Common Ancestors?

I believe people when stressed may become either suicidal, or homicidal. I am not the suicidal type.
I really dislike seeing gross ignorance strutted upon the stage of life as a plus point.


Do you have a personal stake in this?

Is this related to your line of work?

Are you a scientist doing this kind of research?

How in the world does anyone take something posted on some obscure message board personally?

Science relies heavily on questions being asked, when the questions stop so may the research?


I never once said that Darwin Evolution did not happen and I know this to be a fact.

Everyone sitting in a biology class has a shred of doubt, everyone wonders "what if..."

This is accepted and expected by scientists.

Is this not simply a survival mechanism? The human body does this by rejecting the effect of harmfull drugs, rendering foreign substances useless as best it can.
I'm afraid you misunderstand the principle of evolution. There is no evolution without a new generation.

after all it is still a virus, just as when it began.

It's the progeny of the virus.

"Evolving" is a term that can be used to describe paint drying, do you see this as an indication of what is it called? Darwin Evolution.

Only if you are [ENC]brain dead[/ENC].
Of cause we must have common ancestors, it explains why we hate each other
The term "common ancestor" is often used by Darwinists to explain the origins of creatures, so here's a couple for you Darwinists:

What is the supposed common ancestor of the monkey and the human, and what is the supposed common ancestor of the monkey and the fish?

IAC, you don't care about the answer so why ask the question?
Do you have a personal stake in this?
Yes. Very definitely. Ignorance contributed to the Crusades. Ignorance led to thousands of withc burnings. Ignorance led to the Spanish Inquisition. Ignorance led to global warming. Ignorance is screwing up the planet and the the future of my children and grandchildren, so you better believe I have a personal stake in this.
Is this related to your line of work?
Are you a scientist doing this kind of research?
Frankly I don't see the relevance of that question. I have considerable interest in the topic area as a keen amateur.
How in the world does anyone take something posted on some obscure message board personally?
I imagine it would depend upon the nature of the post. I don't think the question has much relevance. I am not taking anything personally, unless you consider my commitment to doing what I can to improve the environment and the future for humanity, taking things personally.
Frankly I am a little puzzled as to why anyone like yourself would be so bothered by a few lines thrown away on an obscure message board that they would take the time to respond to them.
Science relies heavily on questions being asked, when the questions stop so may the research?.
The questions need to be asked in the right way, within the right context, and following careful study of state of understanding to that point. Otherwise the questions become idle queries and cease to be science.
I am well aware that most people are wrong much of the time.:)
I never once said that Darwin Evolution did not happen and I know this to be a fact.
Again, the relevance of this statement misses me entirely. Also what does the statement mean. That you know Darwin evolution is a fact, or that you never said it wasn't. Relevant or irrlevant there is a world of difference between the two.
Everyone sitting in a biology class has a shred of doubt, everyone wonders "what if...".
My God! You've spoken to everyone sitting in a biology class.
Bad news. Somehow you missed mine. Perhaps you weren't born then.
This is accepted and expected by scientists.
Doubt is one thing. Intransigent stupidity in the face of voluminous facts ia quite another.
I am paid. I trained as a scientist. I am probably not a paid scientist in the sense that you mean.
And all the "common ancestors" are "unknown," just great.

Keep in mind IAC, not every animal in the history of animals has been fossilized since fossilization is a rare occurance.

In any case, "digging for extinct animals" in its truest sense has only been going on for about 180 years. That's it. And as the years go on, more and more proof for Darwinian Evolution is being found.

You claim, IAC, that all common ancestors are unknown. Read below:

What has the head of a crocodile and the gills of a fish?
May 2006

Tiktaalik, of course. Pronounced tik-TAA-lik, this 375 million year old fossil splashed across headlines as soon as its discovery was announced in April of 2006. Unearthed in Arctic Canada by a team of researchers led by Neil Shubin, Edward Daeschler, and Farish Jenkins, Tiktaalik is technically a fish, complete with scales and gills — but it has the flattened head of a crocodile and unusual fins. Its fins have thin ray bones for paddling like most fishes', but they also have sturdy interior bones that would have allowed Tiktaalik to prop itself up in shallow water and use its limbs for support as most four-legged animals do. Those fins and a suite of other characteristics set Tiktaalik apart as something special; it has a combination of features that show the evolutionary transition between swimming fish and their descendents, the four-legged vertebrates — a clade which includes amphibians, dinosaurs, birds, mammals, and of course, humans.


So what you have here is really a mix between a croc and a fish. Logically, it would seem that this creature is a common ancestor then of some types of fish and crocs.

I'm sure God just created a half croc, half fish though, just to trick us. ;)