Cops on strings...

You have natural hatred so you have hard time seeing the value of what I am doing I know

Where did you pick up on that from what I've said in any of my posts? Just wondering for I don't think that I've ever shown any hate toward anything or anyone in anything I've said. I've disliked many things like the media, politicians and a few others but never hated any of them like you seem to think. As to what you are doing, well only you know about that more than I do and only hope all goes well.
One more of a gazillion threads on drug use / abuse, I know, but...

One of my friends (female) got busted. Busted for trafficking Oxycontin. Apparently she sold five (5) (yeah, count 'em, 5) pills to another "friend" who turned out to be a CI. (Confidential Informant, technically on the police "payroll") Six months ago. So what, right? Happens every day...

However, that's not my issue here, although I could go for days bitching about the underlying "Drug War", so much that it makes me puke.

My issue with this:
They waited almost six months, then came f*cking crashing through the windows of her third floor apartment on ropes. For real. She has three kids, which of course got scared to death and were promptly taken into Child Services custody.

Now, I understand that what she did is against the law of the land (USA), plus you can take whatever moral stance regarding this that you like.

My question is, why execute the warrant in this fashion?

I mean, it's not like she was squatting in a boarded up crack-house, likely to be surrounded by armed thugs. She is just your normal, average late thirties housewife type. The cops knew this. They had her under surveillance for 5-6 months. They knew they weren't busting some drug king-pin, just a low level user of prescribed medication. Yes, she occasionally sold some of her prescribed pills for extra money. This may be "wrong", but do we need the drama scene with vice cops literally swinging in through the windows armed with M-16's? Is that really necessary? Of course, as I said earlier, this traumatized her children - more than a little.

They did this in broad daylight, not even waiting for a time during which she was having a party or even entertaining a couple of guests - they might have found someone else with a joint or something on them had they timed their "Spiderman" arrivals a little better. As it is, they got jack - except what they already had on her from six months ago.

As she said afterwards to her boyfriend: "They could have just knocked on my door - the results would have been the same".

So really - what is the point? Training exercise, maybe? That is the only "logical" (and I use that word hesitantly) possibility that I can come up with. I guess we are determined to increase the percentage of people incarcerated for drug violations, so as to achieve / maintain our number one rating on the number of people behind bars for minor drug offenses.

And don't try to tell me that maybe she was involved more than I know - I ain't buying it, I know her too well. But if this defense makes your sleep less troubled, fine. Whatever works for you, but I know the extent of her involvement in the "underworld". Smoke some pot and occasionally sell some of her prescription for extra money. Period. Is all this Oorah necessary? How would you handle a situation like this, even assuming you are charged with upholding the law? A bit overboard, don't you think?




Dear lack-of-god...I gave someone some codeine for a severe injury earlier, am I a drug dealer now too?


Dear lack-of-god...I gave someone some codeine for a severe injury earlier, am I a drug dealer now too?

it depends on who you gave it to. if they're some pussy narc who's sucking up to the man to get out of their own shit, then yes, you are, and you can expect them to come busting your door down with masks on and guns drawn in about 6 mos.
you can expect them to come busting your door down with masks on and guns drawn in about 6 mos.

and when they do come a knockin' and do a search hoping to make a big bust, only end up with a dab of weed and a breath mint that they think is E...bunch of bloody freakin fools
and when they do come a knockin' and do a search hoping to make a big bust, only end up with a dab of weed and a breath mint that they think is E...bunch of bloody freakin fools


looking at that dumb bitch like this...:confused: + :rolleyes:, and saying "it's a breath mint" was one of the more satisfying moments of my life.

"i have a ride issue".


looking at that dumb bitch like this...:confused: + :rolleyes:, and saying "it's a breath mint" was one of the more satisfying moments of my life.

yeah, bunch of stupid idiots. Which I think they realized that in the end.

"i have a ride issue".


roflmao! I know I know! I told K that story and she laughed so hard about you saying that. I don't know if I ever told you or not but I ended up drinking a good bit of your tequila that night after you "left".

"Ma'am, you don't understand. You don't have a choice, you're coming with us"
One more of a gazillion threads on drug use / abuse, I know, but...

One of my friends (female) got busted. Busted for trafficking Oxycontin. Apparently she sold five (5) (yeah, count 'em, 5) pills to another "friend" who turned out to be a CI. (Confidential Informant, technically on the police "payroll") Six months ago. So what, right? Happens every day...

However, that's not my issue here, although I could go for days bitching about the underlying "Drug War", so much that it makes me puke.

My issue with this:
They waited almost six months, then came f*cking crashing through the windows of her third floor apartment on ropes. For real. She has three kids, which of course got scared to death and were promptly taken into Child Services custody.

Now, I understand that what she did is against the law of the land (USA), plus you can take whatever moral stance regarding this that you like.

My question is, why execute the warrant in this fashion?


Totally over the top, unbelievable crap

Reminds me of this post I made yesterday in the Leaving America thread

A father was dragged from his home and handcuffed in front of his children by a SWAT team looking for his estranged wife – to collect her unpaid student loans.

A stunned Kenneth Wright had his front door kicked in by the raiding party at 6 am yesterday before being dragged onto his front porch, handcuffed and led to a police car with his three children. He says he was then detained for six hours while officers looked for his wife – who no longer lives at the house.

Mr Wright was later told by Stockton police that the order to send in the SWAT team came from The U.S. Department of Education who were looking for his estranged wife to collect defaulted loan payments. Speaking to ABC News 10, a visibly shaken Mr Wright described what happened when he was woken by a banging on his front door...

And yeah, it made the UK news but not the US [and has currently disappeared from the daily mail website as well although I can still see it on Google search...for now]
it depends on who you gave it to. if they're some pussy narc who's sucking up to the man to get out of their own shit, then yes, you are, and you can expect them to come busting your door down with masks on and guns drawn in about 6 mos.

Are you talking about the E.P.A. . Oh no! you were not . I am . The E.P.A. busted some people fixing there house . Yeah someone posted them fixing up an old house on You Tube and wham o they got em for violating lead protocol. Careful if you repair or remodel your house . Don't put it on your Facebook . Getting dangerous . To many laws . Breathing is well on its way to being a crime with the new carbon dioxide ban. F--cking thought police too . They are real . You get a gun happy christian Cop with a John Wayne attitude and you convey the wrong sentiment and it will be Rodney King beating all over again except this time you might be a white Atheist computer geek with a suspicious package .
God's you people freak out alot, the only time I have seen STAR group in action I was on the other side of the fence. I was with the ambos when we were threatened by a Guy whielding a knife. When he came out of the house I was on the other side of the street trying to treat a women having a panic attack. I had no idea where he was when the ambos told me to run but he was commingle out of the house towards the ambulance and I had to run towards him to open the side door of the ambulance (which was facing him) to get in and get away. The cops there couldn't have shoot the guy. Insted the called STAR who used a dog to bring the Guy down safley and with as little harm to him, the people around or the cops as possible
Are you talking about the E.P.A. . Oh no! you were not . I am . The E.P.A. busted some people fixing there house . Yeah someone posted them fixing up an old house on You Tube and wham o they got em for violating lead protocol. Careful if you repair or remodel your house . Don't put it on your Facebook . Getting dangerous . To many laws .


If you are a homeowner performing renovation, repair, or painting work in your own home, EPA's RRP rule does not cover your project.

Now, if you are a CONTRACTOR, or fixing property that you RENT, then you have to comply with the EPA rule on Lead paint for pre 1978 housing.

EPA said:
beginning April 22, 2010, contractors performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978 must be certified and must follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination.

Of course it isn't that big of a deal:

EPA said:
Contractors must use lead-safe work practices and follow these three simple procedures:
Contain the work area.
Minimize dust.
Clean up thoroughly.

Because Lead was commonly used in paints before 1978 (makes it go on better in just one coat) but lead paint dust is not something we want in the environment, particularly around children, and simple procedures can minimize dust and exposure to lead while doing repairs.

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Totally over the top, unbelievable crap

Reminds me of this post I made yesterday in the Leaving America thread

You're right, your post was unbelievable crap.

First the Dept of Education does NOT have a SWAT team.

Second the Warrant was NOT over defaulted Student loans, it was a CRIMINAL investigation related to Fraud.

The Warrant was serverd by the Inspector General's dept, which does not have a SWAT team, they asked for and received 2 Stockton Police officers to accompany them when they served the warrant.

All they did was put him in the Stockton Squad Car while they executed the Search Warrant (it took a while as the Warrant is 47 pages long).

SAM said:
And yeah, it made the UK news but not the US [and has currently disappeared from the daily mail website as well although I can still see it on Google search...for now]

Quit LYING. It made the US news, as is obvious from a simple Google search.

The fact is it didn't stay in the news for long (and the story was quickly taken down from others) because the story, as initially reported, was FALSE.
It wasn't about Student Loans it was about FRAUD, there was no SWAT team involved and there is no evidence that he was mistreated by anyone.

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. . . . and has currently disappeared from the daily mail website . . . .
Well that was certainly a gigantic red flag, wasn't it? Did you follow up on this clue, saying to yourself, "Gosh, it's very unusual for a story in a major newspaper to completely vanish like that. The usual reason is that it turns out to be false and the newspaper does not want to propagate it. This is interesting, I'd better check it out."

Did you diligently follow through on this clue that was smacking you in the face? Did you seek out the truth, in the spirit of good scholarship?

No, of course you didn't. When you have a chance to bash America, the truth never gets in your way.

Student loans are never forgiven, but they're also not enforced very rigorously. They just keep adding interest charges, and when you die your executor can sort it out.

But of course you don't know that. You don't know doodley squat about our country but you insist on presenting yourself as an expert.

My question is, why execute the warrant in this fashion?

If they had her under surveillance for six months and if she is as minor a player as you claim, I can't imagine why they went through the motions of crashing her pad in such a fashion. Go figure. :shrug: