
Yep, it was all a big fraud.

yeah, so wouldn't it all just be made up so the Catholic church could get wealthy?

"confess or you go to hell. But you have to pay to confess. So, you need to buy your way to heaven"
yeah, so wouldn't it all just be made up so the Catholic church could get wealthy?

"confess or you go to hell. But you have to pay to confess. So, you need to buy your way to heaven"

Yeah, that's about it. You would pay the priest to say hail marie's (sp.?) for you and then they wouldn't.
You may have had to pay for the service of someone counseling you, but that is so they dont have to eat bugs.
There are stories about priests that grew wealthy on it.

So what? there are 'professionals' who became wealthy for much much worse. You think some schmuck in a lab creating pesticides and chemical food is better? i sure dont.
So what? there are 'professionals' who became wealthy for much much worse. You think some schmuck in a lab creating pesticides and chemical food is better? i sure dont.

At least they don't pretend to be God's servant.
At least they don't pretend to be God's servant.

Neither did Jeffrey Dahmer. But if i had to give a few dollars to a priest to talk about things and listen it is much better than a fat payscheck to someone creating poison.
Neither did Jeffrey Dahmer. But if i had to give a few dollars to a priest to talk about things and listen it is much better than a fat payscheck to someone creating poison.

Last time I checked Jesus didn't agree with such practices.
Last time I checked Jesus didn't agree with such practices.

Jesus agreed with eating. Do you go up to homeless people and confide in them? So you pay a psychiatrist to sit there and pretend to listen when he is dreaming about his new BMW.
Jesus agreed with eating. Do you go up to homeless people and confide in them? So you pay a psychiatrist to sit there and pretend to listen when he is dreaming about his new BMW.

My insurance pay my psychiatrists visits and the meds I'm taking. It sure beats confessing to someone what can't do a thing for my medical condition.
It wasn't about feeding the priests. It was about getting rich. Take a tour of the Vatican and you'll see their ill gotten gains.
Other churches didn't ask for money to get to heaven and they fed their ministers.
Jesus agreed with eating. Do you go up to homeless people and confide in them? So you pay a psychiatrist to sit there and pretend to listen when he is dreaming about his new BMW.

Jesus didn't agree with church services being sold to people, do you know the bible ?
How do you know? Psychotropic drugs can be dangerous but i dont give medical advice.

I don't take Psychotropic meds, I take Lithium. I also am monitored every month by my doctor and given blood work ups every 4 months to make certain that my liver isn't being hurt.
I don't take Psychotropic meds, I take Lithium. I also am monitored every month by my doctor and given blood work ups every 4 months to make certain that my liver isn't being hurt.

Lithium wont work for more than a few years, wont you have to increase your dosage? Have you tried hydroponicals?
Lithium wont work for more than a few years, wont you have to increase your dosage? Have you tried hydroponicals?

So far I've been taking the same amount for 3 years or so. So the amount works just fine but if there's a change I guess my shrink will increase the dosage.

Have you tried hydroponicals?.......No.