Comparison of Religions -- Please Help with Chart

Woody said:
I think I came up with a new phobia here: "christophobia".

Symptoms of a christophobic:
o Frightened by a mythological or real person named "Jesus Christ"
o Can not say the word "christ". and must substitute "X" in its place
o Becomes very confused and agitated when the word "christ" is mentioned
o Is frightened that other people might aquire christlike characteristics
o Usually had some experience that involved christ and then became an atheist
o Can not think clearly in matters of religion, especially christianity, without becoming extremely emotional and defensive
I think I'll start calling athiests "christophobics", hey I like that!
woody I'm at a loss, we had a nice long civil debate, in a another thread and then I spy this, you've gone form a intelligent man to a two year old.

firstly you can not have a fear, in that which you have no believe in.

shortening a word does not mean you have a fear of it.

there is no confusion, with the word christ, it is just a word (nothing to fear,(stick and stones etc))

people have and people are imitating christ all the time. such as david koresh ,jimmy jones, there only dangerous to other religious people, cause they will follow them.

nearly all of us are indoctrinated when we children, and when we become adults we can change our minds, however some of the weaker minded adult can be indoctrinated into cults such as koreshs and jones.

and as for thinking clear I believe you have that back to front as without a sky daddy cluttering you mind you much clearer in thought than any religious person.
Musta said,

people have and people are imitating christ all the time. such as david koresh ,jimmy jones, there only dangerous to other religious people, cause they will follow them.

Geez, give me a break musta, do you really think Jesus was like these pedophile, murderers.

The first thing they did was they got rid of the bible, like you would like to do. Then they wrote their own rules placing themselves as "GOD."

They busted hell wide open.
Woody: This is a big communication problem, MW, because you can't even explain what you believed as a catholic.
M*W: I have made it perfectly clear what catholics believe just as okinrus has. The "communication problem" is yours, and I am sure everyone on this forum would agree. You only hear what you want to hear, and you're not receptive to anything a non-fundamentalist says.
Woody: As a result you come across as very confused, agitated, disoriented, and frightened -- like you have some kind of christian phobia. I think I came up with a new phobia here: "christophobia."
M*W: I doubt that I confuse anyone but you, Woody, and I am not "agitated, disoriented, or frightened" by christianity, because it is a false doctrine. How could anyone be frightened by something that has no value?
Woody: Symptoms of a christophobic:

o Frightened by a mythological or real person named "Jesus Christ"
o Can not say the word "christ". and must substitute "X" in its place
o Becomes very confused and agitated when the word "christ" is mentioned
o Is frightened that other people might aquire christlike characteristics
o Usually had some experience that involved christ and then became an atheist
o Can not think clearly in matters of religion, especially christianity, without becoming extremely emotional and defensive

I think I'll start calling athiests "christophobics", hey I like that!
M*W: Again, you are stereotyping people, and that is very xian of you. What you have described above is the typical xian! Xian's are the true atheists, because they don't believe in the true Christ. You show your ignorance, Woody, and it's pathetic.
Woody: Let me ask you some simple questions about what you believed or were taught as a Catholic:

Were you taught to pray to the virgin mary? yes or no
M*W: In the first place, catholicism has become modernized. The catholicism you speak of is probably the 1940s or earlier version. No, we were not taught to pray to the BVM. The BVM and Saints were examples of Christ-like human beings. They were there for our guidance, but they did not replace or supercede Jesus. They were role models. Many saints had specific "missions." St. Anthony, for example, was the saint to help assist us with lost articles. St. Rita helped us with lost causes. I would imagine St. Rita is quite busy now in heaven what with christianity dying worldwide and all. St. Christopher was the saint of safe travels. You get the picture. The saints were helpmates, but they did not bring about salvation. They could only advise us how to reach it. The whole time I was a catholic, we were never taught to pray to any saint or the BVM. They were to be examples for christians. They were exemplar christians. Catholics believe that Jesuse came down from heaven; by the power of the Holy Spirit he became man incarnate being born of the Virgin Mary, and was made truly human.
Woody: Were you taught that jesus was a created being? yes or no
M*W: Catholics teach that Jesus was not begotten in the normal fashion. Technically, none of us are "created beings." Created beings are like the angels. Angels don't evolve. They were created that way, and they stay that way. Jesus had a genealogy as written in the gospels, although the gospel writers were confused as to his true genealogy. Jesus allegedly started out as a miracle conception, he was born as a baby, and grew up to be a man. I don't understand what your interpretation of "created" is. Catholics believe that Jesus Christ was the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten not made, one in being with the Father. Through him all things were made for us humans and our salvation.
Woody: Were you taught about purgatory? yes or no
M*W: Yes. Purgatory is a place sinners go to clean and purify their souls. Catholicism teaches that it is a place of temporal punishment for those who have died in God's grace but who are not entirely free from venial transgressions. Purgatory is a place where they can pay for their sins.
Woody: Were you taught that people could be prayed out of purgatory? yes or no
M*W: Yes. The Catholic Church encouraged its followers to pray for the souls in Purgatory. Catholic belief is that the souls in purgatory are assisted in the atonement of their sins by the prayers of the faithful.
Woody: Were you taught that it took more than just faith in christ to get you to heaven, that is you had to go to purgatory for a probationary period? yes or no
M*W: No. No one has to go to purgatory. Faith in the resurrection of Christ was all that was needed to enter heaven. But "who among us is without sin?"
Woody: You claim to understand Catholic Doctrine yet I haven't heard you explain it in any of your posts. I will give you one more chance to explain, if you can not explain what you used to believe, then I must conclude that you really didn't know what you believed.
M*W: I have just expressed what I believed as a Catholic. I no longer believe Catholic doctrine or the doctrine of any Christian church. However, I also believe that if one has the desire to be a christian, Roman Catholicism is the best teacher. All other christian sects teach an abomination of christian truth. I gave up catholicism because I became to know that not only did Jesus not die for our salvation, the Jesus portrayed in the New Testament was just a figment of Paul's imagination. I do believe that a man and a Rabbi named Jesus did exist in the first century, but he was simply a wise teacher. Unfortunately this Jesus has been destroyed by Pauline doctrine. There is no christian salvation. The only salvation we have is right here, right now.
Woody: Now I understand why you are an atheist, you were just confused about your beliefs, or never had any to start with. Proove me wrong -- what were you TAUGHT in the CATHOLIC CHURCH? Please be specific. Proove that you are not christophobic.
M*W: No, you don't understand why I am an atheist, and I am no longer confused about my beliefs. I have told my story on this forum so many times, and it's all in the archives, but we all know that you are too lazy to do the research. In the greater scheme of things, you are nobody, and there is no way you could understand the faith or the faithlessness of others. You are the one who is confused. If you don't like my answers to your questions about catholic doctrine, then run them by okinrus. He knows the latest doctrinal teachings. I haven't been a christian for some 20 years, and whether you like it or not, I've been truly blessed by the universe, because there is no god. You only believe a delusion. That's what makes you as ignorant as you are -- to ask an atheist to explain Catholic doctrine! Further, how can I be "christophobic" when I don't believe christianity exists except through delusion? You didn't really want to know my knowledge of catholic doctrine -- you were just trying to set me up because you have an evil heart. However, I do encourage you to stay on sciforums, because just like the other christians who have come to this board, eventually you will be destroyed, too.
woody M*W is right, you only see what you want to see.
you said"Geez, give me a break musta, do you really think Jesus was like these pedophile, murderers."
I said "people have and people are imitating christ all the time. such as david koresh ,jimmy jones, there only dangerous to other religious people, cause they will follow them."
where in that sentence does it say I think jesus was a pediophile murderer.
david koresh actuelly thought he was the messiah, and so did his followers. the same happened with jimmy jones, they were imitating the christ.
but I never once said that the christ was a pediophile murderer, but you made a connection, ask yourself why.
Hey, Woody, I would be happy to forward your questions to a Buddhist group I frequent. There are some things I think you could include, such as the name of the Buddhist Sutras (sacred texts).
musta said,

people have and people are imitating christ all the time. such as david koresh ,jimmy jones, there only dangerous to other religious people, cause they will follow them.

I said:

Geez, give me a break musta, do you really think Jesus was like these pedophile, murderers.

you said:

david koresh actuelly thought he was the messiah, and so did his followers. the same happened with jimmy jones, they were imitating the christ. but I never once said that the christ was a pediophile murderer, but you made a connection, ask yourself why.

I asked for a clarification, and you have clarified yourself. You did not mean to group Jesus with those two creeps. There are other people on this forum that have, for a fact, grouped them together. I see you are not one of them. I am glad you clarified this, and I humbly apologize for the misunderstanding.
MW said,

No, we were not taught to pray to the BVM

Who is the BVM? Is that "The Blessed Virgin Mother" please give it to me in english, thanks. Why does the pope John Paul end every prayer addressed to the Virgin Mary? I have read his book of prayers in the bookstore. I would call it praying to Mary. Wouldn't you?

I don't understand what your interpretation of "created" is.

Snakelord said Jesus was created by God in order to create the universe. His bible reads that way, but mine does not. What is the position of the catholic church? Did the Father exist before the son according to the catholic church?

M*W: Yes. Purgatory is a place sinners go to clean and purify their souls. Catholicism teaches that it is a place of temporal punishment for those who have died in God's grace but who are not entirely free from venial transgressions. Purgatory is a place where they can pay for their sins.
Woody: Were you taught that people could be prayed out of purgatory? yes or no
M*W: Yes. The Catholic Church encouraged its followers to pray for the souls in Purgatory. Catholic belief is that the souls in purgatory are assisted in the atonement of their sins by the prayers of the faithful.
Woody: Were you taught that it took more than just faith in christ to get you to heaven, that is you had to go to purgatory for a probationary period? yes or no
M*W: No. No one has to go to purgatory. Faith in the resurrection of Christ was all that was needed to enter heaven. But "who among us is without sin?"

Thank you Medicine Woman, for answering these questions.

M*W: No, you don't understand why I am an atheist, and I am no longer confused about my beliefs. I have told my story on this forum so many times, and it's all in the archives, but we all know that you are too lazy to do the research. In the greater scheme of things, you are nobody, and there is no way you could understand the faith or the faithlessness of others

MW, I should be studying for a very extremely important examination that will change my life if I pass it. But I am typing this note for you instead. I also have the flu. I do not have time to reasearch everyone's thread in the past.

MW said,

However, I do encourage you to stay on sciforums, because just like the other christians who have come to this board, eventually you will be destroyed, too.

To that I quote the bible:

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Likewise I am persuaded. :D
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SG said,

Hey, Woody, I would be happy to forward your questions to a Buddhist group I frequent. There are some things I think you could include, such as the name of the Buddhist Sutras (sacred texts).

Thanks SG. I'd appreciate that. Maybe we can let them add a few questions on the chart too. Please forgive my ignorance on the summary.


Woody: Who is the BVM? Is that "The Blessed Virgin Mother" please give it to me in english, thanks.
M*W: The BVM is the "Blessed Virgin Mary."
Woody: Why does the pope John Paul end every prayer addressed to the Virgin Mary? I have read his book of prayers in the bookstore. I would call it praying to Mary. Wouldn't you?
M*W: Although I have met and have shaken hands with JPII, I have not followed his ministry for the past 20 years. I believe him to be a good man with sincerity to his faith. That was when I was a good catholic. I had the privilege to go to Rome to meet him on his coronation just after his becoming Pope. Even though I was privileged to meet him when I was a practicing Catholic, the truth shown through the glitz and glitter of The Vatican. Whether it be Catholic or Protestant, Jesus died for no one. The truth is that Herod was related to Mother Mary, and Jesus escaped the cross. Although Jesus had a ministry, it was nothing like Paul described... and no longer would I believe in this myth.
Woody: Snakelord said Jesus was created by God in order to create the universe. His bible reads that way, but mine does not. What is the position of the catholic church? Did the Father exist before the son according to the catholic church?
M*W: According to catholic doctrine, Jesus existed with the Father from the beginning.
Woody: Thank you Medicine Woman, for answering these questions.
M*W: You're quite welcome.
Woody: MW, I should be studying for a very extremely important examination that will change my life if I pass it. But I am typing this note for you instead. I also have the flu. I do not have time to reasearch everyone's thread in the past.

To that I quote the bible:

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Likewise I am persuaded.
M*W: Woody, have you ever given the thought that everything written by Paul may be a lie? Of course, I know and understand that you wouldn't possibly believe this -- because this is what you have been indoctrinated to believe. But what if -- just what if -- what Paul wrote was a lie? What if even Paul was the Antichrist? What if you are following the Antichrist but don't know it? Most christians I know refuse to question the authenticity of Paul. Yet, Paul is not preaching the faith of Jesus Christ -- neither is Pope JPII, and he doesn't know it either. What if, just what if, Jesus himself is ashamed of what you believe? What if Jesus is saying to himself, "Woody doesn't even know me. He believe what Paul of Tarsus wrote." Do you think you would take another look at your christianity? I did, and I found it sadly to be a lie. Christianity is a false doctrine. Even good souls like okinrus still believe the lie, but darn, he's so good at interpreting it. Jenyar, on the other hand, has created an image of the god he thinks he believes in. If you'll notice, everytime Jenyar posts, it's about a god he's created -- with a body, a separate mind, a personality, a human being-like entity. It's all a delusion. Jenyar is a lost soul. He thinks he's found truth, but all he believes is a lie. Is this what you believe?

M*W: Woody, have you ever given the thought that everything written by Paul may be a lie? Of course, I know and understand that you wouldn't possibly believe this -- because this is what you have been indoctrinated to believe. But what if -- just what if -- what Paul wrote was a lie? What if even Paul was the Antichrist? What if you are following the Antichrist but don't know it? Most christians I know refuse to question the authenticity of Paul.

MW, this question about Paul's authenticity puts the credibility of all the disciples on the line, because they received him. They were scared to receive him because of the persecution he had against christians. But a supernatural Spirit assuaged their doubts and encouraged them to receive Paul. This puts Christ on the line because it says, He being Lord, abandoned his disciples to false doctrine, and there was really no point in Christ coming to earth at all.

Let me take this down to the heart of the matter. If someone believes that the spirit of the God of the bible is an evil spirit, then that person has NO HOPE of going to heaven. the spirit of God will no longer work with them because they commited the unpardonable sin of blasphemy, spoken from Jesus' own lips:

And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

Jesus said, Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.

Jesus took a lot of abuse, and the Father is cursed by man, but there is one thing that man can not do: blasphemy against the holy spirit.

This is the reason why that person has no hope: When a person becomes convinced that the holy spirit is evil instead of good, there is no way to turn it around.

By the way, I believe that Judas Iscariot is the real "antichrist." There are only two times in the bible that the "son of perdition" is mentioned.

While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.

Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

The son of perdition is the true antichrist, and he will be resurrected by satan, as confirmed in the book of revelation:

St John:

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

There is ample evidence in the bible, that the antichrist "beast" walked on this earth before, and satan will work a miricle by resurrecting this dead person to become the world ruler. It really shapes up to be Judas Iscariot.

And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.

The beast existed before he comes to earth during the tribulation, and he is in hell right now, waiting to return.

Please, if you will, answer my question about the Pope praying to the Virgin Mary. Isn't this a common practice among catholics - or is Pope John Paul the exception?

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M*W, have you ever given the thought that everything written by Paul might be true?
Woody said:
SG said,

Thanks SG. I'd appreciate that. Maybe we can let them add a few questions on the chart too. Please forgive my ignorance on the summary.


Only one response so far, saying that none of those questions really apply to Buddhism.
Yorda: M*W, have you ever given the thought that everything written by Paul might be true?
M*W: At one time I did believe that, but since then I've researched it. Most of the modern biblical scholars agree that Paul wrote most of the NT and influenced the gospel writers. Paul never knew Jesus. It was all fiction. End of story.

Only one response so far, saying that none of those questions really apply to Buddhism.

Yes, SG, I need to rephrase some of the questions. Like what is the uiltimate reality in "x" religion, is it spiritual or intellectual? etc.

I'll try to work on it with yall.

Woody: MW, this question about Paul's authenticity puts the credibility of all the disciples on the line, because they received him. They were scared to receive him because of the persecution he had against christians. But a supernatural Spirit assuaged their doubts and encouraged them to receive Paul. This puts Christ on the line because it says, He being Lord, abandoned his disciples to false doctrine, and there was really no point in Christ coming to earth at all.
M*W: First, Paul never knew Jesus. Their paths never crossed. Further, Paul didn't know the apostles, however at one time he and Peter were friends. Peter, as you are aware, denied Jesus, or this is at least what Paul stated. They ended up being bitter enemies before they were taken down. Those who knew Paul were leary of him. He lacked credibility in his own day. He was a mentally disturbed man prone to hallucinations caused by his epilepsy. He was a liar, a murderer, and a theif. Paul single-handedly bastardized the teachings of Jesus. Jesus didn't "come to Earth" for the purpose of saving mankind. In fact, when he allegedly died, he was not considered divine. He wasn't designated as divine until around 400 AD, about the same time the idea of the trinity was thought of. Those who believe everything Paul wrote or those he coerced to write are not following Jesus's teachings at all! Paul was an evil man and was an antichrist. To really get to know Jesus and the truth one needs to read the Gnostic Gospels. This is the one main reason I left christianity. It proved to be a lie.
Woody: Let me take this down to the heart of the matter. If someone believes that the spirit of the God of the bible is an evil spirit, then that person has NO HOPE of going to heaven. the spirit of God will no longer work with them because they commited the unpardonable sin of blasphemy, spoken from Jesus' own lips:
M*W: I don't believe in a god. I don't believe in a place of heaven or hell. My heaven is right here, right now. The closest I've come to hell was when I was a christian. How can I blaspheme something that doesn't exist? Jesus didn't say that, Paul did. I don't believe anything Paul said. Paul detracted from the teachings of Jesus. He created a mythological character based on earlier pagan myths. That's not who the real Jesus was. Wouldn't that be blasphemy? It's unfortunate that christians worship the mythological Jesus while the real Jesus goes unnoticed by history -- except for the people who knew him and wrote the truth about him. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the other texts that have been discovered in the world is truly the "second coming." Actually, it's really the "first coming" revisited.
Woody: Jesus took a lot of abuse, and the Father is cursed by man, but there is one thing that man can not do: blasphemy against the holy spirit.
M*W: Again, I don't believe in a god. That would include the trinity concept. Besides, the "trinity" was stolen from the ancient matriarchial society of the Maiden*Mother*Crone. The "holy spirit" is a name given to the bioelectrical energy that permeates our bodies and through all creation. There is nothing "supernatural" about it -- it's "natural."
Woody: This is the reason why that person has no hope: When a person becomes convinced that the holy spirit is evil instead of good, there is no way to turn it around.
M*W: I don't believe the "holy spirit" is evil. I've never said that, but again, I don't believe it is a godly characteristic. It's simply bioenergy, and that's definitely a good thing.
Woody: By the way, I believe that Judas Iscariot is the real "antichrist." There are only two times in the bible that the "son of perdition" is mentioned.
M*W: What do you know about Judas Iscariot? Have you studied him? Here's some scholarly work on Judas:

"Another well-born nationalist leader of renown was Judas, who was Chief of the Scribes. The Dead Sea Scrolls were produced under his tutelage and that of his predecessor, the fierce Judas of Galilee, founder of the Zealots. Apart from his academic scholarship, Judas was the head of East Manasseh, and a warlord of Qumran. The Romans had a nickname for him: to them he was Judas Sicarius -- the Assassin, the Hit-man (a 'sica' was a deadly, curved dagger). The Greek form of the nickname was 'Sikariotes' . . . and its corruption to 'Sicariote' was in due course further corrupted to 'Iscariot'."

"Although always placed at the end of the Apostolic lists, Judas Sicariote would have been second in seniority only to Simon Zelotes."

"It had long been a Jewish custom to hold a Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), on which day people might be absolved of their misdeeds. The solemn ritual toook place in the equivalent of September, and the Essene rite was performed by the Father, in the seclusion of the Holy of Holies (inner sanctuary) of the monastery Temple at Mird. (This monastery was referred to as 'the Wilderness'.) To witness the atonement, the Father was allowed the company of one co-celebrant -- a symbolic 'son'. In AD 32 the Father was Simon Zelotes, and his appointed 'son' was his immediate lieutenant Judas Sicariote. Judas's status was as Simon's 'son', but the exact relationship and its priestly significance are not made clear."

"Some time after this, Simon Zelotes fell foul of the civil authroities, having led an unsuccessful revolt against the Governor of Judaea, Pontius Pilate. The pretext for the revolt was that Pilate had been using public funds to have his own personal water supply improved. A formal complaint was lodged against him in court, whereupon Pilate's soldiers murdered the known complainants. Armed insurrection immediately ensued, led by the prominet Zealots, Simon Zelotes, Judas Sicariote and Thaddaeus. Perhaps inevitably, the revolt failed, and Simon (called Lightning) was excommunicated by edict of King Herod-Agrippa. Simon's political opponent, Jonathan Annas (called Thunder), was thus enabled to accede to the supreme office of the Father."

"At the second occasion on which Jesus was anointed with spikenard, at Simon Zelotes' house, Judas Sicariote declared his dissatisfaction at the way things were going. He stated his opposition, and thus paved the way for his betrayal of Jesus. Following the failed revolt by the Zealots against Pilate, Judas had become a fugitive. Jesus was of little political use to him, for he carried no influence with the Sanhedrin Council, so Judas decided to throw in his lot with Jesus's uncontroversial brother James, who was actually a member of that Council. Judas thus not only had no interest in seeing Jesus anointed as a Messiah, but his new allegiance to James caused him to resent it once it had happened. But Jesus was adamant about the significance of his anointing by his wife Mary Magdalen."

"There was also disagreement between Jonathan and Jesus over whether baptised male Gentile converts should have to submit to circumcision. Jesus was in favour of allowing the converts a choice in the matter, but Jonathan wanted circumcision made mandatory. Finally, Jonathan rejected the Zealot plan for open warfare against Rome, while Simon -- fiery in word and deed -- promoted the martial view. In this, Jesus was inclined to side with Simon -- not that he particularly sought a military solution, but he did not like Jonathan's complacent attitude."

"Trapped in the middle of of all this was Judas Sicariote, who determined to side with whoever looked to be the most politically valuable. Judas had been denounced as a Zealot leader, and in the light of that his only hope was Jonathan who, as the new Father, could authorize his spiritual reinstatement and negotiate on his behalf with the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate. As for whether Jewish converts should be circumcised, Judas was strongly opposed to Jesus and supported Jonathan. At the same time, Judas could apreciate that Simon was in a weak position: Simon stood to face criminal charges (along with Judas and Thaddaeus) for leading the Zealot revolt. It was even possible that Jesus would be charged with them, if it could be proved that he was an active supporter of the war faction. This provided a likely way out for Judas, for he could betray Jesus's sympathies and make known the whereabouts of Thaddaeus."

"In the course of all this, Jesus and his Apostles made their way to that legendary Upper Room where they were to eat their sacred Last Supper. But there are some questionable features about this. How was it that, at such a time when all the temporary accommodation in the city was full to bursting, the Apostles were so easily able to obtin a room of some considerable size for themselves? How also could the fugitive Zealots, Simon, Judas and Thaddaeus, possibly afford to move openly in Jerusalem, while being sought for leading the recent revolt?"

"The answer to these questions may befound in the Dead Sea Scrolls, wherein it is quite evident that the Last Supper did not take place in Jerusalem at all, but at Qumran. Indeed, Josephus explains in The Antiquities of the Jews that the Essenes did not observe the traditional Jewish festivals in Jerusalem, and did not therefore uphold the ritual of the Paschal Lamb at the Passover."

"When the time came for Communion at the Banquet, Judas left the room, ostensibly to offer alms to the poor. Actually, he went to make the final arrangements for Jesus's betrayal, and Jesus -- who perceived his intention. There was, however still time for the Baptist's prophecy concerning the restoration of the true Christ to be fulfilled -- but the final deadline was that very night, the vernal equinox of 20 March AD 33 Jesus knew that if this passed with no proclamation being made in his favour, then his ambition was over. From that night there would be no hope of satisfying the Messianic prediction, and he would be denounced as a fraud. When Judas left the room the time was already fast approaching midnight."

"Following the Banquet, Jesus and the remaining Apostles went to the old monastery at Qumran, customarily known as the 'Mount of Olives'. There is some disagreement at this point between John's Gospel and the Synoptic Gospels on the precise course of events, but one way or another Jesus foretold his fate and outlined to his companions what their reactions would be. He declared that even Peter 'the Stone' would deny him in the face of the unfulfilled prophecy. While some of Jesus's disciples slept in the monastery garden, Jesus walked among them agonizing that his bid to be recognized as the Saviour Messiah might have failed. Midnight passed. Then Judas Sicariote arrived with the soldiers."

"The ultimate success of Judas's plan relied on retaining favour with the Father, Jonathan Annas. Whether Judas took a calculated gamble or whether he and Jonathan had come to some agreement beforehand is uncertain. But when the moment of seizure came, Jonathan certainly ranged himself alongside Judas. This is not really surprising, for Jonathan's daughter was married to the Pharisee High Priest Caiaphas, and both Jonathan and Judas were politically opposed to Jesus's close friend Simon Zelotes."

"The Gospels also claim that Pilate offered to reprieve Jesus because it was customary for the Governor to release a prisoner at the feast of the Passover. Again this is simply not true -- there never was such a custom."

"This is when Judas reappears. Repenting of his act of betrayal, he brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders . . . And they took counsel, and brought with them the potter's field."

"If both Simon and Judas are implicated in the Gospel accounts of Jesus's arrest and trial, it would appear that Thaddaeus -- the third of the three leading Zealot revolutionaries -- is not mentioned after the Last Supper. But he does actually come into the story at the trial. In Hebrew, the expression 'son of the Father' would incorporate the elements "bar" (son) and abba (father) -- so Thaddaeus might be described as 'Bar-abba'. And a man called Barabbas is intimately concerned with the possibility of Jesus's reprieve by Pontius Pilate."

"At this point, Herod-Antipas of Galilee arrived on the scene. He was no friend of the Annas priests, and it suited his purposes for Jesus to be released, in order to provoke his nephew King Herod-Agrippa. Antipas therefore struck a deal with Pilate to secure the release of Jesus. The pact between Judas Sicariote and Jonathan Annas was thus superseded and overturned without involving either of them, by way of an agreement between the Herodian Tetrarch and the Roman GOvernor. From that moment, Judas lost any chance of a pardon for his Zealot activities, and his days were numbered."

"At that stage things were going well for the Jewish elders: their plan had all but succeeded. The ageing Thaddaeus (Barabbas) may have been released, but both Simon and Jesus were in custody, and so was Judas Sicariote. Undoubtedly, the greatest betrayer was the prevailing Father, Jonathan Annas, the one-time Apostle known as James of Alphaeus (or Nathanael). The three crosses were duly erected in the Place of a Skull, Golgotha, and were set to bear Jesus and the two Zealot guerilla leaders Simon Zelotes and Judas Sicariote."

"On that Friday 20 March AD 33, there was no reason for any of the three men crucified to have died within the day. Nonetheless, Jesus was given some vinegar, and having taken it, he 'gave up the ghost'. Very soon afterwards, he was formally declared dead. At that stage, Judas and the Cyrene were still very much alive, so their legs were broken."

"With Jesus apparently lifeless but actually in a coma, and with the legs of Judas and the Cyrene newly broken, the three were brought down, having been on their respective crosses for less than half a day. The fact that Judas and the Cyrene were also removed from their crosses at the same time was confirmed."

"Initially, the Cyrene and Judas Sicariote -- with their legs broken, but still very much alive -- had been placed in the second chamber of the tomb. Burial alive was a customary old form of execution."

"The key to the Resurrection story lies in the three missing hours (the daytime hours that became night-time hours), for the newly defined start of the Sabbath began three hours before the old twelfth hour. But the Samaritan Magi (of which Simon Zelotes was head) worked on an astronomical time-frame, and did not formally implement the three-hour change until the original twelfth hour. This meant that, without breaking any of the rules against labouring on the Sabbath, Simon had a full three hours in which he could do what he had to do, even while others had begun their sacred period of rest. This was time enough to administer medications to Jesus, and to attend to the bone fractures of the Cyrene. Judas Sicariote was dealt with none to mercifully under the circumstances: he was thrown over a cliff to his death."

From Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed, by Laurence Gardner, The Chevalier Labhran de St. Germain, 1996.
Woody: The son of perdition is the true antichrist, and he will be resurrected by satan, as confirmed in the book of revelation:
M*W: Satan is another mythological character. I don't fear myths.
Satan is a symbol for negativity in the world. If the "holy spirit" is a symbol for positive bioenery, then Satan is a symbol for negative bioenergy.
Woody: There is ample evidence in the bible, that the antichrist "beast" walked on this earth before, and satan will work a miricle by resurrecting this dead person to become the world ruler. It really shapes up to be Judas Iscariot.
M*W: There have been more evil men in the world besides Judas. Judas was a terrorist, and certainly no friend, but he was no bin Laden. I still question what Paul and his lying puppet gospel writers wrote. There is no proof that Jesus was betrayed by anyone but Peter, and that has been established in the Gnostic Gospels.
Woody: The beast existed before he comes to earth during the tribulation, and he is in hell right now, waiting to return.
M*W: The 'beast' is Pauline christianity. It is the Antichrist. It goes against the teachings of Jesus. However, the 'beast' is not returning to Earth, in fact, it's slip sliding away to the hell it created!
Woody: Please, if you will, answer my question about the Pope praying to the Virgin Mary. Isn't this a common practice among catholics - or is Pope John Paul the exception?
M*W: Like I told you, praying to the BVM is a personal choice. I have heard JPII prays to Mother Mary. It's the popely thing to do, but no one is required to pray to the BVM. Actually, in my opinion, Mary Magdalen was a woman of greater spiritual efficacy than her mother-in-law. Paul lied about Mary Magdalen and made her into a prostitute, which in that day had a more innocent connotation of 'a woman of independent means' who was NOT considered to be a 'woman who gets paid for sexual favors.' Pauline christianity is misogynistic. It is the foundation of evil in the world, but fortunately it is dying out.

The Catholic Church does have prayers to Mary but only in light of her son Jesus. Without Jesus, there would be no BVM. For example:

"Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with You, Blessed are You among Women, and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us Sinners now and at the Hour of our Death."

Mary is honored because she is the mother of Jesus. She is never prayed to or worshipped independently of Jesus. Catholics pray to God through Jesus, but following a prayer through Jesus, Catholics find it acceptable to ask for Mary's assistance (to put in a few good words) in encouraging Jesus to look favorably upon their prayers. In other words, Catholics don't pray to Mary per se, they ask Mary to pray for them. As for rosary prayers, the 20 events that are prayed for are events about Jesus's birth and childhood, events of his capture and crucifixion, events of the resurrection, and important events in his life. However, I no longer believe in these events, because they were fiction created by Paul.

However, my own personal belief is that Mary (which is a title not a name) conceived Jesus in the good old-fashioned way with a Roman Centurion who either raped her or was her lover which no proper Jewish girl would think of doing with a Roman!
M*W: At one time I did believe that, but since then I've researched it. Most of the modern biblical scholars agree that Paul wrote most of the NT and influenced the gospel writers. Paul never knew Jesus. It was all fiction. End of story.
Yorda: I'm not affected by your views, for me there's much truth in the Bible.
Yorda: I'm not affected by your views, for me there's much truth in the Bible.
M*W: I honestly thought you were more intelligent than that.

Yorda: I'm not affected by your views, for me there's much truth in the Bible.
M*W: I honestly thought you were more intelligent than that.

MW assumes she is smarter than billions of people on this planet.

Have you noticed that atheists are prone to do that? They think more highly of their intelligence than the rest of us. We all have approximately the same intelligence, and somehow they think they have more.

At least we are humble enough to admit we aren't as smart as we would like to be.

And if faith came by intelligence, look at all the people that would be left out of God's kingdom. The bible says you must have childlike faith to enter the kingdom of heaven.

I am thankful babies are in heaven. Nobody will ever see a baby in hell. There are going to be some smart people in hell, but none of them can outsmart God! They end up in hell because of their hearts not their smarts!
M*W: I honestly thought you were more intelligent than that.
Yorda: You thought wrong :rolleyes: :D :bugeye:
OK, I got some Buddhist responses:

0.0 What Texts are considered sacred to your religion, or how is you religion communicated to others?

The teachings of the Buddha. These are transmitted by oral recitation but also originally written down in Pali and Sanskrit versions, which are the core texts of the Southern and Northern transmissions, respectively.

0.1 What does your religion practice or believe in that is not in the sacred texts of your religion?

Various cultural accretions in different regions where the religion is practiced.

1.0 Names and Characteristics of God(s) worshipped:


1.1 Who do you pray to?


2.0 Does your religion include a human manifestation or some other supernatural event?

Not really. The Buddha was human, not really a manifestation.

There were plenty of gods and heavenly beings that came to the Buddha to receive teachings though.

3.0 In the view of your religion, what is the nature of said human manifestation or event if any?

The Buddha was a fully awakened one, who saw the full truth of the nature of the cycle of birth and death. He had spent many rebirths on the path of a Boddhisattva - that is one who is practicing to become a Buddha.

4.0 In the view of your religion, what is the nature of historical or mythical figures associated with other religions?

Most of the world religious figures, gods and prophets, have a basis in reality. Gods exist, for example. The prophets were teachers of varying skill and insight.

The Judeo-Christian God would be the equivalent of the Great Brahma.

5.0 Does your religion predicate a continuation of existence after death?


5.01 Does reincarnation occur?

Rebirth. Which is a little different.

We have each already had countless rebirths.

5.1 What does your religion say is necessary for reaching its ultimate goal in the believer?

The ultimate goal of a believer is Nirvana, this is the cessation of all craving. This is reached through full realisation of the nature, cause, cessation, and path to the cessation of suffering - the Four Noble Truths.

6.0 What are the consequences of disobedience of the precepts of your religion

Breaking the 5 Precepts leads to suffering as an inherent consequence, in the same sense that hitting your thumb with a hammer causes suffering. It is not a divine punishment, just natural cause and effect.

6.01 a ) Before death?

Suffering in this lifetime.

6.02 b ) After death?

Negative actions will influence the nature of your rebirth and your experiences in that rebirth.

7.0 What form does conformance with the precepts of your religion take?

The Five Precepts are:
1. Refrain from killing
2. Refrain from taking that which is not given.
3. Refrain from sexual misconduct.
4. Refrain from false speach.
5. Refrain from taking intoxicating substances.

The precepts are only a foundation on the path.

The next level of practice is to cultivate the Noble Eightfold Path, which includes the precepts, but also the practice of meditation and the cultivation of wisdom.

8.0 What form does non-conformance with the precepts of your religion take?

Not refraining from any of the above.

9.0 What is the nature of existence after death in the event of obedience of the precepts?

Rebirth in the heaven realms (maybe), but it also depends on some other factors. However, this isn't really the goal of the exercise, which is Nirvana. The Heaven realms are impermanent, which means eventually existence in the heaven realms will end and a new rebirth will begin, most likely in a lower realm.

Full realisation of the Noble Eightfold Path will lead to the realisation of Nirvana.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

No problem.

You could write a significant essay in answer of any of the above questions in order to explain both the shortcomings of the question and how to interpret the response, and list all the exceptions, etc.

The real goal would be to get each one down to a 1-3 word response so we could have a nice comparative table of religions.[/QUOTE]