
Medicine*Woman;2004002M*W: I believe hell refers to a real place such as Earth. Earth has both light and darkness. I believe it refers to nighttime which the ancients believed to be evil and ruled by the moon and stars.[/QUOTE said:
I also think that it is impossible for you to post as many posts per day as you claim. I think there are others who have access to your username who post radical posts on sciforums. There is no possible way you could post all those posts yourself. What kind of game are you playing?
This is an interesting claim. I just want to check out the realism of posting 48 posts per day. Not all necessarily one liners, but a mix of one liners and somewhat meatier posts. If you don't mind I am going to target all your posts for this purpose. (Actually I am going to do that whether you mind or not, which should help to simulate the SAM mode.)
Above this is a default post, the items below are new Time:7:24
The rest of your post seems to deal with the allegorical/metaphorical nature of all religious literature. In your exposition you seem to be qccording a lot of respect for these allegories. This is at odds with your normal position, Could you explain.
It's the same story, exactly the same, and it's 2500 years older than your story of Noah. Pretty much, the Hebrews just changed the names. It's a piggy backed religion and Christianity is piggy backed on that, with a healthy dose of paganism thrown in to appease the 300AD Roman Empire, including strange anachronistic customs to eat some stale bread and pretend it's the body of your God.

Get off her case, atleast she's studying deeply in whatever she believes.
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This is an interesting claim. I just want to check out the realism of posting 48 posts per day. Not all necessarily one liners, but a mix of one liners and somewhat meatier posts. If you don't mind I am going to target all your posts for this purpose. (Actually I am going to do that whether you mind or not, which should help to simulate the SAM mode.)
Above this is a default post, the items below are new Time:7:24
The rest of your post seems to deal with the allegorical/metaphorical nature of all religious literature. In your exposition you seem to be qccording a lot of respect for these allegories. This is at odds with your normal position, Could you explain.

You crack me up lol
G'morning nietzschefan!

If you don't know Jesus and our Father then you can be excused for not understanding the significance of Christ's mandate to "Do this in remembrance of Me." (Take in the (symbolic) body and blood of Christ.)

The Christian journey culminates in believers being "Transformed into the Image of Christ," and while we're here on Earth we are part of His 'Body,' branches on the 'True Vine.'

"I am the Vine and you are the branches." Jesus Christ.

I never pretend anything, least of all anything to do with The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. You speak of a God you do not know and deny His existence because you have not interacted with Him on a personal level. To those of us whom God has revealed Himself, to deny Him is unthinkable - not to mention ridiculous. God would like to meet you too, nietzschefan, and He loves you, but He's not going to force Himself on you, and neither am I.

Peace - Jesse.
This is an interesting claim. I just want to check out the realism of posting 48 posts per day. Not all necessarily one liners, but a mix of one liners and somewhat meatier posts. If you don't mind I am going to target all your posts for this purpose. (Actually I am going to do that whether you mind or not, which should help to simulate the SAM mode.)
Above this is a default post, the items below are new Time:7:24
The rest of your post seems to deal with the allegorical/metaphorical nature of all religious literature. In your exposition you seem to be qccording a lot of respect for these allegories. This is at odds with your normal position, Could you explain.

M*W: Well, it's obvious you have done your homework! I don't think I come anywhere near 48 posts per day! I think you're talking about S.A.M., but I think S.A.M. has other posters posting in her username. In any event, S.A.M. is such a liar. I would never have anyone else post under M*W, but again, that's just me.
Originally Posted by CheskiChips
Get off her case, atleast she's studying deeply in whatever she believes.

Umm... MW - I think, though I may be mistaken, that Cheski, bless his heart, may have been referring to a post by me.

Peace be upon you - Jesse.

Edited to add: You might want to reevaluate what you pretend. I'm sure you're familiar with the old adage "We are what we pretend to be." ;)
Originally Posted by CheskiChips
Get off her case, atleast she's studying deeply in whatever she believes.

Umm... MW - I think, though I may be mistaken, that Cheski, bless his heart, may have been referring to a post by me.

Peace be upon you - Jesse.

Edited to add: You might want to reevaluate what you pretend. I'm sure you're familiar with the old adage "We are what we pretend to be." ;)
M*W: Well, I've never heard that adage, but whatever floats your boat.

Now that I've read Cheski's posts, I think he might have been referring to S.A.M. I think S.A.M. has several other people posting under her name, which means once again what a liar she is!

And, no, I will not get off her case, I don't care what she believes. She lies to herself!
G'morning nietzschefan!

If you don't know Jesus and our Father then you can be excused for not understanding the significance of Christ's mandate to "Do this in remembrance of Me." (Take in the (symbolic) body and blood of Christ.)

The Christian journey culminates in believers being "Transformed into the Image of Christ," and while we're here on Earth we are part of His 'Body,' branches on the 'True Vine.'

"I am the Vine and you are the branches." Jesus Christ.

I never pretend anything, least of all anything to do with The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. You speak of a God you do not know and deny His existence because you have not interacted with Him on a personal level. To those of us whom God has revealed Himself, to deny Him is unthinkable - not to mention ridiculous. God would like to meet you too, nietzschefan, and He loves you, but He's not going to force Himself on you, and neither am I.

Peace - Jesse.

I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 5 or 6, can't remember now. My friend asked me if I felt anything when I did it. I told him "nope" and he said, "me either". It was about 6months to a year later they did the Abraham and Isaac story at the Baptist sunday school. It was the most screwed up thing I had ever heard till then. Something was definitely wrong with all these people, their 40 year old virgin faces(that weird christian goody-goody look, you know the one), their one minute, kowtowing to God, and the next minute, gossiping about another couple not standing even 10 feet away.

I didn't go again the next sunday and never looked back. I have long tried to justify God in the pretexts of many religions and situations. In the even casual pursuit of the truth, I find that justification smaller and smaller, until I currently reject all man-made, man-written definitions of "God". Even ones thousands of years older than the Bible in any incarnation... Still I cannot discount the absolute possibility it exists, or at least something more powerful than us, in fact created us and continues to screw with us.

I did not get to meet God, and I asked him early and often at a tender age to come and meet with me. Why did he talk to you and not to me?

None the less, I am now forced to deal with the physical evidence of the truth that only the Earth can yield from it's ground. The artifacts and the writings 1000s of years before even your Abraham was supposed to exist. The only truth I can only sometimes accept, the interpretation of these things from learned men and women, that they in turn are scrutinized by their peers by the fine discipline of the scientific method. I do not think it is the best way personally, but I cannot think of one better and it sure as hell is better than blind faith to ancient powermongers whom wore the robe and carried tradition on inbred shoulders.
Originally Posted by CheskiChips
Get off her case, atleast she's studying deeply in whatever she believes.

Umm... MW - I think, though I may be mistaken, that Cheski, bless his heart, may have been referring to a post by me.

Peace be upon you - Jesse.

Edited to add: You might want to reevaluate what you pretend. I'm sure you're familiar with the old adage "We are what we pretend to be." ;)

I would never support Medicine Woman. It was for Jesse.
In the even casual pursuit of the truth, I find that justification smaller and smaller, until I currently reject all man-made, man-written definitions of "God". Even ones thousands of years older than the Bible in any incarnation... Still I cannot discount the absolute possibility it exists, or at least something more powerful than us, in fact created us and continues to screw with us.


How about Near Death Accounts and Pychic phenomanae? I have looked at the arguments on these from both sides and tried to look objectively but I still favor them as at least the best suggestion of evidence for an afterlife. At least many of the people involved can be interviewed,cases examined,general themes compared despite the variety of details in individual accounts. They overall ,seem to portray a much more logical God.
With scriptures from ancient times it really just comes down to conflicting ideas about the nature of God and taking mainly unknown writers word for what they say.
How about Near Death Accounts and Pychic phenomanae? I have looked at the arguments on these from both sides and tried to look objectively but I still favor them as at least the best suggestion of evidence for an afterlife. At least many of the people involved can be interviewed,cases examined,general themes compared despite the variety of details in individual accounts. They overall ,seem to portray a much more logical God.
With scriptures from ancient times it really just comes down to conflicting ideas about the nature of God and taking mainly unknown writers word for what they say.

Funny you should mention that. I read quite a few. Usually it will reflect the person's beliefs. Moslems go to Allah, Christians to Jesus, Buddists to Nirvana, etc etc.

Was it real? Are we simply creating our own universes through some universal power of creation that all our souls possess? Is it possible that all these belief system are in fact, correct in some way?

Or, how open are you to the idea, that these are the final throughs of the human temporal lobe, gathering up the person's life experiences, stored for this event to give that final dream before cold, dark, oblivion?
Funny you should mention that. I read quite a few. Usually it will reflect the person's beliefs. Moslems go to Allah, Christians to Jesus, Buddists to Nirvana, etc etc.

Was it real? Are we simply creating our own universes through some universal power of creation that all our souls possess? Is it possible that all these belief system are in fact, correct in some way?

Or, how open are you to the idea, that these are the final throughs of the human temporal lobe, gathering up the person's life experiences, stored for this event to give that final dream before cold, dark, oblivion?

Everyone who had a near death experience of any other religion than the one Mr X believes in is lying obviously.
Funny you should mention that. I read quite a few. Usually it will reflect the person's beliefs. Moslems go to Allah, Christians to Jesus, Buddists to Nirvana, etc etc.

It's true people who believe in one particular religion usually meet a religous figure from their religion such as Jesus,Mohammed,Budha, Isis, a Hindu God/Goddess,etc but...the idealogies they thought were literal ..they are told they are not. Perhaps God appers in this form so as a way of comforting them.

Such as the common themes from hundreds I have read:

1) A part of our consciousness is already part of the greater whole (God/Goddess) but while existing in the physical plane our consciousness also has a counterpart,the ego ,that tends to make us forget our true connection to God and the challenge is to eventually at some point realize it.
This would be considered new age,gnostic or blasephemous to the Abrahamic view of God being external.

2) There are various levels in the afterlife from the physical plane,the void (Hellish dark gloomy gray state..varying degrees of it),to the third sphere (first material level of heaven where most half decent people whether atheist or not end up. All the way up to the 10th level where from what I have read our individuality "dissolves" and we merge fully back into the universal consciouness of God.

3) The universe has undergone several "big bangs" and has existed for much longer than 13-14 billion yrs.

4) God created the universe as a way of exploring he/she self thru the multiplicity of multi-trillions of events occurring at any one given time.All of us and everything in the universe is a small part of God. Even God does not fully understand what he/she is so perhaps in that sense even God is limited.

5) Gods two main rules are to be selfless and to practice uncondtional love to each other,to God and to all around us. Most religous scripture other than these two main themes amounts to no more than commentary thru the eyes of the people who wrote them and with all their cultural bias and prejudice,either personal or political.

6) Hell is not eternal. We are held to a standard when we much love we have within us..our intent, and according to that we fit in where we can in the afterlife. People who have committed horrific deeds end up in the void for a period of time..untill they realize the error of their way, God will then allow them to move up thru to the next level.

7) The Devil,Satan does not exist.It's the absence of God that correlates to the concept of darkness,evil,bad intent. God would not create a confrontational being to oppose he/she.

8) God is eternal because God exists in it's true state of one not bound by the duality or force/counterforce of the physical universe.

Just a few of the commanalities I've seen.

Or, how open are you to the idea, that these are the final throughs of the human temporal lobe, gathering up the person's life experiences, stored for this event to give that final dream before cold, dark, oblivion?

Yes, this could be the case. I cannot know for sure they are real. If my consciouness just evaporates upon death I can't get too choked up about it because I will not even be self aware anymore so how could I ever regret not having an afterlife. *lol*
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Yes, this could be the case. I cannot know for sure they are real. If my consciouness just evaporates upon death I can't get too choked up about it because I will not even be self aware anymore so how could I ever regret not having an afterlife. *lol*

Nice post, can't argue with it.

Yes indeed, if there simply is nothing after death, there really is nothing to worry about. It is religions that developed their carious accounting systems to control the people to make them do whatever was considered "good" at the time.

But, like Aristotle I have found this more useful and infinitely more appealing as a belief stem to get along in the world as we KNOW it:

"I have gained this by philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law."

And I am a "fan" of Neitzsche, because he teaches us to "Live" for this world. Do not live for otherworldly dreams. I do not really try to "convert" people from their religion, unless they try to convert me. Then it becomes a struggle, battle. I confront their dogma with truth, their beliefs with fact and their interpretations with the real history if I know it.

Religion, beliefs , whatever gets you through the day. I don't care. I think they can be very helpful, particularly to calm the scared people whom desire only a simple life and would easily trade money and time for an imaginary Apollonian roof over their heads. But when it means to influence to control and to spread(and they all do in some way) I will be one to hold up his hand and speak reason.
G'morning nietzschefan!

I did not get to meet God, and I asked him early and often at a tender age to come and meet with me. Why did he talk to you and not to me?

Ask Him again, nietzschefan. God tells us to 'Keep on asking and it will be given to you,' and to 'Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.'

You sound as if you've been hurt badly by... something or someone. I believe the five-year-old child in you still seeking and is in pain. I have prayed to God through Christ to answer the five-year-old in you, for I do not believe that God would leave any of his children answered. Your posts read as if you feel God has let you down - but He doesn't do that. If my prayers find favor with The LORD, He *will* answer you soon. Ask again, I believe that if you do it will not be in vain.

Please do remember that 'When you ask you *must* believe that God is the Rewarder of those *earnestly* seeking Him.' Your motive(s) will mean everything when you ask, so make certain you ask for no other reason than that you *earnestly* want to know God.

You should never confuse human weakness, error, spite, or anything else human with God and Christ - humans will disappoint you every time - because we *are* human and we make mistakes and 'fall' often. Don't look to humans, nietzschefan, look to God through Christ.

I don't know why God talks to me and not to you - it's certainly not because I'm any more worthy, for I'm not worthy at all. I come from an irreligious family (with the exception of my great-grandmother - long dead now - but she was an inspiration to me while she was alive) and didn't ask God in words to come into my life until I was late in my teens. I feel I had a 'Damascus Road' experience in that God apprehended me and told me what I was going to be doing with the rest of my life (quite a different destiny than the one I had planned for myself), as He continues to do today.

Thank you for sharing your heart with us, with me, it touched me deeply.

Your servant in HIM - Jesse.