Common UFO Terminology and other Explainations

Do you Believe In Extraterrestrial Nature of UFOs?

  • Yes! or I have it in me to be a true Faithful Believer!

    Votes: 36 43.4%
  • No Way! Alien UFOs are not real or a Hallucinations of observer

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • Cannot say,since i havent had any encounters with them.Although i am open to suggestions and possibi

    Votes: 25 30.1%
  • I am indifferent to this Stuff.There are Zillions of things better to do than Worrying about some st

    Votes: 7 8.4%
  • Others(if you check this,please specify why?)

    Votes: 11 13.3%

  • Total voters
the best explanation ive heard, was from an interview with marlon brando, where he stated that he believed that the aliens we observe are not from another planet, but are actually the human race in about 30,000 years,and they are here "mining"for genetic material in the past, the same way that we mine for fossil fuels today. It would make sense to pollute the past,if we could as it is in our nature.

any ideas?
Some Already Posted Great Posts are as follows :
Interesting threads at Pseudo-Science Forum to take a Look at:
If i have missed anything out of this,please post Links to threads in replies.
and make sure that It is relevant to the subject of in General and covers a topic in particular very well...

The above post is an attempt to reduce the plagiarization of posts and reduce redundancy...

Interesting U.S. Govt. Activities with regards to UFOs.
    (Taken from Steven's Book that i mentioned earlier and Ufo-Case Book)
    On May 9, 2001, one of the largest and most successful press conferences in the recent history of the National Press Club was completed. More than 20 military, government and corporate witnesses to unambiguous UFO and extraterrestrial events stated their testimony before millions. This kickoff event for the Campaign for Disclosure was carried by major media world-wide. The event was live webcast, and at 9 a.m. over 250,000 people were waiting on-line for the live press conference to begin. The next biggest webcast event at the National Press Club was less than 25,000. While the first hour of the conference was "electronically jammed" according to the president of ConnectLive, the company that webcasts all National Press Club events, eventually thousands of people around the world were able to watch the event live on-line.
    Other people that have helped bring out the facts about UFOs and 'Extraterrestrial Biological Entities'... Com. Sgt. Maj. Robert O' Dean, Col. Charles I. Halt, M. Sgt. Frank Kaufman, Colonel Philip J. Corso, Jorge Martin, Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens, Mercury Astronaut Gordon Cooper, Maj. US Army. Capt. Virgil Armstrong, Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson, Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, John Callahan, former Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch, FAA; Master Sergeant Dan Morris, former US Air Force and NRO operative with cosmic top secret clearance; Dr. Carol Rosin, space missile defense consultant and former spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun; Graham Bethune, retired Navy commander pilot with a top-secret clearance; Michael Smith, former Air Traffic Controller, US Air Force; Sergeant Clifford Stone, United States Army; Lt. Col. Robert Salas, former SAC Launch Controller, US Air Force and FAA, and Major George A. Filer III, former Air Force Intelligence Officer and Pilot, Travis Walton and Mike Rogers, Stanton T. Friedman, Bob Lazar, Stan Gordon and Myron for the interveiw about the Kecksburg, PA UFO incident. And thousands of other fine people, Thank you all. GOD and good Extraterrestrials Bless you.



    Copyright Steven M. Greer, M.D. March 2001

    For most people, the question of whether or not we are alone in the universe is a mere philosophical musing something of academic interest but of no practical importance. Even evidence that we are currently being visited by non-human advanced life forms seems to many to be an irrelevancy in a world of global warming, crushing poverty and the threat of war. In the face of real challenges to the long-term human future, the question of UFOs, extraterrestrials and secret government projects is a mere sideshow, right? Wrong catastrophically wrong.

    The evidence and testimony presented in the following pages establishes the following:
    • That we are indeed being visited by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations and have been for some time;
    • That this is the most classified, compartmented program within the US and many other countries;
    • That those projects have, as warned in 1961 by President Eisenhower, escaped legal oversight and control in the US, the UK and elsewhere;
    • That advanced spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin, called extraterrestrial vehicles (ETVs) by some intelligence agencies, have been downed, retrieved and studied since at least the 1940s and possibly as early as the 1930s;
    • That significant technological breakthroughs in energy generation and propulsion have resulted from the study of these objects (and from related human innovations dating as far back as the time of Nicola Tesla) and that these technologies utilize a new physics not requiring the burning of fossil fuels or ionizing radiating to generate vast amounts of energy;
    • That classified, above top-secret projects possess fully operational anti-gravity propulsion devices and new energy generation systems that, if declassified and put to peaceful uses, would empower a new human civilization without want, poverty or environmental damage.
    Those who doubt these assertions should carefully read the testimony of dozens of military and government witnesses whose testimony clearly establishes these facts. Given the vast and profound implications of these statements, whether one accepts or seriously doubts these assertions, all must demand that Congressional hearings be convened to get to the truth of this matter. For nothing less that the human future hangs in the balance.

    Implications for the Environment

    We have identified insiders and scientists who can prove, in open Congressional hearings, that we do in fact possess classified energy generation and anti-gravity propulsion systems capable of completely and permanently replacing all forms of currently used energy generation and transportation systems. These devices access the ambient electromagnetic and so-called zero point energy state to produce vast amounts of energy without any pollution. Such systems essentially generate energy by tapping into the ever-present quantum vacuum energy state the baseline energy from which all energy and matter is fluxing. All matter and energy is supported by this baseline energy state and it can be tapped through unique electromagnetic circuits and configurations to generate huge amounts of energy from space/time all around us. These are NOT perpetual motion machines nor do they violate the laws of thermodynamics they merely tap an ambient energy field all around us to generate energy.

    This means that such systems do not require fuel to burn or atoms to split or fuse. They do no require central power plants, transmission lines and the related multi-trillion dollar infrastructure required to electrify and power remote areas of India, China, Africa and Latin America. These systems are site-specific: they can be set up at any place and generate needed energy. Essentially, this constitutes the definitive solution to the vast majority of environmental problems facing our world.

    The environmental benefits of such a discovery can hardly be overstated, but a brief list include:
    • The elimination of oil, coal and gas as sources of energy generation, thus the elimination of air and water pollution related to the transport and use of these fuels. Oil spills, global warming, illnesses from air pollution, acid rain etc can and must be ended within 10-20 years;
    • Resource depletion and geo-political tensions arising from competition for fossil fuel resources will end;
    • Technologies already exist to scrub manufacturing effluent to zero or near zero emissions for both air and water-but they use a great deal of energy and thus are considered too costly to fully utilize. Moreover, since they are energy intensive, and our energy systems today create most of the air pollution in the world, a point of diminishing return for the environment is reached quickly. That equation is dramatically changed when industries are able to tap vast amounts of free energy (there is no fuel to pay for only the device, which is no more costly than other generators) and those systems create no pollution.
    • Energy-intensive recycling efforts will be able to reach full application since the energy needed to process solid waste will, again, be free and abundant.
    • Agriculture, which is currently very energy dependent and polluting, can be transformed to use clean, non-polluting sources of energy.
    • Desertification can be reversed and world agriculture empowered by utilizing desalinization plants, which are now very energy intensive and expensive, but will become cost-efficient once able to use these new, non-polluting energy systems.
    • Air travel, trucking and inter-city transportation systems will be replaced with new energy and propulsion technologies (anti-gravity systems allow for silent above surface movement). No pollution will be generated and costs will decrease substantially since the energy expenses will be negligible. Additionally, mass transportation in urban areas can utilize these systems to provide silent, efficient intra-city movement.
    • Noise pollution from jets, trucks and other modes of transportation will be eliminated by the use of these silent devices.
    • Public utilities will not be needed since each home, office and factory will have a device to generate whatever energy is needed. This means ugly transmission lines that are subject to storm damage and power interruption will be a thing of the past. Underground gas pipelines, which not infrequently rupture or leak and damage Earth and water resources, will not be needed at all.
    • Nuclear power plants will be decommissioned and the technologies needed to clean such sites will be available. Classified technologies do exist to neutralize nuclear waste.
    Utopia? No, because human society will always be imperfect but perhaps not as dysfunctional as it is today. These technologies are real I have seen them. Anti-gravity is a reality and so is free energy generation. This is not a fantasy or a hoax. Do not believe those who say that this is not possible: they are the intellectual descendants of those who said the Wright brothers would never fly.

    Current human civilization has reached the point of being able to commit planeticide: the killing of an entire world. We can and we must do better. These technologies exist and every single person who is concerned about the environment and the human future should call for urgent hearings to allow these technologies to be disclosed, declassified and safely applied.

    Implications for Society and World Poverty

    From the above, it is obvious that these technologies that are currently classified would enable human civilization to achieve sustainability. Of course, in the near term, we are talking about the greatest social, economic and technological revolution in human history bar none. I will not minimize the world-encompassing changes that would inevitably attend such disclosures. Having dealt with this issue for much of my adult life, I am acutely aware of how immense these changes will be.

    Aside from the singular realization that homo sapiens are not the only or most advanced creatures in the universe, this disclosure will cause humanity to be faced with the greatest risks and opportunities in known history. If we do nothing, our civilization will collapse environmentally, economically, geo-politically and socially. In 10 - 20 years, fossil fuel and oil demand will outstrip supply significantly and then it is the Mad Max scenario where everyone is warring over the last barrel of oil. It is likely that this geo-political and social collapse will precede any environmental catastrophe.

    The disclosure of these new technologies will give us a new, sustainable civilization. World poverty will be eliminated within our life times. With the advent of these new energy and propulsion systems, no place on Earth will need to suffer from want. Even the deserts will bloom

    Once abundant and nearly free energy is available in impoverished areas for agriculture, transportation, construction, manufacturing and electrification, there is no limit to what humanity can achieve. It is ridiculous obscene even that mind-boggling poverty and famine exists in the world while we sit on classified technologies that could completely reverse this situation. So why not release these technologies? Because the social, economic and geo-political order of the world would be greatly altered. Every deep insider with whom I have met has emphasized that this would be the greatest change in known human history. The matter is so highly classified not because it is so silly, but because its implications are so profound and far reaching. By nature, those who control such projects do not like change. And here we are talking about the biggest economic, technological, social and geo-political change in known human history. Hence, the status quo is maintained, even as our civilization hurtles towards oblivion.

    But by this argument, we would have never had the industrial revolution and the Ludites would have reigned supreme to this day.

    An international effort to minimize disruption to the economy and to ease the transition to this new social and economic reality will be needed. We can do this and we must. Special interests in certain oil, energy and economic sectors need to be reigned in and at the same time treated compassionately: Nobody likes to see their power and empire crumble. Nations very dependent on the sale of oil and gas will need help diversifying, stabilizing and transitioning to a new economic order.

    The United States, Europe and Japan will need to adjust to a new geo-political reality as well: As currently poor but populous countries dramatically develop technologically and economically, they will demand and will get a meaningful seat at the international table. And this is as it should be. But the international community will need to put in place safeguards to prevent such potential geo-political rapprochement between the first and third world from devolving into bellicose and disruptive behavior on the part of the newly empowered.

    The US in particular will need to lead through strength but avoid the current trend towards domination. Leadership and domination are not the same, and the sooner we learn the difference the better off the world will be. There can be international leadership without domination and hegemony, and the US needs to realize these distinctions if it is to provide much-needed leadership on this issue.

    These technologies, because they will decentralize power literally and figuratively will enable the billions living in misery and poverty to enter a world of new abundance. And with economic and technological development, education will rise and birth rates will fall. It is well known that as societies become more educated, prosperous and technologically advanced and women take an increasingly equal role in society the birth rate falls and population stabilizes. This is a good thing for world civilization and the future of humanity.

    With each village cleanly electrified, agriculture empowered with clean and free energy and transportation costs lowered, poverty will dramatically fall in the world. If we act now, by 2030 we will be able to effectively eliminate all poverty in the world, as we know it today. We only need the courage to accept these changes and the wisdom to steer humanity safely and peacefully into a new time.

    Implications for World Peace and Security

    A few years ago I was discussing this subject with the former Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Claiborne Pell. He explained to me that he had been in Congress since the 1950s but had never been briefed on this subject. I told him that the nature of these black projects has resulted in most of our leaders being left out of any decision making on this subject, and what a shame this is. I said, "Senator Pell, all that time you were Chairman of Foreign Relations, you were deprived of the opportunity to deal with the ultimate foreign relations challenge" and I pointed to the stars above our heads. He said, " You know Dr. Greer, I am afraid that you are right"

    It is true that our great diplomats and wise elders, such as Senator Pell, President Jimmy Carter and other international leaders have been specifically and deliberately prevented from having access to or control over this subject. This is a direct threat to world peace. In the vacuum of secrecy, operations supervised by neither the people, the people’s representatives, the UN nor any other legitimate entity have taken actions that directly threaten world peace.

    Testimony, corroborated by multiple military witnesses who do not know each other and who have had no opportunity for collusion, will show that the US and other countries have engaged these ETVs in armed attack, in some cases leading to the downing of these vehicles. As I said to Mrs. Boutros Ghali, wife of the then Secretary General of the UN, if there is even a 10% chance that this is true, then this constitutes the gravest threat to world peace in human history

    Having personally interviewed numerous credible military and aerospace officials with direct knowledge of such actions, I am certain that we have done this. Why? Because these unknown vehicles have been in our airspace without our permission and because we wanted to acquire their technology. Nobody has asserted that there is an actual threat to humanity from these objects: Obviously, any civilization capable of routine interstellar travel could terminate our civilization in a nanosecond, if that was their intent. That we are still breathing the free air of Earth is abundant testimony to the non-hostile nature of these ET civilizations.

    We have also been informed that the so-called Star Wars (or National Missile Defense System) effort has really been a cover for black project deployment of weapon systems to track, target and destroy ETVs as they approach Earth or enter Earth’s atmosphere. No less a figure than Wernher Von Braun warned on his death-bed of both the reality and the madness of such a scheme, apparently to no avail (see the Testimony of Carol Rosin, former spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun).

    Well, unless we change directions we are likely to end up where we are going.

    With the types of weapons currently in the covert arsenal weapons more fearsome even than thermonuclear devices there is no possibility of a survivable conflict. Yet in the darkness of secrecy, actions have been taken on behalf of every human that may endanger our future. Only a full, honest disclosure will correct this situation. It is not possible for me to convey in words the urgency of this.

    For 10 years I worked as an emergency doctor and saw how every possible object can be used as a weapon. Every technology, unless guided by wisdom and a desire for that good and peaceful future – the only future possible will be used for conflict. Super-secret projects that answer to no legally constituted body- not the UN, not the US Congress, not the British Parliament must not be allowed to continue to act in this way on behalf of humanity.

    One of the greatest dangers of extreme secrecy is that it creates a hermetically sealed, closed system impervious to the free and open exchange of ideas. In such an environment, it is easy to see how grave mistakes can be made. For instance, the testimony here will show that these ETVs became very prominent after we developed the first nuclear weapons and began to go into space. There were multiple events corroborated here by numerous credible military officials of these objects hovering over and even neutralizing ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles).

    A closed, military view of this might be to take offense, engage in counter-measures and attempt to down such objects. In fact, this would be the normal response. But what if these ET civilizations were saying, "Please do not destroy your beautiful world and know this: we will not let you go into space with such madness and threaten others" An event showing concern and even a larger cosmic wisdom could be construed over and over again as an act of aggression. Such misunderstandings and myopia are the stuff wars are made of.

    Whatever our perceptions of these visitors, there is no chance that misunderstandings can be resolved through violent engagement. To contemplate such madness is to contemplate the termination of human civilization.

    It is time for our wise elders and our levelheaded diplomats, like Sen. Pell, to be put in charge of these weighty matters. To leave this in the hands of a clique of un-elected, self-appointed and unaccountable covert operations is the greatest threat to US national security and world security in history. Eisenhower was right, but nobody was listening.

    In light of testimony showing that covert actions have been taken that involved violent engagement of these visitors, it is imperative that the international community in general and the US Congress and President in particular do the following:
    • Convene hearings to assess the risks to national and international security posed by the current covert management of the subject;
    • Enforce an immediate ban on weapons in space and specifically ban the targeting of any extraterrestrial objects since such actions are unwarranted and could endanger the whole of humanity;
    • Develop a special diplomatic unit to interface with these extraterrestrial civilizations, foster communication and peaceful relations;
    • Develop a suitably empowered and open international oversight group to manage human-extraterrestrial relations and ensure peaceful and mutually beneficial interactions;
    • Support international institutions that can ensure the peaceful use of those new technologies related to advanced energy and propulsion systems (see below).
    In addition to the above, a less obvious but perhaps equally pressing threat to world peace arises from the fact that the covert control of this subject has resulted in the world being deprived of the new energy and propulsion technologies discussed earlier.

    World poverty and a widening gap between rich and poor are serious threats to world peace that would be corrected by the disclosure and peaceful application of these technologies (see above). The real threat of war over a shrinking supply of fossil fuels in the next 10-20 years further underscores the need for this disclosure. What happens when the 4 billion people living in poverty want cars, electricity and other modern conveniences all of which depend on fossil fuels? To any thinking person, it is obvious that we must transition quickly to the use of these now classified technologies they are powerful solutions already sitting on a shelf.

    Of course, a number of insiders have pointed out that these technologies are not your grandfather’s Oldsmobile: They are technological advances, like any other, that could be put to violent uses by terrorists, bellicose nations and madmen. But here we enter a catch 22: If these technologies are not forthcoming soon, we will face a certain meltdown in human civilization and the environment; if they are disclosed, immensely powerful new technologies will be out there for possible destructive uses.

    In the near future, it is prudent to view humanity as likely to use any new technology violently. This means that international agencies must be created to ensure and enforce the exclusive peaceful use of such devices. The technologies exist today to link every such device to a GPS (Global Positioning System) monitor that could disable or render useless any device tampered with or used for anything put peaceful power generation and propulsion. These technologies should be regulated and monitored. And the international community must mature to a level of competence to ensure their exclusive peaceful use.

    Any other use should be met with overwhelming resistance by every other nation on Earth.Such a pact is the necessary next step. Maybe someday, humanity will live in peace without the need for such controls. But for now, the situation is like that of chained dogs some strong leashes are warranted and are essential. But such concerns cannot be a rationale for further delaying the disclosure of these technologies. We have the knowledge and means to ensure their safe and peaceful use and these must be applied soon if we are to avoid further degradation of the environment and an escalation of world poverty and conflict.

    In the final analysis, then, we are faced with a social and spiritual crisis that transcends any technological or scientific challenge. The technological solutions exit but do we possess the will, wisdom and courage to apply them for the common good? The more one contemplates this matter the more it is obvious that we have one possible future: Peace. Peace on Earth and peace in space a universal Peace, wisely enforced; for every other path leads to ruin

    This then is the greatest challenge of the current era. Can our spiritual and social resources rise to this challenge? Nothing less than the destiny of the human race hangs in the balance.


    Dear Supporters of the Disclosure Project,
    In the past few months, dozens of new military, intelligence and corporate witnesses to UFO events and projects have contacted us and offered to provide their testimony. They have seen the dozens of witnesses who came forward in 2001 and are encouraged by their example. Many of these new witnesses have deeper and more explosive information than those who came forward last year, and we need to secure this new testimony and evidence as soon as possible.
    To date, 119 prospective new witnesses have been identified and require proper background research, interviewing, filming and organization. To achieve this important goal, we are pleased to announce the commencement of the Witness Archive Project II, which will continue the archival preservation of important government insider testimony regarding UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence and advanced energy and propulsion technologies.

    These 119 new witnesses are in addition to the over 100 witnesses filmed in the Witness Archive Project I, conducted in 2000 and 2001.
    We need your help and support to preserve and prepare for disclosure the testimony of these new and courageous men and women who are willing to come forward.

    In order to accomplish this, The Disclosure Project must:
    • Research and organize the witness files, supporting documents and corroborating evidence .
    • Travel to numerous locations to film the witnesses on digital videotape with an interviewer and camera operator.
    • Edit the testimony into usable, concise testimony for educational purposes .
    • Prepare audio tapes and written transcripts from the tapes for briefing materials and written summaries .
    • Archive, duplicate and secure the testimony and supporting evidence.
      Even with primarily volunteer labor, we estimate the cost of doing the above, including equipment, tape stock and out of pocket travel expenses to be conservatively $150,000.
    I ask that you consider what this testimony and its disclosure is worth to the world and the cause of truth. If those on this list each contributed $25, which is tax-deductible, we would have enough to meet this important goal in 2002. So I ask that each of you give as much as you can to support this effort.

    In addition, we plan to have another major press conference at which some of these new witnesses will publicly share their testimony. Also, some of these witnesses will be presenting their testimony and evidence at the First Annual Disclosure Conference in the San Francisco Bay area June 21-23, 2002 (see information at Please plan now to attend this important event.

    If you are a government, military, intelligence or corporate witness to UFO, ET or related events, please contact me in confidence regarding joining these dozens of heroic witnesses. I invite you to join the growing numbers of witnesses who agree with us that it is time to end the illegal, unconstitutional secrecy surrounding UFOs.

    Those of us who are not a witness can do his or her part to support this effort by donating generously to the new Witness Archive Project II. Donations may be made on the website at, or by sending your check to: PO Box 2365, Charlottesville, VA 22902.

    If all of us pull together, we can create an unstoppable momentum for Disclosure. Thank you for your support and generosity.
    Wishing you all the best,
    Steven M. Greer MD
    Director, The Disclosure Project

    Another Update, 4-7-2002

    The Disclosure Project, a 501c(3) non-profit association has identified over 450 government, military, intelligence community and defense contractor witnesses who are willing to testify, under oath, to their direct experience and knowledge of UFOs, Extraterrestrials and Extraterrestrial technology.
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Division Chief John Callahan: “I saw a UFO chase a Japanese 747 across the sky for over half an hour on radar. I’ve got a videotape. I’ve got the voice tape. I’ve got the reports that were filed that will confirm what I’m telling you….I’m one of those, what you would call, high Government officials in the FAA.”
    Captain Robert Salas: USAF SAC Missile Launch Officer [1964-1971]: “The UFO incident happened on the morning of March 16, 1967….part of the 490th Strategic Missile Squad….the top side security guard says, ‘Sir, there’s a glowing red object hovering right outside the front gate; I’m looking at it right now. I’ve got all the men out here with their weapons drawn’…[as this was happening] our missiles [nuclear tipped Minuteman One missiles] started shutting down, one by one…so that morning we lost from 16 – 18 ICBMs at the same time UFOs were in the area”
    Brigadier General Steven Lovekin: Army National Guard Reserve: “This piece of an extraterrestrial craft was a grayish foil-like material….it had been taken from one of the ET craft that had crashed in New Mexico….. it had been taken from a box of materials that the military was working on….”
    Sgt. Clifford Stone: US Army: “I was involved in situations where we did recoveries of crashed flying saucers…. There were bodies involved…some were alive…if I am called before congress to testify…. I stand here ready today to do just that [testify to congress]”.
    The Disclosure Project, a nonprofit research and public interest group, has identified over 400 military, intelligence, government and corporate witnesses to rogue UFO and ET-related projects and events. The testimony of these witnesses along with government documents and other evidence may be seen at Disclosure Project Home Page

    by Steven M. Greer, M.D.

    Beginning in 1993, I started an effort that was designed to identify firsthand military and government witnesses to UFO events and projects, as well as other evidence to be used in a public disclosure. From 1993, we spent considerable time and resources briefing the Clinton Administration, including CIA Director James Woolsey, senior military officials at the Pentagon, and select members of Congress, among others. In April of 1997, more than a dozen such government and military witnesses were assembled in Washington DC for briefings with Congressmen, Pentagon officials and others. There, we specifically requested open Congressional Hearings on the subject. None were forthcoming.
    In 1998, we set out to "privatize" the disclosure process by raising the funds to videotape, edit, and organize over 100 military and government witnesses to UFO events and projects. We had estimated that between $2 million and $4 million would be needed to do this on a worldwide basis. By August of 2000 only about 5% of this amount had been raised but we decided to proceed since further delay was deemed imprudent given the serious issues involved here. So beginning in August we began creating the Witness Archive Project and we set about the task of traveling all over the world to interview these witnesses in broadcast quality digital video format. Due to the severe limitation of funds, this effort was predominantly prepared by myself and a few other volunteers roughly from August 2000 through December 2000.

    Beginning in late December 2000, I began editing over 120 hours of raw digital video testimony at home. I should note that I am a medical doctor and not an editor. Nevertheless, from late December 2000 until late February 2001 the 120 hours were reduced first to 33 hours of select testimony and then 18 hours of super-select testimony. The 33 hours of select testimony were dubbed to audiotape and transcribed resulting in approximately 1200 pages of testimony transcripts. In March and early April, 2001 I edited these transcripts into a readable form, which appear herein.

    I must emphasize that this has been done under the most severe time and funding constraints, working 7 days a week and mostly 18 hours a day. And I thought the Emergency Department was tough!

    I share this only so the reader will understand that these transcripts and other materials are very likely to contain errors. These include likely errors in proper names arising from the phonetic spelling of such names directly from transcribed audio tapes of testimony. I apologize in advance for these.

    The transcripts (that appear in the Briefing Document) have only been altered to correct for a) length and b) grammar and readability. I have assiduously avoided changing the meaning of testimony at all times. Statements in brackets [ ] are for clarification. Statements in italics and brackets [ ] reflect commentary on my part and are followed by my initials, SG.

    These materials are, as you can now discern, only the tip of the iceberg of what we have recorded on digital videotape. That is, from over 120 hours of testimony by over 100 witnesses we transcribed only 33 hours and then further edited materials down to a fraction of that amount. Moreover, the full archive represents the testimony of only 100 witnesses of the more than 400 identified to date. The edited testimony will be appearing in book form. A portion of it appears in The Disclosure Project Briefing Document and only small excerpts and summary bios of testimony appear in this Executive summary. We hope in the future to secure funding for a 5-6 part broadcast quality video documentary series to be made from the videotaped testimony we have as the impact of hearing and seeing these witnesses speak is very moving.

    As you read this testimony remember that it is indeed only the beginning. The rest is up to you: Call and demand that Congress and the President and the leaders of other countries hold hearings into this subject without delay. These witnesses welcome a subpoena so that they may officially testify under oath to what they have experienced and said here. Indeed, the most revealing testimony waits to be seen since the deepest sources are refusing to come forward until protected through official Congressional hearings.

    This then brings me to my last point: The witnesses who have given testimony to date are extraordinarily brave men and women - heroes in my eyes - who have taken great personal risks in coming forward. Some have been threatened and intimidated. All are risking the ever-present ridicule that attends this subject. Not a single one of them has been paid for his or her testimony: It has been given freely and without reservation for the good of humanity. I wish to personally thank them here and extend to them my personal, highest respect and gratitude.

    Please, I implore you not to let this effort and their sacrifice be in vain. Help us place this matter in front of the public, the media, and our elected representatives so that the full truth may be disclosed, so that those Earth-saving technologies now classified may be released, and so humanity may enter a new chapter in its evolution as one of many people in the cosmos.

    This summary is focusing on the testimony of important first-hand witnesses. We have thousands of government documents, hundreds of photographs, trace landing cases and more, but it is impossible to include them in a summary of this length. These materials will be made available for any serious scientific or Congressional inquiry.

    Steven M. Greer, M.D.
    April 2001
    Copyright 2002 The Disclosure Project
  • Project Blue Book :
    Project Blue Book 1951-1969
    by Michael Hall

    September 10th, 1951 marked a series of sightings that would prove to be the impetus for a serious reevaluation of the Air Force investigation into the UFO phenomenon. This would lead directly to the establishment of Project Blue Book.
    The incidents began when an Army Signal Corps radar operator at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, picked up an unknown flying target at 11:10 A.M. moving faster than the automatic setting mode could plot. The UFO followed the coast line, estimated at a speed of 700 miles per hour.

    Twenty-five minutes later at 11:35 A.M. a T-33 jet piloted by Lieutenant Wilbert S. Rogers with Major Edward Ballard on board may have encountered that same object. They were flying over Point Pleasant, New Jersey, when Rogers spotted a “dull silver, flat disc-like object.” It appeared far below their aircraft which was then at 20,000 feet. Ballard confirmed the pilot’s observation as both crewmen estimated the craft to be around 30 to 50 feet in diameter. The UFO proceeded to descend toward Sandy Hook as Rogers nosed the jet down to investigate in a 360-degree descending turn. As Rogers executed that maneuver the unknown countered with a 90-degree turn to the left. By then both men knew they were not chasing a balloon. This UFO was not only banking left but was by then out-pacing their jet which Rogers had throttled up to 550 miles per hour! He then attempted to parallel its course from his current altitude of 17,000 feet, but it soon vanished out to sea.

    Later that afternoon at 3:15 P.M., Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, radar picked up an object eighteen miles above the earth traveling slowly. Soon ground observers visually confirmed it although they could only see a silver speck. That sighting did later prove to be a balloon, but as a direct result of all of these Fort Monmouth, New Jersey Reports and some other odd radar reports the next day, many senior military leaders became concerned.

    So much attention came to bear on the incidents that the Air Force Headquarters Intelligence director at the Pentagon, Major General Cabell, asked Air Technical Intelligence Center chief Harold Watson, in Dayton, Ohio, to look into the matter. Since 1948 the ATIC in Dayton had been responsible for collecting and investigating UFO reports.

    Yet even before these incidents took place, General Cabell had come under pressure by many U.S. industrialists and scientists who felt the Air Force should be more forthcoming about UFO reports. They felt a renewed investigation should take place on a scale equal to that of 1948 during the first investigation named Project Sign. Cabell, who had once characterized the later Grudge Project and its report as “the most poorly written piece of unscientific tripe I’ve ever read,” seemed ready himself for a more serious study. That summer Cabell passed the mounting pressure on to Watson at ATIC although after the Fort Monmouth, New Jersey Reports, Cabell sent word down that he was even to be awakened during the middle of the night if he was needed!

    Ironically, Watson had such a disdain for UFO sightings that initially he had hesitated to even forward the Fort Mommouth reports to Washington. In fact, when word of the incredible sightings first came into Dayton, the accounts were dismissed by Watson’s head of intelligence analysis, Colonel Bruno Feiling. Feiling completely bypassed Grudge and gave the report directly to James Rodgers who had once been in charge of the Grudge project and was Watson’s right-hand man. Apparently an argument of sorts soon arose within the ATIC offices as the New Jersey incidents gained more and more publicity. Finally, the report was sent to the Pentagon (apparently by some unnamed subordinate going over Watson’s head).

    In response, Watson soon found himself in a heated conversation with Cabell. By then Watson knew he had to act fast, so he sent Lieutenant Colonel N.R. Rosengarten to New Jersey to conduct an investigation. Rosengarten then served as chief of Aircraft and Missiles at ATIC and technically had the old Grudge project under his many duties. He took with him intelligence officer Lieutenant Jerry Cummings who had actually taken over the administration of Grudge from James Rodgers. Although Cummings had only recently come to Grudge and, like Edward Ruppelt, had been reactivated with the start of hostilities in Korea. Ruppelt’s opinion of Cummings was very high, and it is evident from the UFO files that a more serious approach was taken as soon as Cummings was ordered to administer what was left of the Grudge operation. As a matter of fact, both Ruppelt and Cummings had desks in the same building. Ruppelt noticed that when Cummings was given the defunct operation, it had been due to Watson rewarding Rodgers with better duty. Yet during the transition, both Ruppelt and Cummings came to learn the history of Watson and Rodgers’ misadministration of Grudge.

    Rosengarten and Cummings thus took great interest in their trip to New Jersey because it gave them the chance to finally investigate a really good report without direct interference from Watson and Rodgers. After arriving on the scene via a commercial airliner direct from Dayton, they worked around the clock to interrogate the radar operators and all participating technicians at Fort Monmouth. Following their investigation, Rosengarten and Cummings interrogated the T-33 pilots in New York. After that they headed to Washington to brief Cabell but couldn’t get an airliner out of New York in time to catch a scheduled 10:00 A.M. meeting, so they charted a private plane. When they reached the Pentagon they found themselves participating in a very intense briefing with not just Cabell, but other top Pentagon Intelligence officials.

    By the start of the meeting it is apparent that Rosengarten and Cummings had not only become impressed with the reports, but decided to take it upon themselves to put an end to Colonel Watson and his anti-UFO policy. We now know that during the meeting Cummings (with approval from Rosengarten) told Cabell all he knew about the behind-the-scenes influences on Project Grudge.

    Cabell thus came to the realization that Watson had been deceiving him. He learned that since Watson took charge at ATIC in July of 1949, he had been intentionally downplaying sightings. Watson, he discovered, had been persistently debunking UFOs—even going out of his way to grab publicity to do so. He had even talked with reporters and columnist Bob Considine and branded all those who saw UFOs as “nuts,” or “fatigued airline pilots.” This greatly insulted U.S. service personnel who had filed many UFO reports themselves. Yet not until this meeting did Cabell fully realize that Watson, along with his confidant and former Grudge project leader James Rodgers, had run Grudge into the ground.

    Cabell replaced Watson with Colonel Frank Dunn that very month. Other heads rolled too. Soon anti-UFO men in the Pentagon like Major Jerry Boggs were also out. Cabell then ordered ATIC to reactivate or create a new Project Grudge—hereafter referred to as New Grudge. But as urgent as the orders appeared, no one really seemed to want the added duty. Dunn proceeded to put all the responsibility on Rosengarten who then put it on Cummings, but Cummings soon left the Air Force for an assignment at the California Institute of Technology. So, the task went back up to Rosengarten. On September 16th he passed it on to Lieutenant Edward Ruppelt and Lieutenant Henry Metscher who had worked with Cummings on cases like the famous Lubbock Lights Incidents in Texas.

    Ruppelt had been a decorated B-29 bombardier during WWII. In fact, during the war he won five battle stars, two theater combat ribbons, three Air Medals, a Distinguished Flying Cross with Oak Leaf Clusters, and a Presidential Citation. Ruppelt had gone over with the first B-29 squadron to India and followed it to Tinian Island. He remained in the 20th Bomber Command throughout the whole strategic bombing campaign of Japan and even flew on the last conventional raid of the war. After being decommissioned he entered Iowa State College and earned a BS degree in aeronautical engineering by 1950. With the outbreak of war in Korea he received a recall to duty from the Air Force and came into Intelligence at Wright-Patterson AFB. Given work immediately on classified projects, Ruppelt soon gained a reputation at ATIC as a problem solver. Although he would prove to be the best administrator of a UFO project the Air Force would ever have, he did not have the credentials or rank that would normally be drawn upon for what on the surface seemed an important intelligence assignment. Only 28 years old at the time, Ruppelt was not a career officer. Still a lieutenant by that fall, it is very odd that any non-career tracked officer would be put in charge of a project as important as one involving possible aerial intrusions into United States air space.

    He had, however, impressed Rosengarten for some work he did on a captured Korean/ Soviet Mig jet. Because of the meticulous reports and files Ruppelt kept, he was without doubt highly valued at ATIC during a time that personnel resources were being strained by war in Korea. And as anyone who knew Ruppelt will testify, he became instantly liked by all he served with, winning not only their respect but earning it through a high degree of devotion to duty. In sort, Ruppelt was a team player and sweated the details.

    Originally New Grudge existed as a more or less two-man operation, but became a project within an ATIC group in late 1951. By March of 1952 it developed into a full group in ATIC, technically designated the Aerial Phenomena Group. By June 1952 Ruppelt’s project became an ATIC section by which time the code name changed from Grudge to Blue Book. Soon promoted to captain, Ruppelt headed these projects through 1953 with a serious and honest approach, making these years known as “The Age of Ruppelt.”

    Ruppelt not only took the job seriously but expected his staff to do so as well. If anyone under him either became too skeptical or too convinced of one particular theory, they soon found themselves off the project. At no time, however, was New Grudge or Blue Book more than fact-finding groups and never regained the serious attention besotted on the early Sign investigation of 1948. Ruppelt’s project was basically a military operation within ATIC and did not have the highly skilled civilian engineers employed by Sign like Alfred Loedding.

    Nevertheless, Ruppelt did professionalize the project by using a standardized questionnaire developed by Ohio State University for UFO witnesses to describe their sightings. He sought further scientific help from a preexisting contract with the Battelle Memorial Institute in Ohio. Already code named Project Stork, it assisted in the evaluation of statistical data produced by the Air Force investigations. (Project Stork had originally been set up to evaluate the Soviet Union as a military threat and when UFO analysis was tacked onto their duties, that part of the study became known as Little Stork.) He then secured Dr. Hynek, already an Air Force consultant in astronomy, as chief scientific consultant. Ruppelt contracted the Romeike news clipping service as well, (from May through September, 1952) bringing many UFO reports to ATIC that would have not been reported otherwise. The most visible change Ruppelt made involved a regular series of briefings that he gave to Air Force and military officials around the country. He then moved to implement a suggestion from General Cabell that would put cameras on the Air Defense Command’s more than 30 radar scopes around the country. Inspired by University of California physicist Joseph Kaplan, Ruppelt also attempted to develop special diffraction grid filters for camera lenses that could be used from aircraft or ground stations. Some duel lens models were called Videon cameras. With one of its lenses filtered, Videon cameras would be able to capture an object’s color spectrum and compare it to that of aircraft, stars and meteors, as well as its own unfiltered view. By comparing the two, at least non-anomalous occurrences could be weeded out.

    One of Ruppelt’s actions affects us to this day. Prior to 1951 no one used the phrase unidentified flying object. Different combinations of the phrase were mentioned in the Sign project correspondence but as a catch word it did not really exist. Up to that time even sternhigh-ranking generals commonly talked of discs or saucers. Such phrases made Ruppelt uneasy. Realizing the complexities of the phenomenon, he insisted on popularizing “UFO.” It took several years, but his persistence eventually dissuaded the use of “flying saucer” in serious discussions.

    As 1952 dawned, UFO reports began to gradually climb. Ruppelt and ATIC chief Colonel Frank Dunn attended a Pentagon briefing about that time with the new Air Force Intelligence Director, Major General John A. Samford. (Samford had replaced Cabell as head of Air Force Intelligence when Cabell took up the number two position at the CIA.) Samford already seemed very well informed about the UFO problem but soon appointed his Assistant for Production, Brigadier General W.M. Garland, to oversee liaison with ATIC’s New Grudge. Garland had been very close to Samford in the Pentagon and Ruppelt described Garland as a “moderately confirmed believer.” He learned that Garland had once seen a UFO while stationed in Sacramento, California. From the fall of 1952 on, Garland would serve as Ruppelt’s boss.

    In the summer 1952 Ruppelt found himself in the middle of the largest UFO wave to date. The excitement caused by that wave led the CIA into the picture because the Truman administration feared a possible hysteria developing over the subject. This in return led to a CIA- sponsored discussion of UFOs known as the Robertson Panel in January of 1953. Stamped “Secret,” the Robertson Panel’s report (formally known as the Scientific Advisory Panel on UFOs) sent its recommendations to the Secretary of Defense, the Director of the Federal Civil Defense Administration, Chairman of the National Resources Board, and former Intelligence Director General Cabell, but not to Ruppelt or his ATIC superior General Garland.

    Ruppelt may have been head of Blue Book, but it was not until later that he and Garland were briefed. During their meeting the CIA intentionally lied to them, stating that the panel had actually recommended the expansion of Blue Book and the declassification of its files. Ruppelt left the meeting very excited. He made plans for the utilization of more personnel, the final implementation of the camera surveillance, and media release of more classified files as Air Force press assistant Albert Chop had already done via popular UFO writer Donald Keyhoe. In fact, Keyhoe had just been briefed on the famous Tremonton Movie and eagerly looked forward to a more forthcoming policy from the Air Force. But, it never happened.

    While Ruppelt waited for his promised increase in staff and the new projects to be implemented, he received a temporary transfer to non-UFO related duties in Denver. (During that period he attended an advanced intelligence course at Lowry AFB from April 7, 1953, to July 3, 1953.) Then after a brief return to Blue Book Ruppelt was deactivated with the end of the war in Korea. The increase in staff never came nor did other plans. Fearing that the Air Force’s seagull explanation for the Tremonton Movie would not be believed, it remained classified until 1956. General Garland may have then become aware of the true nature of the panel’s recommendations because he reframed from speaking out on UFOs until he left the Air Force for a job at Rand. (In late 1953 Garland tried but failed to have Blue Book transferred over to the Air Defense Command.) Ruppelt seemed to have been kept in the dark about the actual magnitude of the Robertson Panel up until the time of his sudden death from a heart attack just seven years later. And, the public as a whole would not learn the full details of the Robertson Panel report until it was declassified in the summer of 1966.

    But because of the military’s slow bureaucratic nature, the Robertson Panel’s recommendations took a great deal of time to be implemented. Through most of the first half of 1953 Ruppelt and his temporary replacement, Lieutenant Bob Olsson, continued operating Blue Book much as it had been the year before. The only major hindrance concerned getting replacements for staff members and of course the fruitless waiting for the increase in staff which never came. After being reduced to only two subordinates, Ruppelt had to become resourceful. He suggested utilizing other intelligence units for field investigations which eventually resulted in the use of the recently activated 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron (or AISS) for that task.

    Ruppelt’s actual end at Blue Book came with the close of hostilities in Korea in August of 1953, thus ending the most significant period in the project. At the time of his departure only two assistants remained out of what had become a ten-person section. That same year Pentagon liaison Dewey Fournet and Albert Chop left, being the last to openly lean toward the extraterrestrial hypothesis in the “Age of Ruppelt.” Chop had actually resigned his post following an accusation by the Air Force that Donald Keyhoe had fraudulently obtained sighting reports for his upcoming book. Yet, Chop had released the reports to him with full permission from Air Force intelligence and produced a signed affidavit to that effect.

    For a period, Blue Book fell under the sole authority of one noncommissioned officer, Airman First Class Max Futch. Futch was a hard drinking Coca Cola man who not only kept himself going during the long days of the summer UFO wave of 1952 but served as Ruppelt’s right-hand man in the office. Ruppelt placed great confidence in Futch and could always rely on him. But Futch soon left the service along with Bob Olsson—both heading for law school. After that ATIC assisted when needed to investigate reports, but from that point on the project primarily became a repository for files. Most field investigations were turned over to the nineteen scattered 4602nd AISS units of the Air Defense Command.

    With Ruppelt’s departure from Blue Book, the first significant effects of the Robertson Panel recommendations can be detected. It began with the reissuance of Air Force Regulation 200-2 to all American Air Force bases. This regulation put initial responsibility for investigating UFO sightings back with the commander of the air base closest to the event. Amendments would later state that only the 4602nd should make investigations unless there was not an AISS unit in the vicinity, and then the base commander could send a report to the one nearest him. USAFBs were also warned to treat UFO sightings with a restricted clearance at the very minimum and forbade the release of any information to the public except through Blue Book channels unless the sighting was positively identified. By decreasing attention on investigation and increasing the restriction on public information, the Air Force hoped it could successfully defuse (what the CIA had convinced them was) a growing hysteria over UFOs.

    After a brief stint with Ruppelt’s former assistants heading up Blue Book, Captain Charles Hardin assumed command of the project in March of 1954 with only a two-man staff at his disposal. Because of Hardin’s meager resources, most field investigations by that time were being conducted by the 4602nd AISS. Hardin was assigned the task of concentrating Blue Book on countering public criticism and implementing the CIA’s Robertson Panel recommendations which were made known to ATIC sometime by 1956. The 4602nd, however, soon found itself in trouble with the dreaded saucer killer Harold Watson who had regained full reign of ATIC. He felt its men were classifying too many sightings as unidentifieds. Hardin and astronomical advisor to the Air Force, Dr. Hynek (then still more of a UFO debunker than advocate), compiled a field guide known as the UFOB Guide. The UFOB Guide used categories for the 4602nd to more conveniently organize its data into explainable conclusions. Hardin suggested “common sense” as the best way to rule out witnesses’ stories that seemed to contain contradictory evidence. Thus, unique or extraordinary details of sightings were not entered into the Blue Book files. As a result, unknowns fell from 60 percent in 1954 to 5.9 percent in 1955 and 0.4 by 1956. Ironically, as the number of unknowns fell, total UFO reports steadily increased.

    In April 1956 the zealous debunker Captain George T. Gregory assumed leadership of Blue Book after Captain Hardin transferred to other duty. Other ATIC veterans also left in 1956, creating a loss of awareness in the project of its own history. During Gregory’s tenure UFO reports were carelessly and thoughtlessly classified. For example, if a child reported a UFO, policy dictated it automatically be attributed to an overactive imagination. Any reports coming out of Canada were put into the insufficient data category and overseas sightings were rarely recorded. Gregory, however, was not a poor officer. In Hynek’s words, “promotion was the be-all and end-all of existence” to this career-minded man.

    That’s what Blue Book had become by 1956—a carefully controlled project run by those who could follow orders. No one wanted another Ruppelt who would run off to a comfortable highly paid civilian job and write (what they thought was) a tell-all book. The manner in which Air Force Headquarters required ATIC and thus Blue Book to handle UFO reports was by design, aimed more at public relations than investigation. Blue Book chiefs were made to believe that by dissuading public attention on UFOs, a correlation would result in decreasing numbers of those bothersome sightings. That became a form of results much easier to show to the Pentagon than the more difficult task of conducting expensive investigations into a complex phenomena. It might even mean a promotion and certainly guaranteed every career officer’s goal—a paid retirement.

    In October 1958 Blue Book received a very needed shot in the arm when Major Robert Friend replaced Captain Gregory as head of the project. His presence significantly bolstered morale because Friend had substantial scientific training and approached his job in a fair and impartial way just as Ruppelt had. But by that time, Blue Book had many limitations Ruppelt never faced. Friend tried very hard to organize a then chaotic project. Fearing many UFO files had been taken as souvenirs just as had been done prior to Ruppelt’s time, he proposed microfilming reports. He also suggested cataloging sightings which would create an index to evaluate common characteristics. Both of these plans required funds that Friend was never able to acquire from his superiors, although he did succeed in establishing monthly meetings with an unofficial scientific advisory group chaired by Dr. Hynek to discuss the unexplained cases and hopefully discern trends. (Friend kept in almost daily contact with Hynek throughout his term at Blue Book.) Hynek’s panel met with Friend until the end of 1960 and included astronomer L.V. Robinson, public relations expert Theodore J. Hieatt, chaplain Captain R. Pritz, physicist V.J. Handmacher, and psychologist Leroy D. Pigg.

    An important suggestion that arose during Friend’s tenure urged UFO research to be transferred from ATIC to the more scientifically inclined Air Research and Development Command. ATIC did push for this, but ARDC commander, Lieutenant General Bernard Schriever, apparently did not want the burden of controversy that came with UFOs. In 1961 ATIC became part of the Air Force Foreign Technology Division of the Air Force Systems Command. At that time ATIC again tried to pass off UFO investigations onto other agencies like NASA or the National Science Foundation, but neither wanted the public relations nightmare that came with it.

    Friend had so few resources by that late date in the project’s history that few cases could be investigated. In February of 1958 the Air Force revised regulation 200-2 for the fifth time. It stated that “Air Force activities must reduce the percentage of unidentified to the minimum.” In the wake of this change Blue Book started to look more and more like a mere repository of files with little investigative authority.

    Back in July of 1957 ATIC was told that if it deemed further investigation warranted on a particular case, it could assign personnel of the 1006th Air Intelligence Service Squadron or AISS who were to take over the job from the 4602nd—disbanded by the Air Defense Command. By 1958, however, the Air Force cut the AISS’s budget, making it impossible to implement effective investigative procedures. By July of 1959 even that system ended when responsibility for follow up investigations was transferred from the 1006th to the 1127th Field Activities Group stationed at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. But the 1127th completed very little work on UFO cases.

    In 1963 Friend, by then a Lieutenant Colonel, retired as head of Blue Book—replaced by Major Hector Quintanilla. Quintanilla served merely as a caretaker of the project until it disbanded in 1969. A career-tracked officer, he always stressed the official line of public relations over investigation in strict accordance with orders. Quintanilla had no personal interest in UFOs and as the years went on strained the patience of the more eclectic Dr. Hynek due to his insistence on following Air Force policy at all times.

    By 1965 a new UFO wave was well underway, proving to be the largest in history. Reports would flood in from all over the world but prove most numerous in the USSR and the United States. Dreading another onslaught of reports like the 1952 wave, the Air Force considered ways to extricate itself from the whole situation. They still had not overcome the public relations nightmare that UFOs presented and were tired of what they saw as not only an embarrassing problem, but an expensive one as well.

    As the USAF continued to downplay sightings, NICAP, a large civilian research and lobbying coalition, became a very vocal critic. But as in the 1952 wave, the military had more on its mind than UFOs. The Cold War remained a real concern as the Robertson Panel’s words of forebodings continued to seem just as pertinent as they had been a decade earlier. U.S. involvement in Vietnam escalated in the mid 1960s and civil rights demonstrations continued as America became less and less interested in the mysteries of the universe and more focused on its own problems. Actually the entire Western world entered a period of disillusionment in that decade, spawned not just by European decolonization, but a Third World population explosion, global hunger, and environmental pollution.

    Yet even in the midst of that world-wide unrest, The U.S. Congress focused on UFOs but only briefly. Although the Air Force would take considerable heat during the inquiry, they would also learn how to resolve their nagging problem. As the most sensational wave of all time transpired, the Air Force used its authority on the subject to fund a university study into the phenomenon. On the surface it would appear as a purely independent and impartial scientific inquiry. At first it did exactly what the Air Force hoped it would do. NICAP praised the formation of what became known as the Condon Committee and Congress appeared pacified too. As time wore on, however, it became obvious that the committee did not have the desire to enter into a meaningful scientific inquiry. The motivation simply was not there—leading to a poorly organized study, and a very expensive one at that, costing the American taxpayers over a half million dollars. When the committee presented its final report, it recommended the Air Force drop UFO investigations, allowing them to gracefully bring a halt to Project Blue Book in 1969. Because it was published under the respected name of project leader Dr. Edward Condon, the scientific community automatically accepted the conclusions. Most scientists did this without ever reading it let alone even taking the time to pick up a copy of the report.

    As America landed men on the moon, the public became even less fascinated with spaceships from other worlds. They now had spaceships of their own and were very proud of them. In connection with the Condon Report, great accomplishments like Apollo made science seem a solution to all of man’s problems. This had been a perception since the technological leaps in the 1890s, but prior to the space age, science still seemed a realm full of unlimited magical possibilities. With America’s acceleration in education following Sputnik, science lost that mystical veil, becoming a practical tool of even the layman. Yet, out of enlightenment came a hypocrisy which chose to only recognize the scientific laws men were able to utilize at hand.

    It is interesting to note however that in 1968 the Committee on Science and Astronautics conducted a symposium at the urging of Representative J. Edward Roush of Indiana. Roush was a confirmed NICAP supporter. He outlined to Congress serious concerns he had developed after talking to Dr. James McDonald about the scientific profundity of the Colorado project. Roush then attracted attention through an interview he gave to the Denver Post, in which he talked about the implications of the Air Force’s influence on the Condon committee.

    Six distinguished scientists from major universities attended the symposium including sociologist Dr. Robert L. Hall, Dr. Hynek, Dr. Carl Sagan, and Dr. McDonald. Two engineers, Dr. James A. Harder and Dr. Robert M. Baker, also sat on the panel. The committee was prohibited from getting entangled with the Condon committee or criticizing the Air Force as such statements could only have been discussed in a session of the Armed Services Committee.

    Dr. Hynek used this as the first public forum to openly indicate that there may indeed be “scientific pay dirt” in the phenomenon. He also freely admitted that the Air Force had little interest in investigating UFO reports after 1953—having come to the conclusion that they did not present a threat to national security. He stressed that a small handful of contactees and pulp magazines had for years made UFOs an illegitimate subject in scientific circles. While he in no way suggested that UFOs were of an extraterrestrial origin, he made it clear that there was no way to even discuss the possibility without generating ridicule. Hynek then suggested the formation of an official “UFO Scientific Board of Inquiry” using the United Nations as a forum for an interchange of sighting reports.

    Overall, the conclusions of the committee members stated that UFOs merited serious study and should be given closer and more objective attention. Some, like Sagan and Hall, questioned if UFOs were of an extraterrestrial nature but admitted that it was possible although unlikely. Both agreed with the need to study the subject further and Dr. Hall warned the government that it should release its files on UFOs to defuse concern over the issue. Dr. James Harder of the University of California went so far as to state: “On the basis of the data and ordinary rules of evidence, as would be applied in civil or criminal courts, the physical reality of UFOs has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt.” He went on to say that the objects were “interplanetary.”

    Dr. Robert Baker, a former UCLA professor of astronomy and engineering and editor of the Journal of the Astronomical Science, concluded—expressing an opinion that the old Newhouse and Mariana Films were most probably of anomalistic objects. He revealed that the Air Defense Command, (which by then could monitor outer space for a possible Soviet missile attack) had produced “a number of anomalistic alarms.” Dr. Baker commented that he felt this was the only surveillance system that even had a “slight opportunity” of detecting advanced space visitors. Papers from the long time UFO debunker Dr. Donald Menzel as well as five other scientists with less pessimistic views including Stanton Friedman were then read into the record.

    Unfortunately, the symposium’s dialogue became completely overshadowed by the release of the Condon Committee’s final report in the fall. Its 1,485 page hard back version studied 91 total cases, 61 of which were identified as misperceptions or hoaxes. The rest were classified as unidentified. Some famous UFO cases were reexamined like Major Lewis D. Chase’s July 1957 incident in an RB-47. But just as during the Robertson Panel discussions, very few of the thousands of cases available were studied. NICAP had donated some of its best cases and less than one percent were examined. The scientific community, unaware of this, praised the efforts of the Condon report and the press then soon followed with an overall endorsement of its work.The conclusions everyone focused on, especially the Air Force, stated: There has been no advance to science through the study of UFOs in the past, and there likely will be no advance in the future. Consequently, the Air Force should give up its official project. There are, therefore, three main elements to the conclusion:

    1. There has been no advance.
    2. There almost surely never will be.
    3. Project Blue Book should close.

    The Air Force, not surprisingly, agreed with the assessments. Condon in fact repeatedly urged in his conclusions that the government as a wholeshould not be involved with the study of UFOs and agreed with the Air Force’s conviction that the phenomenon presented no danger to national security. Condon even went so far as to warn that children in the school system could be “educationally harmed” by studying UFOs—recommending teachers discipline those having interest in the subject! (The Air Force, by the way, was then receiving approximately 3,000 letters per month from children desiring information to assist them in writing papers on UFOs for school projects.)

    On December 17th of 1969, virtually a foregone conclusion after the Condon report, the new Secretary of the Air Force, Robert C. Seamans, Jr., announced the termination of Blue Book and all involvement in UFO investigations. The Air Force’s justification stated UFOs presented no threat to national security and had no scientific value for study. The dissolution of Blue Book marked the end of an official recognition of the subject. Afterwards, UFOs would occasionally be discussed, but always with the suggestion that they were merely a periodic fad.

    Although Blue Book ended in 1969, the speculation continued that the government might still have a secret, high level investigation. The subject was discussed at a meeting at Hynek’s home on September 14, 1969, with his close friends affectionately known as the the “Invisible College.” Hynek told his friends Jacques Vallee and Bill Powers that there may indeed be another study but that it would undoubtedly have the same data that Blue Book collected. His colleagues, however, disagreed. They felt a real study would go beyond the scope of file clerks. It would have access to radar records that Blue Book was never allowed to see.

    After that meeting Vallee made a significant entry in his diary that tells a great deal about the last days of Blue Book and Hynek’s association with it. It is so very critical to understanding the hypocrisy of the time:

    have to agree with Fred when he says that the Air Force has kept Hynek
    around only as long as he was silent. I came to Evanston six years ago
    and put pressure on him, urging him to change his stance. A string of
    important cases forced the issue. When he started talking, arguing for a
    new study, the Air Force simply pushed him aside. First they defused the
    issue by getting their most vocal opponents to testify before bogus
    congressional hearings; then they selected Ed Condon, a physicist who
    was about to retire, and he signed his name to a report which was a
    travesty of science, yet reassured the establishment. They used that
    report to bring about the liquidation of Hynek’s position, but they were
    careful not to fire him.

    Allen is now fifty-nine years old. He still goes to Dayton regularly
    and remains on the payroll as a part-time consultant. He never sees
    Quintanilla, who still works there with a lieutenant and a couple of
    secretaries. He is received personally by the commander, who hints he
    might put him on his own list of consultants someday. Colonel
    Winebrenner, a former military attache with the U.S. Embassy in Moscow
    and in Prague, takes him to lunch at the officers’ club.

    ‘What do you talk about?’ asks Fred.

    ‘Oh, we talk about lots of things, ordinary things like the weather,’
    answers Allen innocently. ‘We talk about the places we have both
    traveled to. Foreign foods, European cuisine. He snaps his fingers and
    old bottles of Chateau-Latour materialize on the table in front of us.
    He speaks to me in Czech. He even gave me a copy of a UFO novel, The
    Fortec Conspiracy.’

    Hynek has been charmed and neutralized by the Air Force. That doesn’t
    mean anything, and it especially doesn’t mean there is an ongoing secret
    study. It is highly undesirable for the air force of any country to have
    the citizenry believe in the reality of a phenomenon against which our
    jet fighters are powerless.

    In the last year of its existence, Blue Book received 146 UFO reports of which only one received the unidentified classification. Virtually all of the cases that came in by that point were civilian sightings. Military personnel no longer reported UFOs—they weren’t supposed to. The Air Force claimed UFOs were no longer seen by the military simply because they are trained observers that cannot be fooled by such things. Historically, however, that was not true. For the 22 years that the Air Force investigated UFOs they received 12,750 reports of which 587 were classified as unidentified. (At one time Air Force files listed 701 unidentifieds but today only 587 are noted in the declassified index.)

    A significant percentage of those came from trained military observers and pilots. It is also important to remember that the USAF on average only received reports from about ten percent of those seeing UFOs. Many of the sightings they did get were never investigated, but merely filed according to a predetermined category as Blue Book personnel saw fit. And not all of those reports were given case numbers—making the total count of incidents on file closer to 16,000.

    These records are now available on microfilm from the National Archives for anyone to view. Other material can be studied at the Air Force Historical Center at Maxwell AFB. In addition, the Air Force has periodically declassified relevant material about UFO investigations. Combined with determined freedom of information requests filed by researchers from many fields of discipline, new information on UFO events since 1947 are still coming to light. In fact, at the time of this writing 240 pages of UFO-related records have been released from the National Security Agency. Several thousand pages of mid-1950s era UFO case files of the 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron have also been released. The National Archives’ Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri, despite stating for years that their Air Force intelligence files were destroyed in a fire, have also announced the existence of 910 pages of old Sign and Grudge files including many of the missing cases
    Check this Site out: (Nice and Detailed Compilation)
  • Project Sign :
    Project SIGN: Nocturnal Lights, Flying Discs, Rockets and the Estimate of the Situation

    (Note: This was previously titled Project Sign and the Estimate of the situation but I discovered that Michael Swords already used this title and felt it was necessary to change it.)

    Ó Tim Printy 1999 (Updated January 2002)

    In the summer of 1947, the phenomena of "flying discs" became public knowledge and a wary government, began to become concerned about possible incursions into US airspace by unknown aircraft. The country, having survived the Second World War, was now becoming involved in a "cold war" with the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union hid behind a veil of secrecy that was difficult for American Intelligence to penetrate. The US intelligence agencies had very little idea what the Soviets were capable of and what technologies they had captured from the Germans. These objects, having only recently been sighted, hinted at the possibility that the Russians had developed incredible craft that could outfly anything in the US arsenal. The newly formed US Air Force, tasked with the nation's air defense, was about to begin a twenty-year campaign of investigating UFO reports.

    By the fall of 1947, there were recommendations for a study to be formed in order to collect data on these mysterious events. The result was Project SIGN, which was created on December 30, 1947, by a SECRET directive written by Major General Craigie, head of Air Force Research and development. Project SIGN's mission was,
    " collect, collate, evaluate and distribute to interested government agencies and contractors all information concerning sightings and phenomena in the atmosphere which can be construed to be of concern to the national security"
    (Condon et al. 896). In a nutshell, SIGN was to gather data and figure out what these objects were and what threat they posed to the United States. This directive had originated from two memos written by the director of Air Force Intelligence, Maj. General George C. McDonald and the head of Air Material Command (AMC), Lieutenant General Nathan Twining. Both documents were classified SECRET and had concluded that an investigation was necessary.

    The newly formed project SIGN began work on UFOs in early 1948 and was assigned to AMC's Technical Intelligence Division (ATID later to be called ATIC). The staff already had an incident that was high on their list of investigation. This was the case of Captain Mantell, whose P-51 crashed while attempting to pursue a UFO. The initial reports seemed to indicate that Captain Mantell had died because of a UFO encounter. Originally, it was thought that Captain Mantell was chasing the planet Venus. However, research has shown that he was chasing a "Skyhook" balloon. Mantell, without Oxygen in his craft, blacked out after he flew too high, passed out, and then crashed. There was no evidence that the UFO "shot him down" and pilot error appears to be the real reason for that Captains death. Some UFOlogists mention Captain Mantell's pilot record and state he could never have made such a mistake. This is a false presumption on their part. Experienced pilots are not immune from pilot error. In fact, complacency by experienced pilots is a sure way to cause a crash. Captain Mantell was not immune from failing to take into account a lack of oxygen. As for the "Skyhook" balloon, Project SIGN was unaware of these and it was not until years later that the connection was made.

    SIGN continued to collect data and presented an initial report on 23 April 1948, as required by Maj. Gen. Craigie's directive. In this initial report, we read that SIGN was to make the next report on 1 July 1948 (no such report has been found to the best of my knowledge). We also read, Colonel Howard McCoy discussing the following:

    Representatives from this headquarters visited Dr. Irving Langmuir of the research laboratories, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N.Y. to discuss project "SIGN". It was the opinion of this scientist that present available data does not encompass sufficient information to enable a positive identification to be made. Dr. Langmuir was reluctant to consider the so-called "flying disks" as a reality. However, it is believed at this headquarters that it is possible to construct a low aspect ratio aircraft that would duplicate many of the appearance and performance characteristics of reported "flying disks". Experts have agreed that this would be possible through the intelligent application of boundary layer control. (Greenewald, Blackvault Online)

    The report has an enclosure entitled the "Biology of Flying Saucers". Someone called A.R. Weyl for a magazine apparently called "The Aeroplane" wrote the article. His writing discusses the use of low aspect ratio aircraft for supersonic flight and, towards the end, mentions the Horton Brothers. These brothers were developing low aspect ratio aircraft for the Luftwaffe in World War II. General Schulgen's memo of 30 October 1947 went into great discussion about the Horton brothers and specifically mentioned that the Russians could be working on the Horton "Parabola" model. It was suggested that this model would be jet-powered and highly maneuverable. Enclosure 5 of the initial SIGN report shows a photograph of a Horton "Parabola" aircraft. When one examines this photograph, one can make a connection between this and the shapes reported by some observers. It is crescent shaped and appears much like the craft described by Kenneth Arnold. A 13 April 1948 memo from Colonel McCoy writing to the Chief of Staff and requesting information about interviews with the Horten brothers preceded the initial report. It appears that SIGN was concerned at this early stage that German designed low aspect ratio aircraft were being used by the Soviets and had been modified for supersonic flight. The staff seemed to be gathering data on this possibility, when something "unique" occurred.

    On July 24, 1948, SIGN's second major event, the Chiles-Whitted sighting, occurred. Two pilots flying a late night airplane flight over Alabama sighted a "flying fuselage" type UFO. Both saw a rocket-shaped object in the night sky fly by their airplane. A passenger on the aircraft only reported a bright light streaking by but the aircrew recalled seeing windows on the dark cylinder as it flew past. When Professor Hynek investigated this case, he felt it might have been a brilliant meteor. However, Hynek could not justify his conclusion because of the pilot's descriptions. In 1968, the Zond IV incident demonstrated how the pilots could have been mistaken. Dr. William K. Hartman, from the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary laboratory, conducted a detailed study of the Zond IV incident for the Condon Report and drew parallels to the Chiles-Whitted sighting. In conclusion, he stated:
    The present discussion provides definitive evidence that fireballs can be described in just the way reported by Chiles and Whitted. The investigator is faced with the perfectly conceivable possibility that Chiles and Whitted, suffering from the "airship effect," became excited and reported a misconception - a cigar shaped object with windows and flames - just as a fraction of witnesses to spectacular fireballs are now known to do. (Condon et al. 581)

    According to Ed Ruppelt, a former head of the follow-on study Project Bluebook, the Chiles-Whitted sighting excited the SIGN staff and prompted them to write an "Estimate of the Situation" (EOTS) that indicated UFOs were extraterrestrial in nature. The craft described seemed to be technically feasible and it was a solid report. It was not a Horton designed craft and appeared to be more like a V-2 rocket. With this bit of information in their hands, the staff decided to look at these events in a different light. If Ruppelt is correct, they began to grasp the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) as the solution to their problem. According to Michael Swords, the unpublished writings of Ruppelt stated the following:
    In intelligence, if you have to say something to say about some vital problem you write a report that is known as "Estimate of the Situation." A few days after the DC-3 was buzzed, the people at ATIC decided that the time had arrived to make an "Estimate of the Situation." The situation was UFO's; the estimate was that they were interplanetary!

    It was a rather thick document with a black cover and it was printed on legal-sized paper. Stamped across the front were the words TOP SECRET.

    It contained the Air Force's analysis of many of the incidents I have told you about plus many similar ones. All of them had come from scientists, pilots, and other equally credible observers, and each one was an unknown.

    It concluded that UFO's were interplanetary. As documented proof, many unexplained sightings were quoted. The original UFO sighting by Kenneth Arnold; the series of sightings from the secret Air Force Test Center, MUROC AFB; the F-51 pilot's observation of a formation of spheres near Lake Mead; the report of an F-80 pilot who saw two round objects diving toward the ground near the Grand Canyon; and a report by the pilot an Idaho National Guard T-6 trainer who saw a violently maneuvering black object.

    As further documentation, the report quoted an interview with an Air Force major from Rapid City AFB (now Ellsworth AFB) who saw twelve UFO's flying a tight diamond formation. When he first saw them they were high but soon they went into a fantastically high-speed dive, leveled out, made a perfect formation turn, and climbed at a 30 to 40 degree angle, accelerating all the time. The UFO's were oval-shaped and brilliant yellowish-white.

    Also included was one of the reports from the AEC's Los Alamos Laboratory. The incident occurred at 9:40 A.M. on September 23, 1948. A group of people were waiting for an airplane at the landing strip in Los Alamos when one of them noticed something glint in the sun. It was a flat, circular object, high in the northern sky. The appearance and relative size was the same as a dime held edgewise and slightly tipped, about fifty feet away.

    The document pointed out that the reports hadn't actually started with the Arnold Incident. Belated reports from a weather observer in Richmond, Virginia, who observed a "silver disk" through his theodolite telescope; and F-47 pilot and three pilots in his formation who saw a "silvery flying wing"; and the English "ghost airplanes" that had been picked up on radar early in 1947 proved the point. Although reports on them were not received until after the Arnold sighting, these incidents had all taken place earlier.

    When the estimate was completed, typed, and approved, it started up through the channels to higher command echelons. It drew considerable comment but no one stopped it on its way up. (Randle 58-60)

    Attempts to recover the EOTS via Freedom of Information Act have not been successful and many UFO investigators have attempted to locate it. Ed Ruppelt describes it in his book, The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects. Major Dewey Fournet, who also worked at Bluebook, confirms the existence of the EOTS. They both state that one copy existed to remind them of the good old days of Project SIGN and when the ETH was considered seriously by the Air Force. Fournet, a long time UFO advocate, had attempted to convince the 1953 Robertson panel that some UFO sightings were extraterrestrial in nature. The Robertson Panel replied in their report:
    However, the panel could not accept any of the cases cited by him because they were raw unevaluated reports. Terrestrial explanations were suggested in some cases and in others the time of the sighting was so short as to cause suspicion of visual impressions. (Condon et al. 911)

    Despite the potential prosaic explanation for the Chiles-Whitted case, the staff at SIGN reportedly wrote their estimate supporting the ETH. SIGN was supposed to provide quarterly status reports but these reports are not evident after the initial report in April 1948. The EOTS could have been the quarterly report of October 1948 but this appears unlikely. There appears to be no reference to the EOTS anywhere in the SIGN files. However, there are several directives that were issued at the time of the Chiles-Whitted incident, which is when the EOTS was started according to Ruppelt. The first document, Air Corps letter 80-10, dated 21 July 1948, is only three days before the Chiles-Whitted incident. It is referenced in Project SIGN's final report:
    A special study has been initiated with the Rand Project in accordance with Air Corps Letter No. 80-10 dtd 21 July 1948 to present information that would serve to evaluate the remote possibility that some of the observed objects may be spaceships or satellite vehicles. (Steiger 170)

    However, in the final SIGN report, we read Dr. James Lipp of the Rand Project stating:
    Although visits from outer space are believed to be possible, they are believed to be very improbable. In particular, the actions attributed to the "flying objects" reported during 1947 and 1948 seem inconsistent with the requirements of space travel. (Steiger 214)

    The Rand Project report stated:
    ...we have found nothing which would seriously controvert simple rational explanations of the various phenomenon in terms of balloons, conventional aircraft, planets, meteors, bits of paper, optical illusions, practical jokers, psychopathological reporters and the like. (Hall Sign ref. no. 42)

    Although a study for the ETH, the Rand project report was not completed until 1949 and probably does not fit the scenario painted by Ruppelt. A second document comes to light in an 11 October 1948 memo by Colonel Brooke Allen to General Cabell. It references a 27 July 1948 request by General Cabell to his staff to, "determine the tactics of flying objects and the probability of their existence" (Pflock 37). This is only three days after the Chiles-Whitted sighting. Could it be that this memo is what caused SIGN to move towards writing the EOTS? The resultant study of the air staff was classified TOP SECRET and was titled: "Analysis of Flying Object Incidents in the US". The memo by Colonel Allen states that suggestions had been made to SIGN "for pursuing flying object phenomena to the end that positive identification might be achieved" (Pflock 37). Also in the memo, are these words: exhaustive study was made of all information pertinent to the subject in this Division (Air Force Intelligence) and the Intelligence Division of Air Material Command...Because the subject matter is of such an elusive nature, this study is presented as a preliminary report to be reconsidered when information on hand warrants it...Some type of flying objects have been observed, although their identification and origin are not would be unwise to overlook the possibility that some of these objects may be of foreign origin. (Pflock 37)
    Jan Aldrich points out a Memorandum for the Record that states the first interim report was transmitted up the chain by 11 August. However, the memorandum states:
    An interim report on the progress of the study was submitted in 11 August 1948, and outlined the methods of analysis being utilized in the preparation of the required study and the methods suggested to Project "Sign" personnel at Headquarters, Air Materiel Command, for pursuing flying object phenomena to the end that positive identifications might be achieved. (Aldrich 1948)

    Aldrich seems to miss the statement that the report was not the final report described by Allen in his letter to Cabell. The interim report was merely information being sent up the chain following the Cabell request of 27 July. It was not a completed report or even the report that Allen states in his 11 October memo. The actual study no longer exists in the government files but according to Karl Pflock, the updated version does and is the document often referred to as "The Ghost of the Estimate". This document is identified as Air Study #203 and is also classified TOP SECRET. Pflock points out that it uses similar language stated by Allen in his original study. Air study #203 was prepared by Air Force Intelligence in conjunction with the office of Naval Intelligence. This study was begun on 6 August. This is confirmed in a report from the director of Air Force Intelligence to the Joint Intelligence Committee. It states that:
    ...the collection, analysis and investigation activities directed by the project personnel at Hq, Air Material Command, Air Intelligence Memorandum dated 6 August 1948, subject: "Flying Saucers", required that a study be made by the Air Intelligence Division to examine the pattern of tactics of reported flying saucers and develop conclusions as to their probability. The results of this analysis were prepared as Air Intelligence Division (DI/USAF-ONI) Study No. 203, "Analysis of Flying Object Incidents in the United States." (Aldrich Joint)

    Air Study No. 203 bears a remarkable resemblance to the EOTS, as we will later discuss. Can Air Study #203 be the famed EOTS? It is hard to say. Amazingly, the suspicions stated in the initial report of 23 April 1948 seems to have come back in Air Study #203. Again the Horton brothers are mentioned and various low-aspect ration aircraft are discussed. Air Study #203 states:
    The origin of the devices is not ascertainable. There are two reasonable possibilities:
    • The objects are domestic devices, and if so, their identification or origin can be established by a survey of the launchings of airborne devices. Domestic flying wing type aircraft observed in various aspects of flight might be responsible for some of the reported flying objects, particularly those described as disks and rough cigar shapes. (See Appendices "C" and "D".) Among those which have been operational in recent years are the XF5U-1 ("Flying Flapjack") developed by Chance-Vaught, the Northrup B-35, and the turbo-jet powered Northrup YB-49. The present existence of any privately developed flying-wing type aircraft has not been determined but one such aircraft, the Arup tailless monoplane, was operational at South Bend, Indiana, prior to 1935.
    • Objects are foreign, and if so, it would seem most logical to consider that they are from a Soviet source. The Soviets possess information on a number of German flying-wing type aircraft such as the Gotha P60A, Junkers EF 130 long-range, high-speed jet bomber and the Horten 229 twin-jet fighter, which particularly resembles some of the description of unidentified flying objects (See Appendix "D"). As early as 1924 Tscheranowsky developed a "Parabola" aircraft, an all wing design, which was the outcome of considerable Soviet experimentation with gliders of the same general form. Soviet aircraft based on such designs might have speeds approaching trans-sonic speeds attributed to some flying objects or greater over-all performance assuming the successful development of some unusual propulsion device such as atomic energy engine. (Aldrich Air)
    Therefore, it appears that the USAF is concerned about the Soviets as the source. This is exactly what was considered in the first report. Clearly, if study #203 were the EOTS, Ruppelt was completely misinformed of its contents. Study #203 does include many of the sightings described to have been included in the EOTS. Could this be just a coincidence?

    Ruppelt states that the EOTS was completed just before the third big incident of 1948, which was the Fargo N.D. incident involving Lt Gorman and a small circular light that danced around his airplane. He was unable to keep up with the object's maneuvers and it seemed to possess intelligent abilities. Truth is stranger than fiction and shortly after this, it was determined that Gorman was "dog-fighting" a lighted weather balloon. As we can see from the Colonel Allen memo, the initial TOP SECRET study was completed by October 11, 1948. The Gorman case happened on October 1, 1948. While Aldrich points out that AMC does not seem to be involved in this study, one has to look closely at Allen's memo, where it stated that "an exhaustive study" was done by both the Intelligence Division and AMC. It appears that AMC may have been involved and was asked to provide their input. This input would not have been in the interim status report of 11 August 1948 but would have been in the final version made before 11 October. Perhaps the EOTS was used to provide input for the study or maybe Ruppelt confused the study with the EOTS. The study and the EOTS were being executed at the same time. If the study and the EOTS were arriving at different conclusions at the same time, one has to wonder what data each group was using.

    According to Ruppelt, the EOTS made it's way to General Vandenberg and proposed that alien spaceships were the source of UFOs. However, "It got to the late General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, then Chief of Staff, before it was batted back down. The general wouldn't buy interplanetary vehicles. The report lacked proof. A group from ATIC went to the Pentagon to bolster their position but had no luck, the Chief of Staff just couldn't be convinced" (Ruppelt 45). There seems to be no evidence indicating that such a meeting took place. Wendy Connors suggests a meeting at the National Bureau of Standards on 12 November but there is no evidence that some members of the SIGN team were there for that purpose. Ruppelt admits that the report lacked any proof. This appears to be the reason that Vandenberg shot it down and not as a form of cover-up to hide proof of the ETH.

    However, there are no indications that any such document went up the chain in the SIGN files. There are interesting memos that do exist in the SIGN files during this period. On 7 October 1948 there are three memos written by Colonel Howard McCoy addressed to the various intelligence agencies. Each memo contains the same wording, "To date, no concrete evidence as to the exact identity of any of the reported objects has been received. Similarly the origin of the so-called "flying discs" remains obscure" (Hall Sign ref nos. 13-15). There is no indication that Colonel McCoy, the military head of Project SIGN, considered that the ETH was the likely solution according to these memos. Following the October 7th memos, we have an October 22, 1948 memo requesting the Rand Corporation do a study on the UFO problem. In the guidelines given in exhibit A, we read:

    The possibility that some of the unidentified aerial objects that have been reported both in the United States and in foreign lands may have been experimental spaceships, or test vehicles for the purpose of assisting in the development of spaceships, has been given consideration by this command.

    If such craft actually have been sighted, it is believed more likely that they represent the effort of a foreign nation, rather than a product from beyond Earth. (Hall Sign ref no.19)

    This had already been discussed and the Rand Corporation found no evidence of alien spaceships in their evaluation of the data.

    Probably the most interesting letter in the SIGN files is the one addressed to Project SIGN and written by Maj. General Cabell demanding an answer to the Flying Saucer question. Cabell, after having received his TOP SECRET report from Colonel Allen, was not pleased as indicated by his memo:

    Identification and the origin of these objects is not discernible to this headquarters. It is imperative, therefore, that efforts to determine whether these objects are of domestic or foreign origin must be increased until conclusive evidence is obtained. (Hall Sign ref no.24)

    Cabell, wanted some sort of action and was apparently pushing AMC for a better answer than the one he received from Allen. Reading further, Cabell states:

    Request immediate information as to your conclusions to date and your recommendations as to the information to be given to the press. Your recommendation is requested also as to whether that information should be offered to the press or withheld until it is actively sought by the press. (Hall Sign ref no. 24)

    McCoy's response to Cabell on November 8 clearly indicates that the ETH was not being given serious consideration.

    The possibility that the reported objects are vehicles from another planet has not been ignored. However, tangible evidence to support conclusions about such a possibility are completely lacking...There is as yet no conclusive proof that unidentified flying objects, other than those which are known to be balloons, are real aircraft. (Hall Sign ref no. 25)

    If the EOTS were finished only a month prior to this, wouldn't Colonel McCoy make reference to it? Both he and Cabell seem oblivious to its existence. Clearly, Cabell had not seen the EOTS but it was supposed to have been sent up the chain of command by this point.

    The only item that appears to have gone up the chain of command during this period was the report filed by Colonel Allen, which eventually turned out to become Air Study #203, which was issued on 10 December 1948. Besides the inclusion of most of the incidents described by Ruppelt, Air Study #203 matches the EOTS in other ways. Ruppelt stated that it was, "...a rather thick document with a black cover and it was printed on legal sized paper. Stamped across the front were the words TOP SECRET" (Ruppelt 41). UFOlogist Dr. Bruce Maccabee provides the following description of Air Study #203:

    About 14 years ago I held in my hot sweaty little grubbyfingers a legal sized (8.5 by 14 inch) document, typed ,double-spaced, original, with a TOP SECRET stamp across the to and bottom which was enclosed in a black, stiff cover. (Maccabee)

    This may be a coincidence. However, when Study #203 was recovered there were several items attached to it. One of these is a memo written by Dewey Fournet. He discusses what to do with the remaining copy and whether to declassify it. His conclusions were:

    It is not considered advisable to declassify Study No. 203 inasmuch as it contains such speculation on the possible origin of unidentified flying objects, information on the Soviet AOB and atomic energy activity. In addition, the study contains a treatise on possible Soviet intentions in utilizing controlled aerial missiles over the U.S. (Aldrich 1948)

    There was also a memo routing slip attached, which stated, "All published copies of this document have been ordered destroyed. This document for record purpose only not to be disseminated." (Aldrich 1948)

    There are additional circumstances surrounding the TOP SECRET Air Study #203 that mirror the EOTS. Ruppelt stated about what happened to the famous EOTS,
    "Some months later it was completely declassified and relegated to the incinerator. A few copies, one of which I saw, were kept as mementos of the golden days of the UFO's" (Ruppelt 45).
    Is it that much of a coincidence that the study had a similar fate? Maybe all documents were handled in a similar fashion. However, the fact that Dewey Fournet actually handled study #203 adds to the coincidence between the EOTS and this study.

    In 1992, Dewey Fournet, when presented with a copy of study #203, denied that it was the EOTS:
    The report of which you sent me a copy is definitely NOT the often referred to 'Estimate of the Situation. This was strictly a 'study' within the USAF Intelligence organization...On the other hand, the Estimate of the Situation (it's actual name) was intended for dissemination up through channels to the USAF Chief of Staff. Whether it ever made it to that level, I'm not sure, it could have been disapproved and bounced back at any intervening echelon of command. (Connors)
    One must wonder how truthful Fournet is concerning the document. In a letter to NICAP discussing documents pertaining to UFOs with NICAP on May 4, 1958, Dewey mentions two secret documents he had seen during his time at Blue Book. NICAP presents the first one as evidence of the EOTS. Of this document, Fournet stated it was, "An intelligence summary on UFOs prepared in 1948 by the organization which later became the Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson AFB" (Hall Evidence 110). This easily describes Air Study #203 but does not seem to describe the EOTS (Recall he stated in 1992 that this was its actual name). In fact, Dewey does not mention the EOTS by name in this letter, nor does he call this document the EOTS. Lastly, according to the story, the document was left about to remind everyone about the "good old days" of SIGN. Since it was declassified, most anyone involved with Project Grudge/Blue Book should have seen it. Chief among these would have been Dr. Hynek. Unfortunately, Hynek never saw the document and there are very few individuals, who have seen it. Is it a wonder that the EOTS has taken on mythical proportions? All efforts to locate it have met with dead ends. Even more interesting is that, according to Jan Aldrich, Ruppelt never mentions Air Study #203 in his writings, "He seemed to know nothing about AIR 203 or JIC report" (Aldrich Ruppelt). Clearly, Ruppelt did not have all the facts concerning the EOTS, if it existed at all.
    According to Ruppelt, General Vandenberg could not accept the existence of alien spaceships because there was insufficient evidence and, by all appearances, he was correct. UFOlogists look for the EOTS as some form of "Holy Grail". However, their search may be misplaced. If the EOTS exists and is found, they will probably discover that there is no new evidence to support the ETH. The SIGN staff appears to have jumped the gun in their conclusions. Even Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the father of modern UFOlogy, agreed that these early reports were not very good. He stated, "The earliest reports, particularly those I first studied in Project Sign, were of very much poorer quality than those that began to come in later. Some were limited to a few dozen words, with details necessary for adequate evaluation missing" (Hynek 175). Four of the eleven sightings claimed to be in the EOTS by Ruppelt are also included in the Air Study #203 Appendix "C". Many of the others mentioned were in the Sign files. Clearly, none of these are earth shattering events and if Dr. Hynek could not be convinced by these early sightings that the ETH was convincing, how could the staff of Project SIGN feel this was true? In addition, the one sighting by the AEC group is confusing since it happened at the same time the EOTS was supposedly being finished! Apparently the authors did not even investigate the sighting and simply packaged it into the EOTS. I have not located this sighting in any of the Bluebook unidentifieds (although case #208 from San Pablo, California is the same date). Ruppelt may have been confused in what he recalls was actually included in the EOTS. However, the fact that Air Study No. 203 included these events indicates the study was similar to the EOTS. The interesting point is that the AEC sighting was supposedly included (without investigation) indicates that Ruppelt's memory of the EOTS may not have been as accurate as we are lead to believe. This discrepancy could be resolved by Ruppelt's failure to recall exactly what sightings were included.

    The three big incidents during Project SIGN were the Gorman, Chiles-Whitted, and Mantell incidents but each of these sightings, eventually, was to have a prosaic explanation. Either SIGN was manned by a bunch of "eager beavers", who were quick to accept an exciting theory without adequate research, or the EOTS is overemphasized by Ruppelt. The EOTS would be, at best, a suggestion of the possibility of the ETH being the answer. To produce no other conclusion, with so small a sample of data and no physical evidence, would be a "leap of faith" and not a scientifically arrived at answer. Dewey Fournet confirms this:
    ...Vandenberg would never sign it, and I think with damn good reason...there simply was not enough to go on - there wasn't enough hard evidence to arrive at such a conclusion [ETH]...but coming up with a conclusion such as they did at that point in time when there was so little evidence to substantiate that claim...naturally anybody in the position such as Vandenberg would say, 'I am not going to sign it.' least there was enough open-mindedness in the project that they were acknowledging this as a possibility. (Connors)
    Project SIGN was ended on February 11, 1949 and redesignated Project GRUDGE, which according to UFOlogists, ended any consideration towards the ETH as an answer to the UFO question. There is no proof of this other than the claims of Ruppelt and a few others. The fact is that SIGN was redesignated GRUDGE by a December 16, 1948 letter from Director of Research and Development (This document is unavailable). There are several reasons for renaming the project besides a shift in attitude of the project personnel. One that Ruppelt offered is that the project name "SIGN" had been compromised. This is possible and references in the GRUDGE material indicate that it was just an extension of SIGN. However, I think it appears that the renaming of the project was because of the goals of the project had been redefined to produce a more detailed study of the phenomena. GRUDGE may have been the next step in the analysis. In the original direction, the goals of SIGN were to " collect, collate, evaluate and distribute"(Condon et al. 896) the data. GRUDGE was defined as a, "Detailed Study of Flying Discs" (Aldrich, Joint). Was it possible that SIGN did not have enough assets in place to perform a detailed study and the USAF chose to incorporate new personnel into the study? This is also possible but the real reason may be found in the 16 December 1948 letter. Its recovery could clarify the whole situation.
    The studies by the Rand project, Dr. Hynek, and Dr. Valley indicated that the only possible answer to the UFO question was misperceptions by witnesses. All of these studies indicated that there was no reason to conclude that these craft could have originated from outer space. GRUDGE had a one-year duration and was temporarily terminated in December of 1949. It was reactivated in October 1951 and was renamed BLUEBOOK in March of 1952. There is a wealth of documentation supporting the evolution of BLUEBOOK from SIGN. However, all supporting documentation indicates the Air Force never gave very much consideration towards the ETH. If the EOTS does exist, it did not cont.
    Source: Dreamland Interactive Guide.
  • Project Grudge :
    In February, 1949, Project Sign came to an end, and with it the Air Force's objective attitude toward UFOs. The final report of Project Sign was decidedly skeptical towards the extraterrestrial origin hypothesis for the origin of UFOs, reflecting a shift towards explaining all sightings as misidentifications of natural phenomena.

    Secretly, however, the Air Force had merely changed the name of the project to Project Grudge. The new name reflected the change in policy towards UFOs. This change in policy by the Air Force brought with it a campaign of characterizing those who believed UFOs were extraterrestrial as "kooks". Sidney Shallet, a writer for the Saturday Evening Post asked the Air Force for help in writing an article about "flying saucers". The Air Force had a policy of refusing such requests, but when they found that Shallet's article was to be of a debunking nature, they agreed to help him. Shallet spent two months researching the subject, and then wrote a two-part article entitled What You Can Believe About Flying Saucers.

    This article and a press release by the Air Force reflected the new public view of the Air Force that "flying saucers" didn't exist, that they could all be explained, and that the "believers" were "kooks". However, insiders knew that the Air Force was still actively engaged in researching UFOs, and this contradictory behavior led many to believe that the Air Force was hiding what it really knew about UFOs.

    During this same year, two of the best sightings on record were made, one by C. B. Moore Jr., who was a balloon expert working with the Navy on Skyhook balloon launches. (Ironically, he had been in charge of a balloon project called Project Mogul, and he would later be used by the Air Force to "prove" that the "Roswell Incident" had been a Project Mogul balloon train!). The other important sighting of 1949 was made by the noted astronomer Professor Clyde Tombaugh, discoverer of the planet Pluto.
    Arrey, New Mexico
    24 April 1949

    Charles B. Moore, Jr. and four enlisted Navy personnel were making a pilot balloon observation preparatory to release of a Skyhook balloon at the White Sands Proving Ground in the middle of the morning. The pilot balloon was in the air and was under observation by one of the men when Moore became aware that a white object which he had thought to be the balloon was in a different part of the sky from where the theodolite operator had his instrument pointed. As Moore said later, he thought the operator had lost the balloon. Moore took over the 25-power scope and focused it on the other "balloon" he had spotted, and found that it was in fact an ellipsoidal white object moving at a rapid angular velocity towards the NE. With a stopwatch and recording forms at hand, the team of five observers was able to secure some real data on the object. Moore disengaged the vernier drives so that he could track the object manually, and followed the object as it sped from the southwest into the northeast skies. At its closest approach, it was moving at about 5 degrees/sec. Significantly, just before Moore lost it in the distance to the northeast, its angular elevation began to increase, as if it were climbing. The object had a length of about two to three times its vertical thickness. Moore never got a sufficiently clear view to identify any finer details if any were present. Another balloon was immediately released to check the possibility that a high-speed jet flying from SW to NE might have carried some airborne object across the sky in its wake, but the winds were blowing weakly and more or less at right angles to the object's path as high as the 93,000 ft level. The angular diameter of the object was estimated at about a minute of arc (which in the 25-power theodolite would appear to Moore as about three-fourths the apparent size of a full moon).

    Las Cruces, New Mexico
    20 August 1949

    At about 10:00 P.M., the astronomer Dr. Clyde Tombaugh, his wife, and his mother-in-law were in the yard of his Las Cruces home, admiring what Tombaugh described as a sky of rare transparency, when Tombaugh, looking almost directly towards zenith, spotted an array of pale yellow lights moving rapidly across the sky towards the southeast. He called them to the attention of the two others, who saw them just before they disappeared halfway to the horizon. The entire array subtended an angle which Tombaugh put at about one degree, and it took only a few seconds to cross 50 or 60 degrees of sky. The array comprised six "windowlike" rectangles of light, formed into a symmetric pattern; they moved too fast for aircraft, too slowly for a meteor, and made no sound. Tombaugh said:
    I have never seen anything like it before or since, and I have spent a lot of time where the night sky could be seen well.
    Source :
    The UFO Casebook by Kevin Randle

    NOTE: Free E-BOOK version available from Kazaa...!! check it out...
    for more check out : Black Vault
  • Philadelphia Experiemnt :
    Project Rainbow was allegedly an experiment conducted upon a small destroyer escort ship during World War II, both in the Philadelphia Naval Yard and at sea; the goal was to make that ship invisible to enemy detection. The accounts vary as to whether the original idea was to achieve invisibility to enemy radar or whether the prize sought after was more profound: optical invisibility. Either way, it is commonly believed that the mechanism involved was the generation of an incredibly intense magnetic field around the ship, which would cause refraction or bending of light or radar waves around the ship, much like a mirage created by heated air over a road on a summer day. The legend goes on to say that the experiment was a complete success... except that the ship actually disappeared physically for a time, and then returned. They wanted to 'cloak' the ship from view, but they got de-materialization and teleportation instead... It has been claimed that the Philadelphia Experiment was partly an investigation into how Albert Einstein's 'Unified Field Theory for Gravitation and Electricity' might be used to advantage in the development of electronic camouflage for ships at sea. Einstein allegedly published his Unified Theory around 1925-27 in German, in a Prussian scientific journal, but it was later withdrawn as incomplete. This research was aimed at using intense electromagnetic fields to mask a ship from incoming projectiles, mainly torpedoes. This was later extended to include a study of creating radar invisibility by a similar field in the air rather than in the water. The story begins in June of 1943, with the U.S.S. Eldridge, DE (Destroyer Escort) 173, being fitted with tons of experimental electronic equipment. This included, according to one source, two massive generators of 75 KVA each, mounted where the forward gun turret would have been, distributing their power through four magnetic coils mounted on the deck. Three RF transmitters (2 megawatt CW each, mounted on the deck), three thousand '6L6' power amplifier tubes (used to drive the field coils of the two generators), special synchronizing and modulation circuits, and a host of other specialized hardware were employed to generate massive electromagnetic fields which, when properly configured, would be able to bend light and radio waves around the ship, thus making it invisible to enemy observers. The experiment, said to have taken place at the Philadelphia Naval Yard and also at sea, took place on at least one occasion while in full view of the Merchant Marine ship S.S. Andrew Furuseth, and other observation ships. The Andrew Furuseth becomes significant because one of its crewmen is the source of most of the original material making up the PX legend. Carlos Allende, a.k.a. Carl Allen, wrote a series of strange letters to one Dr. Morris K. Jessup in the 1950's in which he described what he claims to have witnessed: at least one of the several phases of the Philadelphia Experiment. At 0900 hours, on July 22nd, 1943, so the story goes, the power to the generators was turned on, and the massive electromagnetic fields started to build up. A greenish fog was seen to slowly envelop the ship, concealing it from view. Then the fog itself is said to have disappeared, taking the Eldridge with it, leaving only undisturbed water where the ship had been anchored only moments before. The elite officers of the Navy and scientists involved gazed in awe at their greatest achievement: the ship and crew were not only radar invisible but invisible to the eye as well! Everything worked as planned, and about fifteen minutes later they ordered the men to shut down the generators. The greenish fog slowly reappeared, and the Eldridge began to dematerialize as the fog subsided, but it was evident to all that something had gone wrong. When boarded by personnel from shore, the crew above deck were found to be disoriented and nauseous. The Navy removed the crew, and shortly after obtained another. In the end, the Navy decided that they only wanted radar invisibility, and the equipment was altered. On the 28th of October in 1943, at 17:15, the final test on the Eldridge was performed. The electromagnetic field generators were turned on again, and the Eldridge became near-invisible; only a faint outline of the hull remained visible in the water. Everything was fine for the first few seconds, and then, in a blinding blue flash, the ship completely vanished. Within seconds it reappeared miles away, in Norfolk, Virginia, and was seen for several minutes. The Eldridge then disappeared from Norfolk as mysteriously as it had arrived, and reappeared back in Philadelphia Naval Yard. This time most of the sailors were violently sick. Some of the crew were simply 'missing' never to return. Some went crazy, but, strangest of all, five men were fused to the metal in the ship's structure. The men that survived were never the same again. Those that lived were discharged as 'mentally unfit' for duty, regardless of their true condition. So, what had begun as an experiment in electronic camouflage, ended up as an accidental teleportation of an entire ship and crew, to a distant location and back again, all in a matter of minutes! Although the above may seem fantastic, one must remember, that in the 1940’s the atomic bomb was also being invented.

More to follow Soon...

MJ-12 Review...MIBs:Reality or Myth?...

Last edited:
Its getting tough to handle single posts,so i"ll handle topics in different and separate postings...

M.I.B. (Men In Black)
The MIBs or Men In Black are a controversial part of UFO history.In the March 30, 1905, edition of the Barmouth Advertiser, a Welsh newspaper, it was reported that over a period of three nights a "man dressed in black" had appeared in the bedroom of an "exceptionally intelligent young woman of the peasant stock.... This figure has delivered a message to the girl which she is frightened to relate."

This curious incident allegedly occurred in the midst of a religious revival in which sightings of mysterious lights figured prominently. It is the first known report of a "man in black" in an arguably UFO context.

In 1953 men in black (or, as they eventually would be called, MIB) entered twentieth-century folklore permanently when Albert K. Bender of Bridgeport, Connecticut, abruptly closed down his popular International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB) and refused to elaborate on a cryptic statement in the last issue (October 1953) of the IFSB magazine Space Review. The statement indicated that Bender now knew the answer to the UFO mystery but could not publish it because of "orders from a higher source." In addition, he urged "those engaged in saucer work to please be very cautious."

Pressed by Gray Barker, who had been IFSB's chief investigator, Bender would say only that three men in black suits had visited him in September, told him what UFOs are, and threatened him with prison if he revealed what they had told him. The experience was so traumatic that Bender subsequently fell ill. He told Barker that the strangers were "members of the United States government."

The MIB's exact nature grew more ambiguous in Bender's reluctant retelling of the tale, and soon some suspected that the MIB were agents not of American intelligence but of alien intelligence. Barker wrote a scary, paranoia-driven book on the episode, They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers (1956), and over the next few years exploited the "Bender mystery" in various publications. Soon Bender's visitors were being identified variously as demons, agents of the International Bankers, or representatives of a civilization inside the earth.

In 1962, Bender wrote, and Barker published, Flying Saucers and the Three Men -a wild story which only the most impressionable readers took to be anything other than a clumsy science-fiction novel. In it Bender was taken to the South Pole by monstrous aliens, who then monitored his activities until 1960, when they returned to their home planet.

Men-in-black stories were revived in the 1960s when a New York writer, John A. Keel, recounted episodes of MIB harassment reported by UFO witnesses in New York, Ohio, West Virginia, and elsewhere. Keel even claimed some personal encounters: "I kept rendezvous with black Cadillacs on Long Island, and when I tried to pursue them they would disappear impossibly on dead-end roads.... More than once I woke up in the middle of the night to find myself unable to move, with a dark apparition standing over me." In Keel's telling, the MIB were not government agents or even human beings but paranormal entities associated with the UFO intelligences themselves. Frequently described as being vaguely Oriental in appearance, they behaved strangely, asking odd or even rude questions of those whom they confronted. They usually traveled in large black cars. Keel warned investigators, "Do not attempt to apprehend MIB yourself. Do not attack them physically. Approach them with great caution. They frequently employ hypnotic techniques."

According to Keel, men in black had interacted with such historical figures as Julius Caesar, Thomas Jefferson, Napoleon, and Malcolm X. Moreover, "the general descriptions of the vampires ... are identical to the 'men in black'." The danger of MIB visitation to those interested in UFO specially "the neurotic, the gullible, and the immature" -is such, Keel warned, that parents should "forbid their children from becoming involved [in UFO study]. Schoolteachers and other adults should not encourage teenagers to take an interest in the subject."

MIB reports were not confined to Keel's witnesses or even to the United States. In May 1975, two weeks after a dramatic sighting from his Piper Pa24 -a sighting confirmed on the radar screens at the Mexico City airport -a young pilot was pursued down the freeway by four black-suited, "Scandinavian--looking men in a black limousine. After forcing him to the side of the road, they warned him not to discuss his sighting; the pilot was on his way to do a television interview. A month later one of the strangers reappeared and threatened him again as he was on his way to a hotel to talk with J. Allen Hynek, the prominent American astronomer and UFO investigator. That was his last meeting with the MIB, whom he remembered as tall and strangely white; "I never saw them blink," he added.

By the late 1980s such tales were sufficiently numerous to warrant the attention of the Journal of American Folklore. The author, Peter M. Rojcewicz, surveyed the MIB's role in flying-saucer legends and related it to earlier demonic traditions. He also told of his own MIB encounter, though giving himself the pseudonym "Michael Elliot." While doing research on UFOs in a library, he was approached by a dark-featured, dark-suited man who, speaking briefly in a slight accent about flying saucers, placed his hand on Rojcewicz's shoulder and said, "Go well in your purpose," and vanished.

Nothing is conclusive,though.

MJ12 Documents

One of the most controversial documents to be uncovered in the anals of UFO research is called the MJ Documents. These documents were left under Jaime Shandera home door by an unknown source in 1984. At this Mr. Shandera was a producer in the Los Angeles area and was working with Bill Moore, to undercover the secret about the UFOs. At this time, Bill Moore was working with scientist Stanton Friedman and so the three of these men upon receiving these documents did extensive research. These documents have been re- published in a Richard Hall's book, "Uninvited Quests" as well as "Crash at Corona" by Stanton Friedman and Don Berliner in 1992. Mr. Friedman believes based on other documents they found in the National Archieve that the documents are geninue and other researchers have found some inconsistancies with page number and type face of the 1950's.

In any case, quite a bit of information related to Roswell here seems to correspond with information found by various researchers and we share this here for your own evaluation. It seems that the events at Roswell in July of 1947 triggered off a sequence of events which began the coverup and how the U. S. government (and eventually other govenerments) decided to deal with UFOs.

This information was posted by Wright Adams on the newsnet .......


Subject: The Official Majestic Twelve Documents
Date: 26 Apr 1995 17:43:15 +1000


18 NOVEMEBR, 1952

WARNING: This is a TOP SECRET - EYES ONLY document containing
compartmentalized information essential to the national security of
the United States. EYES ONLY ACCESS to the material herin is strictly
limited to those possessing Majestic-12 clearance level. Reproduction
in any form or the taking of written or mechanically transcribed notes
is strictly forbidden.

************** ../1





NOTE: This document has been prepared as a preliminary briefing only.
It should be regarded as introductory to a full operations briefing
intended to follow.

* * * * * *

Development/Intelligence operation responsible directly and only to
the President of the United States. Operations of the project are
carried out under control of the Majestic-12 (Majic-12) Group which
was established by special classified executive order of President
Truman on 24 September, 1947, upon recommendation by Dr. Vannevar Bush
and Secretary James Forrestal. (See Attachment "A".) Members of the
majestic-12 Group were designated as follows:

Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter
Dr. Vannevar Bush
Secy. James V. Forrestal
Gen. Nathan F. Twining
Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg
Dr. Detlev Bronk
Dr. Jerome Hunsaker
Mr. Sidney W. Souers
Mr. Gordon Gray
Dr. Donald Menzel
Gen. Robert M. Montague
Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner

The death of Secretary Forrestal on 22 May, 1949, created a vacancy
which remained unfilled until 01 August, 1950, upon which date Gen.
Walter B. Smith was designated as permanent replacement.

************** ../2


On 24 June, 1947, a civilian pilot, flying over the Cascade Mountains
in the State of Washington observed nine flying disc-shaped aircraft
travelling in formation at a high rate of speed. Although this was not
the first known sighting of such objects, it was the firs to gain
widespread attention in the public media. Hundereds of reports of
sightings of similar objects followed. Many of these came from highly
credible military and civilian sources. These reports resulted in
independent efforts by several different elements of the military to
ascertain the nature and purpose of these objects in the interests of
national defense. A number of witnesses were interviewed and there
were several unsuccessful attemts to utilise aircraft in efforts to
pursue reported discs in flight. Public reaction bordered on near
hysteria at times.

In spite of these efforts, little of substance was learned about the
objects until a local rancher reported that one had crashed in a
remote region of New Mexico located approximately seventy-five miles
northwest of Roswell Army Air Base (now Walker Field).

On 07 July, 1947, a secret operation was begun to assure recovery of
the wreckage of this object for scientific study. During the course of
this operation, aerial reconnaissance discovered that four small
human-like beings had apparently ejected from the craft at some point
before it exploded. These had fallen to earth about two miles east of
the wreckage site. All four were dead and badly decomposed due to
action by predators and exposure to the elements during the
approximately one week time period which had elapsed before their
discovery. A special scientific took charge of removing these bodies
for study. (See Attachment "C".) The wreckage of the craft was also
removed to several different locations. (See Attachment "B".) Civilian
and military witnesses in the area were debriefed, and news reporters
wee given the effective cover story that the object had been a
misguided weather research balloon.

************** ../3


A covert analytical effort organized by Gen. Twining and Dr. Bush
acting on the direct orders of the President, resulted in a
preliminary concensus (19 September, 1947) that the disc was most
likely a short range reconnaissance craft. This conclusion was based
for the most part on the craft's size and the apparent lack of any
identifiable provisioning. (See Attachment "D".) A similar analysis of
the four dead occupants was arranged by Dr. Bronk. It was the
tentative conclusion of this group (30 november, 1947) that although
these creatures are human-like in appearance, the biological and
evolutionary processes responsible for their development has
apparently been quite different from those observed or postulated in
homo-sapiens. Dr Bronk's tea has suggested the term "Extra-terrestrial
Biological Entities", or "EBEs", be adopted as the standard term of
reference for these creatures until such time as a more definitive
designation can be agreed upon.

Since it is virtually certain that these craft do not originate in any
country on earth, considerable speculation has centred around what
their point of origin may be and how they get here. Mars was and
remains a possibility, although some scientists, most notably Dr.
Menzel, consider it more likely that we are dealing with beings from
another solar system entirely.

Numerous examples of what appear to be a form of writing were found in
the wreckage. Efforts to decipher these have remained largely
unsuccessful. (See Attachment "E".) Equally unsuccessful have been
efforts to determine the methods of propulsion or the nature or method
of transmission of the power source involved. Research along these
lines has been complicated by the complete absence of identifiable
wings, propellors, jets, or other conventional methods of propulsion
and guidance, as well as a total lack of metallic wiring, vacuum
tubes, or similar recognizable electronic components. (See Attachment
"F".) It is assumed that the propulsion unit was completely destroyed
by the explosion which caused the crash.

************** ../4


A need for as much additional information as possible about these
craft, their performance characteristics and their purpose led to the
undertaking known as U.S. Air Force Project SIGN in December, 1947. In
order to preserve security, liason between SIGN and Majestic-12 was
limited to two individuals within the Intelligence Division of Air
Material Command whose role was to pass along certain types of
information through channels. SIGN evolved into Project GRUDGE in
December, 1948. The operation is currently being conducted unde the
code name BLUE BOOK, with liason maintained through the Air Force
officer who is head of the project.

On 06 december, 1950, a second object, probably os similar origin,
impacted the earth at high speed in the El Indio - Guerrero area of
Texas - Mexican border after following a long trajectory through the
atmosphere. by the time a search team arrived, what remained of the
object as been totally incinerated. Such material as could be
recovered was transported to the A.E.C. facility at Sandia, New
Mexico, for study.

Implications for the National Security are of continuing importance in
that the motives and ultimate intentions of these visitors remain
completely unknown. In addition, a significant upsurge in the
surveillance activity of these craft beginning in May and continuing
through the autumn of this year has caused considerable concern that
new developments may be iminent. It is for these reasons, as well as
the obvious international and technological considerations and the
ultimate need to avoid a public panic at all costs, that the Majestic-
12 Group remains of the unanimous opinion that imposition of the
strictest security precautions should continue without interruption
into the new administration. At the same time, contingency plan
MJ-1949-04P/78 (Top Secret - Eyes Only) should be held in continued
readiness should the need to make a public announcement present
itself. (See Attachment "G".)

************** ../5



*ATTACHMENT "A"........Special Classified Executive
Order #092447. (TS/EO)

*ATTACHMENT "B"........Operation Majestic-12 Status
Report #1, Part A. 30 NOV '47.

*ATTACHMENT "C"........Operation Majestic-12 Status
Report #1, Part B. 30 NOV '47.

*ATTACHMENT "D"........Operation Majestic-12 Preliminary
Analytical Report. 19 SEP '47.

*ATTACHMENT "E"........Operation Majestic-12 Blue Team
Report #5. 30 JUN '52.

*ATTACHMENT "F"........Operation Majestic-12 Status
Report #2. 31 JAN '48.

*ATTACHMENT "G"........Operation Majestic-12 Contingency
Plan MJ-1949-04P/78: 31 JAN '49.

*ATTACHMENT "H"........Operation Majestic-12, Maps and
Photographs Folio (Extractions).

************** ../6



Dear Secretary Forrestal:

As per our recent conversation on this matter, you are hereby
authorized to proceed with all due speed and caution upon your
undertaking. Hereafter this matter shall be referred to only as
Operation Majestic Twelve.

It continues to be my feeling that any future considerations
relative to the ultimate disposition of this matter should rest solely
with the Office of the President following appropriate discussions
with yourself, Dr. Bush and the Director of Central Intelligence.

(SIGNED Dwight D. Eisenhower)



Debate continues to rage over the authenticity of these documents,check this site out for more details.


This content is taken from NICAP And from notes made from Dr. Richard Haines narration of PILOT Sightings in UFO ANTHOLOGY CD.I am providing with the material with no intention of selling the content.This is for educational purpose only.
Please Take a Note that:
Dr. Richard Haines was a respectable scientist with NASA(Retired Now),who worked for GEMINI Program.You can search for his work on NASA Website.His Job was to create Illusion Simulations for Astronauts.In his Narration Dr. Haines mention how he could create a Ball look like a Hot Dog and things like that.He started UFO research as a Skeptic to disprove and Deride the UFO theories as he thought all of them to be illusions.Things havent been same since as you might notice.He has been a researcher of Pilot Sighting since and is an expert in the same.


Reports of anomalous aerial objects (AAO) appearing in the atmosphere continue to be made by pilots of almost every airline and air force of the world in addition to private and experimental test pilots. This paper presents a review of 56 reports of AAO in which electromagnetic effects (E-M) take place on-board the aircraft when the phenomenon is located nearby but not before it appeared or after it had departed. These effects are not related to the altitude or airspeed of the aircraft. The average duration of these sightings was 17.5 minutes in the 37 cases in which duration was noted. There were between one and 40 eye witnesses (average = 2.71) on the aircraft. Reported E-M effects included radio interference or total failure, radar contact with and without simultaneous visual contact, magnetic and/or gyro-compass deviations, automatic direction finder failure or interference, engine stopping or interruption, dimming cabin lights, transponder failure, and military aircraft weapon system failure. There appears to be a reduction of the E-M energy effect with the square of increasing distance to the AAO. These events and their relationships are discussed. This area of research should be concentrated on by other investigators because of the wealth of information it yields and the physical nature of AAO including wavelength/frequency and power density emissions.

By Dr. R. Haines
The subject of pilot reports of anomalous aerial phenomena has been of deep interest to me for over 15 years for several reasons. (1) Pilots possess a high level of training and personal motivation for making careful observations. (2) Their (usually) high level of experience in flight helps them make rapid and accurate assessments of often ambiguous situations. (3) Their capability to radio for immediate assistance or confirmation of events (e.g., ground radar, etc.) often provides corollary data. (4) Their ability to fly in different directions and altitudes provides them an opportunity to gain a better view of the anomalous phenomena or objects (5) Maintenance of their professional reputations is important to them so that they will usually consider all of the alternative explanations before making a final report of an unknown object. Finally, (6) Their aircraft often possess sensitive electronic equipment that sometimes detect various aspects of the phenomenon. In short, pilots are usually very good observers whose reports contain valuable information for the investigator.

I have prepared several review articles of pilot sightings for the periods 1942 to 1952 (Haines, 1983), 1950 to 1954 from the Korean War (Haines, 1990), and from 1973 to 1979 (Haines, 1979). In the first of these reviews, 283 cases were covered and in the second and third, 40 and 72 reports, respectively. More than 300 pilot cases were summarized by Challenger and Haines (1980). Other reviews of individual pilot sightings have been published by Del Giudice (1987), Haines (1980, 1982(a), 1982(b), NICAP (1980), Shanklin (1955), Stacy (1987-88), Wichman (1971), and Zeidman (1979).

In addition, Gillmor (1968), Greenawald (1971), Ruppelt (1956), Wilkins (1954), and Zigel (1968), to mention a few, have published books or articles that include pilot sightings, some of which involve electromagnetic effects on board the aircraft. Perhaps the broadest conclusions that can be drawn from this large body of information are: (1) AAO seen from the air possess the same physical characteristics as do those that are reported from the ground; (2) some AAO are clearly capable of out-flying any aerial device mankind has yet built, (3) some AAO possess electromagnetic radiation characteristics which can interact with and interfere with man-made avionic systems at a distance. This report deals with this third matter in particular.

Several UFO investigators have reviewed E-M and ignition-interference cases including Hall (1964), on behalf of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) who listed 106 cases. Johnson (1983, 1988), McCampbell (1973), and Rodeghier (1988) also reviewed such incidents. Johnson (1983) reviewed 276 reports involving motorized land vehicles whose electrical systems and/or ignition systems were interfered with by the presence of one or more UFO. He analyzed the influence of UFO position and distance upon strength of the interference on the electrical system and reported, "The likelihood of a vehicle stalling out consistently increases as the distance between the vehicle and the UFO becomes small." In his 1988 paper Johnson expanded this review by adding the influence of UFO size and event duration. He found 78 relatively complete cases involving UFO size, distance, and duration.

In his 1988 paper Rodeghier catalogued 441 cases of UFO-caused vehicle interference including (engine and electrical system; engine only, radios only; power reduced to engine; headlights only; radio and lights). It has been speculated that ionized air near an engine's distributor can lead to reciprocating engine failure through a change in shape of the generated spark (Klass, 1968, pg. 97), however no supporting evidence for this presumption is given. Hall's 1964 review of 106 perhaps controlled explosions which incidentally interfere with electrical circuits under certain conditions." Falla (1979) also summarized 420 EM cases. More recently, Smith (1991) provided me with a listing of 126 cases from his UNICAT computer file in which the parameter electromagnetic (EM) was included. These cases include 113 from surface vehicles and technology and 13 (10.3 percent) from aircraft and related technology. Only three of these are included in the present listing.


The following 56 cases involving E-M effects on board aircraft were drawn from my personal collection of almost 3,600 pilot sightings going back to 1926 when cockpits didn't have much more instrumentation than a simple barometer to indicate air pressure (altitude) change. These 56 cases represent 1.5 percent of all pilot sighting reports. Interested readers may contact me for a copy of the abbreviated list of cases analyzed here.

The following topics are summarized below from these tables:
(a) Year distribution

(b) Time of day

(c) Geographic location

(d) Aircraft registration (Class)

(e) Type of aircraft

(f) Number of witnesses

(g) Sighting duration

(h) Number of AAO

(i) Shape of AAO

(j) AAO Motion Characteristics

(k) E-M effects upon aircraft systems

(a) Yearly distribution. These E-M cases cover a period of 45 years (1945 to 1990). No cases were found for 15 of these years. The highest number of reports were made in 1952, the well-known "flap" year of UFOlogy in America. No apparent patterns are found in these data.

(b) Time of day. Figure 1 presents the (local) time at which these events took place. The now-familiar bimodal distribution was found peaking with six cases between 8 to 9 p.m. and midnight to 1 a.m. local time. I found a somewhat similar double peak in the 1942 - 1952 sample of 283 cases (Haines, 1983). Except for possible disruption of VHF radio transmission at night due to ionization in the upper atmosphere one would not expect to see any particular temporal distribution of E-M cases on a natural basis. Very few aircraft can fly at altitudes high enough to experience this kind of radio disruption.

The time of day at which EM interference occurred in the 126 ground and aircraft cases from a recent UNICAT analysis (Smith, 1991) found that most took place at 2300 - 2400 hours local time (23 cases; 18.2 percent). The number of EM cases fell rapidly to five cases during the one hour after midnight (1200 - 0100L), rose to nine cases (7.1 percent) (0100 - 0200L). Before midnight the number of EM cases was four cases (1800 - 1900L), four cases (1900 - 2000L), eight cases (2000 - 2100L), 10 cases (8 percent) (2100 - 2200L), 15 cases (12 percent) (2200 - 2300L), 14 cases (11 percent) (2300 - 2400L).
(c) Geographic location. The present 56 cases occurred in 24 countries and in 19 American states as well as over the following major bodies of water of the world (Antarctica; Bering Sea; Gulf of Mexico; Sea of Japan). Fifty of the 56 cases (89 percent) took place in the northern hemisphere and only six (11 percent) in the southern hemisphere. Concerning longitude, 34 cases (61 percent) took place in the western hemisphere and 22 (39 percent) in the eastern hemisphere. These findings are a result of the location of the flight paths flown by these aircraft. Unfortunately, it is not feasible to normalize these data against actual flight path locations. Localized concentrations of (iron-bearing) magnetized rock can produce fairly slow compass needle deviations. These areas are well known and are marked on aviation charts in addition to the earth's global magnetic fields. None of the compass deviation events reported here were the result of these well known phenomena.

(d) Aircraft registration (Class). Table 1 summarizes the different types of aircraft registration involved in this set of data. Most of the cases associated with U.S. military aircraft took place before 1960. In general private aircraft do not have as much advanced electronic equipment on-board to be affected by AAO radiation.

(e)Type of aircraft. Table 2 lists all of the aircraft types involved in these cases. Of the 41 different aircraft types involved here 17 (41 percent) were propeller driven with internal combustion engines.

(f) Number of witnesses. The number of witnesses either of the E-M effect or the AAO itself ranged from one to more than forty (see the case dated 11-16-67 that lasted over an hour!). There was an average of 2.7 eye witnesses per case.

(g)Sighting duration. Figure 2 presents the distribution of sighting durations for these cases. They range from seconds to three hours. The longer durations (and higher altitudes) tend to eliminate most prosaic explanations for AAO including meteorites, balloons, model planes, gliders, kites, and remotely piloted vehicles. This distribution is similar to what I found in my review of all pilot sightings for the period 1973 through 1978 (Haines, 1979).

(h)Number of AAO. The number of AAO in each case was counted in relation to the type of aircraft registration involved. These findings are presented in Figure 3. Note that there were from one to thirteen separate AAO in any given case and that there does not appear to be any particular distribution in the number of AAO by private, commercial, or military aircraft type which might occur if the AAO could detect, in advance, what classification of aircraft was present and then arrange to bring a particular number of their own vehicles near the aircraft. In three cases the pilot wasn't sure about the number of objects.

In the December 1966 case from Finland both pilots reported seeing a "formation of odd lights" flying in formation (see Figure 4 for an artist's rendition). Three were cigar shaped objects which kept a rigid formation relative to one another. There was a straight row of ten dark and ten light colored round objects. Flight crews on four other commercial flights reported seeing the same formation. The two compass systems on the Caravelle jet aircraft showed different readings. As the formation moved on ahead of the aircraft both compasses returned smoothly to normal (accurate) orientation.

Figure 5 is an artist's rendering of another highly interesting multiple UFO sighting of (8-22-68) from Australia which lasted more than ten minutes. The lines labeled (A), (B), and (C) merely represent passage of time, not three parallel flight paths. The larger objects appeared to divide into two sections and rejoin and also to change shape as shown. The smaller spherical objects would fly in rigid formation with the larger objects and then move away and return to it. Radio transmission interference occurred only when these objects were near the aircraft. It isn't known whether the intensity of timing of interference occurred during any of the particular AAO activity shown here.

I suggest that the larger is the number of closely spaced AAO near an aircraft the stronger will be their integrated E-M "field" produced at the aircraft's location. This seems to be supported by the private and commercial aircraft class data in Figure 3. In part A of Figure 3 the formations of five and seven AAO produced ADF and magnetic compass deviations and engine malfunction, respectively. In part B of this figure the formations of five and thirteen AAO yielded blocked radio communication and magnetic compass disturbances, respectively. In part C three and nine AAO interfered with engines, and radio/electrical power, respectively.

(i)Shape of AAO. Table 3 presents a summary of verbal descriptions of the various AAO observed. They have been grouped by angular size and apparently self-emitting versus passively reflecting. It is impossible to be certain whether an entry in any category may not also be part of another category at a difference time.

(j) AAO Motion Characteristics. Are there patterns of relationships between different AAO shapes/luminance and AAO motions? The answers are found in Tables 4 and 5 which list the motion codes of 39 cases (70%) of the total in which both shape and motion characteristics are given. Table 4-A and B probably represent the same objects and phenomena but seen from different distances rather than representing differences in the physical size of the AAO.





The rank order of AAO motions from most to least frequent occurrence (with percentage of the total 95 cases) is given in Table 6. Note that the first four categories account for more than 60 percent of all reported AAO motions. The first three items typically require both a sufficiently long viewing duration and relatively near distance to the AAO in order for the pilot to be able to visually discriminate these features.

Let us only consider those types of motion where the aircraft appears to be the center of focus or attention of the AAO. Only two of the present 20 motion types (viz., A and P) together account for almost 35 percent of all of these types of cases! When three other (similar) motion types (B, J, and S) are added the total rises to 42.1 percent! If AAO are nothing but natural atmospheric phenomena why would they be attracted in these particular ways to the aircraft and remain nearby for such a long time? Indeed, this is strong evidence for some kind of intelligence associated with AAO.

An analysis was made to discover whether the four types of AAO sizes and luminances were differentially related to AAO motions when the distance between the AAO and the aircraft was decreasing, increasing, or remaining at about the same distances during the sighting. The results of this analysis are presented in Table 7. These motion categories are not mutually exclusive and several could apply equally well to the other categories depending on the direction of the AAO relative to the aircraft

Note that the relative percentage of cases for the four AAO size luminance categories is approximately the same across these three categories of approach-recede-no change.

Table 8 presents the AAO motions associated with radar contact cases.

A great majority of these particular cases represent very high speed AAO.

(k) E-M effect upon aircraft systems. Now that various aspects of the surrounding flight conditions and related events of these sightings have been reviewed we turn to the main subject of this paper. For each physical system we seek the failure point that is common to the most instruments. For example, since many cockpit instruments are operated electrically an interruption to the electrical power distribution system can temporarily affect many different instruments. If the ammeter indicates a slow battery discharge the electrically driven instruments and displays will cease functioning in well known ways. But if only one or two electrically driven instruments are affected by the AAO this suggests either that:
(1) the E-M radiation from the AAO wasn't strong enough to cripple the entire electrical system (but only the few instruments),
(2) its radiation was tuned only to the instruments affected, or
(3) the affected instruments were not adequately shielded from the radiation. The following topics are treated here: (1) electrically driven systems, (2) magnetically actuated systems, (3) engine malfunctions, and (4) hydraulic aircraft systems.

Figure 6 illustrates, by area of circles, the basic categories of E-Meffects reviewed here and the relative proportion of each one. Three circles lie partially outside the main circle because these systems were either on the ground (e.g., radar) or could have involved mechanical problems (e.g., engine malfunction) as well as electrical problems.

1. Electrically Driven Systems. Modern aircraft have a large number of displays and controls that are electrically controlled and powered. Only a few have emergency battery backup systems. In addition, modern aircraft have highly efficient electrical shielding around each bundle of cables to prevent various kinds of malfunctions.

Of the 65 total E-M effects reviewed here, 51 (78%) involved the electrical system in one way or another (including the 21 radar cases which require electrical energy and which involved positive contact with the object by 27 different ground and aircraft sets). Table 9 summarizes these effects; radar cases are omitted. It is not known whether the individual instrument or system failed by itself or because of temporary or permanent loss of input electrical power.


For a relatively small area source of E-M radiation its strength decreases inversely with the square of the distance to the source as illustrated in Figure 7. Thus, if the aircraft is 2D units from the AAO the radiation strength at that location is one-fourth of what it would be at distance D. By increasing the distance to 3D the strength decreases to one-sixteenth, etc. The grey curved line shows that as D decreases E-M strength increases toward infinity very very rapidly. What are some consequences of this fact with regard to these particular sightings? If the AAO radiates a constant field strength and it approaches the aircraft we would expect increasingly more powerful effects on aircraft systems and vice versa. In fact, there were 14 different E-M effects noted for the A motion category (Approached the Aircraft) and only two for motion category T (Accelerated Away from the Aircraft). The H (Hovered nearby) category had 10 E-M effects and P (Paced the Aircraft) had 16 E-M effects. These and other findings are consistent with the expected effects of E-M radiation upon physical systems and also show that the phenomena are not optical in nature but possess some form of electromagnetic radiation.

McCampbell (1973; pg. 51) reviewed published E-M cases involving UFO and stated, ". . . the (automobile) engines, radios, and lights appear to be roughly equal in their sensitivity to UFOs . . the mechanism of UFO interference is something other than low frequency, electromagnetic radiation." Yet this assessment may be premature as shown by the following data.

2. Magnetically Actuated Systems. The magnetic compass is a navigational system almost as old as mankind, indeed its basic design has not changed in thousands of years. There are many documented instances of spinning compasses on both ships and aircraft (Berlitz, 1977; pg. 43) including the famous case of the disappearance of Flight 19 on December 5, 1945 and another on March 25, 1945 when a U.S. Navy PBM pilot reported that his ".... radio compass started to circle. The magnetic compass was also spinning. Our radio became useless because of static. All our flight instruments went out." However, these cases did not (apparently) involve the simultaneous presence of anomalous aerial objects nearby the aircraft arid so are not included here.

Clark and Corbitt (1942) point out that deflection of a magnetic (compass) needle is produced by two primary causes: (1) proximity of ferro-magnetic metals inside the aircraft structure, and/or (2) the presence of varying electromagnetic fields in the area of the compass produced by the flow of relatively large electric currents in the region of the cockpit. Since great effort is taken to remove ferro-magnetic metals inside aircraft compass deflections in flight must be due to an imposed magnetic field(s). It is the DC or AC nature and strength of such fields that are of primary importance.

Thanks to experimental work by McCampbell (1991) some of the dynamic parameters of the relationship between time-varying strength of a magnetic field and spin rate of various types of compasses are known. He used both a liquid filled and a "card or rose movement" compass and a powerful nickle steel permanent bar magnet (1" x 0.63" x 4.75") He brought the magnet's north end radially toward and away from each compass (normal to the needle) at different approach/recede "pumping" rates as well as different closest approach distances. He found that: (1) Spinning, i.e., complete needle rotation, began (and continued) at about 0.07 gauss (peak power) at 33 RPM rotation rate. This field strength is about 35 percent of the earth's magnetic field strength of approximately 0.2 gauss, (2) Increasing the peak field strength drives the compasses to a relatively high RPM as long as the pulses are kept in proper synchronization. If field strength is greater than some undetermined value the needle begins to move erratically. (3) The liquid filled compass exhibited spin rates ranging from 4 to 20 RPM. This corresponds to pulses of 0.13 to 0.33 pulses per second (i.e., 7.7 to 3.0 seconds per pulse. (4) The card compass exhibited higher spin rates ranging from 33 to 126 RPM. (5) Field strength had to be about two to three times greater for the liquid filled compass than for the card compass to achieve the same rate of spin due to viscous friction effects, (6) The relationship between spin rate and closest approach distance of the magnet to the compass is approximately linear (between 8 - 13 cm).

It is interesting to calculate the strength of the magnetic field that would exist D distance (feet) from the aircraft at its source if its field strength was 0.07 gauss at the aircraft. Table 10 provides several calculated values.


If AAO possess magnetic fields of millions of gauss or more then we can also expect to see various optical effects such as Faraday rings in the atmosphere surrounding the AAO (when viewed through polarizing lenses). Such reports have been made by observers from the ground and so cannot be treated here.

There were seven cases of the total (10.7%) that involved the magnetic and/or gyro-compass(es) on the aircraft. These cases are listed in Table 11

The 2-2-73 and 10-18-73 cases appear consistent with a magnetic field of about 0.02 gauss that is pumping the needle at something less than 0.3 pulses per second (18 pulses per minute). The 5-26-79 and 8-58 cases both are consistent with a DC magnetic field. The 3-12-77 case is very puzzling because it implies both a DC magnetic field effect and an inertial effect.

Modern aircraft have the compass sensors mounted remotely from the cockpit display, usually on the external skin of the airplane. This is done to help avoid artifacts that can be produced through electrostatic charge accumulation in flight, lightning strikes, etc. Based upon the above data it is likely that the emitting field(s) of AAO are, in some cases, of a magnetic character, either AC, DC, or both.

3.Engine Malfunction. There was a total of nine cases (16%) in which reciprocating aircraft engines either stopped completely in flight or lost power. These events are listed in Table 12.

Aircraft engines are known to fail in flight more often than many people realize so that such instances must be shown to be extraordinary and clearly unrelated to more common explanations as fuel starvation. All of the events cited above took place when one or more aerial objects were in close (visual) proximity to the aircraft Still it is possible that the pilot was so fascinated by the unexpected phenomenon that he forgot to switch fuel tanks or to take other required action.

An operating engine can be disrupted either by air, spark, and/or fuel supply. However, as long as the engine and aircraft are moving through the air, the carburation system is functioning correctly, and the pistons are pumping up and down, the flow of fuel and air are drawn into the cylinders regardless of whether the engine is delivering power. "The only way to stop a running engine, therefore, is to disrupt the electrical system." (McCampbell, 1973, pg. 51) What can interrupt an electrical system?

It is known that a strong magnetic DC field by itself is not likely to cause key electrical system components of a reciprocating engine to fail. A national U.S. testing laboratory used an electromagnetic which could produce a field strength up to 10 kilogauss (kg) across an area nine inches in diameter. They found insignificant effects on a spark plug at atmospheric pressure (gap = 0.025") oriented both coaxially and normal to the field. A tungsten filament light bulb did not change in brightness or current (resistance) for field strengths up to 20 kg. In addition, the voltage of a lead acid battery (with resistive load of 1 amp current) oriented with the magnetic field parallel to the plates decreased in voltage from 12.3 at zero field to 12.0 volts at 20 kg. Gillutor (1968) also reported that a typical steel-encased coil placed in a 20 kg magnetic field interrupted the spark only occasionally. When the coil was encased in an aluminum container the spark plug (attached to the coil) started missing at about 4 kg and ceased altogether at 17 kg. Since aircraft reciprocating engines use a (rotating electromagnet) magneto system and not a coil and distributor electrical system one would not expect the above cited result to apply directly.

High frequency E-M radiation could affect the electrical system of an automobile by inducing high voltage surges in the secondary windings of the coil leading to incorrect timing of the ignition system.

4.Hydraulic Aircraft Systems.It is interesting to note that no incidences of malfunction or failure of aircraft hydraulic systems were reported due to AAO proximity. The nature of fluid dynamics would probably preclude most hydraulic system failures (brakes, aileron control, etc.) from occurring due to imposed E-M radiation
Normalizing the Database. Given sufficient statistical data concerning the number of aircraft flying at any hour of the day, day of the week, or in specific geographic locales, etc., it is possible to normalize data such as these. Unfortunately, it was not possible to achieve such normalization. This was done by Rodeghier (1988) for surface vehicles for time of day effects; the surprising result found was that the peak hour for E-M effects to occur was between 0300 and 0400 local time with a secondary peak from 0100 to 0200 local time! This is important, according to Rodeghier, in that the hourly distribution of thunderstorms over the United States is highly skewed toward the late afternoon hours. His data apparently were not related to thunder- storms. Unfortunately, such statistical data is almost impossible to obtain for military and private type airplanes and very difficult to interpret for commercial airplanes. Given sufficient manpower and computer power it would be possible to normalize part of the present data.

Concerning surface vehicle ignition interference cases Johnson's (1988) analyses suggested that ignition failure is not the result of natural causes such as sand, dust, damp weather, etc. as suggested by Sharp (1977) and Menzel and Boyd (1963). Such simple minded explanations do not explain the present aircraft engine interference or failure cases either.

Operator-Caused Effect. We cannot overlook the possibility that in some cases the pilots themselves caused the effects that were reported but were not aware of their behavior or forgot about it in the confusion of the encounter due to his or her emotional state. This explanation is not tenable in those cases where there are multiple pilots present who cross-check each other and who can calm one another in emotional conditions.

Piezo-electric Effects. Persinger has postulated in many papers that intense E-M field generated by the stress of tectonic plate movements in the Earth's crust can produce plasmoid luminous balls of varying color, size, and brief duration (typically under 15-20 seconds) (1976, 1979). Klass (1968) has proposed a somewhat less precise but similar hypothesis for the UFO phenomena involving ball lightning. Both gentlemen have failed to explain how such a phenomenon can travel high into the atmosphere (as is reported by many airplane pilots) or how the contained plasma can sustain itself for periods of time as long as those reported here (conservatively up to 20 minutes). And, as Rodeghier (1988) has stated, ". . . there is no a priori reason to expect anything but a random distribution of piezo-electric events by hour of the day. in direct contrast with the bimodal distribution shown in Figure 1. Until such explanations are forthcoming and are supported by field observations and laboratory research the piezo-electric effect should be placed near the bottom of any list of credible explanations of the present high altitude E-M events.

Plasma Sheath Interference. A plasma is a particular region within a gas discharge containing very nearly equal number of positive and negative ions. Apparently, its neutral charge affords it some stability of character over time. It's form is thought to result from magnetic fields which establish a reasonably defined interface with surrounding air. It is well known that radio transmission can be disrupted or blocked altogether by atmospheric ionization. This occurred during the re-entry of manned spacecraft into the Earth's atmosphere as the plasma sheath surrounding the space capsule blocked radio communication. The charged particles of a natural plasma move at random and would be expected to produce an apparently random interference pattern known as white noise or static in radio and television transmissions. Klass (1968; pg. 95) has suggested that most UFO phenomena are explained by natural atmospheric plasmas without ever considering the possibility that such plasmas are not a natural phenomenon at all but a by-product of the UFO phenomenon itself! Of course a contained ball of plasma could not reach beneath the hood of a car without being dissipated by the metal hood of an automobile or the engine cowling of an airplane, or could it? There are numerous verified accounts of ball lightning contacting a commercial aircraft in flight and somehow finding its way inside the passenger and crew compartment(s), sometimes to exit silently at some point or other times to explode with a loud clap. How the plasma enters the fully enclosed volume has never been explained but it does! It is a scientific fact that a magnetic field will be generated by the electrically charged particles within a plasma.

Power Interruption and AAO. This topic has received some attention over the years mainly because of its broad social implications. Smith (pg. 272, 1980) compared the number of UFO reports in the U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book project and the number of U.S. Federal Power Commission reports of power failure for the period 1954 through 1969. He noted that the two curves "are in phase and track each other from year to year. Out of phase conditions do exist, however, for the years of 1956 and 1967."

Summary and Conclusion
This paper has reviewed some of the details surrounding 56 E-M cases reported by pilots in flight. In the great majority of these cases the cockpit instruments, cabin lights, weapon systems, radar contact, engine(s), and other electromechanical devices on board each evidenced behavior consistent with known laws of physics. In only a few (e.g., 6-4-55; 8-31-58; 3-12-77) were there truly anomalous effects from the point of view of modern-day physics. These data deserve further scrutiny.
  • Haines, R.F., 1990. Advanced Aerial Devices Reported During the Korean War. Los Altos, CA: LDA Press.
  • Hall, R.H. (Ed.), 1964. The UFO Evidence. Washington, D.C.: National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, May. See Especially sections 3, 5 and 8.
  • Johnson, D.A., 1983. The effects of position and distance in UFO ignition-interference cases. Journal of UFO Studies, Vol. III, Pp. 1-8.
  • Johnson, D.A., 1988. Size, distance and duration parameters of the ignition-interference effect. Proceedings of the Second CUFOS Conference, Chicago, IL, Pp. 123-152, September 25-27.
  • Klass, P., 1968. UFOs - Identified. New York: Random House.
  • McCampbell, J., 1973. Ufology: New Insights from Science and Common Sense. Jacmac Co., Belmont, CA.
  • McCampbell, J., 1991. Personal communication including his technical notes from research carried out in 1984.
  • Menzel, D.H., and Boyd, L.G., 1963. The World of Flying Saucers. New York: Doubleday & Co. Pp. 172-197.
  • National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), 1980, Washington National radar/visual sightings. Pp. 388-389 In R.D. Story (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of UFOs. New York: Doubleday & Co.
  • Persinger, M.A., 1976. Transient geophysical bases for ostensible UFO related phenomena and associated verbal behavior? Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol. 43, Pp. 215-221.
  • Persinger, M.A., Possible infrequent geophysical sources of close UFO encounters: Expected physical and behavioral-biological effects, 1979. Ch. 13 in R. F. Haines (Ed.), UFO Phenomena and the Behavioral Scientist . Metuchen, New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press.
  • Rodeghier, M., 1988. A summary of vehicle interference reports and a description of a possible natural phenomenon causing some events. Proceedings of the Second CUFOS Conference. Chicago, Illinois, Pg. 153-168, September 25-27.
  • Ruppelt, E.J., 1956. The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects. New York: Doubleday & Co.
  • Shanklin, H.A., 1955. The flying saucers I've seen. Flying. Pg. 307- 308, September.
  • Sharp, A., 1977. More ghosts in the machine: Examining the statistics. MUFOB, new series, Vol. 8, Pg. 5-7.
  • Smith, P.J., 1980. Power failures and UFOs. Pg. 272-273 In R.D. Story (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of UFOs. New York: Doubleday & Co.
  • Smith, W., Personal communication, September 1991.
  • Stacy, D., (December 1987-January 1988). When pilots see UFOs. Air and Space. Vol. 2, No. 5, Pg. 96-103.
  • Wichnan, H., 1971. A scientist in the cockpit: the case history and analysis of a UFO sighting. Space Life Sciences, Vol. 3, Pg. 165-170.
  • Wilkins, H.T., 1954. Flying Saucers on the Attack. New York: Citadel Press.
  • Zeidman, J., 1979. A Helicopter-UFO Encounter over Ohio. Evanston, IL: Center for UFO Studies. Pg. 122, March.
  • Zigel, F., 1968. Observations of UFO from airplanes. Section 6 in F. Zigel (Ed.), Unidentified Flying Objects in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Vol 1, unpublished manuscript.

Source: MUFON 1992 UFO Symposium Proceedings, pages 101-129.
This is the work presented By Dr. Richard Haines.These Ideas are his and he thoroughly researched the above subject(i have heard more than 30 yrs.)
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Pilot Sightings Continued
The posts as i have said will continue in form of reply to add more fluidity to the content.It will also make easier for me to post lots of material in a short span of time.Also since there are hundreds of topics still left unexplored,we can discuss them via several posts here,to present the most comprehensive material on the Forum for everyone to see.
As i was saying,The work of Doctor Haines has been a source of inspiration for most of researchers in UFOlogy Circle.He is one of very few credible sources of some Valid Point Making Individuals.Despite Plagiarizations of His masterpiece,No one can ever doubt the incredible Comprehensiveness with which Dr. Haines will be researching a particular subject.Needless to say this is no exception.
here are some tid-bits of his exceptional Work.
FROM 1973 TO 1978

RICHARD F. HAINES Copyright 1979


There are five major reasons for reviewing sightings of anomalous phenomena from aircraft. First, pilots and other crew members tend to be educated, stable people who are taught to recognize a wide variety of meteorological and other aerial phenomena; they are also trained to be observant - to see and be seen during flight. As pilots accumulate more and more flight time they also have an opportunity to see and identify unusual illusory effects in nature (Minnaert, 1954; Wood, 1968). These factors tend to enhance their reliability as witnesses This is not to say that pilots are not as subject to certain motion- induced (and other) visual illusions as observers on the ground but, rather, that pilots are more likely than not, to be good eye witnesses.

The second reason is the unique vantage point from which the sighting can take place. Aircraft flying high above the earth make it possible to view the aerial phenomenon below them, seen against the earth background. This is important in helping to establish the maximum distance to the phenomenon, a far more difficult task when the phenomenon is seen against a sky background. Not only this but pilots usually have available a wide field of view and they can quickly maneuver their aircraft to see in other directions as well.

Third, almost all commercial, military, and research aircraft and even some private aircraft are equipped with a wide range of on-board equipment helpful in detecting, reporting, and even analyzing certain characteristics of the phenomenon encountered. Radar transmitters and receivers, UHF and VHF radios, radio-magnetic and gyro-compasses, automatic direction finders, air temperature and pressure sensors, and other standard equipment can become important during aerial sightings. The rapid use of the aircraft's radio can also alert ground monitoring facilities to search the skies for the phenomenon over a broad geographic region and can request the visual search assistance of other pilots flying in the vicinity. The pilot can also request detailed weather information via the radio so as to determine if the phenomenon might somehow be associated with a particular weather pattern.

The fourth reason is namely that, particularly for commercial aircraft flying at high altitudes, the possibility that the phenomenon is a bird, prank balloon, or other deliberately contrived hoax launched from the air becomes smaller and smaller with increasing altitude.

The fifth reason for studying sightings by pilots is the fact that professional pilots have reputations at stake. What is the basis of this statement? It is that most commercial airlines conduct specially prepared screening programs for candidate air crews in order to try to eliminate those individuals who are psychologically unstable, those who are unable to cope with stress in an appropriate manner, those who can not assume a leadership role as their professional career continues, and those who cannot demonstrate an ability to make rapid, sound judgments in emergencies. And thus, by predisposition, selection, and training, pilots tend to possess such traits as leadership, dominance, alertness, achievement, and consistency of behavior to mention a few. Maintenance of such a public and corporate image is very important. Therefore, if pilots do come forward with details of an airborne sighting it is reasonable to believe that they have, indeed, seen something very strange to them, strange enough to file a report and risk some degree of ridicule.

Certainly, the above is not to suggest that pilots are less (or more) likely to perceive illusory effects or misinterpret a natural phenomenon about which they may know little. Rather, it is reasonable to assume that pilots will be more likely to test a wide variety of hypotheses concerning the sighting before making their report and, if a particular hypothesis is reasonable they will probably not make a formal report.

To help improve the chances of obtaining reliable sighting details of truly anomalous aerial phenomena only sightings by two or more persons on-board the aircraft were analyzed here. And, to help reduce the chances that the phenomenon (or object) was a weather or research balloon, a bird, or meteor, the duration of the sighting was taken into account. In general, the lower the sighting altitude (i.e., the altitude of the phenomenon) the longer the duration had to be to be included here.

Troy Challenger and the author reviewed a total of more than 300 sightings from the air for the period 1947 to 1959 (1979). The present review is meant as a continuation of this earlier review. The interested reader should also consult the following articles involving pilot sightings from the air (Greenawald, 1977; Ruppelt, 1956; Shanklin, 1955; Wichman, 1971; Wilkins, 1954; Zeidman, 1978; Zigel, 1968).

The objective of this paper is to present the results of a review of aerial sightings predominately by pilots for the period 1 January 1973 through 31 December 1978.

Feb 2 - 0220 - New Zealand
Feb 12 - 2130 - England
Apr 12 - 2230 - Missouri
May 17 - 2337 - S. Atlantic
May 18 - 0216 - N. Atlantic
May 19 - 1855 - Turkey
May 20 - 0415 - England
Jul 16 - 1830 - Spain
Oct 18 - 2310 - Ohio
Oct 19 - 2035 - Ohio
Nov 8 -1640 - Bolivia
Nov 12 - 0830 - Toronto

Jan 26 - 0259 - Lisbon
Mar 13 - ???? - Argentina
Mar 17 - 1130 - Taiwan
Apr 2 - 0930 - Argentina
Jul 14 - l600 - Quebec
Jul 15 - 0900 - Ontario
Oct ? - Day - Texas
Oct 10 - 2210 - Newfoundland
Oct 11 - 0415 - Newfoundland
Nov 16 - 2105 - New York
Nov 23 - 1800 - New York
Nov 24 - 2100 - New York

Jan 15 - 1808 - Japan
Jan ? - 0300 - Mid Pacific
Apr 13 - 2245 - Spain
Jun 8 - 1530 - Manitoba
Jul ? - ???? - Indonesia
Jul 4 - 2200 - New Jersey
Jul 6 - 1700 - Pennsylvania
Sep ? - 0330 - Atlantic Ocean

Partial text only
Sep 28 - 2000 - Argentina
Oct 28 - ???? - Yugoslavia
Nov 22 - 1750 - S. Carolina
Nov 22 - 0740 - Arizona

Feb 25 - 1915 - England
Feb 25 - 1915 - England
Mar 11 - night - Spain
Jun ? - 2130 - Michigan
Jun 24 - 1115 - Ontario
Jul 22 - 2300 - India
Jul 30 - 1930 - Portugal
Jul 30 - 2100 - Portugal
Jul 31 - 2004 - Rhodesia
Aug 20 - 1100 - Arizona
Sep 19 - 0130 - Tehran
Sep 19 - 0215 - Lisbon

Jan 21 - dusk - Colombia
Mar 21 - 2050 - Los Angeles
Apr 14 - 0200 -: Luxembourg
Aug 7 - 0343 - Cairo
Sep 4 - 2250 - Montana
Sep 22 - 0525 - Texas
Oct 26 - 1720 - Japan
Oct 27 - 1735 - Sardinia
Dec 12 - 1425 - Tennessee
Dec 22 - 2340 - N. Atlantic
Dec 22 - 0200 - N. Atlantic
Dec 27 - 2254 - N. Carolina

Jun 11 - 1300 - Los Angeles
Jun 24 - 2245 - Wisconsin
Jul 4 - 1515 - Los Angeles

Aug 27 - 1340 - Massachusetts
Aug 28 - 1243 - West Germany
Dec 21 - 0336 - New Zealand
Dec 21 - 2400 - New Zealand
Dec 30 - 0012 - New Zealand


1. The following abbreviations are used: F = foreign; U = USA (registration); C = commercial; P = private; M = military.

2. Altitude/range are in feet unless otherwise noted (e.g., ft feet). k = one thousand. The term "near" simply indicates that the original report stated directly or implied that the phenomenon was estimated to be relatively near the aircraft.

3. The value before the slash represents by Y = yes or N = no whether ground radar made contact with the UFO. The value after the slash indicates whether radar on board the aircraft made contact.

4. A ? indicates that the report did not contain this information. Use of the term indicates that the author's estimate of the encounter was less than 15 seconds.

5. This sighting was reported by the same pilot who reported the November 16, 1974 event, presumably following the same flight path.

6. An asterisk indicates that the value is only approximate. The value supplied is derived from details available in the original report.

7. This period of multiple sightings extended until 2130 (for a total of 5.5 hours).

6. This sighting of December 12, 1977 occurred in three parts, taking place at approximately 1425 (duration - 2.5 min); 1526 (duration -0.25 min); and 1527 (duration - 2 min).

Date Details of E-M Effect(s)
02-02-73 "About thirty yards from the aircraft was a ball of intense bluish-white light, much like a welding arc, that was twenty to forty feet in diameter, and stayed with his aircraft for about twenty to twenty-five seconds. The Automatic Direction Finding Compass, and both the gyroscopic compass and magnetic one, went haywire and spun at a speed of about twelve revolutions per minute. All directional equipment remained non-functional until he passed over the Wanganui area.

07-14-54 A foreign military pilot flying at 35,000 feet altitude over the Charlevoix region, N.E. of Quebec city reported sighting a triangular shaped object about 5,000 feet above his altitude. "He reported having lost radio contact and experienced troubles with his navigation equipment while flying ...close to the "Balloon." (Note: The story had been circulating during the event that the object was a balloon, however the National Research Council in Ottawa placed the case in "Non-Meteorite Sighting File No. 74- 052.").
07-00-75 American 747 aircraft crew near Indonesia reported temporary electrical failure as a UFO came along side the aircraft.


10-28-75 Foreign DC-9 aircraft were followed by "glowing UFOs" between Zagreb and Belgrade, Yugoslavia. "...some disturbances in the functioning of some instruments on (the) jets" was reported.

09-19-76 Foreign military jets (F-4 Phantom) weapons systems jammed during approaches to the UFO, a commercial aircraft's radio was also "jammed." The military aircraft malfunctions occurred within a 15 to 20 mile range. During an interview with Lt. Gen. Azarbarzin, Deputy Commander in Chief of Operations, Imperial Iranian Air Force, Thran on 1-4-77 he is quoted as saying, "...this technology they were using for jamming was something we haven't had before and we don't have it. It doesn't exist because it was a very wide band and this jammer could jam different bands, different frequencies at the same time. It's very unusual."
Figure 1
Appearances of Phenomena
(ordered by common features)
Pages 119-128

Category: Angularly Large, Sources with Definite Shape

10-18-73. Drawing by pilot (L.C.). Constant red light on front, green light on rear moves as a spotlight does.

Drawing by crew chief (R.Y.).

06-08-75. Drawing by pilot (L.A.G.). Object disappeared in "cloud of smoke"

12-12-77. Drawing by passenger (R.S.). Object No.3. Pulsating glow associated with object.

12-22-77. Drawing by UFO investigator (D.R. Tucker, Project VISIT).

Estimated width: 60'. Thickness: 20'.

07-16-73. Drawing by artist after pilot's description. Looked like a rugby ball in a vertical position with its lower end cut off, top half was greenish; bottom half shaded from orange to reddish; light emitted from bottom.

Estimated height: 20m, width: 10m
10-19-73. (No drawing available) Private pilot reported seeing a "huge (size of two story house) glowing green glob of light in a rough pyramid shape" which "swooped alongside his plane from nowhere." This object "changed shape and would pulsate; as it dimmed, radar contact was lost, as it brightened, radar contact was re-established."
11-08-73. (No drawing available) Foreign commercial pilot reported seeing a small, luminous top-shaped object with small window openings.

07-22-76. (No drawing available) Foreign commercial pilot reported seeing an object at his altitude of 35,000 feet which resembled a "dirigible gondola, with four very large windows, each about 25 feet apart." It was estimated as being "... much larger than (their) DC-10." Intense illumination was seen inside the "windows."

09-22-77. (No drawing available) American commercial pilot reported seeing "no distinct shape...but it appeared to be elongated with a row of brightly illuminated "windows" running front to rear."

09-19-76. Drawing by Mehrabad (Tehran) airport control tower, night shift supervisor (H.P.) from the ground.

Object 1. Hazy-yellow-blue arc. Elliptical disc of pulsating whitish-blue light (at ends) Estimated length: 8m, thickness: 2m.
Main body invisible.

One round red light circling the main body, and pausing very briefly every quarter-turn. " took about a second or two to make a full circle."

The entire object "oscillated like a see-saw--with the two ends describing 20 degree arcs." (viewed for 5 mm).

Object 2. Same witness (H.P.) then saw about two miles farther south a "circle of blue color - probably about six meters in diameter ." (viewed for about 3 mm)

Object 3. Same witness (H.P.) then saw object change shape to appear ".. like a fan with sometimes three, sometimes four, drooping and tapered blades." Glowing red core ("a"); Green ring ("b"). Dark orange extension ("c") as though flowing out of the green area. Became more yellow than orange toward each tip. Witness is certain that there was only one such extension which kept revolving to create an illusion of four and sometimes three different extensions, each extension was estimated to be about 2m long. Extension outlines were fuzzy.

Object 4. The same witness (H.P.) and many others at control tower also witnessed seeing a fourth object or change in shape of the same object. Main part was orange-red ("a"). Corner glowed red ("b"). "While stationary, the UFO seemed like a beehive of activity: rhythmically glowing oscillating, and emanating lights that rotated around it."

"Every few minutes the UFO would also change positions- seemingly disappearing from the observers at the control tower, and almost instantaneously reappearing at another spot in the sky miles away."

9-19-76. Drawing by first officer (A.P.) An intensely white, fluorescent light was emitted by the object. It left a non-continuous, sparkling trail.

Drawing by pilot (Anon.). Horizontal oval of primarily white light but with a "constant blend of different shades of colors appearing across the surface." Outline was diffuse. Estimated width: 15'. Apparent angular diameter: 0.25 deg. Five small, distinct red lights located at edge.

12-27-77. Drawing by pilot (R.A.). Curved edge ("a"); silver ("b"), white light ("c").

Drawing by observer on board helicopter (H.D.). Rounded top ("a"); silver ("b"); four ribs (maybe more) ("c"); white light ("d").

7-4-78. Drawing by pilot (F.P.H.). Hemispheric dome was bright chrome. Base was dull gray. Protrusions from dome rotated "back and forth" rapidly - the eyes could see the motion. "UFO was very close and clearly defined in clear air and skies." Estimated width of base: 36". Total height: 36"

6-11-78. Drawing ny pilot (F.W.W.) "...solid metallic aircraft of ovoid shape having a definite axis about which it moved... symmetrical in shape with a continuous highly reflective surface with no visible seams, markings, bolts, rivets, lights or protrusions of any kind." Estimated width: 2' to 3'. Thickness: 1.5' to 2.5'.

5-20-73. (No drawing available) Foreign commercial pilot reported seeing a "...silver oblong body, hanging vertically.


2-2-73. (No drawing available) Foreign commercial pilot reported seeing a ".... ball of intense bluish-white light, much like a welding arc.. .twenty to forty feet in diameter." It stayed with his aircraft for about 20 to 25 seconds.


4-12-73. (No drawing available) American private pilot (and passenger) reported seeing a "circular-shaped UFO that was bright white which became tinged with orange at times and "seemed to give off heat waves."


12-30-78. (No drawing available; l6mm color film 10 fps obtained for approx. 7 minutes) Film image shapes vary from circular. to oblate spheroid to thick streaks (both curved and straight) to complex closed polygons.

Colors on color film are typically yellow-white with occasional small areas of green and red.


9-4-77. (No drawing available) American commercial pilot reported seeing an oval UFO "...about 150 feet in diameter, flying at an altitude of 15,000 to 18,000 feet.... It was pulsating from a circular shape toward oblong, and giving off a reddish-green glow speckled by throbbing white, green and red lights on its side."


10-27-77. (No drawing available) Foreign military pilots in three separate aircraft reported seeing an orange circular UFO within 1000 ft. of one aircraft.


12-22-77. (No drawing available) American commercial pilot and co-pilot reported seeing a circular UFO with predominantly white lights.

"There was a red blinking light on top of the thing with all those twinkling, silvery-white lights on around the middle... there was darkness between the red light on top and the white lights around the middle, and then darkness below the lights again.... and there was another red blinking light on the bottom of it. About every dozen or so lights around the middle, there was a reddish-purple one, and in between THEM, (sic) there was a blue one. But they were all blinking off and on intermittently."

This UFO then emitted a neon-green smoke ring from its bottom side which descended to the ocean's surface and "submerged! We saw the glowing green circle of water where it went in, and then the glow disappeared!.... Seconds later, two more green rings dropped out. The second one dropped away and submerged like the first one, but the third one dropped down and then shot straight ahead to disappear toward the coast."

"... the big UFO paced us for about twenty minutes, then all of a sudden the lights around the middle began going out in clusters -- not in banks of say, six or eight in a row, but six or eight separate individual lights at the same time..." "The top and bottom blinking red lights went out too with only scattered blue lights around the middle still blinking."

Finally, "... we could faintly see the silhouette of... like two inverted shallow soup bowls put together. Then very faintly just above the mid-lateral line we could see a soft subdued green glow emanating (sic) from what appeared to be trapezoidal shaped windows.. you know... wider at the bottom than at the top.

"Just about the time our eyes got focussed on the windows, the thing assumed an overall bluish corona. Then it took off straight ahead like a cut cat, leaving nothing in front of us but a blue streak in the sky."

7-6-75. (No drawing available) American commercial pilot and co-pilot reported seeing a "...very dark rust" colored disc that at times appeared "almost black."

3-11-76. (No drawing available) Foreign commercial pilot reported seeing "an object which emitted a strange, intense light which seemed to come out from windows or similar openings, for to each luminous spot corresponded a dark one," It disappeared immediately after becoming intensely white.
8-20-76. Drawing by commercial aircraft passenger (J.S.). Object was seen near the ground, "reflecting sunlight brightly." A round shadow was seen on the ground beneath the object... the shadow then merged with the object. Reddish-brown spot ("a"), silvery, shiny disc ("b").

5-19-73. Drawing by pilot (E.M.). Bright light at center ("a"); a trail of paler light ("b"). Glare (as seen on horizon).

As seen on at Zenith. Bright light at "a".

Category: More Than One Object with Finite Angular Size

3-17-74. Drawing by pilot (W.K.) "While I was watching objects 3, 4, and 5.. with my binoculars (along with two other crew members)" another object (number 6) dropped out the bottom of number 4. Object number 6 dropped down "...approx. 2,000 feet and then shot out to join up with no. 5." They all disappeared since we passed under them in about the opposite direction. The objects were sharply outlined and reflected the daylight.

8-28-78. Drawing by pilot (P.C.). Two small, round objects 1 & 2 were seen motionless ahead and above the aircraft. The captain "then noticed a circular halo-shaped object 3 approach from the East." It passed "very close" to the two round objects and continued. "As it passed, one of the round objects (number 1) accelerated to the East very rapidly and was soon lost to sight. "All these objects were very high up, but quite clear. They all shown white.".

Category: Miscellaneous Descriptions Involving Perceived Shape

1-26-78. (No drawing available) Foreign commercial pilot and crew reported seeing from 10 to 15 orange glowing saucer-shaped objects flying in precise formation. The separation distances were maintained throughout the approx. 60 second-long sighting.

4-2-74. (No drawing available) Foreign commercial pilot and four other crew members reported seeing an extremely bright round, somewhat flat object. An estimated 70 passengers on board also saw it.

7-14-74. (No drawing available) Foreign commercial pilot reported seeing a luminous triangle while at an altitude of 33,000 feet.

7-15-74. (No drawing available) Foreign commercial pilot and other passengers reported seeing a bright, silver-white cigar or triangular-shaped object above their aircraft. The object appeared to change from red to orange and yellow to blue.

10-??-74. (No drawing available) American commercial pilot and passenger reported seeing a bright white rectangular object seen against the clear blue sky. It finally accelerated upward out of sight after remaining visible for about eight minutes.

8-27-78. (No drawing available) American private pilot and passenger reported seeing a bright, reflective silvery-white oval or sphere, partly translucent, with no protrusions. Object appeared to darken as it neared the aircraft.

Category: Continuously Visible Single Point Sources - White

05-18-73 11-24-74 07-30-76
11-12-73 04-13-75 01-21-77
03-13-74 09-??- 75 04-14-77
11-16-74 09-28-75 04-23-77
11-23-74 11-22-75

Category: Continuously Visible Single Point Sources - Colored

05-17-73 Very bright, blue-white with a red tail.
10-10-74 Greenish light, followed aircraft for 25 minutes.

11-22-75] Greenish-white light and orange sparks trail - changed to ragged patch of orange - changed to flowing orange "embers"- changed to darkness over 4.5 minute duration.

06-24-76 White light with a greenish tint traveling at about Mach 1.

07-31-76 Orange object seen "low on NW horizon."

10-26-77 Four or five "fireballs" seen falling into Pacific Ocean.

12-21-78 Brilliant white with intermittent reddish tinge. Two or three lights followed aircraft for about10 minutes.

03-21-77 Bright orange with blue flames trailing behind.

Category: Flashing Point Sources - White and Colored

02-12-73 Two white flashing lights, one on top of the other, accelerated vertically out of sight.
10-11-74 Object had red and white flashing lights. Object "pulled along side the aircraft for about 5 miles as aircraft descended 5,000 feet."

01-?? -75 Dull white source flashed on and off "sharply" for three minutes. Disappeared suddenly.

02-25-76 White light with a tint of red, hazy outline, flashed at 5 second intervals. (FP)

02-25-76 Brilliant white, rapidly flashing, sharply defined. (FC)

Data Base

A total of 72 sighting reports of 69 separate cases or an average of 11.5 sightings per year involving relatively long durations and two or more eye witnesses of the UFO were found in my own files and in reports sent to me by numerous foreign and domestic investigators. Of these, 72.2 percent involved commercial, 19.5 percent involved private and 8.3 percent involved military pilots. Table 1 summarizes these cases which includes the basic "objective" sighting data, i.e., radar (ground sites on-board) and electromagnetic (E-M) effects on-board the aircraft. (1)

Six cases were found involving some type of electromagnetic effect on-board the aircraft. The basic details of these six cases are given in Table 2. One report (4-13-75) was too abbreviated and in Spanish to afford enough details to include here.

A number of subjectively determined characteristics were also reported for these sightings. Both verbal descriptions as well as drawings of the phenomena were available in some instances. The many hundreds of pages of original documents have been abbreviated and grouped by common features in Figure 1 (pages a - j) for cross comparison.

Data Analysis

The distribution of sightings by year and foreign or domestic aircraft registry is given in Figure 2. The total number of sightings appears to be relatively constant except for 1978. Perhaps this is because not all of the available reports for 1978 have yet been submitted. There also appears to be a small increase in the number of American aircraft involved.

That there tends to be a small increase in the total number of sightings from the air as the year progresses with a dominant peak occurring in July is illustrated in Figure 3. These monthly frequencies may be compared with those given on pages 33 - 38 of Hall's (1964) review of military, commercial, and private pilot sightings for the period August 1944 to March 1963 (224 months). A total of 112 sightings are listed (2) in Hall's review for an average of two sightings per month in comparison to an average of one sighting for each of the 72 months covered in the present review. The numbers in parentheses for each month in Figure 2 represent the percentage of all 112 sightings in Hall's review for comparison purposes. The peak (i.e., maximum) frequency of sightings in July is evident in both sets of data as it was in the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book, Special Report No. 14 (Davidson, 1971) covering the period June 1947 through December 1952 and including about 4,000 UFO sighting reports. While the relatively large sample size represented in the Air Force graph indicates a more symmetrical distribution of sightings around the July - August peak months, the criterion that was used to place sightings into the "in sufficient information" category in the first place is open to question for reasons that are beyond the scope of the present paper.

The present data were also analyzed by duration of the sighting. Figure 4 presents these findings by year. The top of each bar is the maximum and the bottom the minimum duration in minutes with the mean shown by a short horizontal line and number (in minutes). While the means are relatively long and may surprise some readers, comparison may be made to other research on the same subject by Davidson (1971) and Vallee and Vallee (1966, pg. 178) which indicates roughly comparable durations for sightings predominantly from the ground. A direct comparison among these three sets of duration data is not possible since each investigator used a different method of compiling data. It is valid to say that the present sighting durations tend to be of shorter duration than either those of the Air Force's Special Report 14 or those presented by Vallee and Vallee. These comparative duration graphs are given in Figure 5.

What time of the day did the present group of sightings occur? The answer is illustrated in Figure 6 using a 24 hour clock and plotting the frequency of the sightings' local time within one-hour intervals. It may be seen that the largest proportion of sightings occurred between 2100 and 2500 hours with a second "peak" occurring between 0200 and 0300 hours.

The major "peak" extending between 2100 and 2500 hours local time in Figure 6 corresponds to the major peak cited by Vallee and Vallee (1966) for Type III cases, namely, " unusual object of spherical, discoidal or elliptical shape stationary in the sky." However, no secondary "peak" is found for the 0200 to 0300 hours period in the data presented by Vallee and Vallee. In addition, a peak in the number of object sightings was found to occur between 2000 and 2300 hours in the U.S. Air Force study (Davidson, 1971; Fig. 41) and a much smaller peak at 1400 to 1500 hours. Thus, the present data appears to fall within the same general frequency of occurrence and time of day patterns as previously reported sighting data (primarily sightings from the ground). A previous analysis of aerial sightings (Challenger and Haines, 1979) has shown that these two frequency "peaks" are influenced by season of the year and by the latitude at which the sighting is made. Interested readers may also wish to consult other "time of day" data reported elsewhere (Ballester-Olmos and Vallee, 1971; Hynek and Vallee, 1975; Phillips, 1975) which include predominately sightings from the ground.

It is also instructive to compare the distribution of the various types of "objective' data with the subjective date. Objective data is any automatically or instrumentally derived data that occurs without the direct, continuous involvement of the human being. This is done in Figure 7 in the form of a Ven diagram. Numbers in parentheses represent the percentage of the total 72 sighting reports for each type of data indicated. These data were extracted from the "Radar" and "E-M" columns of Table 1 for each sighting for which there was a "Y" (yes). Referring to Figure 7 it may be seen that some form of objective data was found to occur on 21 (29 percent) of the 72 total sightings. Also, seven percent involved both on-board and ground radar of the aerial phenomenon and one percent involved both on-board radar contact and some type of E-M effect. Interestingly, in no instance was there the situation where an objective indication of a phenomenon was obtained without a visual sighting. These data may be considered as a continuation of other reported E-M effects accompanying UFO phenomenon reported elsewhere (Hall, 1964, Section 8) in which aircraft pilots reported such effects as engine failure, jammed radar, blocked radio transmission on various frequencies, "strange" radio signals received, ADF burnt out, etc. In the majority of such cases a high energy field seems implicated. Determination of the exact nature of the phenomenon would depend upon a careful study of extremely well documented cases where on-board sensing systems are affected in a way that may be "recalibrated" after the fact. For Instance, if an ADF coil is shorted out it is possible to trace each circuit segment to find out where the break occurred and the likely current density that would have been required to cause the damage. A detailed analysis of various E-M data associated with the New Zealand sighting of 12-30-78 is currently underway.

Some general observations are in order concerning the shapes and other reported "subjective" features of these objects: (1) Of the 18 drawings analyzed, ten (55.5 percent) were symmetrical. This value is close to the 59.7 percent of symmetrical UFO drawings by 139 participants in a special UFO drawing test who indicated that they had seen a UFO (Haines, 1979 (b)), (2) The majority of these drawings were oriented with the long axis parallel to the earth's surface (assuming that the paper used for the sketch was oriented long dimension vertically), (3) In most of these verbal descriptions the object or source of light was clearly defined, and (4) Numerous descriptions involve one or more:
(a) Luminous rays emanating from the object: (10-18-73; 12-12-77; 9-19-76 Object 1, Object 3; 5-19-73; 7-16-73)
(b) Either steady or pulsating homogeneous luminance over the entire surface of the object; (2-2-73; 4-12-73; 10-19-73; 1-26-74; 4-2-74; 7-14-74; 7-15-74; 10-??-74; 7-30-76; 9-19-76 Object 2, Object 4; 9-19-76; 10-27-77; 12-30-78)

(c) Highly complex colored lights accompanying a main object: (2-12-73; 10-11-74; 9-19-76 Object 1, Object 4; 9-4-77; 12-22-77; 6-24-78)

(d) Passively reflecting object(s): (5-20-73; 3-17-74; 7-6-75: 8-20-76; 6-11-78; 7-4-78; 8-27-78; 8-28-78)

(e) Some variation of "windows" and/or internal illumination seen within the object(s): (11-8-73; 3-11-76; 7-22-76; 9-22-77; 12-22-77)

Referring to the descriptions of the phenomena given in Figure 1, it can be seen that these descriptions could be placed into one of six basic classifications: 3
(1) Angularly large sources with a definite shape (27 cases)

(2) More than one object with finite angular size (3 cases)

(3) Miscellaneous descriptions involving perceived shape (6 cases)

(4) Continuously visible single point source(s) - white (14 cases)

(5) Continuously visible single point source(s) - colored (8 cases)

(6) Flashing point source(s) - white and colored (5 cases)

It did not appear warranted to develop more categories than these.

Some General Observations

Perhaps the most general observation to be drawn from this review is that there are some patterns that emerge. As discussed, they are the same kinds of time of day and month of the year patterns that have been reported previously and which derive mainly from observers on the ground. Certainly, there is no particular reason why details of sightings from the air should differ significantly from sightings from the earth's surface. Another general conclusion is that private, military, and commercial pilots and passengers continue to see and report bizarre phenomena while flying; this occurs in many foreign countries as well as in America. Also, while some of the present sightings seem to involve passive, free-floating objects like balloons (e.g., 7-6-75 and 6-11-78) the majority do not. The appearance of the phenomena seems to fall within approximately the same broad range of perceived shapes as are cited in the UFO literature (e.g., Vallee and Vallee, 1966). This occurs in spite of the supposedly high observational capabilities of pilots outlined briefly in the introduction; this observation raises some intriguing questions concerning the validity of the sighting details. If one assumes that pilots are seeing and reporting the same phenomena as ground observers are seeing and reporting then one would expect the subjective and objective data obtained from the two observer groups to be similar (and with comparable range of features). Apparently this is what is occurring. If one assumes, on the other hand, that pilots are seeing and reporting a different sub-set of phenomena than are seen by ground observers one would expect some qualitative (and quantitative?) differences in the reports from the two observer groups. While a statistically reliable test of the similarity and differences of these two observer groups' reports must await a larger sample size made up of more valid data, it now appears reasonable to suggest that the aerial phenomena reported by pilots and passengers flying is very similar to the aerial phenomena seen from the ground.

  • Challenger, T., and R.F. Haines, UFO sightings from aircraft, in The Encyclopedia of UFOs, Ronald Story (ed.), Doubleday & Co., New York, (in press).
  • Davidson, L., Flying Saucers: An Analysis of the Air Force Project Blue Book - Special Report No. 14, 4th Ed., Saucerian Publ., Clarksburg, West Virginia, 26301, January 1971.
  • Gilimor, D.S. (ed.), Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, Bantam Books, New York (see especially following index items: Aircraft, Atmosphere, Meteorites, Meterides, Meteors, Radar, Space Objects).
  • Greenwald, W.H., Airline pilots and UFOs, The MUFON UFO Journal, November 1977, No. 120, Pp. 15-17.
  • Haines, R.F., Observing UFOs, Nelson-Hall Co., Chicago, 1979(a).
    Haines, R. F., What do UFO drawings by alleged eyewitnesses and non- eyewitnesses have in common? Chapter 12 in, Haines, R.F. (ed.) UFO Phenomena and the Behavioral Scientist, The Scarecrow Press, Inc., Metuchen, New Jersey, 1979(b).
  • Hall, R.H. (ed.), The UFO Evidence, National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, Washington, D.C. May 1964 (see especially Section 3 and 5).
  • Hynek, J.A., and J. Vallee, The Edge of Reality, Henry Regnery Co., Chicago, 1975.
  • Minnaert, N., The Nature of Light and Color in the Open Air, Dover Publ., Inc., New York, 1954.
  • Phillips, T.R., Unidentified flying objects: the emerging evidence, MUFON 1975 UFO Symposium Proceedings, 1975, Pp. 104-111
  • Ruppelt, E.J., The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, Doubleday & Co., Inc., New York, 1956.
  • Shanklin, HA., The Flying Saucers I've Seen, Flying, September 1955, Pp. 307-308
  • Singer, S., The Nature of Ball Lightning, Plenum Press, New York, 1971 (see especially Pp). 38-42).
  • Vallee, J., and J. Vallee, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Ballantine Books, New York , 1966.
  • Valley, G.E., Interpretation of reports of unidentified flying objects, Project Sign, Appendix T in Gillmor, D.S. (ed.), op cit.
  • Wichman, H., A scientist in the cockpit: the case history and analysis of a UFO sighting, Space Life Sciences, vol. 3, 1971, Pp. 165-17
  • Wilkins, H.T., Flying Saucers on the Attack, Citadel Press, New York 1954.
  • Wood, E.S., Science From Your Airplane Window, Dover Publ., Inc., New York, (2nd. rev, ed.), 1968.
  • Zeidman, J., A helicopter-UFO encounter over Ohio, Center for UFO Studies, Evanston, Illinois, December, 1978 (in press)
  • Zigel, F., Observations of UFOs from airplanes, Section 6 in, Zigel, F. (ed.), Unidentified Flying Objects in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, unpublished manuscript, 1968, Vol. I.

1. One reason they are listed here is to invite comments and corrections from the reader, If you happen to know the explanation of any particular sighting please correspond directly with the author.
2. Only those dates for which the month is given are included here.
3. As is indicated in the drawings of Table 2, almost all of the drawings were by the pilot(s) involved. Every attempt was made to faithfully reproduce the original line weight, shading, orientation, and other features of the original drawing in keeping with recommendations made elsewhere (Haines, 1979) (b).

for more Check out NICAP.
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I"ll be adding more to the above PILOT Sightings Post.Please take a Note,that i am posting above Material instead of Giving Link is because of Two Reasons:
  • Links like NICAP may not last forever.(I urge Stryder to save Images,as they are important for the post)
  • This is UFO Section which should comprehensively cover the subject.Every post will therefore be extremely relevant to the subject and be a grave matter for discussion for some of us.Hence for point making,while discussion,one would not have to stray AWAY from the forum.He can check this hands on Reference Material to verify his thoughts.

Controversial and Important People Related to UFOs

Bob Lazar Story
As i have stated in the past,I am trying to present an unbiased,neutral story of Robert Lazar.I have collected most of the material during my research.My Opinion is my own personal Point of view.I am rather skeptical in this case.However,i would try to present a unbiased point of view.The material will be based on plain,simple,headlong facts.If you have more of material on Robert Lazar,any piece of Evidence.Post here please.
Bob Lazar

Bob Lazar claims to have worked with alien spacecraft at a secret U.S. Government facility at Papoose Lake, about 80 miles north of Las Vegas. Lazar intially made his claims on a local Las Vegas television station in Nov. 1989. He says he worked at a facility called "Area S-4" at Papoose Dry Lake, south of the known government air base at Area 51, in late 1988 and early 1989. There he says he saw nine flying saucers housed in hangars built into a hillside. Lazar says he had hands-on experience with one of the craft and he can describe its propulsion system in detail. Lazar says he read briefing papers about the alien presence but that he saw no aliens himself (aside from a fleeting glimpse of a small figure through a window at the facility).

The core story is, almost by definition, unverifiable, since no one can go to Papoose Lake to check it out. The only thing we can investigate are the claims that surround it. If Lazar does not tell the truth about the things we can verify, how can we trust the things we can't verify?

Lazar has lied about his educational credentials and his position at Los Alamos. He claims that his records have vanished and that the government has turned him into a "non-person", but there are no specific records that can't be accounted for. Only his educational records are missing, which plainly never existed to begin with. All evidence indicates that Lazar worked at Los Alamos as a repair technician, not as a senior scientist as he claimed. There is also no evidence that Lazar has ever visited Area 51, which unlike the S-4 claim, can at least be checked out "off the record" through former Area 51 workers. Lazar says he travelled to "S-4" by way of Area 51 on daily 737 flights that hundreds of other workers take. Although he says that Area 51 was only a transfer point for him, he has been unable describe the arrivals area or what you see when you first get off the plane.

The simplest theory to explain the Lazar story is that it is completely false and that he concocted it initally to fool John Lear, who had been telling extravagant aliens-at-Area-51 stories for a couple of years before Lazar arrived. Lazar could have simply fed back to Lear a more rational version of what Lear wanted to hear. Other more complex theories say that Lazar is recounting a real flying saucer experience that actually took place elsewhere or in different circumstances, or that he is a dupe or willing participant in some complicated U.S. Government or foreign government plan. (For example, it could have been attempt by the Soviets to probe or disrupt activities at Area 51. Is so, this would not have been the most convoluted deception of the Cold War.) Motivation for the fraud remains murky, as Lazar and his primary supporter Gene Huff have ignored or sabotaged many opportunities for financial gain from the story. (Although movie options and the saucer model kit have made the story profitable for him, Lazar seems disinterested in pursuing deals.) Thanks to Huff's aggressive attacks on anyone who questions the story, it is hard to find many Lazar supporters left in the UFO community, even among those who want desperately to believe.

All lies and mismanagement aside, Lazar's is a fascinating tale, compelling even as fiction. Its restraint and long-term internal consistancy remain impressive. Lazar's straightforward explanations of his experiences, his healthy skepticism of other UFO claims and his early willingness to submit to hypnosis and a polygraph test remain intriguing. (The test was inconclusive, and the professional hypnotist believes Lazar's emotional responses to his recalled S-4 experiences were not faked.) Ultimately, Lazar's claims have prompted the world to ask, "What is out there at Area 51?"

Lazar had been recruited by the US government to work at the top secret Groom Lake/Area 51 research base better known as "Dreamland" (actually at the S4 site, Papoose Lake which is a few miles to the south of Groom Lake) to reverse engineer alien spacecraft! Here are a few things he learned.

Description of Exterior : The exterior skin of the disc is metal which is the colour of unpolished stainless steel. The "Sport Model" sits on its belly when it's not energized and not on tri-pod legs. The entry hatch is located on the upper half of the disc, with just the bottom portion of the door wrapping around the centre lip of the disc.

Description of Interior : The interior of the disc is divided into three levels. The lower level is where the three "gravity amplifiers" and their wave guides are located. The reactor is located directly above the three gravity amplifiers on the centre level and is centered between them. This center level of the disc also houses the control consoles and seats, both of which are too small and too low to the floor to be functional for adult human beings. The walls of the centre level are all divided into archways. At one point in time, when the disc was energized, one of the archways became transparent and you could see the area outside of it just as if the archway was a window.
Cutaway Diagram

The disc's reactor uses a fuel which does not occur naturally on Earth. This fuel is a super-heavy, stable, element with an atomic number of 115 and does not appear on our periodic chart. Element 115 has a twofold purpose : First, it is the source of a gravity wave that is unknown to Earth's scientists, the "Gravity A" wave. Second, it is the source of the anti-matter radiation which is reacted to provide power.

The Gravity A wave eminates from the nucleus of Element 115 and actually extends past the perimeter of the atom. The propulsion system of the disc amplifies and focuses this Gravity A wave to cause space/time to bend, much like space/time bends in the intense gravitational field of a black hole. The ability to direct gravity to cause space/time distortions allows the disc to cross vast expanses of space/time without travelling in a linear mode at a high rate of speed.

Inside the reactor, the Element 115 is transmuted to Element 116 which is unstable and immediately decays releasing antimatter. The antimatter is reacted with gaseous matter which causes a total annihilation reaction, the 100 percent conversion of matter to energy. The heat from this reaction is converted to electrial energy by a solid state, near 100 percent efficient thermoelectric generator. It is this energy that is used to amplify the Gravity A wave.
Delta Configuration:

This mode of travel is one of the two methods of propulsion used by the disc. In this mode, the disc's gravity amplifiers are in the "delta configuration" and are pulsed sequentially in a rotational pattern. This amplified Gravity A wave is so powerful that the only natural occurring source of gravity that could cause space/time to distort this much would be a black hole!
Omicron Configuration

The other mode of travel is the "omicron configuration" and is used for short range travel near a source of gravity such as a planet or star. When a disc travels near another source of gravity, like Earth, the Gravity A wave, which propagates outward from the disc, is phase shifted into the Gravity B wave, which propagates outward from the Earth, and this creates lift. The gravity amplifiers of the disc can be focused independently and they are pulsed and do not stay on continuously.

Investigation of Bob Lazar's M.I.T. Claims
by Glenn Campbell June 1993

Lazar's Statements
Bob Lazar claims to have degrees from MIT and Cal-Tech. He has also made public the names of two of his professors. Specifically, the following exchanges took place at a UFO conference on May 1, 1993:
QUESTION: Bob, could you tell us about your education. I've heard a lot of different conflicting things; I'd like to hear from you.
LAZAR: That varies widely. As far as electronic technology, my degree there is from Cal-Tech and physics is from M.I.T.

QUESTION: Did you go to Pierce College?

LAZAR: Yeah, I did. Where did you hear that?

QUESTION: A friend that said something, somebody I don't even know. I just thought, it's something I want to ask, to clear my mind.

LAZAR: Yeah, I went to Pierce and Northridge and then... I'm terrible at dates. I don't remember what date I was at Pierce, probably like in seventy-six or something I was at Pierce and then seventy-seven or eight I went to Northridge just for a short time for some classes, then I was at Cal-Tech, and M.I.T. after that.

QUESTION: ...What was the year of your graduation from M.I.T., and did you get a Ph.D.?
LAZAR: No, it was a Masters degree. The year. What was the year of graduation? Probably eighty two...

QUESTION: Could you reveal some of your professors at M.I.T. and Cal-Tech?
LAZAR: Yeah, if you want. I don't have a list of them here. Dr. Duxler I think was one of them. And Hohsfield was another.

QUESTION: Hohsfield?

LAZAR: Hohsfield. H-O-H-S-F-I-E-L-D, or something along those lines.

QUESTION: Would he remember you?

LAZAR: Oh, yeah. Hohsfield I know will.

QUESTION: These are at M.I.T. or Cal-Tech?

LAZAR: Hohsfield was at M.I.T. Duxler was at Cal-Tech.

What follows is an attempt to verify the MIT claims using local directories housed at the MIT Institute Archives and national directories kept at other libraries.

Previous Inquiries
Both Stanton Friedman and George Knapp say they have contacted MIT by phone and have been told that MIT has no record of Robert Lazar. I have not repeated this inquiry myself. I assume that such inquiries are handled by computer and that computer records can be easily altered or deleted. Printed records, however, are much more difficult to obscure.

MIT Institute Archives
The following is based on examination of various printed directories housed at the MIT Institute Archives. This library is located on the MIT campus in Cambridge, Mass., Room 14N-118, and is open to anyone claiming to be a researcher. Annual student directories, faculty/staff phone directories, commencement lists and course catalogs dating back to the early days of MIT are available in open bookshelves in the main reading room. No volumes appeared to be missing, and none showed any obvious signs of tampering.
Could these directories have been falsified? It is conceivable that a government intelligence agency could re-create a modified document that looked just as old and authentic as the original, but any such action could create much larger problems. Most of these documents were originally produced in large quantities, and there are likely to be duplicate copies scattered around the country in unpredictable places. Tampering with one copy runs the risk of detection if any other copy of the document happens to turn up. While deliberate deception may be possible, this would imply a very complex and costly operation to neutralize all the potential inconsistencies. It may be possible to eliminate all printed records for a student, but it seems unlikely you could eliminate his professors.

National faculty directories were also consulted at the MIT Humanities Library and the Tufts University Wessell Library. Falsification of the these directories seems nearly impossible, since there are thousands of copies of these publications available at libraries around the country.

Lazar's MIT Credentials
There is no "Lazar, Robert S." listed in any MIT student directory between 1978 and 1990.
These soft bound books are published every academic year and given to all students and all academic departments. Certainly, many copies must still exist in alumni attics around the country. MIT student directories are printed on low quality newsprint, which turns brown with age. It would be difficult to replace individual pages in these directories without an obvious color difference.

In the copies of the student directory at the MIT Archives, there was no visible indication of tampering on any of the pages where Lazar ought to appear. The 1981-82 student directory was also carefully searched for obvious misspellings of Lazar--"Lezar," "Lazear," etc.--with no match found. The only student listed with the same last name in the 1981-82 directory was "Lazar, Howard S." He appears in four student directories beginning 1978-79, graduating in 1982 in Chemistry. Howard Lazar's picture also appears in the 1981 and 1982 undergraduate yearbooks: He is definitely not Robert Lazar.

There is no "Lazar, Robert S" listed in any MIT faculty/staff telephone directory between 1978 and 1990.

These annual phone directories were consulted on the assumption that, as a graduate or post graduate student, Lazar might be listed as a research assistant instead of as a student. The closest entries are several people by the name of "Lazarus," none of which is appropriate.

No "Lazar, Robert S" has been found in the MIT Degree List between 1979 and 1990.

These books are published twice a year for each commencement. They list each degree recipient alphabetically and by department. The book apparently includes all degrees issued by MIT, not just undergraduate. The closest match found in the alphabetical list was "Lazar, S. R." who was shown in the department list as "Steven Roy Lazar," graduating with a BS degree in Biology on June 1, 1981.

"Lazar, Robert S" is not listed in the 1989 MIT Alumni/ae Register.

This big hard cover book is published only occasionally. Since the current one has a copyright date of 1989, it was probably assembled in late 1988. It is conceivable that if Lazar's computer records were deleted in 1988, they also would also not show up in this book. There are several people in this book with the names Lazar--as well as Lazear, Lazarus, etc.--but none are a good match.

Professor Hohsfield
There is no listing for "Hohsfield" in the current 1992-93 faculty/staff telephone directory.
Obvious misspellings were also checked for--"Hostfield," "Hohlfeld," "Ostfield," etc.--with no match. (This directory was consulted not at the MIT Archives but at another randomly chosen site on campus.)

There is no listing for "Hohsfield" in annual MIT faculty/staff telephone directories, 1980 to 1987.

Obvious misspellings were also checked for. The closest match was a "Hohlfeld, Robert G." listed as a Research Associate in Earth and Planetary Sciences in 1981-82 and 1982-83. The home telephone number listed for this person is no longer valid, and there is no listing for him after 1982-83.

In the annual MIT course catalogs, 1980 to 1990, there is no "Hohsfield," or name resembling it, listed as a professor for a physics course or in the Physics Department faculty lists.

"Hohsfield" is not listed in the 1993 National Faculty Directory

This is a comprehensive listing of all college and university faculty members in the U.S., published by Gale Research. There is also no Hostfield, Hosfield or Hohlfeld

"Hohsfield" is not listed in American Men & Women of Science.

The name is not listed in all editions examined: 1976, 1979, 1982, 1986 and 1992-93. However, this absence may not be significant, since only a nominated subset of scientists and faculty members appear in this book.

"Hohsfield" is not listed in the 1988 Faculty Directory of Higher Education.

Professor Duxler
"Duxler" is listed in the 1993 National Faculty Directory.
There is only one entry for Duxler. The entry is, "Duxler, William. Dir. of Computing, Los Angeles Pierce College, 6201 Winnetka Ave., Woodland Hills CA 91371." Pierce College is one of the schools that Lazar says he attended, and it is the only one that has been publicly verified. (Stanton Friedman has confirmed that Lazar took classes there.) Unfortunately, Lazar said Duxler was at Cal-Tech.

Lazar M.I.T. Investigation Follow-Up
Glenn Campbell August 1993

Journalistic Ethics
Since the above data could be seen as potentially damaging to Mr. Lazar, reasonable attempts were made to obtain his response. In keeping with accepted journalistic ethics, it was important that Lazar be made aware of the evidence and be given a chance to comment on it. It would be preferable that Lazar respond at length, but a "no comment" would also be sufficient to fulfill the requirements of ethics.
Unfortunately, Lazar is not easy to contact. His phone is unlisted and his address is not common knowledge. Lazar has made it clear that he does not like to deal with reporters or UFO enthusiasts, and most such inquiries appear to be handled by his friend, real estate appraiser Gene Huff.

Immediately upon completion of the conference transcript and the MIT investigation report (both above), this reporter sent copies of both to Lazar at Gene Huff's address. There was no response for one month until Gene Huff wrote back advising this reporter to cease publication of the transcript.

We have a lot of commitments for movie, video, and literature projects and we've made certain agreements regarding marketing which you are unaware of. Your marketing plans conflict with ours. Please make this easy and take the transcript off your list of available items.

No mention was made of the MIT document.
This reporter wrote back, explaining his reasons for publishing the transcript and drawing attention to the MIT issue. This letter was sent both to Huff and to Lazar at his "unpublished" address. An excerpt:

Among the most interesting passages in the transcript are when people in the audience ask Bob about his educational credentials. Admitting that his memory for such things is poor, Bob replies with some dates and the names of two of his professors, one at MIT and one at CalTech. Since I happen to live near MIT and am familiar with the campus, I took it upon myself to look up the MIT professor and see if he remembered Bob. Unfortunately, upon arrival on campus, I could find no staff member of that name anywhere, and several hours spent in the Institute Archives seemed to indicate that no professor of that name had worked at MIT for at least the past 20 years. I also looked up Bob Lazar, as others had done before me, and found no listing in any official printed directory since the 70s. The latter discovery was not particularly distressing to me, because I recognize that government agencies have the technical capability to alter documents and delete computer records. The disappearance of a professor, however, would seem difficult to pull off, and I wondered if Bob had been mistaken on the name.
I wrote down all my MIT findings in a three-page document which I sent to Bob in the same envelope as the transcript. I expected a comment of some kind. Perhaps, he would correct the spelling of the professor's name, admit he was mistaken about the school or give me some other hint as to why I could not find the professor at MIT. Instead, what I got, a month later, was a nasty letter, not from Bob but from his spokesman, telling me to cease publication of the transcript and implying nasty repercussions if I didn't.
I cannot overemphasize how bad this looks. It is the liars who get evasive and belligerent and threaten to sue on unrelated grounds when you press them on a sensitive point. The people telling the truth aren't supposed to behave that way. Personally, I am not the sort who jumps to conclusions. I accept the possibility that a student's records could be deleted at a major university, especially one that has a lot of government contracts. I also find it plausible that a former student could be mistaken in remembering the names of his old professors; I myself cannot remember the names of mine. My credulity is strained, however, when the student's records don't exist, a professor does not exist and I get a belligerent response from the student's spokesman when I report these facts. I do not jump to conclusions. I try to let the data speak for itself, but as the data stands now, it is tempting to declare that Bob Lazar never obtained any degree from MIT.

To me, the issues of whether Bob went to MIT and whether he worked with alien craft are separate. Logically, I know that any answer to one question does not imply a conclusion to the other. Still, most people do not make such fine distinctions, and the MIT question, as long as it remains unresolved, is going to be a reoccurring problem for Bob. Matters are further complicated when Bob's de facto spokesman attempts to suppress a transcript which appears to contain some incriminating evidence in this regard. This conveys the appearance of a cover-up and virtually guarantees that this particular issue, relatively minor by itself, will always dominate any discussion of Bob Lazar in the future.

In my opinion, the MIT problem has to be dealt with directly. Belligerence and claims that the government is now eliminating MIT professors will not wash. People may not have the right to probe into Bob's private life, but degrees earned at a major educational institution are not private information. Proving a degree at MIT would help Bob's credibility 100%. Admitting no degree at MIT would certainly hurt, unless there was a good explanation, but the damage would not be as bad as leaving the question unanswered and letting someone else prove the fact.

I'm willing to go back to MIT if there is a hope of digging up better information. There are certainly countless student directories in private hands, and if Bob did go to MIT, they would provide a smoking gun. I am not interested in a wild goose chase, however, and unless there is some new input of information, my three-page document stands on its own.

Huff's reply was lengthy but shed no further light on the MIT question. The only passages mentioning MIT are as follows. (The names of third parties have been removed.)

...I know what you're thinking, it's our fault for not responding within your unstated time frame. You must remember, you are one of tens if not hundreds of people throughout the world who appeal to Bob for one reason or another. Since he never responds, it's literally my burden to respond to the worthy with my time and my expense. You see you're not the only martyr. This story has been around since 1989 for the public and you're not the first nor even the hundredth to hit us up for information or clarification, etc. To imply that Lazar's de facto spokesman is trying to suppress the transcript to hide something is quite insulting. I'm trying to stop the inadvertent spread of disinformation. You whine on and on about MIT. I never even mentioned it so you presumed I was trying to hide something. I am involved in trying to substantiate Bob's credentials from another direction. There are many people digging into the info on him from Los Alamos. After all if he worked there, they must have known his credentials when they hired him right? Anyway, some researchers just recently found out that Bob worked on beam weapons at Los Alamos and sent it to S------ F-------. Believe it or not these guys are anti-Lazar and inadvertently confirmed something that F------- didn't want to hear. He's been graciously praying that Bob is a fraud for some time, yet he remains friendly. I hope something comes of this "back engineering" of his credentials. Then people can feel comfortable and address the more important issues. So don't consider our lack of interest in your MIT search to be evasive. Others before you have done the same thing with no luck, and G----- K---- and I agree that the Los Alamos employment records are the key. Therefore we won't spend our time and energy going down that same dead end. We've been there.
I hope I've made clear that my opposition to the transcript was a sincere effort to keep the story straight, not to suppress anything. I used the term "my" instead of "our" because Bob wouldn't waste the time to respond to you and I don't want to hear more whining about me using "we". MIT is a dead end. Los Alamos is the key. I hope you can clearly see how you've used the transitive property of equality to came to your conclusions, except your variable about MIT was something you made up in your head and not based on anything I said. And correlating info on what I didn't say is how ufology got in it's present state. Too bad you've caused an adversarial situation, it may have been fun. If you have any remedies to the situation, please let me know. By the way I didn't worry about punctuation, etc. in this letter because your correspondence is always so perfect, I thought this would aggravate you. Just like answering these god damn letters aggravates me.

Regarding whether or not Lazar is aware of Huff's correspondence, Huff writes...

You seemed like someone with which I could communicate and educate so you could help us move forward but after talking with Bob this morning, I don't think that's possible. Bob and I thought it humorous that you included a copy of my letter in your letter just to make sure that Bob knew what the letter I sent you had said. He knew. He always knows.

Bob Lazar's Supporter STory for Lazar :
The Lazar Synopsis
by Gene Huff

[As posted to alt.conspiracy.area51, 12 Mar 1995.]

This is a synopsis, or maybe booklet, of Bob Lazar's story which is being offered as a ground zero for future dialogue. After coming to the internet a short time ago, I noticed that people's knowledge of Bob's story varied widely. This is an effort to increase that knowledge base so people who either support or dismiss Bob's story do it for the right reasons. Bob's story is long and complex and in this document I've tried to condense it to a manageable size without omitting relevant points. I'm going to emphasize how things looked from my point of view. I won't elaborate on propulsion systems and things of that sort, so if you want that you can get it on the Lazar Tape and hear if from Bob himself. So here we go...

In the late 1980's I was working as a real estate appraiser in Las Vegas, and still am for that matter. Bob Lazar, known as "Bob, the photo guy" to most Las Vegas appraisers operated the photo lab that serviced many appraisers at that time. Bob and I had met in 1985 and by 1988 we had become friends and began to socialize together. Bob's wife, Tracy, usually did the photo deliveries to our office and, at first, I had talked to her and seen her infinitely more than Bob. Periodically she would talk about when she and Bob lived in Los Alamos, not together, and I just presumed that he ran a photo lab down there. Bob and Tracy met when Tracy was hired to work at a business run buy Bob's first wife, Carol. Tracy's dad, Don Merck, worked at the Los Alamos National Lab (LANL from here on out) and that's how she happened to be living there. Don worked on the conventional charge that implodes and compresses the nuke material to make an atomic bomb explode.

After Bob and I started socializing, I began to notice that he knew a lot about many things. I knew that he was somewhat of an egghead because, when he would do a rare photo delivery, he would drive a Honda CRX in which he had installed a jet engine. But his knowledge base extended far beyond that. There was little he didn't know about jet engines, combution engines, electronics, computer hardware and software, etc. He even made some nitro- glycerin one day while we sat talking at the kitchen table. We later took it out to the desert and blew it up, that's how I knew it was, indeed, a high energy explosive. Eventually, I asked him why he knew all of this stuff. He said, "I've got degrees in physics and electronic technology". I said, "Well, what's the difference between you and a scientist?" He said, " I AM a scientist". I said, "Why didn't you tell me?" He said, "What did you want me to do, say hey man, I'm a scientist"? I said, "Yeah, I would have". He just shook his head and walked away. I later found out that he had worked at the Meson Physics facility at LANL.

All this time, I just thought he was some guy who ran a photo lab and just happened to have an interest in jet engines. He also had, and still has, a rail type dragster with a jet engine from one of the military's first supersonic fighters. Anyway, in time, I met: Bob's dad, Al; his mother, Phyllis; Tracy's dad Don; Joe Vaninetti, an old friend from Los Alamos. Joe's last job at LANL was melting down plutonium. He is currently completing his masters in soils analysis (soils science?) up in Utah. You'll hear more about Joe later; Melissa Crey (maybe Cray) Joe's room mate and a physicist at LANL; and Jim Tagliani, and old friend and computer & electronic tech. All of these people seemed to think Bob was a scentist and, to this day, I have no reason to doubt him and numerous reasons to believe him. Jim Tagliani actually worked with Bob at Fairchild Electronics in southern Cal where Bob was the youngest electrical engineer ever to have worked there. This was a couple of years prior to Bob's Los Alamos job.

At this point, in 1988, Bob was bored with the photo lab and had sent out resumes to various government labs to try and get back into another scientific job. Included on that list was Dr. Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb and scientific consultant to the last 5 or 6 presidents. Bob had met Teller in 1982 in Los Alamos when Teller was there lecturing. Coincidentally, at this same time, Bob's picture was on the front page of the Los Alamos Monitor newspaper. A staff writer named Terry England had done an article on Bob and a Honda CRX in which he had installed a jet engine. This wasn't the same jet CRX he had when I first met him. This article ran in the June 27, 1982 edition of that paper and in it they refer to Bob as, and I quote, "Lazar, a physicist at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility". It's difficult to believe that in a town of 10,000 scientists, who all have egos about their credentials, the only local newspaper could refer to Bob as a scientist if he was not one, at least not without any public outrage. Anyway, when Bob arrived early to hear Teller speak, there Teller sat reading the newspaper article about Bob. Bob used this as an avenue to introduce himself and they had a short chat about jets, etc. Bob later heard Teller's speech and that was that. So in 1988 when Bob sent out all of these resumes, he thought, why not take a shot?

It had been a while since he sent out these resumes and one day I dropped by his house and asked him if he had heard any news. He said, "As a matter of fact, yeah, Edward Teller called me". I said, "Who's Edward Teller?". After he explained, I understood the importance of the call. Teller had responded by phone and said that he was no longer active, but currently worked in a chief consultant capacity. However, Teller did give Bob the name of a gentleman to call here in Las Vegas. Bob called this guy and talked to him and a short time later, someone from EG&G called Bob to set up an interview. EG&G is a company that has all kinds of high tech interests here at the Nevada Test Site. Bob threw away the piece of paper with the name Teller gave him on it. Remember, at this point in time, nobody knew what Bob was headed for and it's obvious that it would be nice to have that name now.

So Bob went to EG&G for the interview. Bob later told me that he "dazzled" them by having every answer to some pretty complex questions and he was optimistic about getting the job. This was unusual because Bob isn't one to pat himself on the back. However, dazzling them temporarily backfired because they told him he was overqualified for the job and he didn't get it. They then told him not to lose hope because they had something coming up that he might be interested in. Ultimately, they called him back and hired him to work on a propulsion project in an "outer area".

Bob reported to the EG&G building at McCarran airport, which had runway access, where he was met by Dennis Mariani. Mariani was a security man of medium build and heighth, about 35 to 40 years old, blonde hair and a tightly cropped blonde mustache. Mariani had a military look and manner, but he didn't wear a uniform. With Mariani as his escort, Bob was flown out to area 51 at Groom Lake.

At area 51, Bob had to sign a secrecy agreeement and an agreement to waive his constitutional rights, which is illegal but was made possible by an executive order with Ronald Reagan's signature on it. He also had to sign an agreement which allowed them to monitor his phone line. Bob already had "Q" clearance, which is top secret civilian clearance, at Los Alamos but he had never gone through anything like this. The clearance he was now attaining would require perpetual monitoring of his activities and would never simply be attained and forgotten about until the next review date. After some abrupt suggestions that he honor his secrecy agreement and watch his general conduct, he and Mariani boarded a bus with blacked out windows and took a 20 to 30 minute ride down a bumpy dirt/gravel road. They arrived at a base near Papoose dry lake bed know as S4.

S4 was a combination of buildings and hangars built into the side of a mountain. Armed guards were everywhere, and security was oppressive. Bob even got an armed escort when he went to the bathroom. They arranged Bob's I.D. and gave him a physical which included a test for allergic reactions to substances which were not identified for Bob. After this he was placed in a briefing room by himself to read some briefings as part of his indoctrination. As Mariani closed the door to leave Bob alone, Bob saw a poster on the back of the door. It was a "flying saucer" hovering over a dry lake bed and it was captioned, "They're Here". Bob opened the top folder on the desk and it contained 8 x 10 glossy photos of 9 different flying saucers, including the one on the poster.

To this day, no one knows why Bob was selected for this project. Bob has a comprehensive knowledge base and is an excellent problem solver, but this may not be uncommon in the scientific community. Maybe the good word from Edward Teller carried a lot of weight. It's even possible that the nod from Teller carried more weight than was originally intended, no one knows.

At this point in time, Tracy helped with the photo lab during the day and worked out at a health club and took flying lessons at night. Bob was on call for S4 and would generally be called to go out once every week or two. They said he'd be working on an on call basis until he was "brought up to speed", at which time he would work on a more consistant basis. They'd always have Bob report in the late afternoon and work evenings which allowed him to maintain the photo lab during the day. Bob was now very secretive about his job and would only tell his wife and friends that he was working on something that required clearance. He eventually did tell us that he flew into area 51 when he went to work. We had no idea what he was actually doing and, because of that, none of us were overly curious as to what his project was.

Around this same time, KLAS, the CBS affiliate is Las Vegas, had been running local news shows, featuring UFO researchers, which I found entertaining and intriguing. These shows were hosted by George Knapp, a local news anchor who is now high profile and arguably the most informative and motivating speaker on the UFO circuit. George doesn't speak as regularly as "UFO experts", but is infinitely more informed than them, especially with things ufological in Nevada. On these shows, much ado was being made about alleged UFOs and aliens at area 51. Bob assured us that there were no UFOs at area 51. As it ended up, he was telling the truth. They were at S4 and they were called "discs" and they were anything but "unidentified".

Bob had been hired to be part of a "back engineering" team. Back engineering is the act of taking apart a finished product to find out what makes it tick. In this instance, their job was to back engineer a flying disc to see if it could be reproduced with earth materials. Bob's specific job was to help back engineer the propulsion system. In subsequent trips to S4 Bob was exposed to the propulsion system on a bench in a lab, as well as the propulsion system, in place, in a disc. In a sleek disc he would eventually nickname the "sport model" Bob had to hang upside down through an opening on the floor of the central level to view the gravity amplifiers on the lower level. He eventually witnessed a brief, low altitude test flight of this same disc. He was also taught how the discs are able to distort space/time to achieve interstellar travel. The "Sport Model" disc is currently being produced as a plastic model by the Testor Corporation.

In subsequent visits to the briefing room, he read read overview reports which were used to give the diverse group of S4 scientists some idea of the breadth of the project. Naturally, they were all given in depth information regarding their own particular endeavors, but it seems that they couldn't put good scientific minds to work and compartmentalize information so much that someone wouldn't say, " By the way, aren't these flying saucers we're working on?". The scientists at S4 worked in teams and were obviously not allowed to chat in the lunch room about what everybody else was doing so apparently they gave them all a limited overview to satisfy their curiousity and keep them sane.

In these reports Bob read information about man's history and philosophy and theology and the part that these aliens, who brought the disc technology, played in these areas. Much of this information was alarming, even shocking, and it has certainly changed my life. This information, combined with the defense capabilities and possibilities of disc technology and gravity propulsion , has caused this to be the most secret program in history and THE pet project which the military and political elite have kept from the rest of the DOD and, for that matter, the rest of mankind.

During this time, agents from the Office of Federal Investigation, the OFI, would randomly visit Bob's house. The OFI agents are the guys who do background checks on people hired for classified positions on the Nevada Test Site, and elsewhere I would imagine. One time an agent named Mike Thigpen visited with other agents and searched Bob's house and belongings. Thigpen was witnessed there by Kristen Merck, Bob's now ex-sister-in-law and Mrs. Wayne Higdon, the wife of a mutual friend of Bob's and mine. George Knapp later asked Thigpen what he was doing at Bob's house. Thigpen claimed he had no file on it and he couldn't remember being there. He said maybe he was there asking Bob questions about Jim Tagliani, a friend of ours who was then trying to get clearance to work as an electronics technician at the stealth fighter base on the Tonopah Test Range. This was a ridiculous response. Thousands of people nationwide have been visited by investigators from the OFI or DOD to respond to questions about friends and neighbors and relatives who are in the process of getting cleared for classified positions. These agents hardly retain the right to search your house and personal belongings. Obviously, Thigpen was doing his job by not remembering being at Bob's house, even though he was witnessed there by two women who didn't even really know each other. In defense of the OFI investigators, the guys doing the background checks are not necessarily informed of the destination of the subject of their investigation. Even if Thigpen had admitted his activities at Bob's house, this would have been no sort of verification that he knew what Bob was in for. The depth of the requisite investigation may indicate the level of security clearance, but not the actuality of the subject's employment.

Around this same time, the U.S. scientists at S4 had made some sort of discovery which was a major step forward in understanding disc technology and gravity propulsion. We had apparently involved some Russian scientists to whatever degree, and rather than share this advance with them, we kicked them out. Bob doesn't know that the Russians were allowed to actually work with the hardware. They may have only been involved in the mathematical and physical theory, he doesn't know. Anyway, the Russians weren't pleased about being left out. One of the S4 scientists didn't show up for work for a couple of days and security was paranoid. They said that the KGB had a presence in Las Vegas and they were afraid that they would either abduct someone that worked at S4 or make the bribe so good that someone wouldn't be able to refuse. The S4 guy eventually turned up, but security wanted to be safe rather than sorry. They decided to make everyone in the program who flew out from EG&G carry guns from home to EG&G and from EG&G back home.

At EG&G, a female official distributed a small caliber pistol to Bob and told him that if he lost it, he'd have to pay them $500 for it. Bob said no way, because he knew this pistol wasn't even worth $500. After some discussion, Bob made them aware that he had a .44 magnum, amongst other guns, and they agreed that he would carry his own gun. However, since all of Bob's guns were purchased in New Mexico and had never been registered, they wanted Bob to register his guns so everything was legal. Dennis Mariani escorted Bob down to the Las Vegas Metro substation on the southwest corner of Atlantic and St. Louis. Bob sat in a waiting area and Mariani went in and spoke about whatever with the police official in charge. A short time later, the police official came out of the office with Mariani to make a copy of something. He looked at Bob and scoffed, "So THIS is the kid the Russians might be after?" I guess Bob wasn't the big, strong, he-man required to command this guy's respect. It's curious that Mariani would have even mentioned anything like that to a local cop. In Nevada, you can carry a gun in your car as long as it's not concealed. Your car is interpreted as an extension of your home, so Bob didn't need a permit to carry a concealed weapon or anything like that. This event has subsequently caused us to question whether or not Dennis Mariani was from Nevada.

Also around this same time something was going on that Bob didn't know about. The feds monitoring his phone line had heard Tracy talking with her flight instructor, who was teaching her more than just how to fly. She was having an affair and they knew that if Bob inadvertantly found out or if Tracy confessed, Bob could potentially become emotionally unstable. They kept him involved at S4 on a limited basis but the time intervals between calls to work lengthened and he became frustrated. This was ultimately a blessing for Jim Tagliani and me.

Bob sensed that something was wrong. They had give him a taste of honey and he had a strong desire to get back out to S4. He would hear us talking about George Knapp's UFO shows and we would wonder aloud about the actuality of the situation. In a rebellious move, Bob threw us some hints and finally decided that he would do us the favor of allowing us to KNOW, not suspect, that something was really happening. After not being called to work for some time, he broke down and told me. I understand that he told Jim Tagliani around the same time. We didn't have group meetings or anything like that. Jim didn't know what I knew and I didn't know what Jim knew. Bob was the central cog in that relationship and, though I consider Jim Tagliani a friend, we seldom socialize together unless Bob is involved.

When Bob told me we were riding down Alta drive in my car. He said that he was working at S4 on flying discs and he was back engineering the propulsion system. I was intrigued to say the least. He said one of the discs looked like it had been stood up on it's edge to have a projectile fired through it to test the integrity of the metal or something along those lines. The conversation was brief, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

I now had a million questions to ask Bob, but we couldn't talk on the telephone and, considering the state of the art in listening devices, we couldn't talk at his house either. This confirmation increased my appetite for reading UFO literature exponentially. I soon saw that no one knew what Bob knew and I was lucky enough to have him telling me. When we felt it was safe and convenient we would have discussions and he would tell me things about S4 and I would tell him things that I had read. We both found it hilarious that organizations like MUFON andCUFON named themselves by placing UFON after their initials. So we jokingly nicknamed each other Bufon and Gufon, for Bob's UFO network and Gene's UFO network, respectively. These were nicknames that, later, government agents would not find so funny.

Around this same time, Bob received his first paycheck for one week's pay even though the days had never been worked consecutively. The check was for $958.11. Bob showed me the check and I remember commenting that I thought that a senior staff physicist, which was Bob's position, would have been paid more than that. He proceeded to tell me how underpaid scientists were and I later found out that was true. I think I was the only one, other than Bob, to ever see that check. He had his eye on some electronic equipment so he decided to buy it and not tell Tracy that the check had ever arrived. In later years when people questioned Bob's W-2, I knew it was actual because, even though I didn't remember the exact amount, I knew that it was nine hundred and fifty or sixty bucks which showed me that Bob's W-2 reflected the money actually received. Later, when he left the program, the government still owed him for some time worked, a bill which remains unpaid to this day.

The next time he was called to work, the people at S4 were questioning Bob about his friend, Joe Vaninetti. They implied they might be interested in Joe and wanted Bob to get a resume from Joe and take it to the office at EG&G. On the day when Bob told them he'd have it there, he was busy and couldn't make it. Since Joe was still down in Los Alamos, Bob asked me to drop it off for him. I took Joe's resume out to EG&G and the receptionist asked me what I was doing there. I told her that I had Joe's resume and she grabbed it from me as though she was expecting it. We still don't know if they were interested in Joe or they just wanted to know more about him because he was Bob's main, but not only, Los Alamos connection. They may have heard Bob talking on the phone with Joe or something like that, no one knows. The bottom line is, they never hired Joe and his name was never brought up again.

On one of Bob's last nights at S4, he was being escorted down a hallway by armed guards and was told to keep his eyes forward. As they passed a door with one of those small square windows in it, out of the corner of his eye, Bob thought he saw a small "grey" alien standing between two men in lab coats. All three were facing a console of some sort and had their backs to the door. When he tried to turn his head to actually look and confirm his sighting, he was pushed forward by a guard behind him and told, again, to keep his eyes forward. Bob recognized it as a "grey" alien because these types of beings were shown in reports in the briefing room. To this point, he had surmised that any grey aliens had been gone since 1979, at least that's what the briefing reports implied. The sight in that room surprised him, to say the least.

After work that night, Bob arrived home and Tracy was gone, apparently to her flying lesson. He needed someone to talk to so he called me. I had been sick with the flu all that day and my wife had been nursing me back to health all that evening. I let the answering machine go off and after it beeped, I heard Bob say, "Gufon, it's Bufon, pick up the phone". I answered and he suggested that we get together that night. I explained to him that I had been sick and, after all of my wife's efforts, she would be mad if I left. He insisted and said that he wanted to talk to me about those "baby pictures". He and I had no business with baby pictures so I recognized this as code and he mentioned photos so if anyone was listening, they wouldn't be suspicious. I reminded him that I rise early and suggested we get together the next morning. I asked if he would be up at that early hour. He replied that he would probably be up all night. I told him I'd talk to my wife and call him right back.

I told my wife that something big must have been up because he was so persistent. After all, we already knew he was working on flying saucers so this had to be something big. Whatever it was he wanted to talk about was so important that he risked sounding suspicious to those monitoring his phone. I called Bob back to tell him I'd come over and, oddly, there was no answer. I thought maybe he had stepped out to get something to eat. I'd wait about 5 minutes between calls, but he didn't answer the next four times I called him. Finally, on the sixth call he picked up the phone and said, "I'll have to call you back, some people from work are here. Bob didn't call back that night, but since I had the flu, I fell asleep anyway. As it ended up, right after I had hung up with him the first time, government agents arrived at his door and wanted to know who this "Gufon" character was. To them, this sounded like a code name, not a joke. Bob explained and they stayed there and filled out a multi-page report on Gene Huff aka Gufon. We don't know if these were the guys who were actually listening to our conversation or if they had been radioed or telephoned about it. However they found out, they couldn't have been far from Bob's house to arrive that quickly.

The next morning I arrived at my office around seven. I had taken some baby pictures to the office with me, just in case. Bob walked into my office around seven thirty and motioned with his hands in an effort to tell me to watch what I said. He now knew they were suspicious of me and he didn't want to talk in my office or on my phone. It was highly unusual for Bob to ever be at my office before ten thirty or so and his face was very ruddy. He looked like he just may have been up all night. I said, "Here are those baby pictures" as I handed them to him and he said "Thanks". Since we couldn't talk, I grabbed a legal pad and wrote down two questions. The first one said, "Have you only flown in planes?", as I was thinking he might have flown in a disc. The second one said, "Has everyone you've seen been from earth?", for obvious reasons. He grabbed the pen and answered the questions Yes and No respectively. He said, "I'll take care of these baby pictures" and left my office. Just to be safe, I went out to the wetbar sink at my office and burned that piece of paper. Bob later told me the rest of the story which I've just told you. Now, in present day, when Bob is asked about this event by strangers, he explains it away by saying that it may just have been an alien doll or something along those lines which was employed just to test him. He tends to diminish this story with time, but as you can tell, that's not what he thought back on that night.

Another substantial period of time had passed since Bob had been called to work and one day I dropped by his house. He answered the door and we walked out to the sidewalk in front of his house to have a short chat. I was telling him about all of the UFO stuff I had read recently and the whole time he was looking up in the sky, preoccupied with his own thoughts. I was essentially whining that everything of substance in ufology always happened a long time ago, i.e., the Roswell crash in the '40s, the Russian sightings in the '50s. I told him that if all this was reality, there should be something happening somewhere, now, and that's where I wanted to be. He stopped looking at the sky and looked at me and said, "What are you doing Wednesday night?

Bob had had it. He was tired of them not involving him to a greater degree and he decided to rebel in an aggressive manor. He had decided to take me to the desert out off of the now infamous highway 375 to witness a disc flight test. Bob knew the tests were held on Wednesday evenings right after dusk.

The first Wednesday, March 22, 1989, we arrived right at dusk, turned our lights off, and went in about 5 miles on the Groom Lake road. Soon we saw a bright light rise above the mountains which were between us and S4. The light begin jumping and dancing around, doing step moves in the sky, then would come to a dead stop and hover, etc. It repeated this type of activity for a few minutes which was thrilling, but it was so far away, we could only see so much. This activity by the object was blatant and it wasn't our eyes playing tricks on us with starlight and planet light being distorted by the atmosphere or clouds, or anything of that sort. Eventually, the light slowly sat back down behind the mountains. Little did we know that the next Wednesday, March 29, 1989, would present us with the thrill of a lifetime. I would not generally remember these Wednesday dates, but my son was born Wednesday, March 15, 1989, so the Wednesday dates were easy to remember.

The next Wednesday, Bob, Tracy, Jim Tagliani, and I rented a Lincoln towncar to make the trip a little more comfortable. We all owned compact cars and the round trip out to Groom Lake was a killer. We arrived, turned our lights off, and went in about 5 miles on the Groom Lake road. We pulled off on a side road and unloaded our video camera, telescope, binoculars, etc. out of the trunk and we left the trunk lid open.

The disc came up around the same place but, this time, it staged a breathtaking performance. It repeated moves similar to the week before, but this time it came down the mountain range toward us. At first it seemed far away, then you'd blink and it would seem a lot closer, then you'd blink again and it would seem a LOT closer. It wasn't the same sensation as seeing a set of headlights on a car or landing lights on a jet approach you at night time. There was no sense of continual movement toward you, it just sort of "jumps" toward you and this is very alarming to your brain. Bob explained that this is because of it's method of propulsion and the way it distorts space/time and light. Bob also explained that the bright glow of the disc was due to the way it was energized. When the disc came our direction, it glowed so brightly that we thought it might explode so we moved behind the open trunk lid for protection. The fact is that an explosion was the only thing, other than the sun, that we had ever seen be that bright so that's why we suspected an explosion. As we all look back on that now, it's difficult to believe it came so close that we backed away from it. After all, it was probably still a few miles away and that fact reflects how brightly it was glowing. But the fact is, it did come that close and the event was much more thrilling than I've described here. It, too, eventually sat down behind the mountains and we left. We have never seen anything comparable to this in the sky out in central Nevada since then, and we haven't even heard other people's descriptions come close to describing what we saw. Remember, this all happened prior to the highway 375 sky watch becoming ufology's favorite past time.

The next Wednesday, April 5, 1989, we arrived shortly before dusk. On the drive out, Bob told us he had been called to go into work the next day. Numerous security vehicles were sweeping the roads that the cattle ranchers use to round-up their cattle after open range grazing. It seemed that this night, more than the previous Wednesday nights, they wanted to make sure no one was outside of area 51. We tried to sneak in using our usual "stealth" mode, but security saw our brake lights and began to chase us. We tried to beat them out to the highway, but they came from all directions and ultimately we had to stop. We told them we were simply out there star gazing, which they didn't believe for one moment. They agreed that they couldn't chase us off of public land, but simply said they would "prefer" that we retreat back up to the highway. They issued us a copy of a written warning that said we were approaching a military installation and it stated the Nevada Revised Statutes which cited the penalties for taking pictures of the base, etc. So much for those UFO researchers who say that the government won't admit that area 51 exists. If that warning isn't an admission, I don't know what is. We went back up to the highway, but we didn't leave. A short time later a Lincoln County cop named LaMoreaux pulled us over and hassled us. He took our I.D.s and radioed our identities into the security base station. It was obvious that the guards and the sherriff's office worked together. He let us go and we went back home.

The next day when Bob reported to EG&G, Dennis Mariani stopped him and told him they wouldn't be flying out to Groom. Instead, they took Bob's car and drove out to Indian Springs Air Force Base, a small, rural base about an hour north of Las Vegas. On the drive out Mariani sarcastically told Bob that when they told Bob this was top secret, they presumed he understood that meant not to bring his family or friends out to watch a disc test. He also told Bob that our shenanigans outside of area 51 had caused them to postpone a "high performance" disc test. Mariani was totally silent for most of the rest of the drive.

At Indian Springs, Bob was debriefed and reprimanded for bringing us out to watch the disc test. They didn't know we had been successful the two previous Wednesdays. They helicoptored the head security man in from area 51 to identify Bob as one of the people he saw when they stopped us the night before. They told him that if they caught any of the rest of us out there again, they'd arrest us for espionage. Bob explained that he couldn't tell us what to do and also reminded them that we were on public land. They explained that they would simply claim that we were on government land and that a judge would certainly believe twenty of them before he'd believe us. They blatantly stated that they would collectively lie to get us convicted, not that we were surprised by that. That was certainly enough to keep me away from there, at least for a while.

They also showed Bob transcripts of Tracy's phone conversations with her boyfriend/flight instructor. Bob already knew about the affair, but he was shocked to see that they had actual typed transcripts of her conversations. Since they now knew that he was aware of the affair, they considered him to be a sure candidate for emotional instability. They revoked his security clearance and said he could reapply in 6 to 9 months. They let him go back home that night, but they apparently weren't done with him yet. A short time later they called and demanded his presence back out on the Nevada Test Site, but Bob refused. He knew they had no intention of letting him go this time and he was not about to volunteer to help them out. Dennis Mariani called and threatened him but Bob stood firm.

After losing his wife and the most important job a scientist could ever have, Bob was pretty much a broken man. His concern for their efforts at retaliation caused him to decide to go on television in silhouette and tell the story of what was going on out in central Nevada. After he did that, they shot his back tire out one evening as he was driving up an entrance ramp to get on the highway. This was an extra hint at what was in store for him if he didn't shut up.

Bob had decided to work with George Knapp to expose the story. This was an aggressive move on his part to try and gain some leverage. If he went high profile, he could force them to adopt a hands off policy. After going high profile, if they incarcerated him or killed him, they would have confirmed that what he was saying was true, and that was definitely not their desire.

At this point, we all agreed that there was great power in knowing that someone was listening on the phone. People watch what they say when they suspect their phone line is tapped, but it's a much different story when you're confident they're listening. We called friends in other states and told them Bob's story. We would also imply that we had informed numerous friends and agencies by mail, something that they could not monitor. If someone actually was listening, and I think they were, we must have driven them crazy trying to figure out what was real. They had to prepare for the worst and presume we might be telling the truth. Bob was being followed by unmarked cars both day and night. I was even followed one evening.

Finally, Dennis Mariani contacted Bob and send he wanted to meet and speak with Bob on a "personal level". Bob set up the meeting at the Union Plaza casino in downtown Las Vegas. The meeting was set for 8 PM on Saturday night when there's be plenty of witnesses if anything bad happened. Joe Vaninetti happened to be in town from Los Alamos that weekend. We created a stealth plan and Joe and I accompanied Bob down to the Union Plaza hotel.

Bob entered first and, a short time later, Joe and I entered and sat down to play the slot machines as though we were tourists. Bob walked around and looked for Mariani, but at first he couldn't find him. Bob even paged him on the house phone. Finally, Bob saw Mariani approaching in a crowd of people and walked up to him. Mariani wouldn't make eye contact with Bob and walked on by as if Bob wasn't there. Bob also noticed another security man from S4 over by the wall on the other side of the crowd. Bob casually walked by Joe and I and told us what happened without looking at us or appearing to socialize with us. From a distance he then saw Mariani walk into another part of the casino.

Bob asked me to go into that other part of the casino with him, but to stay out of sight. He wanted someone else to be able to visually identify Dennis Mariani. We entered in a crowd and Bob pointed out Mariani, who was now sitting at a blackjack table. I went and hid behind a bank of slot machines behind Mariani. I was only about 20 feet from him and I had a clear view of him. He looked exactly as Bob had described him. Thirty five to forty years old, medium build, blonde hair , and a tightly cropped blonde mustache, and this night he was also smoking a slender cigar.

Mariani's manor was quite curious. He was sitting between two very attractive, very buxom, women at the blackjack table, yet he would only look down at his cards and didn't seem to be enjoying himself. This is unusual behavior for someone in the festive casino atmosphere of a Saturday night in Las Vegas. Bob walked down the other side of the blackjack pit parallel to a long bar. Mariani looked up and his head followed Bob as Bob made that walk. Since this was the only time he looked up from his cards, especially considering the other available scenery, this indicated to me that he, indeed, knew who Bob was.

Bob walked around the blackjack pit and walked right up to Mariani and said, "Well, Dennis, you said you wanted to meet and here I am, now what's the deal?". Not only did Mariani not answer, he didn't even look at Bob or acknowledge his existence. Bob said, "Dennis, what the hell is going on, what is this shit?". Again, Mariani didn't acknowledge him.

Bob came over to me behind the slot machines and we quickly formulated a plan to follow him and try and get his license number or something along those lines. Mariani was only out of our sight for less than 15 seconds, but when we looked back, he was gone. We hurried through the casino in different directions looking for him. We even checked the restrooms, but he was nowhere to be found. We went back to the other part of the casino where Joe was sitting and asked him if anybody fitting Mariani's descripton had come that way. Joe said no one who looked like that had walked by his area. We could only surmise that maybe Mariani was there to speak on a personal level and that the other security guy that Bob had spotted was a surprise to everyone, including Dennis. No one has seen or heard anything from Dennis Mariani since that night.

After this Bob proceeded to cooperate with George Knapp, who subsequently produced "UFOs, The Best Evidence". George won the UPI individual achievement award for that special. During the making of that documentary, George tried to check out Bob's credentials, including his schooling and his previous employment. George could only find a record of Bob's schooling at Pierce Junior College in California. Even Los Alamos denied that Bob ever worked there.

Bob provided George with evidence that he had worked at Los Alamos. This included the names of people he worked with, newpaper articles about him, and even a LANL phone book that listed Bob's name in it. People were apparently going to great lengths to detach from Bob Lazar. Eventually Bob cooperated with George in contacting Kirk-Mayer, the LANL sub-contractor that Bob worked for at LANL. Both Kirk-Mayer and LANL admitted that Bob had been issued a "Z number" of 094729 on May 18, 1982, but both said they no longer had any record of Bob's employment. By the way, a "Z number" is some prerequisite identification number for anyone who works at any of the LANL facilities. Bob also provided George with his W-2 from S4, however, George ran into dead ends when he tried to find who deposited money in IRS and FICA accounts on behalf of Bob Lazar. The word was that some IRS and Social Security files are also classified.

In the months that followed, ufology began to become more mainstream and much of it was due to George Knapp and others exposing Bob Lazar's story. The Rachel Bar and Grill, outside of area 51, became the "Little A le Inn" and people began running bus tours out to watch the sky over Groom Lake. George Knapp received 30 to 40 phone calls on a daily basis which involved peoples reports and questions reagarding all aspects of ufology. Journalists from all over the world were chasing Bob Lazar for interviews, and still are for that matter. Then came the brothel bust.

Bob was still a broken man, but when he had recovered enough to go out in public, he sought some comfort with a hooker. Now I don't know how this looks and sounds elsewhere in the world, but in Nevada this is no big deal. Prostitution is legal in the state of Nevada, but illegal in the counties that house Las Vegas, Reno, and Lake Tahoe. However, this is just for show and it's common knowlege that brothels and hookers in the form of escort services exist in these cities also. The police pretend to passively pursue this, but along with gambling, drinking, and entertainment, prostitution is part of the package.

Bob called a number out of the newpaper and happened upon a 40 to 45 year old madam/hooker who ran 2 to 4 girls out of a condominium project in the southeast part of town. This was an upper line condo project so don't envision some dark sleezy place engulfed in red lights. Bob went there and did his business, but before he left, the hookers were having some problems with a stereo or something like that and, naturally, Bob came to the rescue. He fixed it for them and they invited him back for a freebie.

Well, Bob went back more than once and, in time, all of the girls loved him. Bob has this unique manor about him in which he treats everyone equally. When you interact with Bob, he never gives you the feeling that he's a scientist and you're not so you're not worthy. He treated the hookers with respect, like friends and equals, and this was a breath of fresh air to them considering the attitudes they get from some people. The madam explained to Bob that she had an ongoing affair with a member of Las Vegas Metro Vice and that as long as she didn't do outcalls to the hotels, vice would turn their heads and allow her to operate. It is unknown whose interest these cops were protecting in the hotels. The madam also told Bob that she was an FBI, DEA, and Las Vegas Metro informant. Bob felt a sense of security because of all of this and proceeded to tell the madam how he could streamline her operation by installing computers, security cameras, and other electronic equipment. This appealed to her and she financed her brothel's entrance into the computer age. During all of this, something bad happened. The madam fell in love with Bob. She offered him fifty percent of the business to stay around, but once the electronics were installed, he was no longer interested. Since he wasn't really interested in her, it was a drag for him to be around and he detached himself from her and the brothel. To say that she didn't take this very well is an understatement.

So now television sweeps rolled around and George Knapp thought it would be a great idea to give his audience an update on what the now famous Bob Lazar had been up to since his exit from the program at S4. KLAS had set ratings records with George's previous UFO special about Bob Lazar and they were interested in doing that again.

When George did the interview Bob said, amongst other things, that he had installed a computer system for a local brothel. That was a bad idea. The fact that Bob had broadcast this on television reflected his naivety about the ramifications of his actions. The Las Vegas cops now had a problem. Here was a guy stating that he knew where a local brothel was and all they had to do was ask him it's whereabouts and then bust it. The problem was compounded by the fact that the brothel was run by one of their informants and they were aware of her operation.

The madam's vice buddies explained to her that they had to bust her operation because of Bob's televised admission. After all, the entire vice department didn't know about this, just a couple of vice cops she knew and did business with. They busted the place and she blamed the entire operation on Bob, probably under their advice. She had a client list of some very high level Las Vegans, including cops, and they weren't about to force her to make that public. They let her off with a misdemeanor called, "Keeping a Disorderly House", which is Nevada statute from the early 1900s. I don't think anybody even knows what that's supposed to mean. They then charge Bob with six felonies.

These cops thought they could just hang this whole thing on Bob and be done with it. They soon found out that Bob Lazar had a large following and hundreds of thousands of people were scrutinizing this story. Naturally, most following Bob's story thought this was a setup by the federal government to discredit him, and they may have been involved, but that is unknown to this day.

Anyway, under some of the most incompetent and questionable legal advice in history, Bob plead guilty to pandering and they dropped the rest of the charges. We all urged Bob to fight it but he didn't want to spend the money. This is part of his "I can do everything myself" attitude because his dad is a wealthy L.A. businessman and money would have been no problem. Bob simply won't depend on anyone, even those that love him and want to help him.

Prior to sentencing Judge John Lehman questioned how it was possible that a guy with no previous criminal record, like Bob, would have plead guilty under these circumstances. He also couldn't understand how the madam of the brothel wasn't in front of him as a co-defendant. After all, in the madam's original statement to the police she admitted having become a prostitute in 1971 when Bob Lazar was 12 years old. The judge wasn't buying that Bob coerced HER into anything. All of the judges questions and apprehensions were stated on the record, ON CAMERA, and George Knapp still has a copy of the raw footage.

Bob was sentenced to 3 years probation and community service. Ironically, he completed his community service by installing yet another computer system, this time for Clark County, Nevada. The guys down at probation would jockey for position to see who got to go visit Bob so they could talk to him and ask him UFO questions. He's now off probation and we're currently investigating the possibilities for a pardon. The whole thing was one bad dream and somewhat of a joke because there have only been a handful of pandering convictions in the history of Las Vegas and the others weren't scientists with no criminal record.

Even after the brothel fiasco, Bob was still a highly sought after interview. In 1990, I had an operation on my left leg which laid me up for ten weeks. Since Bob kept turning down people who wanted interviews, I suggested we make a video tape. He said, "Who would want to see a video tape about all of that stuff?". I proceeded to question Bob at length about things and I proceeded to write the script of the "Lazar Tape". Unless our distributors are lying to us, it has become the most highly purchased, and bootlegged, video in the history of UFO videos. The original was produced with elementary facilities and it is currently being remade, broadcast quality, with state of the art graphics and imaging. The rest of the story is pretty much history.

The story I've just presented you is in no way the totality of what happened, but it does present the basic facts. I'm fully aware of everything else that happened so I can answer questions on subjects and details that have not been mentioned here. No one knows everything so if I don't know the answer, I'll simply say "I don't know".

In this synopsis I've also given researchers, pseudo researchers, and "wanna be" researchers new tidbits to chase down and verify and to them I say "Go for it". As you have just read, Bob went public to save his own butt, not to do a favor for everyone else. This is not to say that there isn't a part of him that thinks we all have the right to know. His motive for going public should help explain to some why he is reluctant to participate in some of the the current sideshows, that was never his intent.

I'd also like to include the personal observation that people who think Bob would perpetrate a fraud are wrong. He is totally self sufficient and doesn't care enough about what other people think to waste the time to try and fool them. If I had to describe Bob Lazar in one word, I'd call him "productive". Bob doesn't watch television unless it's the news or weather channel. He doesn't waste one moment of his life preoccuping himself with irrelevant minutia like the rest of us. Bob couldn't tell you who was in the super bowl or the world series and if the baseball strike never ends it won't affect his life one bit. He's busy with one scientific project or another and he certainly isn't sitting around wondering what we're saying about him on the internet.

I know that this synopsis, in itself, doesn't prove a thing. I'm now going to write a counterpoint to the infamous "Lazar Timeline" and post that. I don't intend to refute everything that's in it, I just intend to put it in perspective. This story isn't as simple as some guy with no credentials makes some flying saucer claims and then gets busted for pandering.

I fully understand everyone's apprehensions about the lack of evidence of Bob Lazar's schooling. If I didn't know him, I would be apprehensive, too. I wish I had been around when Bob went to school, but I wasn't. Anyone who has met Bob Lazar knows that you don't know what he knows by taking 1 electronics course at Pierce Junior College in California. When George Knapp couldn't find any records on Bob, I asked Bob about it privately. I told him that if he did overstate his credentials that he should tell me and I would try and help him smooth it over. I certainly believed he worked at Los Alamos and S4, even if he had overstated his credentials. I believed, and still believe, his story is way too important to lose it's impact because of something like this. Bob stood firm and didn't change his story. I've seen him do this about other subjects and I haven't caught him in a lie yet.

Evidence is abundant that he worked at Los Alamos. In the early 80's if you worked at Los Alamos you had to have a degree or be working toward one at the University of New Mexico at Los Alamos. That's why there IS a branch of the University of New Mexico in Los Alamos. That's probably still the rule, I don't know. Since Bob was never enrolled there, obviously, LANL believed Bob had credentials.

After you've read the preceding information and after we've had some questions and answers and dialogue on internet, I think you'll have enough information to put Bob's story in perspective. I'm aware of all of the different theories about him which range from total fraud to a subject of mind control to who knows what. Most of those are based on misinformation by incompetent UFO researchers and blatant liars.

You don't need UFO researchers and other assorted characters to pass judgment for you, even when it comes to the physics of gravity propulsion and disc technology. There are numerous books available which are written to the intelligent layman and they explain how physicists know what they know and why they don't know what they don't know. If this subject is important to you then do some reading and upload your own knowledge base. I'm comfortable with whatever conclusions you draw, both for and against Bob Lazar, I understand.

The bottom line is that the only opinion that really counts for you is yours. All of our current opinions are based on the best information we have at this point in time and all of our opinions are subject to change based on new information. That's true of Bob Lazar's story, science, and life in general.

Up to this point I've responded to all of you by Email, but now I'm going to do it on UseNet so any benefit of dialogue will be available to all. I'll treat you as fairly and respectfully as you treat me. Einstein was quoted as saying "Common sense is all the prejudices you acquire by the age of 18". So use your common sense when you examine Bob's story, but remember to expand your knowledge base at the same time. Bob Lazar is 100% certain the S4 story is true. I'm 99% sure, saving 1% for the fact that I wasn't there myself. I hope my effort here will move your opinion up or down so at least it will have been worth the time one way or another. Please forgive any typos, spelling, or sentence and paragraph structure as I am not a professional writer and I haven't found spell check yet on my new word processsing program. Keep in touch

Gene Huff

Bob Lazar's Important Interviews
NOTE: Some of the interviews were simply question and answer sessions. In those cases, I took liberties of excerpting only pertinent questions and strung them together in the order asked and answered. In the case of the book and tape excerpts, there existed a certain flow, so I identified discontinuities by the notation [BREAK].

Tom Mahood (

February 28, 1994
On the Record, KLAS-TV, Las Vegas, Nevada, 12/9/89
George Knapp, producer/host

Robert Lazar, guest


The first thing was HANDS-on experience with the anti-matter reactor.


Explain what that is and how it works and what it does.


It's a plate about 18 inches in diameter with a sphere on top.


We have a tape of a model that a friend of yours made. You can narrate along. There it is.


Inside that tower is a chip of Element 115 they just put in there. That's a super-heavy element. The lid goes on top. And as far as any other of the workings of it, I really don't know, you know, [such as] what's inside the bottom of it . . .115 sets up a gravitational field around the top. That little wave guide you saw being put on the top: it essentially siphons off the gravity wave, and that's later amplified in the lower portion of the craft.

But just in general, the whole technology is virtually unknown.


Now we saw the model. We saw the pictures of it there. It looks really, really simple, almost too simple to actually do anything.




Working parts?


None detectable. Essentially, what the job was to back-engineer everything, where you have a finished product and to step backwards and find out how it was made or how it could be made with earthly materials.

There hasn't been very much progress.


How long do you think they've had this technology up there?


It seems like quite a while, but I really don't know.


What could you do with an anti-matter generator? What does it do?


It converts anti-matter . . .It DOESN'T convert anti-matter! There's an annihilation reaction. It's an extremely powerful reaction, a hundred percent conversion of matter to energy, unlike a fission or fusion reaction which is somewhere around eight-tenths of one percent conversion of matter to energy.


How does it work? What starts the reaction going?


Really, once the 115 is put in, the reaction is initiated.






I don't understand. I mean, there's no button to push or anything?


No, there's no button to push or anything.

Apparently, the 115 under bombardment with protons lets out an anti-matter particle. This anti-matter particle will react with any matter whatsoever, which I imagine there is some target system inside the reactor. This, in turn, releases heat, and somewhere within that system there is a one-hundred-percent-efficient thermionic generator, essentially a heat-to-electrical generator.


How is this anti-matter reactor connected to gravity generation that you were talking about earlier?


Well, that reactor serves two purposes; it provides a tremendous amount of electrical power, which is almost a by-product. The gravitational wave gets formed at the sphere, and that's through some action of the 115, and the exact action I don't think anyone really knows.

The wave guide siphons off that gravity wave, and that's channeled above the top of the disk to the lower part where there are three gravity amplifiers, which amplify and direct that gravity wave.


In essence creating their own gravitational field.


Their own gravitational field.


You're fairly convinced that science on earth doesn't have this technology right now? We have it now at S-4, I guess, but we didn't create it?




Why not? Why couldn't we?


The technology's not even -- We don't even know what gravity IS!


Well, what is it? What have you learned about what gravity is?


Gravity is a wave. There are many different theories, wave included. It's been theorized that gravity is also particles, gravitons, which is also incorrect. But gravity is a wave. The basic wave they can actually tap off of an element: why that is I'm not exactly sure.


So you can produce your own gravity. What does that mean? What does that allow you to do?


It allows you to do virtually anything. Gravity distorts time and space. By doing that, now you're into a different mode of travel, where instead of traveling in a linear method -- going from Point A to B -- now you can distort time and space to where you essentially bring the mountain to Mohammed; you almost bring your destination to you without moving.

And since you're distorting time, all this takes place in between moments of time. It's such a far-fetched concept!


Of course, what the UFO skeptics say is, yeah, there's life out there elsewhere in the universe; it can never come here; it's just too darn far. With the kind of technology you're talking about, it makes such considerations irrelevant about distance and time and things like that.


Exactly, because when you are distorting time, there's no longer a normal reference of time. And that's what producing your own gravity does.


You can go forward or backward in time? Is that's what you're saying?


No, not essentially. It would be easier with a model. On the bottom side of the disk are the three gravity generators. When they want to travel to a distant point, the disk turns on its side. The three gravity generators produce a gravitational beam. What they do is they converge the three gravity generators onto a point and use that as a focal point; and they bring them up to power and PULL that point towards the disk. The disk itself will attach ONTO that point and snap back -- AS THEY RELEASE SPACE BACK TO THAT POINT!

Now all this happens in the distortion of time, so time is not incrementing. So the SPEED is essentially infinite.


We'll get into the disks in a moment. But the first time you saw the anti-matter reactor in operation or a demonstration -- you had a couple of demonstrations -- tell me about that.


The first time I saw it in operation, we just put -- a friend I worked with, Barry -- put the fuel in the reactor, put the lid on as, as was shown there. Immediately, a gravitational field developed, and he said, "Feel it!" And it felt like you bring two like poles of a magnet together; you can do that with your hand. And it was FASCINATING to do that, impossible, except on something with great mass! And obviously this is just a . . .

And it was a REPULSION field. In fact, we kind of fooled around with it for a little while. And we threw golf balls off it. And it was just a really unique thing.


And you had other demonstrations to show you that this is pretty wild stuff, right?


Yeah, they did. They were able to channel the field off in a demonstration that they created an INTENSE gravitational area. And you began to see a small little black disk form, and that was the bending of the light.


Just like a black hole floating around?


Yeah, well, a black hole is a bad analogy, but yeah, essentially.

Thursday, December 28th 1989: KVEG Radio Interview

With the gravity generators running, is there thermal radiation?


No, not at all. I was never down on the bottom WHILE the gravity generators were running, but the reactor itself -- there's no thermal radiation whatsoever. That was one of the really shocking things because that violates the first law of thermodynamics.


In fact, I'm in the process of fabricating the gravity amplifier, but then I'm at a tremendous shortage for power. So yeah, I have even tried to do that stuff on my own.


Is there any electronics as we know it -- chips or transistors?


No, nothing like that. Because of the tremendous power involved, too, there was no direct connection between the gravity amplifiers and the reactor itself.


Are the wave guides similar to what we use with microwaves?


Very similar.


In regard to the long-range method of travel, isn't a propulsion unit the wrong idea? I feel this device is creating a situation where it is diminishing or removing the localized gravitational field, and long-distance body that they're heading toward is actually PULLING the vehicle rather than it being pushed. Am I correct in this?


The vehicle is not being pushed. But being pulled implies it's being pulled by something externally: It's pulling something else to IT. IT's creating the gravitational field.


Is there any relation to the monopoles which [scientists] have been looking for?


Well, they've been looking for the monopole magnet. But then this [the UFO force] is a gravitational force.


What is the top speed of the craft?


It's tough to say a top speed because to say speed you have to compare distance and time. And when you're screwing around with time and distorting it, you can no longer judge a velocity. They're not traveling in a linear mode where they just fly and cover a certain distance in a certain time. That's the real definition of speed. They're bending and distorting space and then essentially snapping it back with the craft, so the distances they can travel are phenomenal -- in little or no time. So speed has little bearing.


You've mentioned anti-gravity generator and anti-matter generator. Are they different?


It's not a gravity generator; it's a gravity amplifier. I Get tongue-twisted all too often. The anti-matter reactor provides the power for the craft and the basic low-amplitude gravitational wave, which is too low of an amplitude to do anything. It's piped into the gravity amplifiers, which are found at the bottom of the craft. There it's amplified into an extremely powerful wave, and that's what the craft is flown on. But there is an anti-matter reactor: that's what provides the power.


I understand there's an antenna section in this device; what is the resonant frequency that that operates at?


The resonant frequency of the gravity wave I do know, but I don't know it off hand; I just can't remember it.


Can you give me a ballpark, like 2,000 kilohertz?


I really don't remember. It's a really odd frequency.


Is it measured in kilohertz or gigahertz or megahertz?


I really don't remember.


You were talking about the low- and high-speed modes and the control factors in there. Can you describe those modes and what the ship looks like each time it is going through those modes?


The low-speed mode -- and I REALLY wish I could remember what they call these, but I can't, as I can't remember the frequency of the wave --The low-speed mode: The craft is very vulnerable; it bobs around. And it's sitting on a weak gravitational field, sitting on three gravity waves.

And it just bounces around. And it can focus the waves behind it and keep falling forward and hobble around at low speed. The second mode: They increase the amplitude of the field, and the craft begins to lift, and it performs a ROLL maneuver: it begins to turn, roll, begins to turn over. As it begins to leave the earth's gravitational field, they point the bottom of the craft at the DESTINATION. This is the second mode of travel, where they converge the three gravity amplifiers -- FOCUS them -- on a point that they want to go to. Then they bring them up to full power, and this is where the tremendous time-space distortion takes place, and that whips them right to that point.


Did you actually bench-test a unit away from the craft itself?


The reactor, yeah.


About how large is this, and could you describe it?


The device itself is probably a plate about 18 inches square; I said diameter before but it is square. There's a half-sphere on top where the gravity wave is tapped off of, but that's about the size of it.

Jim from Las Vegas:

On TV, you spoke of observing a demonstration of this anti-matter gravity wave controller device. And you made a mock-up copy?


A friend made one, yeah.


I heard you speak of bouncing golf balls off of this anti-gravity field?




And also about the candle, the wax, and the flame stood still?




And then the hole that you saw appear --


It wasn't a hole; it was a little disk.


Under what conditions did you see this demonstrated. Elaborate on this.

And how large was the force field?


The force field where the candle was?


The force field created by the anti-matter device.


It was about a 20-inch radius from the surface of the sphere.


Where was this area, just above the device?


Yeah, surrounding the sphere.


Did the sphere surround the device?


No, the sphere sits in the center of the device. It's a half-sphere sitting on a plate, and a field surrounds the half-sphere.


And you just place a candle in there?


No, no, no. That was a separate demonstration. I'm just telling you where the field EXTENDS from.


Oh, that's what I'm curious about.


No, they tap the field off using a wave guide, off of the sphere. And this is a completely different setup, where they had a mockup small gravity amplifier, and there were three focused into a point, and that area of focus was probably nine or ten inches in diameter.


They displaced this area or moved this area?


No, it wasn't displaced; it's just where the field was generated.


And in there you put the candle?




And that thing can actually bounce golf balls off of it?


No, no. The golf ball thing, again, had nothing to do with that setup. The golf ball thing had something to do with just when the reactor was energized, before the wave guide was put on or anything. We were just pushing on the field; it was being demonstrated to me; and we just bounced a golf ball off the top.
March, April 1990 (approximate time of interviews):
"Alien Contact" by Timothy Good. Published by William Morrow and Company in 1991 & 1993.

This book was also published under the title "Alien Liaison: The Ultimate Secret". Some of the Lazar info is a rehash of earlier interviews with Knapp and excerpts from his tape, however there is some new stuff and drawings by Lazar.

....The craft does not create an "antigravity" field, as some have surmised. "It's a gravitational field that's out of phase with the current one," Lazar explained in a 1989 radio interview. "It's the same gravitational wave. The phases vary from 180 degrees to a longitudinal propagation."


Assuming they're in space, they will focus the three gravity generators on the point they want to go to. Now, to give an analogy: If you take a thin rubber sheet, say, lay it on a table and put thumbtacks in each corner, then take a big stone and set it on one end of the rubber sheet and say that's your spacecraft, you pick out a point that you want to go to -which could be anywhere on the rubber sheet - pinch that point with your fingers and pull it all the way up to the craft. That's how it focuses and pulls that point to it. When you then shut off the gravity generator, the stone (or spacecraft) follows that stretched rubber back to its point.

There's no linear travel through space; it actually bends space and time and follows space as it retracts.

In the first mode of travel - around the surface of a planet - they essentially balance on the gravitational field that the generators put out, and they ride a "wave", like a cork does in the ocean. In that mode they're very unstable and are affected by the weather. In the other mode of travel - where they can travel vast distances - they can't really do that in a strong gravitational field like Earth, because to do that, first of all, they need to tilt on their side, usually out in space, then they can focus on the point they need to with the gravity generators and move on. If you can picture space as a fabric, and the speed of light is your limit, it'll take you so long , even at the speed of light, to get from point A to point B. You can't exceed it - not in this universe anyway. Should there be other parallel universes, maybe the laws are different, but anyone that's here has to abide by those rules. The fact is that gravity distorts time and space. Imagining that you're in a spacecraft that can exert a tremendous gravitational field by itself, you could sit in any particular place, turn on the gravity generator, and actually warp space and time and "fold" it. By shutting that off, you'd click back and you'd be at a tremendous distance from where you were, but time wouldn't have even moved, because you essentially shut it off. It' s so farfetched. It's difficult for people to grasp, and as stubborn as the scientific community is, they'll never buy it that this is in fact what happens.


According to Lazar, the propulsion system he worked on at S-4 gives rise to certain peculiar effects, including INVISIBILITY of the craft: "You can be looking straight up at it, and if the gravity generators are in the proper configuration you'd just see the sky above it - you won't see the craft there. That's how there can be a group of people and only some people can be right under it and see it. It just depends how the field is bent. It's also the reason why the crafts appear as if they're making 90- degree turns at some incredible speed; it's just the time and space distortion that you're seeing. You're not seeing the actual event happening."


If the crafts look like they're flying at seven thousand miles per hour and they make a right-angled turn, it's not necessarily what they're doing. They can APPEAR that way because of the gravitational distortion. I guess a good analogy is that you're always looking at a mirage - [it's only when] the craft is shut off and sitting on the ground, THAT'S what it looks like. Otherwise, you're just looking at a tremendously distorted thing, and it will appear like it is changing shape, stopping or going, and it could be flying almost like an airplane, but it would never look that way to you.

"How close do you think you have to get before time distortion takes place?" I asked.

It's tough to say, because it depends on the configuration of the craft. If the craft is hovering in the air, and the gravity amplifiers are focused down to the ground and it's standing on its gravity wave, you would have to get into that focused area. If you're directly underneath the craft at any time there's a tremendous time distortion, and that's in proportion to the proximity of the craft.


September 22, 1990: "Ufos and the Alien Presence" by Michael Lindemann.
Published July 1991. Available from the 2020 Group, 3463 State Street, Box 264, Santa Barbara, CA 93105. Very good Lazar interview, as well as good interviews with Stanton Friedman, Linda Moulton Howe and Budd Hopkins.


I don't know if I mentioned it before, but the amplifiers always run at 100%. They are always outputting a maximum gravity wave, and that wave is phase-shifted from zero to 180 degrees. That's essentially the attraction and repulsion, and it's normally at a null setting somewhere in between. It's a very straight-forward system. It looks more like a coal fired engine than very hi-tech.

Mid 1991: "The Lazar Tape", 40 minute VHS videotape
This tape, produced by Lazar is his "official" statement in the matter, done in a science lesson format. Although a little amateurish, it is still full of information and very worthwhile. Supposedly, there is a new version in the works, with full production values. Release date of this new version is unknown.

"The Lazar Tape" is available from Tri-Dot Productions, 1324 S. Eastern, Las Vegas, NV, 89104 for $29.95 + $3.50 shipping.

The following are excerpts:

...And there are two specific different types of Gravity: Gravity A and Gravity B. Gravity A works on a smaller, micro scale while Gravity B works on a larger, macro scale.

We are familiar with Gravity B. It is the big gravity wave that holds the Earth, as well as the rest of the planets, in orbit around the Sun and holds the moon, as well as man-made satellites, in orbit around the Earth. We are not familiar with Gravity A. It is the small gravity wave which is the major contributory force that holds together the mass that makes up all protons and neutrons. Gravity A is what is currently being labeled as the Strong Nuclear Force in mainstream physics, and Gravity A is the wave that you need to access and amplify to enable you to cause space-time distortion for interstellar travel..

To keep them straight, just remember that Gravity A works on an atomic scale, and Gravity B is the big gravity wave that works on a stellar or planetary level. However, don't mistake the size of these waves for their strength, because Gravity A is a much stronger force than Gravity B. You can momentarily break the Gravity B field of the Earth simply by jumping in the air, so this is not an intense gravitational field.

Locating Gravity A is no problem because it is found in the nucleus of every atom of all matter here on Earth, and all matter everywhere else in our universe. However accessing Gravity A with the naturally occurring elements found on Earth is a big problem. Actually, I'm not aware of any way of accessing the Gravity A wave using any Earth element, whether naturally occurring or synthesized, and here's why.

We've already learned that Gravity A is the major force that holds together the mass that makes up protons and neutrons. This means the Gravity A wave we are trying to access is virtually inaccessible as it is located within matter, or at least the matter we have here on Earth.


The most important attribute of these heavier stable elements is that the Gravity A wave is so abundant that it actually extends past the perimeter of the atom. These heavier, stable elements literally have their own Gravity A field around them in addition to the Gravity B field that is native to all elements.

No naturally occurring atoms on Earth have enough protons and neutrons for the cumulative Gravity A wave to extend past the perimeter of the atom so you can access it. Even though the distance the Gravity A wave extends is infinitesimal, it IS accessible and has amplitude, wavelength and frequency just like any other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. Once you can access the Gravity A wave, you can amplify it just like we amplify any other electromagnetic wave.


So, back to our power source. Inside the reactor, element 115 is bombarded with a proton which plugs into the nucleus of the 115 atom and becomes element 116 which immediately decays and releases or radiates small amounts of antimatter. The antimatter is released in a vacuum into a tuned tube which keeps it from reacting with the matter that surrounds it. It is then directed toward the gaseous matter target at the end of the tube. The matter and antimatter collide and annihilate, totally converting to energy. The heat from this reaction is converted into electrical energy in a near 100% efficient thermoelectric generator. This is a device that converts heat directly into electrical energy. Many of our satellites and space probes use thermoelectric generators, but their efficiency is very, very low.

All of these actions and reactions inside of the reactor are orchestrated perfectly like a tiny little ballet, and in this manner the reactor provides an enormous amount of power.

So, back to our original question: What is the power source that provides the power required for this type of travel? The power source is a reactor which uses element 115 as a fuel, and uses a total annihilation reaction to provide the heat which it converts to energy, making it a compact, lightweight, efficient, onboard power source.

I've got a couple of quick comments on element 115 for those of you that are interested. By virtue of the way it's used in the reactor, it depletes very slowly, and only 223 grams of 115, which is just under 1/2 a pound, can be utilized for a period of twenty to thirty years.

Element 115's melting point is 1740 C.

I need to state here that even though I had hands-on experience with element 115, I didn't melt any of it down and I didn't use any of it for twenty to thirty years to see if it depleted.


Now when a disk travels near another source of gravity, such as a planet or moon, it doesn't use the same mode of travel that we learned about in our science lesson. When a disk is near another source of gravity, like Earth, the Gravity A wave which propagates outward from the disk is phase-shifted into the Gravity B wave which propagates outward from the Earth, and this creates lift. The gravity amplifiers of the disk can be focused independently and they are pulsed and do not stay on continuously.

When all three of these amplifiers are being used for travel, they are in the delta configuration, and when only one is being used for travel it is in the omicron configuration.

As the intensity of the gravitational field around the disk increases, the distortion of space-time around the disk also increases. And if you could see the space-time distortion, this is how it would look....

[Draws a side-view picture of saucer hovering above ground, with field surrounding it and running straight down to the ground. Picture a disk on the end of a pole, then throw a sheet over it.]

As you can see, as the output of the gravitational amplifiers becomes more intense, the form of space-time around the disk not only bends upward, but at maximum distortion actually folds over into almost a heart shape around the top of the disk.

Now remember, this space-time distortion is taking place 360 degrees around the disk, so if you were looking at the disk from the top, the space-time distortion would be in the shape of a doughnut. When the gravitational field around the disk is so intense, that the space-time distortion around the disk achieves maximum distortion and is folded up into this heart shaped form, the disk can't be seen from any vantage point, and for all practical purposes is invisible. All you could see would be the sky surrounding it.

May 1, 1993: "Bob Lazar at The Ultimate UFO Seminar" at Rachel, Nevada
A complete 27 page transcript is available for $8 + $2 shipping ($5 overseas) from Glen Campbell, HCR Box 38, Rachel NV 89001


I'm interested in a little bit more about the physics of the power generation from the development of the anti-matter to the Gravity "A" wave and the amplification and the process of generation of that and being able to fold space.


Well, it's... I can give you, I guess, a brief overview of essentially how that works. If you want an in-depth description, you can give me your address and I can send you a paper on it. Essentially, what the reactor does is provide electrical power and the base gravity wave to amplify, and it does that by interacting matter and antimatter, essentially. The way it does that is injecting an accelerated proton into a piece of 115. That spontaneously generates anti-hydrogen, essentially. That's reacted in a small area. It's a compressed gas, probably compressed atmospheric gas, and the antimatter reacting with matter produces the energy, mainly heat energy, and that is converted into electrical energy by a thermionic generator that appeared to be 100% efficient, which is a difficult concept to believe anyway. Also, the reactor has two functions. That's one of them; the other function is, it provides the basic gravity wave that's amplified, and that appears at the upper sphere of the amplifier itself, and that's tapped off with a waveguide, similar to microwaves, and is amplified and focused, essentially.


So how is the electrical energy related to the amplification of the gravitational "A" wave energy?


The electrical energy is transmitted essentially without wires, and I related it to almost a Tesla setup. It seemed like each sub component on the craft was attuned to the frequency that the reactor was operating at, so essentially the amplifiers themselves received the electrical energy, like a Tesla coil transmits power to a fluorescent tube, and what was the rest of the question?


Yeah, in other words, what is the relationship between... I think you basically answered it.


Yeah, that's how the amplifiers receive the power and through the waveguide to receive the basic wave. It's almost...It's very, very similar to a microwave amplifier...


Was the local means of propulsion the same as this across-space distances? What was the local means of propulsion?


The local means of propulsion is essentially them balancing on a out of phase gravity wave, and it's not as stable as you would think. When the craft took off, it wobbled to some degree. I mean a modern day Hawker Harrier or something along those lines of vertical takeoff craft is much more stable than then in the omicrom configuration, which is that mode of travel. The delta configuration is where they use the three amplifiers. Those are the only two methods I know about for moving the craft.


When you listen to some abduction reports, whether or not people believe it or not, there seems to be a common thread of people being hit by blue beams of light....


Any of the three gravity amplifiers could do that, could lift something off the ground, or for that matter compact it into the ground. That's not a problem, because the craft can operate on one amplifier, in omicron mode, hovering. That would leave the other three (?) amplifiers free to do anything. So I imagine they could pick up cows or whatever else they want to do. On the craft I worked on there was absolutely no provision for anything to come in through the bottom of the craft, or anything along those lines...


So what was the course of energy? How did it go from one area to another area?


The best guess is essentially it operated like a Tesla coil does. A transmitter and essentially a receiver tuned to the transmitting frequency and receives electrical power. There again, that's not real advanced technology. Tesla did that in the 30s, I think.


You mentioned the photon earlier. Do you think that physics is taking a wrong turn by looking for exchange particles, when you're talking about the strong force of gravity again? I'm not clear why you're skeptical about the graviton?


About the graviton?


Every other force seems to have exchange particles connected with it.


No, not necessarily. I mean, they make it have one, but as time goes on, that really hasn't held true. The bottom line is, they don't...First of all, they don't even believe there's a graviton anymore, so I'm not the only one. As far as exchange particles, still, though some of them like the zeta particle, maybe that's an actual thing, but when they're looking at transfers of energy, I think these are scapegoats for the most part. A lot of experiments that I was doing at Los Alamos essentially was along these same lines, but other exchange particles like the intermediate vector bozon, I don't believe that thing exists. I really don't. I think they're grabbing at straws and just coming up with excuses.


What about the small gravity, the Gravity "A"; how can you detect that one? What is the frequency of that?


Well, the frequency that the actual reactor operates at is like 7.46 Hertz. It's a very low frequency.


That's the frequency of Earth's gravity, or universally, all gravity?


That's the frequency the reactor operates at.


I can understand a reactor functioning - theoretically I can understand a reactor functioning at, say, (unintelligible word) 7.46 Hertz. There's a waveguide involved. I don't buy 7.46...


No, that's the basic... The frequency of the gravity wave that's produced, it has to be higher frequency, because you're in a microwave range to follow a conduit like that.


I understand from Lear's lecture that it had a tendency to conduct on the outside also of the reactor.


Right. Well, that's all... this was the electric field we were talking about. The basic frequency, I think, was the way the reactor's operating. The pulses that we detected out of it were probably, instead of a straight DC power supply, it was more along the lines of a pulse, as if we were getting a burst of particles coming out: An antimatter emission, then a reaction, a pulse of energy, and that would repeat. That's about seven and a half Hertz, something along those lines.


Bob, the microwave frequency going to the waveguide is electromagnetic, or that's gravitational?


They're one in the same.


I don't understand what you mean by that.


Gravity is... Unfortunately, physics hasn't gotten to that part yet, but gravity essentially is part of the electromagnetic spectrum.


Then what frequency is it?


That's something I'm reserving for myself.


Something about the microwave range?


Something about the microwave range. Well, you can sort of figure it out by the dimensions of the waveguide itself, and that's about it.


Positive energy versus regular photon?


No, it's not photon.


Electromagnetic Energy?


Right. I'm not trying to be secret, but this is part of the equipment that I'm working on, and I want to get it operating before...


I hope we'll find out one day



Lazar Critique
by Dr. David L. Morgan


In 1996, I was asked to review the content of a Bob Lazar website by an online acquaintance. Since then, my critique has been posted to Usenet discussion boards, featured on web pages, and taken on something of a life of its own. I still get email about it monthly, which is quite amusing, considering it’s been almost 5 years since I wrote it. Since the original posting was intended to be an informal email, the tone was somewhat harsh and flippant, and some sections were a bit too dismissive. I decided recently that I would try to put together a revision of the now-infamous paper. That revision is presented below.

After reading an account by Bob Lazar of the “physics” of his Area 51 UFO propulsion system, my conclusion is this: Mr. Lazar presents a scenario which, if it is correct, violates a whole handful of currently accepted physical theories. That in and of itself does not necessarily mean that his scenario is impossible. But the presentation of the scenario by Lazar is troubling from a scientific standpoint. Mr. Lazar on many occasions demonstrates an obvious lack of understanding of current physical theories. On no occasion does he acknowledge that his scenario violates physical laws as we understand them, and on no occasion does he offer up any hints of new theories which would make his mechanism possible. Mr. Lazar has a propensity for re-defining scientific terms, and using scientific language in a confusing and careless way. For these reasons, I don’t feel that Lazar's pseudo-scientific ramblings are really worthy of any kind of serious consideration.

I will focus on the parts of Lazar's text which I took the most exception with- most of these excerpts relate to particle physics, which is my field. Lazar's text is in boldface. He begins by describing the principle behind interstellar travel...

This is accomplished by generating an intense gravitational field and using that field to distort space/time, bringing the destination to the source, and allowing you to cross many light years of space in little time and without traveling in a linear mode near the speed of light.

I’m less bothered by the wording of this passage now than I used to be, although I still think it’s misleading. If you are distorting spacetime with a gravitational field, it produces a very specific kind of distortion, and a very specific kind of attraction. That’s what gravity IS – a distortion in spacetime, at least according to general relativity. And gravity attracts EVERYTHING. A gravitational field is a gravitational can't pick and choose which objects it has an effect on. So, going by what Lazar says here, I still say that if you were to generate a gravitational field intense enough to warp spacetime and "bring the destination to the source" you'll also bring everything else in the nearby universe to the source too! If Mr. Lazar had really distorted spacetime like this back in his "Area 51" lab, every object on the face of the Earth would have rushed into New Mexico. Before they crashed back in the 50's, the alien saucers would have sucked the Earth right out of orbit!

Now I’m no expert in general relativity, but I believe that there ARE solutions in GR which do involve distortions of spacetime that are not “gravitational” in nature. (In other words they would not “attract” things outside of the distortion.) There are serious scientists that do serious work on wormholes and warp bubbles and other mechanisms which could allow faster-than-light travel by taking advantage of distortions in spacetime. As this research stands right now, it seems clear that the energy requirements which would be required by this kind of travel are unimaginable by any standards – even the most fanciful extrapolations of alien technology. I’m talking about an entire star’s-worth or even a galaxy’s-worth of energy! More mass/energy than could be contained in a tiny saucer, or even all of New Mexico for that matter.

There are currently two main theories about gravity. The "wave" theory which states that gravity is a wave, and the other is a theory which includes "gravitons", which are alleged sub-atomic particles which perform as gravity, which by the way, is total nonsense.

These statements by Lazar are "total nonsense". There is only ONE currently accepted theory of gravity: General Relativity. In GR, gravity is described as a distortion of spacetime, not as a particle or a wave. There are phenomena known as "gravitational waves" which exist in GR, but this does not seem to be what Lazar is talking about. Lazar says that gravity IS a wave. It isn’t a wave. The "gravitons" which he speaks of are a feature of QUANTUM gravitational theories, and I think they require a little explanation.

All physicists realize that the theories of QM and GR are incomplete, because they are mutually incompatible. In order to have a complete theory, theoretical physicists are looking to combine the two into a unified theory which will involve a quantum theory of gravity. There are currently no quantum theories of gravity that work. But even though a satisfactory theory does not yet exist, there is nothing at all nonsensical about gravitons. When an adequate quantum theory of gravity IS formulated, the energy of the gravitational field will be quantized. This quantum of the gravitational field is what physicists call the graviton. It is no more nonsensical than the photon - which is the quantum of the electromagnetic field.

(To add to the confusion of Lazar's statement, in any quantum theory of gravity, as in all quantum theories, the graviton will be, in a sense, BOTH a particle AND a wave!)

The fact that gravity is a wave has caused mainstream scientists to surmise numerous sub-atomic particles which don't actually exist and this has caused great complexity and confusion in the study of particle physics.

As a particle physicist, I must say that I have NO IDEA what he is talking about here. Surmising particles that don't exist? I can't think of a single particle whose existence has been postulated as a result of gravitational theories. Perhaps the graviton is one, but that’s about it.

You must have at least an atom of substance for it to be considered "matter". At least a proton and an electron and in most cases a neutron. Anything short of an atom such as upquarks and downquarks which make up protons and neutrons; or protons, neutrons, or electrons, individually are considered to be mass and do not constitute "matter" until they form an atom.

These are peculiar and nonstandard definitions. The standard use of the term "matter" includes anything which has mass. Even a single quark is considered to be a particle of matter. If a quark isn’t “matter” than what is it? All elementary particles are either matter particles or force-carrying particles. An electron is a mater particle, and so is a quark.

It may seem like a small point, but I think that errors like these are what make Lazar’s “theory” so dubious. How can we give much consideration to someone who claims to be overthrowing the foundations of particle physics, when it’s fairly obvious that he isn’t even familiar with the terminology?

Gravity A is what is currently being labeled as the "strong nuclear force" in mainstream physics ...

This is the place where Lazar begins to get him self in real trouble. As it is understood now, the strong nuclear force has NOTHING TO DO WITH GRAVITY. Such a statement shows either a complete lack of understanding of the physics of the Standard Model of particle interactions, or a BLATANT attempt at deception. The equations and coupling strengths which describe the two forces are totally different and unrelated. The strong force couples only to quarks and gluons. The gravitational force couples to all particles with mass. The strong force is extremely short range. The range of gravity is infinite. The gravitational coupling constant is orders of magnitude smaller than that of the strong interaction. There is NO BASIS for using the word "gravity" to describe the strong interaction IN ANY WAY.

If Mr. Lazar has formulated a NEW model in which the two forces are really the same, then he has unified gravity with the other three forces of nature, and he should publish it now and collect his Nobel Prize. If he DOES NOT have such a new theory then his statement here is ABSOLUTELY FALSE.

It's not good enough to just call the strong interaction "gravity A wave". You've got to demonstrate that it actually has SOMETHING to do with gravity if you're going to attach that name to it! The words by themselves are meaningless. I want to see some equations. Otherwise, this statement is not only wrong, but utterly incomprehensible. should be obvious that a large, single star system, binary star system, or multiple star system would have had more of the prerequisite mass and electromagnetic energy present during their creations.

Now we get into some fuzzy astronomy. Mr. Lazar doesn’t seem to understand where heavy elements come from, or how they are formed.

First we have to assume that when Lazar says “large” he means “massive.” The "largeness" of a star says nothing about its mass. In five or ten billion years, the sun will be as large as the orbit of Mars. A star's size changes drastically during its lifetime. It’s pretty clear that what Lazar should be talking about here is the MASS of the star.

The next section is a little vague, but he SEEMS to be suggesting that his element 115, the alien fuel source, which doesn't exist on the Earth, should be present in those solar systems that were more massive at their inception. The implication here is that a star system which condensed out of a more massive primordial cloud should have a greater abundance of heavier elements. This is quite incorrect.

Heavy elements – all elements heavier than iron – are not formed during the normal life cycles of stars. The only time when these nuclei are "cooked" is during the collapse and subsequent explosion of supernovae. The supernova explosion then spreads heavy elements throughout the galaxy. For this reason, the abundances of heavy elements in any particular star system depend NOT upon the properties of the current star, but on the properties of the nearby stars of the PREVIOUS GENERATION! Therefore, all of the star systems in a particular region of the galaxy will have essentially the same abundances of heavy elements, regardless of the mass of star. If element 115 is STABLE, as Lazar claims it to be, then it should be created in supernova explosions and it should exist EVERYWHERE!

The most important attribute of these heavier, stable elements is that the gravity A wave is so abundant that it actually extends past the perimeter of the atom. These heavier, stable elements literally have their own gravity A field around them...

No naturally occurring atoms on earth have enough protons and neutrons for the cumulative gravity A wave to extend past the perimeter of the atom...

Since Mr. Lazar has already identified this gravity A wave with the nuclear force, he is essentially claiming that the nuclear force of element 115 extends beyond the limits of the "115-ium" atom. (I'm tempted to call it Lazarium...and somewhat surprised that he doesn't!!) This is simply not possible, given the known properties of the nuclear force. The past 50 years of probing the nucleus have taught us that the range of the nuclear force is VERY short, and protons and neutrons only feel the pull of their nearest neighbors in a nucleus. Because of this fact, the nuclear force extends out to about the same distance away from a nucleus NO MATTER HOW MASSIVE THE NUCLEUS IS. This fact is fundamental to the science of nuclear physics.

Once again, if Mr. Lazar has a NEW MODEL of the nuclear interaction which explains the properties and decay rates of known nuclei...which can predict the abundances of elements synthesized in the Big Bang...which can describe all of the properties of nuclear reactions which take place inside of stars...all as well as our current theories do all of these things (which is VERY well!) then he should publish it and collect his Nobel Prize. If not, then once again his statements make NO SENSE in the light of everything that we know about nuclear interactions.

Now even though the distance that the gravity A wave extends past the perimeter of the atom is infinitesimal, it is accessible and it has amplitude, wavelength and frequency, just like any OTHER wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. Once you can access the gravity A wave, you can amplify it just like we amplify OTHER electromagnetic waves.

I have emphasized the use of the word "other" in this paragraph to show that Mr. Lazar apparently thinks that his "gravity A wave", which if you recall, is also the strong nuclear force, is ALSO an electromagnetic wave. Perhaps he HAS formulated a "Grand Unified Theory" after all! Or perhaps this is just another example of his careless use of scientific terms.


I want to take some time here to talk about scientific progress, because there is one common objection to my critique of Lazar’s scenario. People will often say “Modern science could be wrong. Newton was wrong! Lazar could be right!” Yes. That is correct. In fact, modern science almost certainly IS “wrong.” But the only real test of a theory in science is that it works. Newton’s Laws worked. They still do in most situations. Einstein’s theories are better – they are more accurate and they work in more situations. New theories will continue to come along that are more precise and more generally applicable than the older theories, and these new theories will be tested by experiments until they supplant the old ones. That is how science has progressed for the past 400 years.

So it is not enough to SAY that modern science is wrong. You have to demonstrate that you have something that is better. And that “better” theory needs to do everything that the old theory does, and then do more. And chances are that it won’t completely turn the old theory on it’s head – because we already know that the old theories work too well. It is not possible to create a new theory until you understand the old one well enough to present a coherent alternative. Calling current science “total nonsense” is nice rhetoric, and no doubt convincing to many non-scientists who feel alienated from science and look on scientists as a kind of modern priesthood of arcane knowledge. But science is a process – not a body of knowledge.

I can't possibly demonstrate conclusively that Lazar's mechanism is impossible. All that I can hope to demonstrate here is that his scenario would require a COMPLETE overhaul of our theories of gravity and particle physics in order to work. Not just some minor changes...I'm talking from the ground up. Mr. Lazar makes no mention of this fact, and he proposes no alternative theories. But, if Lazar's scenario is true, then we will NEED some new theories, because we are wrong about a great many things. We don't understand gravity. We don't understand nuclear interactions. We don't understand spacetime. We don't understand stellar evolution. However, considering Mr. Lazar's careless use of language, his casual redefinition of scientific terms, and the complete lack of details in his presentation, I'm willing to bet the farm that it is actually Lazar who doesn't understand any of these things.

But wait.....There’s an addendum!!

Lazar explains on his current webpage ( how his element 115 not only serves as the generator of the Gravity A wave, but ALSO as the fuel for a matter/antimatter reactor that powers the rest of the saucer. Let's take a close look at Lazar's explanation of this reactor...

"The power source is a reactor. Inside the reactor, element 115 is bombarded with a proton, which plugs into the nucleus of the 115 atom and becomes element 116, which immediately decays and releases or radiates small amounts of anti-matter. The anti-matter is released in a vacuum into a tuned tube, which keeps it from reacting with the matter that surrounds it. It is then directed toward the gaseous matter target at the end of the tube. The matter, which in this case is the gas, and the anti-matter, collide and annihilate totally converting to energy. The heat from this reaction is converted into electrical energy in a near one hundred percent efficient thermoelectric generator. "

Lots of impressive sounding stuff about reactors and bombarding with protons and all that. But read it again. Antimatter and matter are converted into energy. Fine. But where does the antimatter come from? From element 115 when it is "bombarded with a proton" by the ship's reactor. Hmmm. And just exactly HOW MUCH energy would your reactor have to put into each proton to have it create an antiproton?? Well, exactly the mass energy of an antiproton! And how much energy do you get back out when the antiproton annihilates? EXACTLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF ENERGY THAT YOU PUT INTO CREATING IT!!

(Actually, you can't just make an antiproton by itself, you have to make a proton/anti-proton pair. So your reactor needs to put in 2 "protons-worth" of mass-energy into each proton in the beam.)

If you have to MAKE your own antimatter on board, your system produces NO NET ENERGY AT ALL!! You put 2 protons worth of energy in, and you get 2 protons worth of energy out! In fact, the BEST this system could do would be to make ZERO energy, but in fact, it would more likely USE far more energy than it would make.

Conservation of energy rears it's ugly head, and once again - it looks like Bob's saucer is going nowhere fast!

Dr. David L. Morgan

More People to follow soon...
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Photographic Evidence Of UFOs


St. Paris, Ohio, 1932. This picture was taken of George Sutton near midday May 1932. We can see that it was in 1932 from the license plate on the automobile in the photo that accompanied this shot. The unidentified flying object in the picture could not have been a street lamp, simply because there were no street lamps at the time. There are no power poles or power lines visible anywhere in this picture. This picture shows a vintage automobile. The owner of the photo album says there were no electric street lights along this road in those days. Nobody has been able to account for the dark object seen over Sutton's left shoulder in this photograph.


Scotland, 1947. An alleged UFO picture taken in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland in 1947. It is important to see the original picture on this one to get the full effect.


Czaplinek, Poland 1947. This alleged UFO picture has seemingly been shot at Czaplinek in 1947. The picture was taken at an angle looking up over a mountain.

May 8, 1950 This is one of the most famous UFO pictures ever taken. Photographed by Paul Trent, and first witnessed by his wife. They were published in a local newspaper in McMinnville, Oregon shortly thereafter. These photos have been deemed authentic for over 50 years.


Washington D. C. 1952. During the dawn of Ufology in the United States, unidentified flying objects made themselves known to the leaders of the free world in 1952, buzzing over the White House, the Capitol building, and the Pentagon. Seemingly the unknown objects were defying the very governmental agencies sworn to protect the United States from foreign powers. Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base picked up a number of UFOs on their radar screens on July 19, 1952, beginning a wave of sightings still unexplained to this day. i have a better quality version of this pic though.

Summer 1956, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil This clearly defined round disc was photographed by one A. Stizak. The photo was taken on a clear day. If you look closely, you can see three white dots underneath. Its authenticity was confirmed by ICUFON director Colonel Colman VonKeviczky.
Rouen, France, 1957. Flying to intercept a mysterious radar reflection, an unknown French Air Force pilot photographed this craft in March 1957 over Rouen with his gun-sight camera. The UFO paced the plane for several minutes before speeding off past the maximum velocity of the French airplane. This UFO appears to be of the same type that appeared in McMinnville, Oregon over the farm of Mr. Paul Trent. It was first published in the Royal Air Force Flying Review in July,1957 and also in Flying Saucer Review in July, 1957.
January 16, 1958, The Trinidade Island Photographs. Trindade is a small rocky island in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean 600 miles off the coast of Bahia, Brazil. Professional photographer Almiro Barauna would take a sequence of pictures of this UFO off of a Naval vessel. More than 50 witnesses saw the UFO, including the ship's Captain.

Provo, Utah, 1966. The pilot of a twin engine C-47 "Skytrain" transport aircraft of the USAF captured this reddish object on photograph in July 1966 at 11:00am. The aircraft was flying over the Rocky Mountains, at about 40 kilometers South-West of Provo, Utah. The Condon commission, which concluded that UFOs are no worth of scientific investigations, did analyze the negative at the time and concluded that the photograph shows an ordinary object thrown in the air.

Hillsdale, Michigan, 1966. The "Swamp Gas" case. This is the case that convinced skeptic J. Allen Hynek, that he must now publicly admit that there is something real in the UFO reports. At about 10:30 pm a resident of the women's dormitory at Hillsdale College reported a strange object in the sky. County Civil Defense director William E. Van Horn responded and confirmed that a bright glowing object was indeed bouncing across a nearby hollow and then became airborne. Hynek, who died in 1986, dismissed the Hillsdale sighting as "swamp gas." Within two weeks, however, he changed not only his opinion about the sighting, but also sides in the UFO debate.

Washtenaw County, Michigan, 1966. This photograph is widely held as one of the best, clearest images ever taken of a UFO. Of course it has had its debunkers, but remains today as genuine proof of the existance of extraterrestrial life. Taken during a wave of UFO sightings in Michigan in 1966. This was snapped in Washtenaw County. There have been a couple of "colorized" versions, but this is the original. It made headlines in the Michigan papers, and then went nation wide.

December 30, 1969 Bariloche, Argentina Professor Sebastian José Tarde, MD, a well respected physician was on holiday with his students at Bariloche, a popular holiday spot in the Andes. Cruising on the Nahuel Huapi-Lake, the Professor shot several photographs of the unknown object with his Leica camera.

Las Lunas, New Mexico 09.24.1972. A farmer in Las Lunas, Mexico, returning to town, spotted several small objects "fluttering" along a few dozen feet above the desert scrub. They were small, about three feet in diameter, silver in color and made a buzzing sound. Similar domed disc-shaped objects were seen and photographed in the same area about five years later. This picture has long been thought to be a hoax, because of its clarity, and proximity to the witness.

June, 1973, Ontario, Canada Two individuals were standing in the back yard of a home in Ontario. They were watching what they thought was an airplane approaching. As it moved closer, they noticed it was totally silent and moving very low to the ground. One of the men ran for the camera, and took 7 pictures.

Circa 1973 Ontario, Canada The photographer remains anonymous. The witness took a series of photographs of the object. The circular object is clearly seen moving about a clump of trees. The photos have been deemed authentic by various photographic experts. A good, clear image for the time period.

March 7, 1973 South Carolina In a rural community several members of a family were shocked to see an unknown object slowly floating towards their farm. A sound could be heard as it approached them. Several fairly clear photos were taken of the UFO.

Cocoyoc, Mexico, November 3, 1973. A Mexican banker and his family saw a strange object approaching rapidly from the East in a clear afternoon sky. His wife said that the object was a round shape, and she drew her husband's attention to the object, and that while the distance between them and the object decreased they realized that it was not what they had initially thought: it was not a plane, neither a helicopter, nor even a competition balloon. The banker stopped the car on the side of the road and the passengers went out to get a better look at the object. The banker thought about his camera, took it, and made a first photograph at this time.

November 17, 1974 Viborg, Jutland, Denmark. A Mr. Lauersen was walking his dog in the early morning hours. He looked up and saw a strange looking object. The UFO was shrouded in a white cloud. He took this photo as the object was 250-300 meters away.

1975-1982, Switzerland One-armed Eduard Billy Meier's UFO photos are unmatched for their clarity. Dubbed the Pleiadian/Plejaran "beamships," his photographs are numerous. Because of his handicap, he used for the most part an Olympus 35 ECR still camera. He also filmed many moving picture sequences using an 8mm movie camera.

April 9, 1976 Nagoay City, Aichi, Japan. At 2:00pm, Hirohito Tanaka saw a small dark circular-shaped UFO with a raised dome in the center. The object made a low pass over his neighbor's house. He grabbed his Instamatic 126, and took seven photographs.

November 1976 South Herwang, Indonesia. By 2:00pm, engineer Tony Hartono had taken a series of photographs of an off-shore oil rig that his employer ARCO was building. He was shooting from a launch. With his last exposure, his took this photo as he looked at the ocean. The object appeared a yellowish color as it approached quite near to him after his last photo was snapped.

July 11, 1977 Florida, Uruguay Horticulturist Hector Delgado took this photograph at 3:30pm. He first heard a high pitched humming sound which drew his attention away from his greenhouse work. The sound came and went, and then he saw, some 200m from his position and no more than 50m above the ground, a silver disc-shaped object moving smoothly, suspended in the air. He ran, grabbed his camera and took photos of the object.

March 3, 1977 Walter Schilling took this photograph in Hamburg, Germany. The object possessed a strange rotating effect with a glowing fluorescent mast. The UFO was close enough to the ground to create a 30 foot shadow.

February 4, 1978 Miki-Cho, Japan This bell-shaped craft was photographed hovering above the island nation near Miki-Cho. It is very similar to several objects that I have frame- captured from Japanese video film. After a short time, the UFO reportedly sped directly upward through the atmosphere.

January 4, 1978 Miki-Cho, Kagawa, Japan Picture taken by Hirobumi Matsushita at 3:00pm while with a friend. Object was a rare gold-metallic material. Matsushita stated that UFO was under "intelligent control." He took several photos before object disappeared.

June, 1978, Barcelona, Spain Sra. Montserrat Batllori, a housewife, was watching a beautiful sunset through her window. She got her camera and began to take pictures to capture the view. One of her photographs showed three luminous golden flying objects over the buildings in the distance.

Vancouver, Canada, 1981. On October 8, 1981, Hannah Roberts was traveling toward Kelsey Bay by the Isle of Vancouver.Along with friends, she stopped to take some photographs of the surrounding landscape. Several days afterwards, when the photographs were developed, they noticed on one photograph a discoidal object in the sky. They do not remember noticing anything in the sky at the time photograph was taken. Richard F. Haines, a retired NASA scientist who became a famous Ufologist, carries out a thorough analysis of the negative and cannot discover any tampering either. His analysis is inserted in the scientific report of the Sturrock Panel.

November, 1987- May, 1988 Gulf Breeze, Florida A catalog of 40+ photographs have been taken by contractor Ed Walter. Creating a massive flap of sightings in the community, and fodder for newspaper and television. Though considered controversial by many, the photos have been authenicated by many experts.

Petit Rechain, Belgium, 1990. One of the most famous UFO pictures ever taken. The photographer, to my knowledge, still remains unnamed. Taken on an April night during a well known "wave," the photo very clearly shows a triangle-shaped object with lights. One of the best proofs of UFOs we have. Original photo was too dark to show object outline, and had to be lightened.

December 8, 1992 Pueblo, Mexico The photographer of this photo requests anonymity. He was riding in an auto about noon when he observed a strange looking object flying not too distant from the road. The photo was taken during the UFO wave of 1992.

March 10, 1993. Australia. This picture was taken at 5:45 am off of Ochre Point cliff at Maslin beach in the southern part of Australia. The UFO was first spotted rising from the ocean, with what seems to be a landing gear. Witness took a number of clear photographs of object.

Jalisco, Guadalajara, April 24, 1993. This photograph was taken in the state of Jalisco in 1993. Several years later more reports of UFOs are made: On Saturday, January 3, 1998, at 3 a.m., airline pilot Gary Sanders who has 24 years of flying experience in the USAF saw a reddish-colored light move rapidly from east to west, then the object suddenly changed direction by about 135 degrees of turn and very sharply, twice.i have 60 different angles of this pic.this is by far the best i have seen.

December 21, 1994 The Carlos Diaz photo gallery is extensive. While taking photos of the eruption of Mt.Popocatepetl in Puebla, Mexico, he shot this photo. It has been authenticated by many photographic experts and published in numerous magazines, newspapers, and books. This picture shows a glowing, yellowish, disc shaped object with a red hue toward the top and windows or portholes. If this is authentic, it is a great one.

Plymouth, U K February, 2003. This amazing photograph snapped over Plymouth is being called one of the best pictures of a UFO ever taken. A city-based amateur photographer captured this image when he was trying out his new hi-tech digital camera at night..

Maltese Island, May 15, 2004. The UFO Casebook received this excellent report of a UFO event on May 17 2004 / 09:08:30. I would certainly like to thank Pierre for updating us with this sighting report. He has sent excellent scanned images of the newspaper report from the Malta Independent newspaper.
The sighing occurred on May 15, 2004, 1:00 PM, Malta local time. A group of witnesses saw the UFO, and excellent pictures were taken. Pierre was not a witness himself, but with the high profile of the case, he knew we would want to be notified. According to eye witness reports, the UFO was traveling from St. Julians to Rabat in Malta. The object was seen turning and flipping over as it made its way through the clear skies. The photographs were taken by Rene Rossignaud.

some variation of the great UFO pic.
i"ll update and add more pics as soon as possible...

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Astronaut Sightings

This is compiled Material.It doesnt reflect my view or any particular view.It only states the facts available.I donot Intend to derive any Commercial Gain by this.
Major Gordon Cooper

One of the original Mercury Astronauts and the last American to fly in space alone. On May 15, 1963 he shot into space in a Mercury capsule for a 22 orbit journey around the world. During the final orbit, Major Gordon Cooper told the tracking station at Muchea (near Perth Australia) that he could see a glowing, greenish object ahead of him quickly approaching his capsule. The UFO was real and solid, because it was picked up by Muchea's tracking radar.
Cooper's sighting was reported by the National Broadcast Company, which was covering the flight step by step; but when Cooper landed, reporters were told that they would not be allowed to question him about the UFO sighting.

Major Cooper was a firm believer in UFOs. Ten years earlier, in 1951 he had sighted a UFO while piloting an F-86 Sabrejet over Western Germany. They were metallic, saucer-shaped discs at considerable altitude and could out-maneuver all American fighter planes.

Major Cooper also testified before the United Nations:

"I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets... Most astronauts were reluctant to discuss UFOs."

"I did have occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, of different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally from east to west over Europe."

And according to a taped interview by J. L. Ferrando, Major Cooper said:

"For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public.

Why? Because authority is afraid that people may think of God knows what kind of horrible invaders. So the password still is: We have to avoid panic by all means."

"I was furthermore a witness to an extraordinary phenomenon, here on this planet Earth. It happened a few months ago in Florida. There I saw with my own eyes a defined area of ground being consumed by flames, with four indentations left by a flying object which had descended in the middle of a field. Beings had left the craft (there were other traces to prove this). They seemed to have studied topography, they had collected soil samples and, eventually, they returned to where they had come from, disappearing at enormous speed...I happen to know that authority did just about everything to keep this incident from the press and TV, in fear of a panicky reaction from the public."

Ed White & James McDivitt

In June 1965, astronauts Ed White (first American to walk in space) and James McDivitt were passing over Hawaii in a Gemini spacecraft when they saw a weird-looking metallic object. The UFO had long arms sticking out of it. McDivitt took pictures with a cine-camera. Those pictures have never been released.
James Lovell and Frank Borman

In December 1965, Gemini astronauts James Lovell and Frank Borman also saw a UFO during their second orbit of their record-breaking 14 day flight. Borman reported that he saw an unidentified spacecraft some distance from their capsule. Gemini Control, at Cape Kennedy told him that he was seeing the final stage of their own Titan booster rocket. Borman confirmed that he could see the booster rocket all right, but that he could also see something completely different.

During James Lovell's flight on Gemini 7:


Capcom: This is Houston. Say again 7.


Capcom: Gemini 7, is that the booster or is that an actual sighting?


Capcom: ...Estimated distance or size?


I have the Transcript of this,BTW.
Neil Armstrong & Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin

According to the NASA Astronaut Neil Armstrong the Aliens have a base on the Moon and told us in no uncertain terms to get off and stay off the Moon.

According to hitherto un-confirmed reports, both Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after that historic landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969. I remember hearing one of the astronauts refer to a "light" in or on a crater during the television transmission, followed by a request from mission control for further information. Nothing more was heard.

According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up the following exchange:

NASA: Whats there?
Mission Control calling Apollo 11...

Apollo11: These "Babies" are huge, Sir! Enormous! OH MY GOD! You wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there, Lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They're on the Moon watching us!

A certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, was engaged in a discussion with Neil Armstrong during a NASA symposium.

Professor: What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11?

Armstrong: It was incredible, of course we had always known there was a possibility, the fact is, we were warned off!(by the Aliens). There was never any question then of a space station or a moon city.

Professor: How do you mean "warned off"?

Armstrong: I can't go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology - Boy, were they big!...and menacing! No, there is no question of a space station.

Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?

Armstrong: Naturally - NASA was committed at that time, and couldn't risk panic on Earth. But it really was a quick scoop and back again.

According to a Dr. Vladimir Azhazha:

"Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module. But this message was never heard by the public -- because NASA censored it."

According to a Dr. Aleksandr Kasantsev, Buzz Aldrin took color movie film of the UFOs from inside the module, and continued filming them after he and Armstrong went outside.Armstrong confirmed that the story was true but refused to go into further detail, beyond admitting that the CIA was behind the cover-up. No one really knows whats the truth behind all this.Its just speculatory.
Donald Slayton
Donald Slayton a Mercury astronaut revealed in an interview he had seen UFOs in 1951:

"I was testing a P-51 fighter in Minneapolis when I spotted this object. I was at about 10,000 feet on a nice, bright, sunny afternoon. I thought the object was a kite, then I realized that no kite is gonna fly that high."

As I got closer it looked like a weather balloon, gray and about three feet in diameter. But as soon as I got behind the darn thing it didn't look like a balloon anymore. It looked like a saucer, a disk.

About the same time, I realized that it was suddenly going away from me -- and there I was, running at about 300 miles per hour. I tracked it for a little way, and then all of a sudden the damn thing just took off. It pulled about a 45 degree climbing turn and accelerated and just flat disappeared."
Major Robert White

On July 17, 1962 Major Robert White reported a UFO during his fifty-eight-mile high flight of an X-15. Major White reported:

"I have no idea what it could be. It was grayish in color and about thrity to forty feet away."
Then according to a Time Magazine article, Major White exclaimed over the radio:

"There ARE things out there! There absolutely is!"

NASA Pilot Joseph A. Walker

On May 11, 1962 NASA pilot Joseph Walker said that one of his tasks was to detect UFOs during his X-15 flights. He had filmed five or six UFOs during his record breaking fifty-mile-high flight in April, 1962. It was the second time he had filmed UFOs in flight. During a lecture at the Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space Research in Seattle, Washigton he said:

"I don't feel like speculating about them. All I know is what appeared on the film which was developed after the flight." - Joseph Walker
To date none of those films has been released to the public for viewing.

Commander Eugene Cernan

Eugene Cernan was commander of Apollo 17. In a Los Angeles Times article in 1973 he said, about UFOs:

"...I've been asked (about UFOs) and I've said publicly I thought they (UFOs) were somebody else, some other civilization."

NASA's Maurice Chatelain

In 1979 Maurice Chatelain, former chief of NASA Communications Systems confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater. Chatelain believes that some UFOs may come from our own solar system -- specifically Titan.

"The encounter was common knowledge in NASA, but nobody has talked about it until now."

"...all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin - flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence."

"I think that Walter Schirra aboard Mercury 8 was the first of the astronauts to use the code name 'Santa Claus' to indicate the presence of flying saucers next to space capsules. However, his announcements were barely noticed by the general public. It was a little different when James Lovell on board the Apollo 8 command module came out from behind the moon and said for everybody to hear: 'PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS.' Even though this happened on Christmas Day 1968, many people sensed a hidden meaning in those words."
The rumors persist. NASA may well be a civilian agency, but many of its programs are funded by the defence budget and most of the astronauts are subject to military security regulations. Apart from the fact that the National Security Agency screens all films and probably radio communications as well. We have the statements by Otto Binder, Dr. Garry Henderson and Maurice Chatelain that the astronauts were under strict orders not to discuss their sightings. And Gordon Cooper has testified to a United Nations committee that one of the astronauts actually witnessed a UFO on the ground.

NASA's Scott Carpenter

"At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs."

Initially Joseph Walker was the first to announce a sighting -- he told the National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space Research in 1962 that he had an aerial encounter with two disc-shaped objects the previous month. He had actually filmed the encounter.

In April 1962, NASA pilot, Joseph Walker, filmed five cylindrical and disc-shaped objects from his X-15 aircraft.
Another test pilot, reported an incident involving a formation of UFOs whilst flying at 314,000 feet.

NASA refused to reveal any evidence that might substantiate the pilots' claims -- photographs or films were never released.

In April 1964, two radar technicians watched UFOs following an unmanned Gemini capsule.

In 1965 the FBI received information from a confidential source that an informant at NASA was secretly divulging information on UFOs to two UFO researchers in Pittsburgh. According to FBI files:

"The source believes that the informant may be classified and had actually seen a film showing a missile separating and a UFO appearing on the screen. The informant advised prior to the flight of Gemini 4 - watch out for something interesting because the spaceship had devices aboard to detect UFOs".

However,the truth in this subject is still illusive...
More Subjects,More Posts to follow...
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Phoenix Lights Case
This topic was discussed by several at length on Sci-Forums.I would try to explore the case from a neutral perspective.

UFO researchers and writers today are tantalized by the increasing reports of alien abduction, photographs of alien beings, UFO crashes, possible debris, and implant removals. In a way we have become spoiled; expecting the sensational. This desire for ultimate proof has caused us to overlook the seemingly mundane, everyday reports of night lights, which were at one time sensational in their own right. With the ever growing technology of our era, pictures and video are often times called into question because of the ease of manipulation and creation afforded computer graphics experts. Called into question, that is, by those who are waiting in the wings to debunk any and all visible proof of UFOs as suspect of being hoaxed. This is especially true in cases with one or two photos taken by one witness. This has always been a pitfall to researchers who scratch and claw for authentication of a particular photograph or video. There are, however, those cases which have multiple photographs of the same object, taken by many witnesses. This type of case carries the heaviest weight to those who remain on neutral ground. One of the best of these is the Phoenix, Arizona lights case of 1997. Accompanied by many photographs and videos, this fantastic event is still discussed and analyzed today.
Evidence points to March 13, 1997 as the onset of this extremely compelling account of various and sundry phenomenal lights which moved over the state of Arizona. These lights, though referred to as the "Phoenix Lights," were actually witnessed in at least five other cities. Phoenix has the distinction as the first Arizona city to report the unknown light sources, which were initially spotted over Superstition Mountains, east of the city, at about 7:30 PM. The first reports indicated an object of six points of light, immediately followed by a report of eight connected lights, with a separate ninth, which moved in unison with the eight. The formation was seen again over the Gila River just before 10:00 PM. In a matter of minutes, the enormous, lighted structure had made its way over the southern part of the city of Phoenix. At this time, literally thousands of people witnessed the object or objects. It was at this time, that the first photographs and videos were taken. The final sightings of the night were in Rainbow Valley. Witnesses there reported a distinct "V" formation. This sighting occurred at about 2:00 AM on March 14.
It is important to note that there are various descriptions of the lights from the Nevada border throughout Arizona. Some witnesses described a very clear "V" shape, while others said that the lights were circular or cresent shaped. It is only common in night light cases for these differences to come to light. Many factors can attribute to these sundry descriptions. One specific object can be seen from different angles, the angle of the object may only reflect part of its light system, depending on atmospheric or weather conditions, or the very way a witness looks at the object can make this difference. It is very possible that two witnesses can see the same object at the same time, and give two completely different accounts. This fact has been proven in scientific studies of eye witnesses accounts in crime cases. Another possibility in the case in point is that there may have been several different objects of different shapes and sizes. In my own research into this case over the years, I have come to the personal conclusion that the main object over Arizona was of a circular shape, and this is corroborated by the various still and video film taken. There were other shapes observed, but it appears that the "mother-ship" was circular.
Though the huge lighted formation seemed to move in a tauntingly slow speed over Arizona, it was reported that strange lights had sped from the Henderson-Las Vegas, Nevada area toward Arizona, and seemed to slow down as it entered the Arizona area. Initial reports described anywhere from 5-7 points of light, and ultimately 8 with a trailing ninth. The enormous object was extremely low, and mountainous area could be seen behind the craft in pictures, therefore giving photographic experts scale to approximate the elevation from the ground, and the distance from the camera. This would enable an estimate of the craft being a whopping one mile or more in length! The color of its lights were described as "blue-white," to "yellow-white," to "amber." Again, these differences of description do not necessitate there being more than one object. During the crafts fast moving period, it was estimated to be moving at Mach 2-3. As it slowed down as if posing to be filmed, the speed dropped to an estimated 10-15 MPH. At one point over Sky Harbor, it reportedly hovered for several minutes.The object was also reported to change shapes, speeds, and colors, as it made its way across the skies of Arizona.


Between 9:00 and 9:30 PM on the 13th, one extraordinary description was made by a family in Mesa. They said that an enormous craft with a distinctive structure flew over their area. They described a triangle-shaped object with lights at three corners, and another larger light in its center. Amazingly, they could clearly see panels on the craft which were in a grid pattern. There were also, about this same time, several reports of two round objects which seemed to detach from the larger "V" shaped object, only to later rejoin the mother-ship. One witness described the "V" shaped mother-ship dividing itself into two separate craft as it moved toward the city of Tucson.
Another dramatic description of the mother-ship was made by a group of real estate agents who had subdivided property over the north part of Phoenix. They would also get a close-up view of the gigantic disc. They estimated the craft to be a staggering two miles wide as it flew at a low altitude near Phoenix. They could see dozens of bright lights along the leading edges, and also a row of windows with "silhouettes of people." It also seems highly probably that for some reason, the giant craft turned off its lights, as observers could see only the windows with what appeared to be people shadowed in the glow of the inside. Another family got a brightly lit view of the unknown object, and described its color as "flat blue-black, like the color of a shotgun barrel."

Among the most reliable witnesses of the craft's movements that first night were two airplane pilots, one retired from an airline, and another from Vietnam, who was also a U. S. Marshall. Though seeing the object at different times and places, both men described a craft of "immense size," measuring up to a mile long. The Marshall could also see the city lights of Phoenix reflecting from the bottom of the massive object, while it "blocked out the stars." One of the pilots also videotaped the UFO, but had the tape confiscated in a "men in black" encounter. In a completely separate incident, a group of witnesses had reported a "huge discoid" craft which was "larger than Sun Devil Stadium at Arizona State University." This object was hovering just above tree tops at the west end of Sky Harbor runway between 2:00 and 3:00 AM about two weeks prior to March 13.
It is almost inevitable that the United States Air Force would become involved in an event case of this magnitude, and the Phoenix lights mystery would be no exception. While driving down Interstate-I-17 from Camp Verde, a truck driver had been seeing two amber colored UFOs moving ahead of him southward for two whole hours. His destination was a materials plant near Luke Air Force Base. Upon arriving there, the two UFOs hovered nearby. While his truck was being loaded, the driver walked upon a pile of materials to get a better look at the two UFOs. He could make out two identical "toy, top-like amber orbs" with a white glow to them. A band of red lights pulsated on the craft as it hovered near the Luke AFB runway. Suddenly, two F-16s "blasted out of Luke with their afterburners on full." Soon, a third plane followed, and all three made a direct run toward the hovering UFOs. As the first two jets were about to reach the UFOs, the unknowns shot straight upward, and disappeared "in an instant." The two jets flew right through the exact spot the UFOs had previously occupied. A Luke ground crewman later confirmed to NUFORC that the driver's account was true. He also stated that upon returning to the base runway, one of the pilots had to be helped from his cockpit. He was visibly shaken from what had just happened.

(excerpt from a report made by Peter Davenport of the NUFORC)

One of the more intriguing reports was submitted by a young man who claimed to be an Airman in the Air Force, stationed at Luke Air Force Base, located to the west of Phoenix in Litchfield Park. He telephoned the National UFO Reporting Center at 3:20 a.m. on Friday, some eight hours after the sightings on the previous night, and reported that two USAF F-15c fighters had been “scrambled” from Luke AFB, and had intercepted one of the objects. Although the presence of F-15’s could never be confirmed, the airman provided detailed information which proved to be highly accurate, based on what investigators would reconstruct from witnesses over subsequent weeks and months. Two days after his first telephone call, the airman called to report that he had just been informed by his commander that he was being transferred to an assignment in Greenland. He has never been heard from again since that telephone call.
The Phoenix lights case is not without its controversy, much of which originated from the Air Force. In May of 1997, Luke AFB Public Affairs Office stated that Air Force personnel had investigated the so-called "UFOs," and had solved the case. They claimed that flares dropped from an A-10 "Warthog" had caused the numerous reports of night lights. This explanation is totally unfounded for several reasons. First of all, flares do not move in unison, fall toward the ground, and then fly back up into the air, and move across many miles without changing their relativepositions. Secondly, many witnesses had made reports of the giant lights hours before the reported time of the launch of the flares.

Article from The Arizona Republic.

May 11, 1997.
X-Files is Opened Into Phoenix "UFO", BarWood asks staff to investigate lights

By Susie Steckner and Chris Fiscus.

It's not exactly the kind of made-for-tv case those X-files agents would investigate. But, says Frances Emma Barwood, those strange lights in the Phoenix sky should be checked out by city staff, at the very least.

"I asked them to find out if it's a hoax or what," the Phoenix councilwoman said Friday. "I did not see it. I wish someone would have called me.

"Apparently, people all over the city got video of it. They all said it was as big as a football field."

So Sculley -Sheryl, the assistant city manager, not X-files FBI Agent Dana Scully - has asked police to look into the sightings, at Barwoods request.

"I guess they'll ask Sky Harbor, ask the military, look at videos, I'd love to see all the videos," Barwood said.

In March, callers from Prescott Valley to Tucson flooded the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle to report the appearance of a boomerang-shaped, lighted object.

The center called it "the most dramatic sighting" reported in the past two or three years. In the following weeks, it drew hundreds of calls - even one from Las Vegas - and resulted in an inch-thick stack of written reports, center Director Peter Davenport said. Then, in April, the sighting was featured on the out-of-this world radio program called The Edge of Reality, which is produced in New York City.

"Personally, I think it's something the Air Force is working on, some sort of large transport," Barwood said.

Does she believe in UFOS? "That's a good question," she said. "I guess I have an open mind." Since God created the universe, she said, "Why couldn't he have created others?"

UFO researchers so far say they have no explanation, despite asking questions around Luke Air Force Base and local airports.

Davenport, meanwhile, is thrilled to hear that a public official is taking the sightings seriously.

"As far as I know, this is the first time I've ever heard of a local or state body taking an official stand," he said. "I'm encouraged. I'm heartened by that."

At a City Council meeting this week, Barwood said she was "a little curious" about the recent sightings. She said a television news crew asked her about the lights, and piqued her curiosity.

The crew was from the show Extra, which aired a segment Thursday about the "Phoenix UFO mystery."

Barwood said the main reason she asked the city to look into the matter is because the TV crew asked why no one was investigating the reports.

"I said, 'I'll ask.'"

"I don't know why they (the government) don't check it out and if it was nothing, say it was nothing," Barwood said. "Being there were videos of it, it has people's curiosity. Why not check it out and see if it's a hoax?"

~end of article~

Article from The Arizona Republic.

Steve Wilson - Republic Columnist

'Phoenix Lights' witnesses credible, hard to dismiss: When the "Phoenix Lights" were reported last year, I yawned. I didn't see them, and breathless TV broadcasts were underwhelming. It seemed easy enough to dismiss the lights as flares or military aircraft. UFOs? You've got to be kidding.

Still, as the March 13 anniversary of the sightings approached, I was curious enough to seek out some witnesses. I suspected most would turn out to be UFO devotees. My skepticism was heightened by a New Times story last week that debunked the extraterrestrial theorizing and discredited a leading local theorist, Jim Dilettoso, as a "quack scientist."

I found several people with credible credentials who witnessed the lights. At the least, their stories are interesting. Even if you regard their accounts dubiously, as I do, they raise legitimate questions.

Enough questions, says Peter Davenport, director of the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle, that what happened that night "may rank as the most dramatic UFO event in the past 50 years."

First, a little background. The lights were spotted between 7:30 and 10:30 in the evening over a 300-mile corridor from the Nevada line through Prescott Valley and Phoenix to the northern edge of Tucson. Some reports indicate that a single "V" formation traveled across the state, while others suggest multiple UFO events. The lights were seen by hundreds of people.

Here are four: Dr. Bradley Evans, 47, is a clinical psychiatrist from Tucson. He and his wife, Kris, were driving north on Interstate 10 to a swimming meet in Tempe. They watched the lights for 20 minutes or so move slowly south in a diamond formation and pass over them at an estimated 1,500 feet. Even then, with the car's moon roof open, they heard not a sound from the sky. He was "awed" by the experience and has no idea what he saw. Kris said she couldn't explain it either and guesses it was "something military."

Trig Johnston, 50, is a retired commercial airline pilot who lives in north Scottsdale. His 22-year-old son was looking for Comet Hale-Bopp that night when he noticed the lights and told his dad.

"I looked up and remember saying out loud, "I'm going to chalk this up to an illusion.' It was the size of 25 airliners, moving at about 100 knots at maybe 5,000 feet, and it didn't make a sound.

I've flown 747s across oceans and not seen anything like I saw that night," Johnston said.

"I don't expect anybody to take my word for it," he added. "This was something you had to see for yourself to believe."

Max Saracen, 34, is a real estate consultant who lives in north Phoenix. He and his wife, Shahla, were driving west on Deer Valley Road when they saw a huge triangular craft. They pulled off the road, got out and watched it pass overhead. "It was very spooky -- this gigantic ship blocking out the stars and silently creeping across the sky. I don't know of any aircraft with silent engines."

Dr. X is a physician who lives near Squaw Peak in Phoenix and asked to remain anonymous for fear of ridicule.

Her home has an elevated, panoramic view of the Valley, and she has some of the best known videotape and photographs of the lights. Though she had no prior interest in UFOs, the episode prompted her to begin her own investigation.

"I think what happened is mind-boggling," she said. "I'm trying to be as scientific as I can, and a number of things just don't compute."

I'm not given to an otherworldly answer. But neither do I think these four people and so many others who saw the lights are all exaggerating or delusional.

Of all the explanations, a U.S. military operation of some sort, maybe testing experimental aircraft, seems most likely. Mitch Stanley of Scottsdale said he could clearly see several planes when he pointed his telescope at the lights. But if it was a classified operation, why conduct it directly over the nation's sixth-biggest city?

And if it wasn't, why hasn't the military simply acknowledged it?

You don't have to be a ufologist to be puzzled about what lit the sky that night.

Steve Wilson - Republic Columnist - e-mail: steve.wilson@XXXXX

~end of article~
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Kelly Hopkinsville Encounter

This is an incredible story of a family that went through ridicule,jeer and derision after their report to poilce.However,they have stuck to their story from the beginning.The Sutton (Kelly/Hopkinsville) Encounter
Near Kelly, Kentucky
August 21-22, 1955

Drawing of the initial sighting by Billy Ray Taylor of the object which 'landed" in the gully. The drawing was made by. A. Ledwith on the afternoon following the sighting. CUFOS

One of the best-known and best-documented CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND to come from the modern era of UFOlogy is that which allegedly took place on August 21-22, 1955, near Kelly, Kentucky. This case is distinguished by its duration and also by the number of witnesses involved. The main points of the case have been discussed by several authors, including Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who devoted six pages of his 1972 book, The UFO Experience, to it. A 1979 publication from the CENTER FOR UFO STUDIES (CUFOS), authored by Isabel Davis and Ted Bloecher, puts the Kelly/Hopkinsville case into context with other CE III cases from 1955 and contains maps, illustrations, and photographs of the site, the creatures, the UFO, and the witnesses of one of the more fascinating CE III cases ever to occur in the United States.


Isabel Davis

The scene was a small farm outside of the Kentucky town of Kelly. Inside the farmhouse were eight adults and three children. The night was dark, clear, and hot. At about 7 PM, Billy Ray Taylor (a friend of the Suttons and owner of the farmhouse) came in from the well with the "wild story's that he had seen a really bright "flying saucer," with an exhaust all the colors of the rainbow, fly across the sky and drop into a forty-foot gully near the edge of their property. However, the Suttons did not take him seriously and laughed the story off as an embellishment of his seeing a "falling star."

Half an hour later the family dog began barking violently and eventually put its tail between its legs and hid under the house. The two men, Billy Ray Taylor and Lucky Sutton, went to the back door to see what was bothering the dog and noticed a strange glow approaching the farmhouse from the fields. When the light came nearer, they resolved what caused it: a glowing three-and-a-half-foot tall creature with a round, oversized head. The eyes were large and glowed with a yellowish light; the arms were long, extended nearly to the ground, and ended in large hands with talons. The entire creature seemed made of silver metal. As the creature approached, its hands were raised over its head as if it were being held up.

Understandably startled, the two men reacted by grabbing their guns: a 20-gauge shotgun and a .22 rifle. Withdrawing slightly into the house, the men waited until the creature was within twenty feet of the back door and then fired; the entity flipped over backward and then scurried off into the darkness. After a few minutes, when it did not reappear, they returned to the living room only to see another (or the same) creature at a side window. They fired through the window screen at it, and again the creature flipped and disappeared. Sure that they had hit and disabled the creature, the two men went outside to find the body. As they started out the front door Billy Ray, who was in the lead, paused for a moment underneath an overhanging roof. Just as he was about to step into the yard, those in the hallway behind him saw one of the creatures on the roof reach down a taloned hand and touch his hair from above. The people indoors screamed and pulled him back inside. Lucky Sutton rushed out into the yard, turned and fired pointblank at the creature, knocking it off the roof. There was another creature in the maple tree close-by. Both Lucky and Billy Ray fired at this one and knocked it off the limb; it floated to the ground and then ran off quickly into the darkness. Immediately, another entity (or perhaps the one that had been knocked off the roof) came around the side of the house almost directly in front of the group. Lucky fired his shotgun at point-blank range and the result was the same: no effect. A sound was heard as the bullets struck, as if a metal bucket lead been hit, but the creature scurried off unhurt.

Three reconstructions of the creatures seen at Kelly as drawn by A. Ledwith on the following day. The drawing at the left was based on the testimony of the three women in the farmhouse, the center one on Billy Ray Taylor's memory. and the final drawing on that of the remaining men. CUFOS

Understandably concerned that their guns were apparently useless, the men returned to the house to join the frightened women and children.

The creatures generally moved in a peculiar fashion. The legs appeared to be inflexible and when they ran, movement was accomplished almost totally by "hip motions." Usually totally erect, when they ran off they bent over and moved with long arms almost touching the ground. The entities' ability to float was particularly evident when one was knocked off the kitchen roof and floated a distance of about forty feet to a fence, where it was knocked off again by a shot. While they did not appear to have an aura of luminescence, their "skin" glowed in the dark with the glow becoming brighter when they were shot at or shouted at.

Mrs. Lankford, the mother of the family, counseled an end to the hostilities. Despite the fact that they had been shot at a number of times, no aggressive action was ever proffered by the creatures. However, the children were becoming hysterical and the creatures kept returning to peer in the windows at intervals; by 11 PM the family's patience had worn thin and they all got into two automobiles and headed at top speed to the nearby Hopkinsville police department

After a half hour's travel time, the police arrived back at the farmhouse with the still-frightened family. The Hopkinsville police, the state police, and a staff photographer arrived to investigate the situation. A thorough search was made of the house, the yard, and the outbuildings. Nothing was found, and the tension ran high: When someone accidentally stepped on a cat's tail and it yowled, "you never saw so many pistols unholstered so fast in your life!" The searchers checked out the woods area but found nothing. One unusual item that was found was a luminous patch where one of the creatures had been knocked off and fallen to the ground. However, when nothing really extraordinary appeared, the searchers began to leave and by 2:15 AM., the Sutton family was alone.

The family had been reassured enough to go to bed and shut off the few lights. Mrs. Lankford was lying in bed watching the window when she noticed a weird glow; the glow was one of the creatures staring inward with its hands on the window screen. Calling quietly to the rest of the family, she remained perfectly calm. Lucky Sutton, however, grabbed his gun and again shot at the creature through the screen. No effect. The creatures continued to make their appearance throughout the rest of the night, never doing anything overtly hostile and only seeming to show curiosity. The last creature was seen at half an hour before sunrise, at about 5:15 AM

The next morning, investigators came back to search the farmlands during the daytime. Nothing was found even though some even climbed to the roof of the house to look for footprints. The press got hold of the story; besides the reporter who had accompanied the police out during the night, the local radio station and many reporters from other papers in Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee arrived at the Sutton house. As the news spread, the general public began to show up and cars were backed up for a considerable distance down the road from the Sutton farmhouse. Sightseers stopped their cars, walked through the property, in and out of the house, annoyed the family with requests for pictures and, in general, created a carnival atmosphere the upshot of which was to generally ridicule the family for having seen "little green men from space."

However, on that same morning, Andrew Ledwith, an engineer with the local radio station, decided to stop into the station for a talk with the chief engineer (it was Ledwith's day off). He learned of the happenings at the Sutton farm the night before and because of his interest in UFOs and his previous experience as an artist, he decided to go out and interview the family. It is fortunate that he did. The publicity became so obnoxious to the Sutton family that they later simply avoided telling the story and refused to cooperate (one notable exception was with Isabel Davis, who prepared the Kelly report for CUFOS). The drawings that Mr. Ledwith created on the afternoon following the sighting are illustrated above.

How can such a tale be accepted at face value? one asks. After all, the family itself was considered of "low social status" by the townspeople. Two of the men had worked for a carnival; it could be argued that they were familiar with the art of the trickster.

The most telling criticism of the incident, however, is that there is absolutely no physical evidence whatsoever that the incident actually occurred. Skeptics point out that no footprints were found (the ground was extremely hard), no marks were on the roof (although the creatures seemed nearly weightless and may not have left marks), there was no blood on then, the bullets did no apparent damage), et cetera. One could thus conclude that the family "faked" the entire incident.

However, investigators who interviewed the Suttons afterward painted a picture of them that is quite different from the sort of people who could fabricate an elaborate hoax: They were uneducated, simple farmfolk with no apparent interest in exploiting the rather considerable publicity that they engendered.

Did "creatures" really visit the farmhouse in Kentucky on that night of August 21, 1955? Or did the many witnesses, mostly adults, excite themselves to the point of exaggerating some lesser stimulus? The Kelly/Hopkinsville case still stands as one of the more provocative CE III events to date.

Allan Hendry

Source: UFO Encyclopedia of UFOs, by Ronald D. Story, Pages 190-192
I have mentioned this case before on first page.This was one of the most fascinating Cases in UFOs and its implications are still unknown as the truth is not overt as yet.
I have researched this case for a while.Its interesting Fables were what fascinated me the most.
here's the original Newspaper Story for you take a look at :

Aug. 22, 1955: Story Of Space-Ship, 12 Little Men Probed Today
(Editor's Note: One of the more curious incidents to occur in recent Christian County history is the celebrated 1955 invasion of Kelly by "little green men." Staff Writer Joe Dorris was on the scene the night of the incident and the following morning and filed this story -- the first in the nation. Dorris later noted that it was two or three days later that the national media injected the green color into the description -- a color never mentioned by those claiming to have seen the invaders.)

Story of Space-Ship, 12
Little Men Probed Today

Kelly Farmhouse Scene Of Alleged Raid
By Strange Crew Last Night; Reports Say
Bullets Failed To Affect Visitors

All kinds of investigations were going on today in connection with the bizarre story of how a space-ship carrying 12 to 15 little men landed in the Kelly community early last night and battled occupants of a farmhouse.

Most official of the probes was reportedly being staged by the air force.

More than a dozen state, county, and city officers from Christian and Hopkins counties went to the scene between 11 p.m. and midnight and remained until after 2 a.m. without seeing anything either to prove or disprove the story about the ship and its occupants.

The farmhouse is located on the Old Madisonville Road about eight miles north of Hopkinsville. The property is occupied by Cecil (Lucky) Sutton, one of those who reported experiencing last night's phenomena.

There were some 10 or 12 persons at the house, including several children, but investigating officers were not able to determine exactly how many of those present actually clamed to have seen any of the little men from the space ship.
Only other person who officers quoted directly was identified as Billy Ray Taylor. One account said Taylor is a visitor from Pennsylvania, which recently had a similar report of a space ship. Neither Sutton nor Taylor was at home when officers returned to the scene this morning.

The story broke around 11 o'clock last night when two cars, one bearing a Pennsylvania license drove up to Hopkinsville's police headquarters. Officers then at the station said the two autos contained at least five adults and several children. All appeared highly excited.

Spokesmen for the crowd told of how something resembling a space ship or flying saucer had landed at the back of their house near Kelly and 12 or 15 men, who appeared to be about 4 feet tall, had got out of ship and come up to the house and done battle with the occupants.

"We need help," one of the men said, "we've been fighting them for nearly four hours."

Four city police, Chief Russell Greenwell, T.C. Gross, Dorris Francis, and Gray Salter, drove to the scene to see about the "little men". By radio, contact was made with State Troopers R.N. Ferguson Jr. and G.W. Riley and Deputy Sheriff George Batts, all of whom joined the motorcade to Kelly in their own vehicles. Four MP's also went.

The radio discussions also brought two Hopkins County deputy sheriffs and at least three state troopers from the station at Madisonville.

First arrivers found the scene deserted. The two cars which had brought the report to Hopkinsville did not return to the Kelly farm until after officers had arrived and looked the situation over.

Officers reported they found no tracks of "little men," nor was there any mark indicating anything had landed at the described sport behind the house. There was a hole in the screen at the window through which occupants said a shot had been fired at one of the strange little men.

Both Chief Greenwell and Deputy Sheriff Batts said they got approximately this story from the still-terrified and excited Sutton and Taylor families:

About 7 p.m. one of the men went out of the house to get a bucket of water. He saw what looked like a flying saucer come over the trees and land in a field at a point about a city block behind the house. There was no explosion, only a semi-hissing sound, and the watcher returned to the house with the bucket of water.

A short time later somebody reported some little men with big heads and long arms were approaching the house. The men were described as having huge eyes and hands out of proportion to their small bodies. The visitors were wearing what looked to be metal plate.

The men got their guns, a shotgun for Sutton and a .22 caliber target pistol for Taylor. By and by, one of the little men pressed his face against the window and the shotgun was fired through the window. The face disappeared.

The men decided to go outside and see if the visitor had been hit. Taylor was in front and when he emerged from the front door, a huge hand reached down from the low roof above the door and grabbed him by the hair. He pulled away and the two men went on out of the house.

One of the strange little men was in a nearby tree, another on top of the house. A blast from Sutton's shotgun knocked another one of the men down but he did not appear hurt. He disappeared in the darkness.

Taylor reportedly opened fire on other member of the invading party, also with little effect. The battle went on for some time. When the occupants of the house saw their chance, they jumped into their cars and drove to Hopkinsville for help.

Deputy Sheriff Batts said the men told him that in all they fired up about four boxes of .22 pistol shells. The officer quoted a neighbor saying he heard shooting at the Suttons but distinguished only about four shots and mistook them for fire-crackers.
Most of the officers remained at the site for more than two hours. During that period, there were approximately 25 person at the scene.

Only excitement during the period the officers were there came when an MP happened to step on a cat's tail while walking in the darkness near the house. The cat let out a squawl and for a few seconds there was much activity and scurrying around on the part of those present.

Two officers who returned to the Kelly area early this morning reported hearing that the "little men" had reappeared around the Sutton home about 3:30 a.m.

Other investigators who went to Kelly later during the morning said they were told Sutton and Taylor had gone to Evansville today.

Officers who visited the scene during last night's excitement were reluctant to express any opinion today in regard to the reported invasion of Kelly. All officials appeared to agree that there was no drinking involved.

Only outspoken comment came from Frank Dudas, city police desk sergeant, who was not on duty last night and has not visited the scene so far. He said, "I think the whole story is entirely possible."

Sergeant Dudas was one of two city policemen who reported seeing three flying saucers early one morning last summer. He said, "I know I saw them. If I saw them, the Kelly story certainly could be true."

Last edited:
Trindade Island Photographs
(Article from CUFOS,taken and modified for Educational Usage)

By Jerry Clark

Trindade, a small rocky island in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean 600 miles off the coast of Bahia, Brazil, was the site of one of the most impressive photographic cases in UFO history.

In October 1957 the Brazilian Navy set up a small scientific base on the unoccupied island, where oceanographic and meteorological research would be conducted in connection with the International Geophysical Year. Starting early the next month, instrument-bearing weather balloons were launched daily. They were designed to explode in the upper atmosphere, releasing the instrument packages which would parachute to earth to be retrieved by the researchers. By the end of the month base personnel were reporting silvery UFOs which seemed to be monitoring the balloons’ movements.

On January 1,1958, at 7:50 A.M., the passage of a bright point of light, like a mirror reflecting sunlight, was observed by the entire garrison. The next evening a round object with an orange glow circled the Navy tow ship Triunfo traveling off the Bahian coast 400 miles from Trindade. As the crew watched, the UFO executed sudden right-angle turns and at other times hovered near the ship. The sighting lasted for 10 minutes.

The most fantastic event occurred on the sixth. The base’s chief officer, Cmdr. Carlos A. Bacellar, had just overseen the launching of a weather balloon into a morning sky clear of everything but a single large cumulus cloud at 14,000 feet. Inside the radio cabin Bacellar listened to the signals the balloon emitted as it ascended. Suddenly those signals inexplicably diminished, then went dead.

When Bacellar went outside to investigate, he saw nothing out of the ordinary, at least at first. The balloon was ascending normally—until it came directly below the cloud, at which point it seemed to be sucked abruptly upward. For the next 10 minutes it remained out of sight and inside the cloud. Finally, when it reappeared, it was above the cloud and devoid of the instrument package.

Soon a silvery object emerged from behind the cloud. As it moved slowly from the southwest to the east, a technician gazing through a theodolite spotted it and alerted the commander, who viewed it briefly through binoculars, then through a sextant. Crescent-shaped and bright white in color, the object reversed course at one point and remained in sight for some time before it entered a cloud bank (Fontes, 1960).

The photographs

Later [16JAN58], at 12:15 P.M., as the Almirante Saldanha sat anchored off the south coast of Trindade and prepared for a return trip to Rio de Janeiro, 48 crew members and passengers spotted an object approaching the island. Among the witnesses was Almiro Barauna, a civilian who had been brought along because of his skill in underwater photography. Barauna gave this account to João Martins of the magazine 0 Cruzeiro:

I had my Rolleiflex 2.8-model E, which was kept inside an aluminum box for protection against the corrosive effects of water and salt. I had left my Leica with a telephoto lens in my cabin a few minutes before. The deck was full of sailors and officers. Suddenly Mr. Amilar Vieira and [retired Air Force] Capt. [José Teobaldo] Viegas called to me, pointing to a certain spot in the sky and yelling about a bright object which was approaching the island.

At this same moment, when I was still trying to see what it was, Lt. Homero [Ribeiro] — the ship’s dentist—came from the bow toward us, running, pointing to the sky and also yelling about an object he was sighting. He was so disturbed and excited that he almost fell down after colliding with a cable. Then I was finally able to locate the object, by the flash it emitted. It was already close to the island.

It glittered at certain moments, perhaps reflecting the sunlight, perhaps changing its own light — I don’t know. It was coming over the sea, moving toward the point called the Galo Crest. I had lost 30 seconds looking for the object, but the camera was already in my hands, ready, when I sighted it clearly silhouetted against the clouds. I shot two photos before it disappeared behind Desejado Peak. My camera was set at speed 125, with the aperture at f/8, and this was the cause of an overexposure error, as I discovered later.

The object remained out of sight for a few seconds— behind the peak— reappearing bigger in size and flying in the opposite direction, but lower and closer than before, and moving at a higher speed. I shot the third photo. The fourth and fifth ones were lost, not only because of the speed the saucer was moving, but also for another reason: in the confusion produced as a result of the sighting, I was being pulled and pushed by other persons also trying to spot the object and, as a consequence, photographed the sea and the island only—not the object. It was moving again toward the sea, in the direction from which it had come, and it appeared to stop in mid-air for a brief time. At that moment I shot my last photo (the last on the film). After about 10 seconds, the object continued to increase its distance from the ship, gradually diminishing in size and finally disappearing into the horizon [ibid.].

The object was gray, metallic, and solid-looking, though surrounded by a greenish haze or mist. With a ring running through its midsection, it resembled a flattened version of the planet Saturn.

Badly shaken by the experience, Barauna removed the film from the camera almost immediately but delayed processing it for an hour. Finally he and Capt. Viegas entered the ship’s darkroom together, while Cmdr. Bacellar (who had not been on deck when the sighting occurred) waited outside the door. Ten minutes later Barauna showed the wet negatives to Bacellar (there was no photographic paper available) and said that it looked as if the UFO’s image had not been picked up. The commander examined the negatives carefully and spotted the image. Subsequently, the other witnesses stated that the object in the photographs was the one they observed ("New Evidence," 1965).


Barauna took the negatives with him to Rio and processed them in his own laboratory. Shortly afterwards Bacellar showed up at Barauna’s home to look at the developed photographs, which he then took to the Navy Ministry. Two days later he returned them, and shortly thereafter Barauna was summoned to naval headquarters, where high-ranking officers grilled him. The Ministry sent his negatives to the Cruzeiro do Sul Aerophotogrammetric Service for analysis. They were declared genuine. In short order Brazil’s President, Juscelino Kubitschek, ordered them released to the press.

In the days ahead some of the witnesses gave interviews to newspapers. On the twenty-second Cmdr. Paulo Moreira da Silva of the Brazilian Navy’s Hydrography and Navigation Service stated that the "object was not a meteorological balloon, for the one we had launched that day was released at 9 A.M., two [sic] hours before the appearance of the object in the sky... . Also it was not a guided missile from the United States because the island of Trindade is off the route of those rockets."

Olavo T. Fontes, a well-connected Rio physician who represented the Tucson-based Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (A.P.R.O.), learned of the incident from naval informants on February 4. On the evening of the fourteenth, at the Navy Ministry, he was shown five photographs. He did not know then that the fifth had been taken earlier than the first four (Barauna’s photographs), and to this day little is known about this picture. Fontes believed it was taken by a Navy sergeant in late December at Desejado Peak on the island (Lorenzen, 1962).

A naval source later told Fontes that the day before Barauna took his pictures, the Almirante Saldanha’s radar had tracked an unknown object. At 2:30 A.M. on the sixteenth, less than 10 hours before the Barauna sighting, Ezio Azevedo Fundao, chief of surgery at a Rio hospital, and members of his family saw a Saturn-shaped UFO off the coast of Brazil, in the direction of Trindade. At approximately the same time the same or an identical object was observed from the deck of the Tridente, a Navy tow ship.

On February 23 Paulo M. Campos, a reporter for Diario Carioca, citing an unnamed but "best possible" source, wrote that "more than the sighting of the flying saucer itself, what really made a deep impression on the Navy was the report that instruments like radio transmitters, and apparatus with magnetic needles, ceased operating while the flying object remained in the island’s proximity. The Navy decided to

consider this a top-secret fact." When he checked with his own sources, Fontes could get neither confirmation nor denial of this alleged aspect of the event. (In a 1983 interview Barauna recalled that just prior to the UFO’s appearance all of the electrical power on the ship had failed [Smith, 1983].)

After Brazil’s House of Representatives demanded further information from the Navy, it was given a secret report on the official investigation. The document was leaked in October 1964 to Coral Lorenzen, director of APRO. After reviewing the various sightings and the January 16 photographs, its author, Corvette-Capt. Jose Geraldo Brandao, concluded that the "existence of personal reports and of photographic evidence, of certain value considering the circumstance involved [absence of evidence of tampering, the presence of other witnesses], permit the admission that there are indications of the existence of unidentified aerial objects." He also noted the "strong emotional upset . . . in all persons who sighted the object, including the photographer, civilians, and members of the ship’s crew" ("New Evidence," op. cit.).

A hoax?

On November 27, 1959, Donald H. Menzel, a Harvard University astronomer and UFO debunker, wrote Richard Hall of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena to report his "tentative conclusion" concerning the object in the Trindade photograph:

I have in my possession one well-authenticated case of a saturn-like object, whose nature is known and clearly distinguishable in this particular instance. A plane, flying in a humid but apparently super-cooled atmosphere, became completely enveloped in fog, so about all one could see was a division where the stream lines were flowing up and down respectively over and under the wings. The cabin made a saturn-like spot in the center, and the wings closely resembled the appearance of the Brazilian photographs.

The Trindade object’s speed and sprightly maneuvers were explainable, Menzel claimed, as an illusion created by the reflection of sunlight on the plane.

But four years later, in The World of Flying Saucers, Menzel publicly declared the case a hoax, charging that Barauna had faked the photographs via double exposure in collusion with an associate (Menzel and Boyd, 1963). He wrote, without mentioning newspaper articles and official reports to the contrary, that when reporters had a "chance to interview the officers and crewmen who allegedly had observed the Trindade saucer and could support Barauna’s story... [n]one of them had actually seen the object." In fact, in 1959 Hall had provided Menzel with a translation of a March 8, 1958, O Cruzeiro article which names several of the witnesses (Hall, 1959).

Menzel reprints a Brazilian Navy press release, but when the original and Menzel’s version are compared, some significant discrepancies become apparent. In the latter three words are added and six left out.

The original reads: "Evidently, this Ministry cannot make any statement about the object sighted over the island of Trindade, for the photographs do not constitute enough evidence for such a purpose." Menzel renders it thus: "Clearly, this Ministry cannot make any statement about the reality of the object, for the photos do not constitute enough evidence for such a purpose." Whereas the first statement acknowledges an object and a sighting, the second implies that their reality is open to question — hardly the Brazilian Navy’s intention.

Menzel’s attack continues in his next book, The UFO Emgma, wherein — though citing no source — he outlines the "extremely simple" method that he claimed was used to fake the photographs. "In the privacy of his home," Menzel writes, "the photographer had snapped a series of pictures of a model UFO against a black background. He then reloaded the camera with the same film and took pictures of the scenery in the ordinary fashion. When the film was developed, there was the saucer hanging in the sky." Menzel seems to have woven this story out of whole cloth. He also repeats the unfounded allegation that "no one else, except a friend (and presumed accomplice), had seen the disk flying overhead" (Menzel and Taves, 1977).

Though the U.S. Navy, which had expressed interest in the case at the time of its occurrence (Fontes, op. cit.), refused public comment, in a 1963 letter Maj. Carl R. Hart of the U.S. Air Force’s Project Blue Book quoted from an Office of Naval Intelligence report: "This gentleman [Barauna] has a long history of photographic trick shots. . . . [He prepared a purposely humorous article, published in a magazine, entitled ‘A Flying Saucer Hunted Me at Home’, using trick photography" (Hart, 1963). It should be noted that the article was a debunking piece intended to show how a much-publicized 1952 Brazilian flying-saucer photograph was created (Smith, op. cit.).

In 1978 an Arizona-based group, Ground Saucer Watch (GSW), which specialized in analysis of purported UFO photographs (and which had rejected most as phony), subjected good-quality prints to a computer-processing technique, focusing on edge enhancement, color-contouring, picture-cell distortion, and digitizing. GSW’s specialists came to these conclusions:

The UFO image is over 50 feet in diameter. The UFO image in each case reveals a vast distance from the photographer/camera. The photographs show no signs of hoax (i.e., a hand-thrown or suspended model). The UFO image is reflecting light and passed all computer tests for an image with substance. The image represents no known type of aircraft or experimental balloon. Digital densitometry reveals a metallic reflection. We are of the unanimous opinion that the Brazilian photos are authentic and represent an extraordinary flying object of unknown origin [Hewes, 1979].

Given the number of witnesses, the results of photoanalyses both military and civilian (Hopf, 1960), and the need for debunkers to reinvent the incident to "explain" it, it seems most unlikely that the Trindade photographs were hoaxed.


Fontes, Olavo T. "The UAO Sightings at the Island of Trindade." The A.P.R.O. Bulletin Pt. I (January 1960): 5-9; Pt. II (March 1960): 5-8; Pt. III (May 1960): 4-8.

Hall, Richard H. Letter to Donald H. Menzel (November 2,1959). Hall, Richard H., ed. The UFO Evidence. Washington, DC: National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, 1964.

Hart, Carl R. Letter to Richard H. Hall (January 24, 1963).

Hewes, Hayden. "The Mystery Disk over Trindade Island." UFO Report 7,1 (February 1979): 18-19,58.

Hopf, John T. "Exclusive IGY Photo Analysis." The A.P.R.0. Bulletin (May 1960): 1,4.

"IGY Team Snaps UFO." The A.P.R.O. Bulletin (March 1958): 1,6.

Lorenzen, Coral E. The Great Flying Saucer Hoax: The UFO Facts and Their Interpretation. New York: William-Frederick Press, 1962. Revised edition as Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space. New York: New American Library, 1966.

"Brazilian Official Report on the Trindade UFO." Fate 18,3 (March 1965): 38-48.

Menzel, Donald H. Letter to Richard H. Hall (November 27, 1959). Menzel, Donald H., and Lyle G. Boyd. The World of Flying Saucers:A Scientific Examination of a Major Myth of the Space Age.Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company, 1963.

Menzel, Donald H., and Ernest H. Taves. The UFO Enigma: The Definitive Explanation of the UFO Phenomenon. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company, 1977.

"New Evidence on IGY Photos." The A.P.R..0. Bulletin (January 1965): 1,3-8.

Smith, Willy. "Trindade Revisited." International UFO Reporter 8,4 (July/August 1983): 3-5,14.

"UFOs in Latin America." In Hilary Evans with John Spencer, eds. UFOs 1947-1987: The 40-Year Search for an Explanation, 97-113. London: Fortean Tomes, 1987.

"UFO Photo Certified by Brazilian Navy Labeled a Hoax by USAF." The UF0 Investigator 1,10 (July/August 1960): 3.

* By permission of the author. Clark, J. "Trindade Island Photographs." The UFO Encyclopedia: The phenomenon from the beginning (2nd ed., Vol. 2, pp. 898-903). Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics, Inc. 1998

More on the same case in next post.Single Post could make it Hotch Potch.

Simoes Letter 02/23/58

The Trindade Isle Case

São Paulo, February 23, 1958.

Dear Lex,

It has been a long time since I last "talked" with you. Things are really piling up and by reading your last two issues of the CSI Newsletter I became certain that you’ll be able to understand why I have been so quiet lately. It seems as though the discs are on their final approach.

Clesi has written to you thanking the nice prints of our photos. Have you received her letter? She wrote it all by herself. Isn’t she making process?

Escobar has sent back Isabel's report about the Kelly landing, but I could see that he was not convinced at all. You know how things are: we would like to see the things in order to fully believe. I spoke to him for about two hours after his conferência — public lecture — about saucers. He was courageous enough to tell the public that he believes a contact is possible, so much so that every now and then he goes to desert places equipped with binoculars and cameras, and tries hard even with telepathy, to bring the discs about. This is funny because Escobar does not believe in Adamski and other contactees who say that telepathy is the Escobar because he says anything is to be experimented in order to made contact.

The other day I mailed to you from the Airport, the front page of "0 Correio da Manhñ" black with prints of a saucer seen and photographed the School Ship of the Brazilian Navy, "Saldanha da Gama". Since the happening is perhaps the most significative event concerning saucers, I am translating, somewhat hurriedly, some clippings appearing in the Brazilian papers. I don’t think I’ll. be able to get prints from the negatives, but I am trying anyway.

From "0 Diário de São Paulo" of São Paulo, February 21, 1958.

Rio, 20 (Meridional) Flying disc (now official) has been seen and photographed on January 16, about noon, by more than 100 people who were on the deck of the School Ship Almirante Saldanha, at the service of the IGY. The thing happened exactly when the sail ship was weighting anchor to leave Trindade Island. The photos were taken by Almiro Baraúna, who was photographing the hauling of a motor—boat. Baraúna was using his Rolleiflex when he noticed above the horizon a strange flash that soon disappeared. Puzzled he waited for the thing to appear again. Then it happened anew he started snapping. He shot 6 photos but only four were good, because in the confusion, someone pushed him twice while he was using his camera.

The presence of a flying saucer over Trindade provoked goose pimples in all who were aboard the ship and an officer became truly terror— stricken. The disc was seen by almost everybody at the same time and at that moment there was a true stampede, everybody wishing to see the thing.

Then the disc disappeared and Captain José dos Santos Saldanha da Gama to his ancestor, a heroes of the Brazilian everything came back to normal, (name same as the ship in homage to his ancestor, a hero of the Brazilian Navy) asked Almiro Baraúna to surrender the roll of undeveloped negatives. Soon after, by unanimous decision the film was developed under the supervision of some officers.

The subject was then channeled by Captain José Saldanha da Gama, Commander of the "Saldanha da Gama" to the Navy authorities, who started a severe investigation about the photos so that no doubt would be cast about their authenticity. It has been proven — there many certificates — that there’s no possibility of fraud and that the photos taken were taken at the exact time of the sighting.

On the eve of the sighting, d.h., on January 15th, the saucer had been detected by the ship’s radar, also about noon. The men in charge of the device thought the radar was out of order and made a through check to ascertain whether it was working properly.

According to information obtained from people belonging to the Navy, stationed at lIha da Trindade later confirmed by Commander Carlos Bacelar, this was the fourth time that the disc appeared over the island.

According to our own information the Navy authorities will make no statements about the photos and the publicity the subject as gotten has been disagreeable to the Navy.

Rio, 20 (Meridional) — The President received today at the Palace Rio Negro, the photos of a saucer taken by the Navy over Trindade Island. Our informer, one aid of the President said that Mr. Juscelino Kubitscheck has been very much impressed by the photos.

"From "Fôlha da Manhñ", São Paulo February 21, 1958.

Rio, 20 (Folhas) — Commander Pedro Moreira, from the Cabinet of the Ministry of the Navy, has confirmed today to the press that really the crew of the School—Ship "Almirante Saldanha" had photographed a "strange object" when it flew over Trindade Island, while the ship was working for the ICY.

The crew of the ship were disembarking (other news say the ship was leaving the island) when they saw in the sky a strange object, developing a speed out of common. Some of the crew were able to take photographs from several different angles and all these photos were apprehended by order of the ship skipper.

A speaker of the Navy, although confirming the veracity of the information, kept mute about the happening. He only said that no official statement will be made about the subject.

Our reporters found out that the author of the publicized photos was the civilian Baraúna who was detached aboard a submarine—chaser. The ship "Almirante Saldanha" is commanded by Captain José dos Santos Saldanha da Gama, who channeled the material to the Department of Hydrography and Navigation. The director of the Department, delivered the material do the Minister of the Navy.

The Navy authorities told the reporters that the Navy had nothing to do with the disc and that its only connection with the fact was that a civilian reporter happened to be aboard the ship who was normally disembarked when the ship returned to Rio do Janeiro.

The School—Ship is at anchor off Rio de Janeiro Bay and we have learned that the crew is forbidden to talk to reporters, according to severe orders especially issued.

From "Fôlha da Manhñ" de Sao Paulo, Feb. 22From "Fôlha da Manhñ" de Sao Paulo, Feb. 22.

Rio, 21 (Folhas) — The Navy has only confirmed the news that a flying disc was photographed from aboard the school Ship "Almirante Saldanha", while the ship was anchored of Trindade Island, in oceanographic operations on behalf of then IGY. The strange silvery object was flying over Crista do Gallo mountain on that island. The news that the object would be a saucer, as said by the press, is lacking official and scientific confirmation by the Navy.

Talking to reporters, Admiral Antonio Maria de Carvalho said peremptorily: "I can’t say a thing about the subject. There’s nothing concrete and positive authorizing me to make a statement. It would be premature and even puerile of me to make statements, since I have no elements to make a correct judgement."

When he was asked whether a commission had been designated to study the subject he said: "There is no such a commission. There’s a group of scientists about the "Saldanha da Gama", researching for the IGY. and they have been working for more than a year. Their studies are related only to oceanography."

Said Commander Tales Barty of the President’s Cabinet, about the news that the President had seen the photos: "I know nothing about it, but considering the loud cry of the press it is possible that Cabinet, about the news that the President had seen something is true."

The Captain of "Saldanha da Gama," said: "It is strange that the fact was released to the press. I have nothing to say about the event. Only the Chief of Staff can make statements."

Asked to tell his opinion about the photos, he said: "I confess sincerely that I have not yet seen the photos. I can’t tell anything more."

While the reporters were trying to get more news, they again learned that the photos had been delivered to the President and that the reporter Baraúna, was detached to take photos of the frog—men’s work, while the School Ship. Reporter Baraúna was reported to have said that he had succeeded in photographing the disc when it had appeared over the island for the fourth time. (four discos or four apparitions of just one?)

According to information obtained, a Sargent had also taken some photos, using a box—camera. These photos had been reasonably clear. Inhabitants of the island had. been commenting on the apparition of saucers of the ocean.

Last 16th (January of February?) , exactly at 11:55 local time, reporter Almiro Baraúna posted on the poop of the vessel heard the cry "Saucer, ho!" (Olha o disco!). He was with his Rolloiflex ready to photograph the hoisting of a launch — the operation marking the end of the expedition off Trindade —— and started shooting pictures. Later he said: "It took me about 30 seconds to see the object. Its glow seemed or looked like the sun rays over a car windshield. Then I noticed that. it was detached against the background of clouds I shot the first three photos. At this moment, flashing at high speed the disc disappeared behind the Desejado Peak. Two seconds later, however, it reappeared flying horizontally and very low. It stopped for about five seconds over the line of the horizon and again disappeared. I was so nervous that I lost the following shots."

The reporters were informed that while Baraúna was taking his photos, the object could be soon by Commander Carlos Bacellar, formerly in charge of the Navy Corps in the island, by Captain Theobaldo Viegas from the Air Force and First Lieutenant Dentist, and several sailors and newspaper men.

Rio, 21 (Folhas) — The Chief of Staff of the Navy declared: "I considered the fact as alien to the activities of the Navy, because the flying disc or any related phenomenon was photographed by a civilian reporter, who happened to be aboard the ship, Officially the Command and the officers of the "Almirante Saldanha" did not acknowledge the fact and did not see supposed flying disc. They learned about fact through the civilian who was aboard and through the sailors who had se en the thing. Nevertheless the film — negatives and prints — were sent to the Navy authorities who carefully examined the material.

The Ministry of Aeronautics where there’s a department to study the phenomenon, became interested in the subject.

The "Almirante Saldanha" sailed this morning, so that the scientists aboard the ship can continue their studies and oceanographic researches in connection with the ICY.

Rio, 21 (Folhas) At the end of the evening it was learned that several officers of the Navy were realizing tests with the films taken by Baraúna. One of the laboratories visited by the officers was the highly specialized Aerofrotogrametric Services of Cruzeiro do Sul Airlines. All tests revealed that the photos and negatives were authentic.

It has been said that the Chief of Staff of the Navy has sent to the President a report about the incursion of discs over the Trindade Island, including the photos taken by Baraúna and three others formerly taken.

Photographer Joaquim Simões, from Niteroi who was a friend of Baraúna, declared that when they lived together he seen seen in the laboratory of his friend, the same photos of the saucers.

From "0 Estado de São Paulo", February 23rd.

Rio, 22 (By telephone) — This afternoon the following official note was distributed to the press by the Navy Minister:

"Relatively to the news spread by the press that this Ministry is being opposed to the divagation of facts about the apparition of a strange object over the Trindade Island, this Ministry states that such news (that the Ministry is opposed to divagation) are not true. This Ministry see no reason why the news should not be released as well as the photos taken by Mr. Almiro Baraúna who was at Trindade Island invited by the Navy and who photographed the disc in presence of several men belonging to the crew of the NE Saldanha da Gama, from there the photos were obtained. It is clear that this Ministry cannot make any statement about the object seen over Trindade, because the photos are not proof sufficient to any statement.

The School Ship Admiral Saldanha and the dreadnoughts "Babitonga" and "Bertioga" sailed this morning to Trindade

The "Saldanha da Gama" sailed this morning before any newspapermen had a chance to interview crew members about the incidents at Trindade. The Safety Council speaker said that so far no official note from the Navy had been addressed that Department about the Trindade incident.

The newspaper "Tribuna da Imprensa" writes that yesterday the photos of the disc were sent to the United States. The American authorities throng the Embassy in Rio has has requested copies to make comparisons.

Today the press brought the news that the Ministry of the May sent a report to the Ministry of the War, about the saucer seen over Trindade, and that the Navy denies the skipper of the School Ship Saldanha da Gama and its crew had seen the disc.

We'll, Lex, the thing has started here too. When I mailed the photos you may have received by now, I wrote an article to São Paulos "Diário da Noite", saying that the same policy of smoke screen would follow the news, as always happen when a really good case happens. You see that I was not mistaken. The authorities will do their best to muffle the case. Incidentally I have Maffei, through the Press, to get out of his hole and face the mess he has helped to create. I’ll send you the clipping after it is published tomorrow.

Isabel’s reporter is with Mr. Nevin Kroll, who is now in USA, and that is the reason why I have not given it back.

Since I came back I have been forbidden to read or write, on account of a terrible pain in my left eye. I have been several sets of spectacles and have now discovered by myself, that when I sleep more than four hours, the pain goes away. Then I told the doctor about this, he said it was because I was overworking and staying awake too long. Just imagine, I have to take siestas, every day!

Well, I have bought that electrical typewriter after all. It is an Italian Olivetti and cost 800 dollars. How do you like that? My best regards to all our friends.


*NOTE: Some but not all grammar, typing and spelling errors have been corrected from the original letter.

Fontes Letter 03/15/58

The Trindade Isle Case
March 15, 1958

Dear Dick Hall:

Please forgive the long delay in answering your thoughtful and very kind letter of December 21. I had been intending to write to you for a long time—but, as you know, we never have time to do what we plan. Only now it was possible to get out from under the mountain of work I have been engaged since December. As in your country, doctors here are always busy with their patients; besides, I had to do also an exhaustive bibliographic revision for a medical article I am writing (about "Hepatic Coma"); and, to make things worse, hundreds and hundreds of UFOs began to appear everywhere over my country, day after day, since the launching of Sputnik II taking the spare time I still had.

Thank you very much for the copies of "Satellite" you sent gratis for my files—as a gift. I have now a better idea of your work in UFO-research. Your bulletins are excellent of high quality, including highly interesting sightings unavailable elsewhere and many other fascinating items. It seems that you understood, like myself, that the only way to enlarge our knowledge about UFOs is to study the available evidence collected through the world, i.e., sighting reports. Some UFO—editors apparently do not realize the point: they discuss anything that can be included in an UFO-bulletin with a only exception--case reports. One of them even said recently: " There is no interest in reviewing the great number of sightings reported on my country the last month, they are always the same". I am glad that you are not like him, and I hope to see "Satellite" appearing again in the future to fill the gap left by its premature and unwanted death.

It is my opinion for the present that the UFO—people are indifferent about us, as individuals, but definitely hostile toward our military organizations. I am completely convinced of it. I don’t know, however, if this hostility was spontaneous from the very first time—or if it was raised as a consequence of the attempts to shot down UFOs by our jet—fighters. like you, I don’t trust statistics; but in some cases statistical evidence cannot be discarded easily. For example, in your country, there are actually eight or nine major aircraft accidents involving military planes occurring on the average every day, seven days a week. The number of major air accidents, since 1952,was the following:

Air Force Navy Total

1952 2.274 2.086 4.360
1953 2.075 2.325 4.400
1954 1.873 1.911 3.784
1955 1.664 1.566 3.230
1956* 1.530 1.358 2.888
* first 10 months FIVE YEAR'S TOTAL: 18.662

These numbers are official (source: US Dept. of Defense). Fast new jets it appears, account most those major accidents. While they still account for only a minor fraction of the total air time flown in the armed services, they are involved in most of the plane crashes and result in 62 per cent of all pilot deaths in the Air Force, 53 per cent of pilots fatalities in the Navy.

Of all accidents in Air Force and Navy aircraft, the survey found 56.2 per cent to be caused by pilot error: 8.1 per cent by ground—crew or other personnel failure; 23.4 per cent by failure of parts and equipment in the aircraft: 2.8 per cent by various "unsafe conditions", and 9.5 per cent by unknown factors.

I confess I was astounded when I was informed about this situation. The total number of major air crashes (18.662) shocked me. It is too large to be attributed to natural factors only. Besides, the fact that jet—fighters account for most of those major accidents is strange enough, in my opinion, to justify a careful evaluation of the hostility theory. Another clue to be considered is the unexplainable occurrence of "series crashes"—involving military and civilian planes all-over the world—which have been observed with increasing frequency since 1952. This cannot be attributed to meteorological factors or other local causes because it is a world—wide phenomenon all times it happens. Coincidence? I don’t believe. Some freak world-wide atmospheric disturbance (still unknown to us) caused by magnetic storms in the Sun? I don’t think so.

Since November 1955, I begin to collect newspaper clippings about aircraft accidents though the world. These accidents were charted a according to their monthly incidence. They are not evenly distributed: there are lulls and peak months. Then, in another chart, I recorded the monthly incidence of UFO-sightings through the world for the same period (fifteen months). I found the same type of graph. Moreover, the two diagrams were entirely similar: the same lulls, the same peak months. Of course, there is a flaw in this experiment which might alter the results: the recorded data are not complete. In fact, many UFO—sightings never appear in the papers (or in UFO-newsletters and bulletins); the same thing can be expected for airplane crashes, chiefly when happening on distant countries. Besides this, we have no information about the incidence of both phenomena on countries behind the Iron Curtain. However, if local samples carefully selected can be taken as representative of the whole, the complete diagrams would not be different from the ones I have obtained. And local samples obtained in my country are almost complete, I am sure. They are impressing: in July— August, 1957, for example, an unusual number of aircraft disasters (and UFO—sightings)was registered in Brazil; the interval, between occurrences of each kind was always of only a day or two; and, in some cases, it was even reduced to a few hours only. A disturbing pattern....

There is also the matter of individual air accidents. Many of them are definitely unexplainable by known factors. In some cases there is evidence that an external object was involved. In others an UFO had been sighted in the same area or region—before or after the accident. Another disturbing coincidence.....

I don’t like statistics—but I don’t like "coincidences", too.

When one assumes the investigation of aircraft crashes to be the best way of learning about the possibility of UFO-hostility; when he finds a strange pattern which cannot fit anything excepting interference by an unknown factor; when he discovers many clues indicating a concrete relation between this factor and the presence of UFOs in our skies—there is no other alternatives left than to believe the UFO people are hostile.

You know, of course, that UFOs have done a very methodical reconnaissance of our planes, airfields, Air Force bases, atomic-plants, power—centers, missiles proving—grounds, radar and missile installations, war activities and maneuvers (as in Korea, for example), and industrial areas. Some people refuse to recognize the military implication of this behavior and prefer to attribute it to their curiosity about our technical progress. Then, why aren't they interested about our largest cities? How many UFOs had been sighted over New York, Chicago, London, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires?

There is also the close observation of fortifications, fortresses, quarters and bases of the Brazilian Army which began after the launching of Sputnik II—a pattern never repeated before on any country. The first Army sighting occurred on November 6 and was followed by many others through the country, during the Nov.-Dec. UFO flap. I have already twelve cases of the kind in my files. Why this sudden interest about terrestrial military defenses of my country? Scientifical curiosity only?

I discussed with Escobar his argument that, if there were organized hostility, there should be obvious evidence of it. We still do not agree with each other. I believe there is non organized hostility—yet--because this means open war, which would include a planet— wide invasive operation with mass-landings at strategical points everywhere. Two conditions would be requisite for the success of such a kind of operation (even for space-people with best weapons than ours): a sudden attack with all forces—and surprise. Because of the last condition, small—scale organized hostility is not desirable in the present stage, before the all-over attack. What exists now (if the hypothesis is right) is, in my opinion, the following: 1) scattered attacks against jet-fighters attempting to approach or to shot down UFOs; 2) isolated attacks against any solitary plane (military or civilian), as experiments to test their weapons, missiles, ultra—sonic beams, etc.; or with other unknown purposes.

Even in this case there should be obvious evidence of it, I know. It would be obvious for the military, in any case. But it might be concealed from the people, however, if there was a rigid censorship to hide the truth. And there is censorship about UFOs, carried out by the same people who are constantly trying to ridicule and debunk the whole subject. It is indeed a funny paradox....

My dear Dick Hall, I do not want to convince you, I only wanted to show why I think that the UFO people are hostile.

I have in my files the "Life" article quoted in "Satellite", Aug. 1957. You are right, it is a clear admission that US Air Force believes UFOs to be "space-ships"—this in 1952. Then something happened, there was an amazing turnabout, and they have been denying it vehemently ever since. The public has been deliberately misled by the authorities ever since. Let’s consider, for example, the last dishonest statement by the US Air Force-—the "Lie Sheet" released on Nov. 5— which repeats the old rigmarole about geese, kites, etc., reported as saucers ; and about the small number of reports that turn out to be true Unknowns: "only 1.9 per cent out of 250 reports in the first half of 1957." It is a lie, as I will show you. I am going to tell a very interesting story On January 16, 1958, at noon, a flying saucer appeared over the Trindade Island, a small rocky Brazilian island lost in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Since July, 1957, it has been used as a base for certain IGY investigations. A Navy research-group was there to do the task, with the help of a civilian scientists. A Navy vessel, the "NS Almirante Saldanha", was also there, being used as a hydrographic ship. Then came the UFO. What happened was printed on the first page of All newspapers though my country, on Feb. 21-22. The following was quoted from "O Jornal", Rio de Janeiro (Feb. 21):

"Flying Saucer Sighted and Photographed from the "Almirante Saldanha"

"A FLYING SAUCER (now official) was sighted at noon, on January 16, 1958, by more than one hundred persons placed on the deck of the school ship "Almirante Saldanha’, now doing investigations related with the IGY, in the exact moment the ship was preparing to leave the Trindade Island—and was photographed by a member of the expedition, Mr. Aluiro Baraúna, who was taking some shots of a boat being moved into the ship when the saucer appeared. Baraúna had his "Rolleiflex" in his hands when he noticed a strange brightness in the horizon’s line, which rapidly disappeared. Puzzled, he continued to watch and suddenly saw the "thing" come back. He adjusted his camera and began to take shots. He got six photos, but only four could be used—because he was pushed by someone when taking the others, and photographed only the sea waters

The film was developed aboard: The sighting of the flying saucer over the Trindade Island scared all who sighted it. There was even an officer who was so terrorized that was found trembling and mumbling meaningless words—entirely out of his mind. The saucer was seen simultaneously by almost everybody and caused a tremendous running and confusion aboard— everybody trying to see the strange object. When ,it had disappeared and everything was again in order on the ship, Captain of Sea—and—War Jose dos Santos Saldanha da Gama, commander of the "NS Almirante Saldanha", requested the film from Mr. Baraúna. A few moments later, according to a suggestion of some Navy officers, this film was developed by Baraúna—in the presence of Commander Bacelar and other officers.

Inquiry in the Navy: Captain of Sea-and-War Saldanha da Gama reported the matter to Navy Headquarters, at Rio, and a careful investigation was made on the film, to prevent any doubt regarding its authenticity. It is proved—and there are official documents to testify it—that the photos are genuine and that the object appearing in them was the same which was sighted over the island. There is no possibility of a falsification.

It had been spotted by radar: The day before the sighting, approximately at the same hour, the flying saucer had been spotted by the ship’s radar. But radar operators thought that strange "blip" was caused by some kind of trouble in the apparatus—and rechecked it to see if it was operating properly. It was. Besides this, information given by Navy men living in the island and confirmed by Commander Carlos Bacelar, the commanding officer at the Trindade Island, revealed that this was the fourth appearance of the saucer over that region in the last months.

The Navy will not release any statement: We are informed that Navy authorities are not going to release any statement about the photos of the flying saucer. The publicity given to those photos worried the Navy General Staff."

I can assure that all the facts described above are true. The photos are spectacular. The Navy was going to keep the whole matter secret, but this plan was disrupted by our President, who released the photos to the press. I knew about them since Feb. 4—and even got permission to examine them under compromise. It was done on February 14, when I went to the Navy Ministry according to the instructions received the day before. There are other important details I have learned about this case, which will be described in a report I am writing about the subject. But you have enough, here, to realize the extraordinary importance of this incident—one of the best in the whole history of UFOs so far.

I was going to prove that US Air Force has released dishonest statements about UFOs Now, I will show you something related with that purpose. It is the following:

On February 26, a high-staff officer from the USA? arrived at the Galeao International Airport, in Rio de Janeiro. He was Major-General Thomas Darcy, who had been envoyed to country to represent the USAF in the Military Commission for Brazil and U.S.A. Defense. He had already made a number of trips to my country related with his position in that Commission. Major—General Thomas Darcy had been a former Commander of the 22 Tactical Air Command) at the time of World War II. By a strange "coincidence’ , he arrived at Rio only five days after the publication of the Trindade photos in the Brazilian press. He was interviewed by reporters of Rio’s newspapers, still in the Airport. As expected, under the circumstances described above, he was asked about the USAF opinion regarding the flying saucers. His answer was the following (transcribed verbatim):

"In the United States Air Force, we have a well established viewpoint about flying saucers. We came to the conclusion that, in 85 per cent of the cases, the so-called "UFOs" are explained as natural phenomena produced in the atmosphere. For the other 15 per cent, the mystery remains--and we prefer to give no opinion about subject." (the underlines are mine--Dr.Fontes)

He was asked then about the reasons of his trip. He gave the following answer:

"There are many reasons. The first is related with the delivering of airplanes and instruments for anti-submarine defense. As to the other, I regret to inform that I can’t tell anything about them."

"In his trip to Brazil", he concluded, "I am going to study the several problems which attract the interest of our countries, and I will visit, of course, the Air Base of Salvador."

The AF Base at Salvador, capital of the State of Bahia, is the last scale in the continent en route for the Trindade Island, the nearest one.

The contradiction between the statement of Major-General Thomas Darcy (quoted from the newspaper "0 Globe", Feb. 27) and the last statements by the US Air Force (chiefly the "Lie Sheet released on Nov. 5) is evident. The difference between 1.9 per cent and 15 per cent is too large to be attributed to a single difference of opinions. One of them is obvious false and was deliberately released to misled the public opinion—there is no other choice.

It is not right to keep secret information that concerns the human race as a whole. Unfortunately we are living in times when suppression of the truth is always justified for "reasons of security", or loved merely for suppression’s sake, to gratify the egos of faceless military authorities who think they are entitled to conceal the facts from the people--the ones who have the right to know. Why? Maybe because they are the ones who cannot stand the whole truth: that they are very small frogs in very insignificant puddles, that their petty "cold war" means nothing and must be stopped, etc., etc. Or maybe they cannot stand the truth regarding the reasons of UFOs—hostility against us (if they are so); if it is the case, it seems highly probable that the policy to shot down flying saucers changed their curiosity in hostility. If so, the military are the men who opened the Pandora box, the ones who cannot stand the public announcement of their wrong and dangerously foolish activities.

I ‘ve read your excellent article "The UFOs and proof", printed on "UFO Newsletter". The alleged absence of physical proof to work with, so frequently used as argument against UFO—reality is no more the true thing. The cry of "no physical evidence" can be disregard— now. Because physical evidence of the existence of the UFOs was finally found in my country . I have it. This evidence is constituted by fragments of a flying disk that exploded near a beach close to the town of Ubatuba, São Paulo, on September, 1957. The object appeared suddenly in the sky and approached the beach at fantastic speed. It was coming down toward the sea and a crash seemed imminent. When almost touching the waters, however, in the last moment, the disk tried a desperate maneuver to avoid the disaster. Thus, it made a sharp upward turn and climbed up again, rapidly, on a tremendous impulse. But them came the end: the flying disk exploded in flames, a few seconds later. It disintegrated into thousands of fiery fragments that fell toward the sea—sparkling with such a magnificent brightness that they looked like "fireworks", even at noon (the time of the accident). The larger ones fell into deep waters, but a number of small pieces fell close to the beach and were picked up by the witnesses—persons fishing at the beach that day. They got a large amount of that material which seemed to be almost as light as paper. I got three small samples of the disk’s fragments, three pieces of a dull—gray metallic substance that really looked like fragments disintegrated from a larger metallic structure. They weren’t smooth and polished on the outside, but rough and irregular; one piece even showed a deep longitudinal crack running through almost two thirds of it, plus a number of minute, almost microscopic, longitudinal fissures at different places—as if that piece had been disrupted under the action of a powerful force. Besides, there were whitish areas scattered on the surface of all samples, produced by the deposition of a thin, adherent layer of a powdered substance which presented some similarity with the powdered cinder adherent to the surface of a chunk of burned charcoal—as if the metallic pieces had been scorched by fire, or injured by too much heat or radiation. Since October, 1957, a careful chemical study of these "disk’s fragments" is being made at several laboratories in my country and elsewhere. The results already received showed that they are made of magnesium (Mg)—the lightest of the structural metals. The incredible thing was that this magnesium was found to be absolutely pure (100.00 % in Mg); no "trace" of any other metallic element was detected by the spectrographic analysis; no impurity of any kind was discovered by X-Ray diffraction studies of the samples. The white powdered substance was identified as being magnesium hydroxide (a result of oxidation in the water)—which obviously was not in the original material.

Absolutely pure magnesium represents a technological development outside the range of present-day scientific achievements on the field of Metallurgy. The purest magnesium ever manufactured on this Earth is the ASTM "standard of purity’ for magnesium (ASTM 4-0770) from the National Bureau of Standards. It still contains (by the spectrographic analysis) the following impurities: " Ca<0.1 %; and traces of Al, Cu, Fe, and Si."

The case is still unpublished——but shall be in the near future, as soon as all the analyses’ reports have been received. Until there, do not tell about the case to any one; please keep the whole thing absolutely secret. I ask you to do this as a favour. There are very good reasons for it, as you will understand later.

That’s it for now on this end. With kind regards, I am

Sincerely yours,

Olavo Fontes, M.D.
*NOTE: Some but not all grammar, typing and spelling errors have been corrected from the original letter.


By John T. Hopf

Editor’s Note: We will precede the conclusion of Dr. Fontes’ article on the IGY photographs with the following analysis of the photographs which was performed for APRO by our Photo Analyst, Mr. John T. Hopf. Coupled with the documented physical evidence case in our files, we feel that our case for the extraterrestrial nature of the UAO is complete. The analysis follows:

The four photographs taken by Almiro Barauna on January 16, 1958 are without a doubt the finest record of a UAO to come into my hands. Although there can be no question of their authenticity due to the circumstances under which they were taken, I have made a careful study of the 8 x 10 enlargements sent to me. I am satisfied that these enlarged prints and the blow-ups from them which I made for publication in the Bulletin show all or nearly all the detail that was visible in the negatives. (A.P.R.O. could not obtain the negatives.)

The data as previously published in the Bulletin is as follows—Camera: Rolleiflex, Model E, F2.8 lens. Exposure: F8, 1/125 second. Kind of film: Not stated. Time of day: 12:20 p.m. Weather: Bright overcast.

Six exposures were made in 14 seconds as determined by subsequent tests with the same camera and photographer. Two of these (Nos. 4 and 5) did not show the object as the photographer’s aim was upset by the confusion on deck.

I have carefully weighed this data against the actual appearance of the photographs and have reached these conclusions:

The general appearance of the sky, water, rock detail, etc., indicates that they were taken on an overcast day.

The density and contrast of the UAO is that of a solid object at a considerable distance from the camera under such lighting conditions. This was checked by comparison with many similar distant photographs of conventional aircraft taken under overcast conditions. This comparison also indicates a likely size of 120 x 24 feet as deduced from the studies and tests made by the Brazilian government.

The object is not luminous or cloud-like as in many other UAO photographs.

The shutter speed of 1/25 second used would be enough to "stop" an object going several hundred miles an hour if it were far enough from the camera, as this one was. It is interesting to note that the outline of the object is quite sharp in views Nos. 2 and 3 where it had slowed down, but slightly blurred in Nos. 1 and 4 where it was going at a higher speed and the shutter setting was not high enough to freeze the motion. Greater distance would also contribute to this effect.

I can see no evidence of a vapor trail or luminous halo as reported by some witnesses. This may not have registered due to overexposure of the sky background.

Had the shutter been set at 1/250 or 1/500 second, we would have had a much sharper set of pictures; however, Mr. Barauna should be complimented on his alertness and self-control in getting photographs as good as these under such trying conditions. Had he stopped to reset his shutter speed, we might not have had this valuable evidence at all.

*Hopf, John T. "Exclusive IGY Photo Analysis." The A.P.R.0. Bulletin (May 1960): 1,4.
NICAP has carefully studied prints (but not the negatives) of the four successful exposures of a Saturn-shaped UFO, the verbal accounts and relevant facts. The UFO was sighted about noon January 16, 1958, from the deck of the Brazilian IGY ship "Almirante Saldanha" by a retired Brazilian Air Force officer, Capt. Jose Teobaldo Viegas, and Amilar Vieira Filho, chief of a group of submarine explorers on board. They alerted Almiro Barauna, an expert submarine photographer, who managed to take four successful pictures. Many other officers and men, attracted by the commotion, soon witnessed the UFO, including Capt.-Lt. Homero Ribeiro, ship's dentist. Capt. Viegas later stated: "The First view was that of a disc shining with a phosphorescent glow, which--even in daylight--appeared to be brighter than the moon. The object was about the apparent size of the full moon. As it followed its path across the sky, changing to a tilted position, its real shape was clearly outlined against the sky: that of a flattened sphere encircled, at the equator, by a large ring or platform."

In his 1963 book ("The World of Flying Saucers"), Dr. Donald H. Menzel labels the Trindade photographs a hoax. His main reason appears to be that Mr. Barauna is a skilled photographer capable of faking a picture, and in fact, Dr. Menzel says, once did produce a fake "flying saucer" to illustrate an article. Further, Dr. Menzel notes, several of the witnesses, including Barauna were members of the same submarine explorers group on board ship (implying complicity in a hoax). However, other witnesses were not members of the explorer's group and there is no evidence of fakery in the case.

On February 25, 1958 (four days after the pictures were first publicized by the Brazilian press) United Press reported from Rio de Janeiro that the Brazilian Navy Ministry vouched for the Trindade photographs. The report went on: "Navy Minister Adm. Antonio Alves Camara said after meeting with President Juscelino Kubitschek in the summer Presidential Palace at Petropolis, that he also vouched personally for the authenticity of the pictures." This would be a curious statement to make to newsmen if the Navy had any suspicion of a hoax.

The pictures and negatives were analyzed by both the Navy Photo Reconnaissance Laboratory and the Cruzeiro do Sul Aerophotogrammetric Service, both agreeing the pictures were authentic. The latter's written conclusion stated: "It was established that no photographic tricks are involved. The negatives are normal."

Correspondence between U.S. UFO groups and leadingBrazilian investigators drew out many facts about the ease, including background information about other similar sightings at Trindade Isle over a period of time, all of which tends to substantiate the January 16 sighting and photographs. No suspicion of hoax was uncovered by J. Escobar Faria, Sao Paulo attorney (NICAP Adviser), Dr. Olavo Fontes, M.D., in Rio dejaneiro (APRO Spec ial Representative), or other Brazilian correspondents in a position to ascertain the facts. fSee APRO Bulletins, January, March, and May 1960 for detailed series of articles about the Trindade photographs by Dr. Fontes].

more in next post...
Lt. Col. Tacker Letter 07/08/60


Dear Mr. Hall:

This is to acknowledge your letter of 29 June 1960
concerning a Trindade Isle UFO sighting and the APRO
claim to possess UFO metal samples.

U. S. Navy evaluated the Trindade Isle sighting and
reported to the Air Force on their findings. The Trindade Isle
sighting we determined to be a hoax.

In a Western Union telegram to this office, Mrs. Coral
Lorensen of APRO declined sending to the Air Force for
evaluation the UFO residue they claim to possess.


Lawrence J. Tacker
Lt. Colonel, USAF
Public Information Division
Office of Information

Mr. Richard Hall
1536 Connecticute Ave., N.W
Washington 6, D. C.
*NOTE: Some but not all grammar, typing and spelling errors have been corrected from the original letter.

more in next post...

The Trindade Isle Case continued:Hall Letter 07/12/60

National Investigations Committee

Telephone NORTH 7-9434 July 12, 1959


Lt. Colonel Lawrence J. Tacker
Public Information Division
Office of Information
Department of the Air Force
Washington 25, D.C.

Dear Colonel Tacker:

Thank you for your letter of July 8 in which you state that the January 1958 Trindade Isle, Brazil, UFO case involving photographs of the alleged UFO "was determined to be a hoax." Do I interpret your letter correctly as stating that this was an Air Force determination based on a Navy evaluation?

It is inconceivable to us that the U.S. Air Force did rot feel obliged to offer a more detailed explanation of its reasons for considering this case a hoax, particularly in view of the fact that the sighting and photographs were fully authenticated by Brazilian authorities and released to the press by the President of brazil. Are these authorities, Including the President and ranking Brazilian Naval officers who endorsed the photographs only after careful study, accused of perpetrating a hoax? If not, what reason is there for considering the case a hoax?

The photographs were carefully evaluated and authenticated by several laboratories in Brazil, including the Aerophotogrammetic Laboratory of Cruzeiro do Sul Airlines in Rio de Janeiro. Have U S. Navy laboratories, or other photographic experts in This country, conducted comparable evaluations of the photographic data which form the basis of the U.S. Air Force conclusion?

In view of the serious nature of a charge of "hoax," and the detailed factual evidence the Brazilian sources in this case . which remains unexplained and unanswered by the U.S. Air Force we feel that a flat statement of the sort received fails to account for facts in any rational or scientific ways Since the implication is that no "unknown" was involved, we hereby’ request a copy of the evaluation report as authorized by AFR 200-2 in cases listed as "explained."

Sincerely yours,

Richard Hall

Secretary of NICAP

*NOTE: Some but not all grammar, typing and spelling errors have been corrected from the original letter.

More letter follow-ups on Trindade Pics in next Posting...