
You don't get STDs from sleeping with random people. You get it from 1 person who has it. And they could get it from 1 person.
Why do people attach morality to a disease or infection?

yes and if you didnt sleep with that person you would not have got it would you. i sleep with people who are clean and checked out. me and my wife did not sleep with each other for i think half a year after first meeting. we both knew we were clean before sleeping together also.

have either of us ever had an STD? no ofcourse not, because we dont go around sleeping with people who are not checked out and clean.

All I can say is the shot sucks... spoken from personal experience. (x_x)

I would opt for the pill or patch. I think I experienced every possible adverse side effect from the shot, but that's pretty rare. If you're not very good at remembering to take your morning medicines, the shot or the patch would probably be your best bet IMO.
Well a little help to the ladies i guess?

Lacation requires some attention, care for ones own body, simular to combing your hair, a daily practice. A alternating cycle of lactation is probally best, when not lactating/milking the breast a feamle should rest from daily sex, increaseing sexual activity when they increase lactation. the reason for this alternating cycle is because the female body makes a adjustment in some cases and will begin ovation while lacating, the alternation of time period of lactation and nonlactation, clears the chemical balance(amount of hormones) allowing for a normal and unconfused chemical signal from the body to other parts of the body.

Lactating... as someone who has lactated, I have to say it isn't simple and easily managed. I'm not anti-breast milk, I fed my daughter for six months, but I really can't agree that it's a good birth control method. You don't just lactate twice or three times a day, it's a constant process which can be painful if not relieved. If you pump, you have to do it four or five times a day and at once or twice at night- at least. It may be different if you're not maintaining a supply for a baby, but if not properly stimulated, milk flow will dry up. I suppose if you used hormonal supplements to induce lactation you could get a way with pumping less... but still, there are MANY irritating things about lactating that I'm sure no one here wants to here about. Personally, I'd much rather take the pill.

Also, my OB/GYN specifically said that even if I breast fed it was still possible for me to get pregnant shortly after giving birth. Are you sure that lactating fully prevents ovulation?
Good day all. I have a few questions regarding two birth control methods.

The pill.
How long does it take to reach full effectiveness,
assuming the schedule and strength is regular and constant?
Assuming that you are taking it appropriately and not with any medicines that lessen it's effectiveness, expect the pill to take 1 month to be fully effective.

Condoms. I know it varies by brand,
but are there materials prone to malfunction,
or is it usually just user error?
Most people don't know how to use a condom appropriately. The most effective condom is the male Latex condom, assuming that you don't have a latex allergy that is the one you should use (trust me, using it with an allergy can be very painful). Also, always use foam spermicide with the condom to increase it's effectiveness.

I realize that these forums are trying to steer away from such blatant questions,
but I would gladly consider any helpful advice you might offer.

Go to for more information regarding contraception.
Orleander;1520727 How long does it take to get test results back? Can't you just wear a condom til then?[/QUOTE said:
it depends who is testing you, but i would rather wait and be safe rather than possibly die just from sex. is waiting a little while worth your life?, also condoms dont stop STDs or aids all of the time, i know somebody who contracted 2 different STDs and he was wearing a condom.

but my whole point is this, would anybody here actualy have sex with somebody while wearing a condom, if you know your sexual partner has full blown aids?. because as far as im concerned to me everybody has aids until proven otherwise. because i wouldent have sex with somebody who has aids if i wore a condom. so why would i sleep with somebody who is not checked out with a condom?. they could have aids as far as you know.

Well according to the studies conducted by the US Department of Education, subject studies of antrhopology, the research conducted found that lactation/ breast milking prevented the occurance of pregancy in indigenous people on various contients for as long as four years. this macthed the period of time of which infants where breast feed our allowed by the female to nurse from the breast. this period of time was also found to be the time frame nessacary for the development of the infant brain, infants that where breast fed for four years had large brains and more developed brains that infants who where breast fed for shorter time frames.
The birth rate matched that of the cycle for breast feeding meaning the reoccurance or pregancy would happen approximatly four years after the first preagancy. The over all inturpitation is that lactation/breast milking occuring regularly does prevent pregancy and ovation.
The furthur evidence of halting ovulation is shown in the the age at infertility and menopause. women with a higher rate of birth show a longer period of fertility in later years, the oldest women was 89 years old having given birth to 101 children in her life time.

One reason for the event pregancy during lactation is a irregualr pattern in breast milking, periods of time where females are doing something else for several weeks causing a change in chemical hormone production. This same event will occur with the use of chemical birth control, if a female is to busy or does not remember to take the pill the occurance of a pregancy may be a result if she is sexually active. The difference of choseing chemical or lacation is the the adverse effects, chemicals may and have caused cancer in females, some of the chemical products do carry a warning of such adverse effects on female biology. we will not find those same problems with lactation,a adolesecent women should exspect to have the exsperince of becoming a adult female in the development of lactation, first off it is natural and the natural course she would have without social implication of chemicals.
A additional reason for reoccurrance of pregnancy in women who lactate is a event of the cervical web, a small membrane that is broken at the time of birth. in the months following pregancy this cevrical web sometimes does not regrow and the women is more subceptable to pregancy as the sperm cells have a great chance of reaching the uterus.
in some cases the cervical web over grows and the opening to the uterus is closed and the female will not be able to get pregnant a second time. termed in indgeinous society as barren/ unable to give birth. When the cervics overgrows it requires surgery to reopen the access to the uterus. In most cases the cervics regrows as it should in serval months.

Weither lactation works or not is up to the female to have a regular pattern to maintaining her body and lactation, the same will exsit for chemical birth controll.

Whether it works or not, I don't think its practical for women with full time jobs and/or college. Try lactating yourself for a little while, it isn't a trivial thing when you've got a lot on your plate.
Whether it works or not, I don't think its practical for women with full time jobs and/or college. Try lactating yourself for a little while, it isn't a trivial thing when you've got a lot on your plate.


You know, men can lactate and actually breastfeed their children?

Anyway, the whole breast feeding so you don't have another kid thing suppositely only works for the first 6 months. People who are breast feeding do get pregnant, it's common in many cultures to breast feed until your child is 4 or 5 years old. Breastfeeding is a great way of nourishing your child, but I've never heard of someone using it as a form of birth control. Birth control pills would be SO much easier...
You don't get STDs from sleeping with random people. You get it from 1 person who has it. And they could get it from 1 person.
Why do people attach morality to a disease or infection?
When you're playing Russian Roulette, it's just that one chamber that has the bullet in it. But the more times you pull the trigger, the higher the chance you'll get a bullet in the head.

When you have sex with random people, it's just pulling the trigger one more time.
You know, men can lactate and actually breastfeed their children?

Yeah, I tried to convince my husband that he should breast feed our daughter but we wasn't really into the idea :shrug:

I've never stopped breast feeding, I'll continue until women tell me to stop.


I'm glad you can handle the hormone injections but you really might want to stop once they get teeth :p
Well i think that it does work, given the evidence and i think it is safer for females than chemical birth control.
If it is practical in the daily life of a busy city and such social enviroment i guess depends on the type of life that the female lives, but it should be no more complicating that daily grooming. it does not take long to empty the breast of its milks, the normal daily out put of a milking female would be about a pint a day, occuring after about 6 months of development.
itr seems as well that vaginal seceation may increase during lactation, which is a added benefit if the female is sexually active, as the increased vaginal secreations have a designed ph activity that kills many dieases and viruses, for example the HIV virus would be killed by the secreations of the vagina as the viruse can not live in the ph activity of the secreations. so in such case this would be the added protection that many females would be concerned with namely HIV.

So it seems that breast milking/Lactations has many benefits that chemical just don't offer.

young women that have never had a child/ never given birth, have a cervical web that is intact or unbroken and so lactation as a addition to that intact cervical web looks like a real good natural way for young women to protect against pregancy and prepare and develope for the time in which they have a child being more capable to feed their young with a higher quality breast milk after development. as protect themselves from dieases that they may come into contact with in exsperminetal sex, or casual sex for enjoyment.

There are other natural ways that exist to the human body besides lactation to prevent pregnacy.

How would a virgin begin lactation without chemical injections I wonder. And if she is going to have chemical injections, why not just bypass the pain of lactation and just take birth control?

Really, you don't get it. Lactating is NOT as easy as "daily grooming" Until you yourself have lactated please do not make assumptions as to its affect on the body.

1. If you do not pump every few hours (say if your at a JOB and you can't take time off etc...) your breasts become painfully engorged and you leak... I've ruined many tops this way.

2. Starting lactation is painful. It hurts, a lot.

3. Pumping by hand is not practical, it takes time that working women do not have. I had to buy an electric breast pump that cost well over 300$ to keep up my supply for my daughter. Hand pumps cost much less (between 15 and 60$) but take three times as long to extract the same amount of milk. If you do not maintain a certain level of milk production, you will cease to lactate.

Myself, my sister and five of my friends have all experienced these symptoms. I don't know a single woman who breastfed who didn't experience these issues.

I didn't mind any of this when I was breastfeeding my daughter because I knew I was giving her the best start in life I could offer. But WHY would anyone go through this hassle when they could take the pill is utterly beyond me. Honestly, its hard enough to be a breastfeeding mother in modern society, but I can't imagine trying to explain to my boss that I need to go pump my breasts, not because I need to feed my baby, but because I've opted to use an impractical form of birth control.

Really, it may work for women that stay at home, but there is NO working woman on earth that would choose this route over more traditional methods. As a woman, I can tell you that if my OB/GYN suggested this method of birth control I would have left and promptly made an appointment elsewhere. If you want to see what I mean, try getting injections so you can lactate yourself for a few months. If you still think its a good form of birth control, I'll buy you dinner (^_^)
How would a virgin begin lactation without chemical injections I wonder. And if she is going to have chemical injections, why not just bypass the pain of lactation and just take birth control?...

2. Starting lactation is painful. It hurts, a lot. ...

Very good point. :bravo: How can any woman begin lactating without the hormones? Well Dwayne???

And I made it through delivery just fine. When my milk came in I was in tears begging for pain meds. Nobody tells you how painful it is.
And I never pumped. My boobs just got on a schedule and produced accordingly.
I had to buy a really expensive Medella pump because I was working in the lab full time and taking classes. I think it was 250$ for the pump and disposable kit and then another fifty for all the extra bottles etc... I tried a hand pump at first but it took forever just to get a few ounces. I needed something that would get the job done in the time it takes an agarose gel to dry LOL It was expensive, but totally worth it.

Once the milk came in, it didn't hurt unless I forgot to pump... ouch! At least my husband liked me having model sized boobs for a while (^_^) I don't want to give anyone the impression that breast feeding is such a pain they should just skip it and give formula, it's totally worth it for feeding a baby... just not as birth control when there are other methods available.