Communication with the dead.

Why can't anyone communicate with the first human? the first man or woman?That might be interesting. There are some others we should be communicating with such as dead people from biblical times who could shed some light on the accuracy of religious text.

Talking to the dead seems to be an exercise of convenience. A dead relative or close friend but it never seems to be a random selection. Some famous dead guys would be good to hear from. We don't need a time machine to uncover the history of humanity, just a lot of dead people willing to talk.
Why can't anyone communicate with the first human? the first man or woman?That might be interesting

Even if it were possible to communicate with them we couldn't recognize anything they would utter because language wasn't developed as yet back then.;)
Is that what happens to you in he realm of the dead? don't progress past your earthbound existence? What a waste eternity must be.
Are you addressing me?

I was. Since the topic is about communicating with the dead, it might serve some purpose as to why we can't communicate with all the dead from the first human on. You suggested the language barrier but I think it wouldn't matter because what does a dead guy do all day, wallow in his earthbound existence, never learning anything from all the other dead guys in wherever they congregate. Seems silly to me to think that if you die a caveman then you remain a caveman for eternity.
Seems silly to me to think that if you die a caveman then you remain a caveman for eternity

To me you just transform into pure energy, since that is what your body is made up of in part. We just become one with the cosmos once again! I don't believe we can communicate with any dead people but I only gave that example to a person who might think it could happen.
To me you just transform into pure energy, since that is what your body is made up of in part. We just become one with the cosmos once again! I don't believe we can communicate with any dead people but I only gave that example to a person who might think it could happen.

Objection - we are one with the cosmos/universe. Everything that exists in this universe is this universe/energy. Basic cosmology.
To me you just transform into pure energy, since that is what your body is made up of in part. We just become one with the cosmos once again! I don't believe we can communicate with any dead people but I only gave that example to a person who might think it could happen.

What happens to the picture when you turn off the tv ?
I tell you what, if you want to talk to me after I die just to ease your conscience, I'm not talking to you. You can just suffer. :p
If anything I'd haunt you.
You can clearly speak to a dead person all you wither they answer or not is another completely different story!
Hmm. Interesting reading. I love how some of you know nothing of what you're speaking of.

Thanks to all of you, I tip my hat.