Common Ancestors?

The common ancestor of the modern monkey and mankind probably resembled a monkey. It is not any living creature, so it doesn't have a name, is that what you are looking for?

The common ancestor of the monkey and the fish is more vague since it was so long ago. It probably looked more like a fish or a worm of some sort.

It depends entirely on which fish.
What is the supposed common ancestor of the monkey and the human, and what is the supposed common ancestor of the monkey and the fish?
Why do you use the word "supposed" in front of scientific terms? Are you not a scientist? Why do you call scientists "Darwinists"? Darwin's theory has been amplified and adjusted by more than a century of research, but it remains the basis of modern evolutionary biology. All evolutionary biologists are "Darwinists" because there is no competing scientific theory. "Intelligent design," "creationism," etc. are religious beliefs, not scientific theories.

If you dispute science you are not a scientist and you don't belong here. There is a religion forum for you.

Humans split off from the other apes about ten million years ago. The common ancestor of the human and the chimpanzee, our closest relative, probably looked more like a chimpanzee than a human. We have developed more in those ten million years than they did.

Apes split off from monkey 25 million years ago. The common ancestor was an old world monkey, it would be recognizable as an old world monkey today. Apes went on to undergo some remarkable changes, such as losing their tails.

Mammals split off from reptiles roughly 150 million years ago. The common ancestor was a reptile. Mammals went on to develop advanced characteristics, whereas reptiles have not changed much. Crocodiles have been around in very much their modern form for about 70 million years.

Reptiles split off from amphibians about 350 million years ago. The common ancestor was an amphibian. Amphibians haven't changed much, whereas reptiles went on to develop lungs, claws, and a wide variety of forms. Amphibians aren't much older than reptiles, the sources I've found put them both around 350 million years.

Amphibians split off from fish. The amphibians were the first vertebrates to undero an almost larval form of post-natal development. When frog eggs hatch, the young animals are tadpoles, which have only hind legs and no lungs. They are basically fish with two legs. As they mature, they develop their front legs and their lungs, and they can come out of the water.

You're looking for a tree structure where amphibians and fish both descended from an older ancestor, but that's not how it worked. Amphibians descended from fish.

Similary, reptiles descended from amphibians. They did not have a common ancestor. Reptiles are newer than amphibians.

Similarly, mammals descended from reptiles. The shrew was one of the earliest types of mammals and primates descended from shrews. Apes descended from monkeys. Humans are apes, but we descended from a creature that could be reasonably classified as a chimpanzee.

We don't have common ancestors. We are descended from creatures who did not evolve as quickly as we did.

BTW, you can get much better answers to your questions much more quickly from Wikipedia. Their biology articles are excellent.
And some didn't "evolve" into anything new, such as bacteria, viruses, frogs, fish, never changed, why is that?

Species which are well adapted to their environmental niches suffer no particular natural selection pressures, and therefore have no "need" to evolve (although this is importing teleology into the process, and we must be careful with such use of language).
Species which are well adapted to their environmental niches suffer no particular natural selection pressures, and therefore have no "need" to evolve (although this is importing teleology into the process, and we must be careful with such use of language).

Well, actually frogs, bacteria, viruses, fish have evolved too. Even living fossils aren't identical to their ancestors that they resemble.

Viruses are in fact the fastest evolving entities in our world.
I am quoting certain authors but my post is open to everyone.

Why do you use the word "supposed" in front of scientific terms?.....

That was nicely prepared and concise Fraggle. Some questions an aspiring biologist would ask are:

What is the primary methodoloy for dating fossils?

They are basically fish with two legs. As they mature, they develop their front legs and their lungs, and they can come out of the water.

Does'nt this show the normal life cycle of a frog?

Ultimately couldnt a frog just be a frog? Would the frog mom be offended if you call her offsping fish?

You present that timeline as if you are talking about 1965, but this is 100's of miilions of years. To say "one was here 130 mill. yrs. ago and the other dodnt come about untill 135 mill. yrs...." well should we just accept this?

Can a rock be dated in this way? what environmental factors woud\may inhibit accuracy?

Back to the fish and frog's. It has been observed that fish change sex (male\female) during their lifetime, possibly as a matter of requirement. Does anyone here know why and what other organism's have this ability?

Well, actually frogs, bacteria, viruses, fish have evolved too. Even living fossils aren't identical to their ancestors that they resemble.

Viruses are in fact the fastest evolving entities in our world.

Is this not simply a survival mechanism? The human body does this by rejecting the effect of harmfull drugs, rendering foreign substances useless as best it can.

after all it is still a virus, just as when it began. "Evolving" is a term that can be used to describe paint drying, do you see this as an indication of what is it called? Darwin Evolution.

Thanks guys.
I believe people when stressed may become either suicidal, or homicidal. I am not the suicidal type.
I really dislike seeing gross ignorance strutted upon the stage of life as a plus point.
I watch my language carefully, rarely making a mistake. You have correctly interpreted, in part, my last post. Well done.