could I be the NEW MESSIAH?


Registered Member
Have suffered a psychotic episode in the years 2000-2002, which i think is the same experience jesus and every other REAL messiah experiences. I need help in pursuing this as i really want to be crowned the one and only messiah! :D
I'm sure lots of people have psychotic episodes, I mean, you have napolean, ceasar, elvis, all in the psych ward. Maybe you should think about joining them.
No. Now go and take some medicine before you kill someone. The messiah will be born the messiah, not realise it after several years.
Psychotic episodes and spiritual revelations are different. Anyway, do you really want the job? I mean, most of them get killed.
Lil Light Foot said:
I'm sure lots of people have psychotic episodes, I mean, you have napolean, ceasar, elvis, all in the psych ward. Maybe you should think about joining them.
I HAVE joined them you nut! Anyway, i watch the religious documentaries on TV, and they all say that if jesus were around today, he'd be classified mentally ill-he did hear voices you know, and I'm only schizophrenic, which is the same thing. If you want to know what o look like go to the Times newspaper website and look up the article entitled "Skull and software create new face of Jesus".It is a good likeness to me. AND the day it was published(Mar 27 01) is the birthday of the bass player from my fave band(ASH) and his name is Mark HAMILton, Luke Skywalker. About 6 weeks after the image was published i was blinded by a flash of light, and when i regained my sight i said to my friend how funny it would be if there was a shooting star as well, and that second there were 5 in a line-King of Heaven? These two events were after i heard a voice in oct/nov 2000 one night in my bedroom which simply said "You are the new messiah". And there's even more, about 2 months after the flash i was thrown out of my dad's home into a flat which had a backdoor oppposite an ofrfice building with a strange sign above the door, a cross over a circle. Then I read a 1978 edition of the Mind in Action(called The Layman's Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis) by Dr E.Berne which has my illness in it. If you read the book through, from start to finish, and know your English vocabulary, i'm sure you'll agree that the case (of Cary Fayton) is that of the centennial messiah, which is what i am sure i am, so don't scoff.
Communist Hamster said:
No. Now go and take some medicine before you kill someone. The messiah will be born the messiah, not realise it after several years.
Read p195 to p210 of The Layman's Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis and say that again.
No, you've already admitted to suffering from schizophrenia. I persume you also realise that along with audio hallucinations (hearing voices) illusions of grandeur are also another symptom, which in your case means you think yourself to be the new messiah.
I am not a nut, I am a perfectly sane logical thinking person, you are the one who believes a few random occurances to mean that you are the new messiah. You need to up your medications.
Let's put you up on a cross and see if God comes to save you,

thats how we proved the other guy was'nt.
Jesus would be considered crazy only if you believe the mythology of Christianity. A careful study of all relevent documents reveals that he was intelligent, creative, and humorous.
That doesn't mean what you think it means. "Son of" in those times meant "of the same nature as", a metaphor for spiritual development. Anyone can be the son of God, even Mary Magdalene.
Lay off the drugs, messianic, they've messed up your mind. Besides, you dumb shit, I'm the real Messiah...
messianic said:
Have suffered a psychotic episode in the years 2000-2002, which i think is the same experience jesus and every other REAL messiah experiences. I need help in pursuing this as i really want to be crowned the one and only messiah! :D
A lot of people have this- it's a pschological problem called a "messiah complex". It is an indicator of mental insanity. Many had this exact problem- alexander III of macedon, jesus, adolf hitler, david koresh, charles manson, etc.
If I were you, I'd go seek serious help. Go to a psychiatrist, and get some medication.
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Hapsburg said:
A lot of people have this- it's a pschological problem called a "messiah complex". It is an indicator of mental insanity. Many had this exact problem- alexander III of macedon, adolf hitler, david koresh, charles manson, etc.
Why on earth even bother with discussing this topic? The man has obviously some kind of hunger for attention. There are probably millions who think they are the next messiah.