Cops on strings...

One more of a gazillion threads on drug use / abuse, I know, but...

One of my friends (female) got busted. Busted for trafficking Oxycontin. Apparently she sold five (5) (yeah, count 'em, 5) pills to another "friend" who turned out to be a CI. (Confidential Informant, technically on the police "payroll") Six months ago. So what, right? Happens every day...

However, that's not my issue here, although I could go for days bitching about the underlying "Drug War", so much that it makes me puke.

My issue with this:
They waited almost six months, then came f*cking crashing through the windows of her third floor apartment on ropes. For real. She has three kids, which of course got scared to death and were promptly taken into Child Services custody.

Now, I understand that what she did is against the law of the land (USA), plus you can take whatever moral stance regarding this that you like.

My question is, why execute the warrant in this fashion?

I mean, it's not like she was squatting in a boarded up crack-house, likely to be surrounded by armed thugs. She is just your normal, average late thirties housewife type. The cops knew this. They had her under surveillance for 5-6 months. They knew they weren't busting some drug king-pin, just a low level user of prescribed medication. Yes, she occasionally sold some of her prescribed pills for extra money. This may be "wrong", but do we need the drama scene with vice cops literally swinging in through the windows armed with M-16's? Is that really necessary? Of course, as I said earlier, this traumatized her children - more than a little.

They did this in broad daylight, not even waiting for a time during which she was having a party or even entertaining a couple of guests - they might have found someone else with a joint or something on them had they timed their "Spiderman" arrivals a little better. As it is, they got jack - except what they already had on her from six months ago.

As she said afterwards to her boyfriend: "They could have just knocked on my door - the results would have been the same".

So really - what is the point? Training exercise, maybe? That is the only "logical" (and I use that word hesitantly) possibility that I can come up with. I guess we are determined to increase the percentage of people incarcerated for drug violations, so as to achieve / maintain our number one rating on the number of people behind bars for minor drug offenses.

And don't try to tell me that maybe she was involved more than I know - I ain't buying it, I know her too well. But if this defense makes your sleep less troubled, fine. Whatever works for you, but I know the extent of her involvement in the "underworld". Smoke some pot and occasionally sell some of her prescription for extra money. Period. Is all this Oorah necessary? How would you handle a situation like this, even assuming you are charged with upholding the law? A bit overboard, don't you think?


um, perhaps you didn't realize this but, cops are stupid. not just a little stupid, but really, really stupid. as a matter of fact it's a prerequisite for the job. if you score too high on the exam, you're out. i would also speculate that it would take an unsavory bully-type personality (disorder) to even want to be a cop. :shrug:
um, perhaps you didn't realize this but, cops are stupid. not just a little stupid, but really, really stupid. as a matter of fact it's a prerequisite for the job.

Some states have police that are required to be college educated to get the job and many go to college while they are cops because many promotion require it...afaik. and also quite a few become lawyers. Then again many are young when they start out so it is a trade off. As far as i am concerned, college should really be geared toward law. Tradeoff sometimes is in big cities the cops are more street oriented.

if you score too high on the exam, you're out.


i would also speculate that it would take an unsavory bully-type personality (disorder) to even want to be a cop.

That is exactly what they are not looking for.

I am not and never was a cop, btw.

I cant comment on the op either because it is just here-say. We dont know this person or what they were doing.
Police recently killed on the job in just South Florida:

Jan. 20, 2011
2 Miami-Dade officers were killed while trying to serve a warrant on a violent fugitive.

Jan. 8, 2008
Miami detective James Walker killed in a firefight in North Miami Beach.

Nov. 7, 2007
Broward Sheriff’s Deputy Paul Rein, 76, gunned down Nov. 7 while transporting inmate in a van from the north jail to court in Fort Lauderdale.

Sept. 13, 2007
Miami-Dade police officer Jose Somohano gunned down by a suspect during a traffic stop.

Aug. 10, 2007
Broward Sheriff’s Deputy Chris Reyka is shot to death while investigating a suspicious vehicle.

Nov. 11, 2006
Broward Sheriff’s Deputy Brian Tephford is shot to death during a traffic stop.

Aug. 19, 2004
Broward Sheriff’s Deputy Todd Michael Fatta is shot in the chest by a suspect during a house raid.

April 6, 2003:
Broward Sheriff’s Deputy Philip Billings is shot in the head while performing his first security detail.

Note that a lot of these killings of police officers involved crimes with a LOT less jail time on the line than for someone dealing in Oxycodone which in Florida, for just 4 to 14 grams, the Minimum sentence is 3 years and a $50,000 fine and the police know that the response is often proportionate to the severity of the crime.

Finally, if you don't deal drugs to start with then your chances of getting busted in the middle of the night by a SWAT team become MUCH less likely.

Arthur brings up a valid point . I support Cops cause they do put there lives on the line to maintain peace and order . A good part of cops do have cowboy instincts though like Fraggle said . You would have to if you ask Me . A six sense might keep you safe when a criminal decides to blow a cop away . It might not be the norm , but if would not take to many times for a person to become trigger happy . I am glad we have people that will step up and be cops . As this post testifies it is a thankless job and why anybody would is beyond me . I could not do it . I cut them some slack because of it .

Now the O.P. Those fuck trigger happy cops being wild ass cowboys fuck it up for the truly good cops and I have known many so I think there is a few more than the 35 to 38 that Fraggle mentioned . I would say there are more good cops than bad cops . Leadership of the cops in the trenches plays a big roll also . If you got fucked up leadership then you can expect a higher rate of fucked up troops for the troops follow the directive of leadership . Except for some of the real cowboys like Me , Except I am not a cop , just a cowboy living the American Dream in Montana
"I not cop but i pway one on intentent."


"dang just got this dang speeder, now what?"

"i hate mailmen, they always shooting peeprspray into my viscoius mental case rottweillers eyes"
I thought you were working in Haiti to rebuild their homes there? :shrug:
I am . It is a slow process . I am not Haiti yet and when I do go it will be short time cause the Haitians are going to build there own country . I am an AdVISER . I create methodology . The Haitians are the builders . I will make several short time trips to help keep the Haitians focused, but out side of that Haitians will run Haiti not some dill weed white Carpenter that knows very little about the Haitian culture. I am giving them the tools to be the leaders of there own community so the blood sucking N.G.O.s don't use up all the money for administration. I am not going to Haiti to pound fucking Nails . You can if you want . We will need a few Americans to give examples of how carpenters are asses and elbows . A few good Men . It is all about empowerment . The Haitian is about to be empowered bro . You have natural hatred so you have hard time seeing the value of what I am doing I know . You also have a lack of faith. I my self am not saddled with doubt so that helps me to achieve the objective . Funny that new President is a lot like me from what I hear . I sent E-mails long ago and in them I ask the Haitians to consider electing one of there Folk Heroes. You think I was surprised when they did . Fucking a right I was . So I don't mean to be harsh cause I do like you and can relate to all your posts , for I do come from the same ore as you . Consider this " Haitians" are not stupid people . Haitians are made Victims by modern society . Just like women have been for the last 5,000 years maybe more . There not going to take it anymore and it is very evident by the response I have gotten from the Haitian populace. You would not believe it . The instruction I passed onto the Haitians on how to take control of there own Country that they spread through there churches . Well Shit billy Bob they are the same exact instructions I am getting to comply to the rebuilding efforts in Haiti . Like Looking in fucking mirror . My Partner and leader Gary is flabbergasted cause send him e-mails on how to tailor the Wood for Haiti plan. He has doubt about what I say at first is the funny thing then he gets up dates from the Groups setting policy that mirror my words to Him . Is that kick in the pants or what . I neglected to tell Gary I had already instructed the Haitians and they took my word to heart . Gary thinks it is providence or I see the Future . That is why they Keep me in the Group .
I probably won't go to Haiti until Sept. The First Step is a Government Official is coming Here to Missoula in mid July to give use the rest of the program . One thing that is hard to understand about Planning . It is on a different time scale than common folk . What I mean is planners don't think in terms of pick up hammer pound nail like you . It was a hard lesson to learn . I only learned it about 5 years ago . Very Hard lesson cause you don't have immediate returns on the time investment . The goal has to stay focused cause it can fall apart at any time . That is where orchestration comes into play . You can get a sense of this by your handy man jobs . Seeing a project to it's end . Now consider the bigger the job more the planning it takes . You know to well there are major hurdles to lift Haiti out of the dull drums of devastation before and after the earthquake. It could have gone like it has so many times in the past were the money is pissed away by self interest of power structures . I don't think so this time around . To many people like me in high places becoming aware of the lack of dignity afforded the third world countries as we typically come in like invaders disrupting there natural cultural heritage .
Some states have police that are required to be college educated to get the job and many go to college while they are cops because many promotion require it...afaik. and also quite a few become lawyers. Then again many are young when they start out so it is a trade off. As far as i am concerned, college should really be geared toward law. Tradeoff sometimes is in big cities the cops are more street oriented.


That is exactly what they are not looking for.

I am not and never was a cop, btw.

I cant comment on the op either because it is just here-say. We dont know this person or what they were doing.

you may not be a cop but have you ever met one?

i've unfortunately met more than a few, and the vast majority have been dumb, obnoxious, corrupt thugs.

do you really think that the higher ups want a bunch of intellectuals on the force asking questions like, "does what i'm doing here really make sense?" uh, no.
you may not be a cop but have you ever met one?

Of course i have met cops.:bugeye:

My father was a forensic scientist too.

i've unfortunately met more than a few, and the vast majority have been dumb, obnoxious, corrupt thugs.

Did you ever go to a store and give the clerk an attitude? You are showing the worst side of yourself.
Of course i have met cops.:bugeye:

My father was a forensic scientist too.

Did you ever go to a store and give the clerk an attitude? You are showing the worst side of yourself.

No. Why would I do that? Lol
Wow. This thread is back more than a year later...

If anyone is interested, a followup:

The courts restored some sanity to the OP situation, my friend ended up with five years probation and one hundred twenty hours of community service. Plus drug rehabilitation (???) counseling, court costs, etc. She has her children back as well. Now she's just having a problem making ends meet since it's very hard to get a job without a driver's license.

Being it was her first offense and all, and they could prove no "conspiracy".

So I guess that the armed Gestapo raid was justified in the end, eh?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Note: Yes, they take away your driver's license for virtually every crime here in the U.S., including drug charges and (for example) failure to pay child support.

Tell me, how is one supposed to "reform" if you can't get to work and you're saddled with probationary terms that include the requirement of having a job? Or, for that matter, pay back child support if you don't have a driver's license and thus cannot find gainful employment?

As to the criticism regarding cops implied "dishonesty" as individuals, I'm sure there are many in the U.S. with good character. However, our system is set up in such a way that they go ape-shit about anything involving drugs. Which is often total bullshit as far as the actual "user" goes...
However, our system is set up in such a way that they go ape-shit about anything involving drugs. Which is often total bullshit as far as the actual "user" goes...

Which seems to be the case all over. you dont want to get busted in south america. Jail in Peru can be a little rough.
You might if the clerk was giving you a ticket.

How about parking enforcement?

Do you curse the enfrocemnte agent for writing you a parking ticket?

No. I'm not even talking about laws and whether I agree with them. I'm talking about the mentality, personality, and intellect of most police officers I've had the displeasure of meeting.
No. I'm not even talking about laws and whether I agree with them. I'm talking about the mentality, personality, and intellect of most police officers I've had the displeasure of meeting.

You may have had some personality conflicts. Not hard to imagine that can be true of anyone.

I am just curious about that parking enforcement question.

You see a parking enforcement agent leaving a ticket on your car...seems to me you would curse that person out...You knew the rules when you parked there and that is there job. You dont like not finding a place to park because people leave their cars there all day.
Tell me, how is one supposed to "reform" if you can't get to work and you're saddled with probationary terms that include the requirement of having a job? Or, for that matter, pay back child support if you don't have a driver's license and thus cannot find gainful employment?

If you can't stand the time, then maybe you shouldn't do the crime?

“Originally Posted by Randwolf
Tell me, how is one supposed to "reform" if you can't get to work and you're saddled with probationary terms that include the requirement of having a job? Or, for that matter, pay back child support if you don't have a driver's license and thus cannot find gainful employment?”
If you can't stand the time, then maybe you shouldn't do the crime?

My, Arthur. Your lack of comprehension is really showing here.

It's not about "doing time" - this issue is raised to show the inherent contradiction in a judicial system that imposes penalties which simultaneously demand monetary recompense whilst decreasing the ability to do so.

Or perhaps it's just your desire to live in a police state where every governmental action, no matter how absurd, is correct and righteous just because "they" say it is, hmmm? North Korea would welcome you...
You may have had some personality conflicts. Not hard to imagine that can be true of anyone.

I am just curious about that parking enforcement question.

You see a parking enforcement agent leaving a ticket on your car...seems to me you would curse that person out...You knew the rules when you parked there and that is there job. You dont like not finding a place to park because people leave their cars there all day.

No. The only time I've gotten a parking ticket I anticipated it but parked there anyway.
My, Arthur. Your lack of comprehension is really showing here.

It's not about "doing time" - this issue is raised to show the inherent contradiction in a judicial system that imposes penalties which simultaneously demand monetary recompense whilst decreasing the ability to do so.

Even with DWI they take your driving privileges away except if you need to support yourself with a car, many people dont and can take mass transportation.

Your friend has a chance with rehab.
My, Arthur. Your lack of comprehension is really showing here.

It's not about "doing time" - this issue is raised to show the inherent contradiction in a judicial system that imposes penalties which simultaneously demand monetary recompense whilst decreasing the ability to do so.

Or perhaps it's just your desire to live in a police state where every governmental action, no matter how absurd, is correct and righteous just because "they" say it is, hmmm? North Korea would welcome you...

My comprehension is just fine.

The "doing time" reference is to the fact that if you can't handle the penalty for breaking the law then maybe you shouldn't break it to begin with. She's awful lucky she didn't have to do much jail time. But the penalty was easy to find out before she ever did the crime, so your reference to North Korea falls flat. She knew the risk and took it anyway.

Do you really think this woman is AHEAD financially based on the little money she made selling this powerful prescription narcotic like it was friggin candy?

Of course she isn't.

Fighting a charge like this is expensive to start with and then the aftermath, the lack of trust by society in general, is debilitating.

It will take years for her to get back to where she was before this started.

Randwolf said:
Remember, this was about extra money

Was the little money she made dealing these narcotics worth it?
