenic episode, what was it like?

When you drive a car, do you feel one with the car? (don't laugh, I do have a point with that question :) ). If you don't drive a car, replace it with a bike.

If you don't have a bike, replace it with rollerblades.

If you then .
As long as you are not lusting for a married woman it is not considered a sin. But we have to be careful so that the lust doesn't lead you wrong so that you are lead to sinful deeds.

So why is a sin to lust after a married woman? Because you are imagining having sex with her? So is it not a sin to have sex with a woman unmarried? So is it not a sin then to be lusting after a woman while you are unmarried to her? So needless to say, you are commiting a sin in your heart just as you do for a married woman.
Again, why should I argue with this?

Who would know? I perhaps assumed that you being on a discussion forum meant you would possibly feel like discussing issues. Of course we could go on to mention that being a forum where people are more scientifically minded generally, any claim you make should in all honesty be backed up by something a little more valid than your say so.

You have made several claims here. You started off saying masturbation is wrong, is a sin.. I asked you to state why, to which you then made an entirely new claim: "it is lust, (which is debateable in and of itself), and thus is a sin". I now ask you to back your latest claim up and you resort to petty attempt at insult instead. I'd say I was impressed, but I'm not.

When you're ready to actually be civil and mature about things let me know.

It sounds like it came from a 3 year old. When you grow up, you'll learn.

If it helps get an actual answer, then by all means pretend I am three years old. Can you now possibly answer the question or are you going to do your best to avoid it by attempting to throw petty insult at me instead?

While I will admit you 'believers' are certainly more 'spiritual' than us non-believers, if you're any indication, you certainly have less manners - and indeed seem to be getting a little emotional over a simple discussion.

Also, killing in almost any sense is wrong in the eyes of God.

I have found that hypocricy never ever works well. If you sit in front of your child and tell him not to smoke while you suck on a $100 Cuban cigar, your child will inevitably end up smoking. Even if your child doesn't end up smoking, he would undoubtedly look upon you as if you're a halfwit.

There is the issue with the biblical god. Not one being in the entirety of universal history has caused as many deaths as the biblical god. He slaughtered every single man, woman, child, animal and plant. Nobody can even come close. Being as that is a biblical fact, what good does it do if that very same being says "killing is wrong"? And then someone has an issue with Hitler killing a few million jews when their very own god killed every jew? Hypocricy never works well.

But what 'killing' are we talking about, and how can you compare killing to masturbation?

kill all alternatives before you have to kill someone else in your own defense.

I can go with that to an extent, but what has that got to do with spanking the monkey?

Killing is for the unbelievers as you are.

A very very bold statement. I wonder, can you back that up? Can you show that "killing" is something that is done by us 'unbelievers' and not by 'believers'? Can you show that 'unbelievers' have even caused close to the amount of deaths as believers have?

Right now your statement looks a little naive. I hereby give you the opportunity to validate your claim.

Again, like arguing with a 3 year old. When you grow up and aren't as emotional like a whiny, impulsive little 3 year old, you'll figure it out one of these days, maybe.

I would ask that you concentrate more on the actual issue and less on the person you're discussing with. Your feelings for me are completely irrelevant to the actual discussion. I have played these games a million times and can only say that if you really want to shock, or perhaps impress me, you must try harder.

You ever notice how the mentally immature are emotional. The mentally retarded for example. Or children. Need I go on for you to get my point?

Yes, please do go on. My profession allows me to meet and talk to all kinds of people with "mental" issues. From a professional standpoint, I see just as much 'emotion' in them as I do in any other human being, which certainly includes yourself. Indeed I could even point at the emotion given with your repetitive "3 year old" insults.

Of course, we could discuss this all day long - it's fine with me, but I would ask that you do the courtesy of supporting your original claim first - and then we can get onto other issues.

Nothing I know of about it is spoken in the Bible, and again, I'm no expert.

There you go then.

I just use my own common sense mostly.

A rather common way of saying; "I make it up as I go along". The sentiment 'I use my common sense', doesn't mean what it once did. But now, using that common sense of yours, kindly tell me what the problem is with masturbation.

Scared of my own penis?

Certainly. I could go into a professional analysis and explanation if you'd like me to.

You don't expect to seriously debate whether Jesus was gay or not do you?

Well, I have no issue with that. I am more than happy to discuss anything you would like to. Of course it would be nice if you could justify your original claims first.

So what's in it for you if you found out he was?

Nothing whatsoever. What does that change?

You could finally let loose and know it's alright?

My apologies, but if you hadn't gathered I am not a religious man. As such jesus sexuality would be of no consequence in my life. If I was gay I would be gay regardless to what jesus did or did not do or think.

So why don't you go and ask the messiah himself?

Most likely because, if he ever existed, he is now long dead - having long since rotted and fed the worms.
usp8riot said:
So why is a sin to lust after a married woman? Because you are imagining having sex with her? So is it not a sin to have sex with a woman unmarried? So is it not a sin then to be lusting after a woman while you are unmarried to her? So needless to say, you are commiting a sin in your heart just as you do for a married woman.
I feel lust sometimes, the reason why that isn't as bad as feeling lust for a married woman is because when you feel lust for a married woman you break her marriage in your heart.

In order not to feel as much lust (so that you don't burn with desire) it is good to marry, otherwise it may very well lead to bad deeds even though you consider yourself a upright person. Sometimes it is simple to come between two people, friendships can be lost, even the marriage can break. Be aware.

(I just guess you are not new to this jellousy business?)