

Registered Senior Member
Good day all. I have a few questions regarding two birth control methods.

The pill.
How long does it take to reach full effectiveness,
assuming the schedule and strength is regular and constant?

Condoms. I know it varies by brand,
but are there materials prone to malfunction,
or is it usually just user error?

I realize that these forums are trying to steer away from such blatant questions,
but I would gladly consider any helpful advice you might offer.
Pills can be rendered ineffective when taken with some medications. My brother has a daughter to prove it. I don't know how long til effective, but they tell you to use back up for about a month. When trying to have my son, I got pregnant 2 weeks after going off the pill (after 6 yrs of use).
I'm not patient enough for condoms, but when I have used them, I like the natural ones, not the latex.

My favorite birth control was the Today sponge. Its what I used when nursing.
Norplant is a form of birth control developed by the Population Council that was first approved in 1983 in Finland, where it was manufactured by Leiras Oy Pharmaceuticals. The original Norplant consisted of a set of six small (2.4 mm x 34 mm) silicone capsules, each filled with 36 mg of levonorgestrel (a progestin used in many birth control pills) implanted subdermally in the upper arm and effective for five years.[1] The original (6 capsule) Norplant's production has been phased out; USAID's contract ran until December 2006.[2]

The original (6 capsule) Norplant was approved by the FDA in 1990 and marketed in the United States in 1991 by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. Norplant distribution in the United States ended in 2002; limited supplies still remained in the U.S. until 2004. Norplant was withdrawn from the UK market in 1999.[3]

Norplant II (Norplant-2, Jadelle), also developed by the Population Council and manufactured by Schering Oy, consists of two small (2.5 mm x 43 mm) silicone rods each containing 75 mg of levonorgestrel in a polymer matrix, instead of six capsules. It was approved May 31, 1996 by the FDA as being effective for 3 years; it was subsequently approved November 22, 2002 by the FDA as being effective for 5 years. Jadelle has not been marketed in the United States;[4] Jadelle is the successor to the original Norplant in USAID's contract beginning January 2007.[5]

If a condom breaks during sexual intercourse, then pull out quickly and replace the condom. Whilst you are having sex, check the condom from time to time, to make sure it hasn't split or slipped off. If the condom has broken and you feel that semen has come out of the condom during sex, you should consider getting emergency contraception such as the morning after pill.
They are saying that if it breaks before ejaculation occurs, not after.

I can't imagine stopping every now and again to see if its still intact. Then noticing its broken. Then waiting to get a new one. Then waiting for the new one to be put on.
The moment is long gone. He's on his own.
using a condom is bad, you pay money to take the feeling out of sex, smart move. even those ultra thin feather bullshit ones take the feeling away. screw condoms, if you think that somebody might have aids or an STD then dont sleep with them.

using a condom is bad, you pay money to take the feeling out of sex, smart move. even those ultra thin feather bullshit ones take the feeling away. screw condoms, if you think that somebody might have aids or an STD then dont sleep with them.


The problem is that you never know who has what and you can DIE from screwing the wrong person today. A condom is better than nothing and if I were a woman I would be damn sure the man had one on not only for diseases but for birth control as well.
The problem is that you never know who has what and you can DIE from screwing the wrong person today. A condom is better than nothing and if I were a woman I would be damn sure the man had one on not only for diseases but for birth control as well.

but they take away all the feeling, its just not real sex with a condom on. if people are worried about dying from screwing random people. maybe they should think twice about sleeping with them. if you knew somebody did have aids, would you put a condom on and have sex with them still?

but they take away all the feeling, its just not real sex with a condom on. if people are worried about dying from screwing random people. maybe they should think twice about sleeping with them. if you knew somebody did have aids, would you put a condom on and have sex with them still?


That is another reason I haven't been dating in the past 30 years much. I am very concerned about my health and well being and also who ever I might sleep with. I can have AIDS but not manifest the condition for years while passing along the virus to others unknowingly. I wouldn't have sex with a known carrier of AIDS.
Well a little help to the ladies i guess?

There is one thing that is completely natural that prevents pregancy, that would be lactation. Women who produce milk from the breast ( the mark of a adult women) can controll their ovation, as the secreation of breast milk changes the chemical balance in the female endoctorine system preventing the release of eggs(ovum). their are other benefits from lactation such as prolonged fertility in later life. a attractive benefit as women who are in their older years go through menapause, and lose seed becomeing unable to bear children. (menapause is considered to be uncomfortable) women who lactate may not have such a exsperince and may remain fertile well after the time of menapause for other women who don't lactate. lactation results in the preservation of ovums ect... lacation also has been known to stop the menstration cycle so there is no more monthly period. and so a little more ease exist. lactation also allows a female to develope her breast for the time in the future when she has a newborn who is reliant upon a mother breast milk. practice makes perfect something to consider as some women have a difficult time breast feeding and may have to rely on baby formula(powdered milk) or another women to breast feed her infant.
Certainly the practice of lactation also allows the female something to offer her male as well for nurshiment when there is not a child, a very good change from cows milk. that he might drink.

The subject being about prevention of pregancy, lactation offers a alternative to other chemicals that in some cases have caused cancer and other probelms in female biology.
Lacation requires some attention, care for ones own body, simular to combing your hair, a daily practice. A alternating cycle of lactation is probally best, when not lactating/milking the breast a feamle should rest from daily sex, increaseing sexual activity when they increase lactation. the reason for this alternating cycle is because the female body makes a adjustment in some cases and will begin ovation while lacating, the alternation of time period of lactation and nonlactation, clears the chemical balance(amount of hormones) allowing for a normal and unconfused chemical signal from the body to other parts of the body.
A women that lactates/ has milk flowing from her breast can prevent pregancy for several years before the chemical signal become confused. but some women are not regular ectra and the confusion will occur.
Mostly it is a female adjustment from adolescence to adult womand, but also it is a social thing as well, in some cultures it is widly accepted, the drinking of human female bbreast milk, in some, mostly industrial cultrues people have no understanding of humans as indigenoous and so look down on breast milking, some women i think are jealous of others who actually have the ablity to produce quality breast milk and so cast a negative image on women who milk their breast.
breast milk can also be sold on the market so their are other benefits.

It takers a adolesecent female abotu 6 months to develope her breast in to producing quality breast milk (about a pint) and it takes abotu 3 to 4 weeks to start the milk flowing some even faster.

Their are a few more other means of controlling nature in a natural way besides lacation, and chemicals.
What an utterly moronic statement. :bugeye:

In fact, given the horredous problem that HIV poses in some parts of the world, advice like that is downright dangerous. :(

I stated the exact same thing and it's my opinion because it's my life, not yours to justify what's right or wrong for me or anyone to do.
but they take away all the feeling, its just not real sex with a condom on.
Apparently it's not that way for everybody. I used them for a couple of years and thought the difference in feeling was insignificant. The interruption of having to stop and put one on was a bigger bummer. That was a long time ago when "skins" were popular. Since they are actually made of animal tissue they don't do anything about disease transmission and therefore aren't in vogue today.
Well a little help to the ladies i guess?

There is one thing that is completely natural that prevents pregancy, that would be lactation.

Lactation as contraceptive is highly unpredictable. And I wouldn't recommend it as a method.

Some women get receptive already after a few weeks while breast feeding. For others it can take months. There are no obvious signs that a woman has become receptive again. There are huge individual differences in reliability.

You can definitely get pregnant during breastfeeding. Usually it depends on the level of the hormone. It does go down. Later on the breaks between breastfeeding session also increase also leading to the possibility of the rebooting of the fertile cycle.

In fact my last child was conceived when my wife was still breast feeding. She never had menstruation.

Therefore, do not rely on the breastfeeding method unless you do not care about having more children.

All the other benefits of breastfeeding you mentioned are of course true.

I would like to add to your nice summation on the benefits of breastfeeding that my wife actually had it easier to restart the milk production this time because she kept breastfeeding deep into the pregnancy. It made the breasts rather responsive for milk production.
What an utterly moronic statement. :bugeye:

In fact, given the horredous problem that HIV poses in some parts of the world, advice like that is downright dangerous. :(

yeah moronic ofcourse..... so you think that if people stopped sleeping with rqandom untested strangers, aids would be as bad as it is today?

the reason aids and STDs are around is because people are sleeping with everybody. if you dont sleep with them you wont get anything, simple as that. i would say the moronic thing to do was go around sleeping with random people in a country like africa where millions of people carry aids.

You don't get STDs from sleeping with random people. You get it from 1 person who has it. And they could get it from 1 person.
Why do people attach morality to a disease or infection?