Gore did not invent climate science. The principal chain of experts were Fourier (1824) -> Tyndall (1850s) -> Arrhenius(1890s) -> Callendar(1930s) -> Roger Revelle (1950s). By the 1970s a 1960s report by Revelle floated to the White House, carrying with it measured evidence of anthrpogenic global warming. Your buddy Nixon created NOAA, around the people and technology that were sharing information with Revelle. When Al Gore was in college, Revelle happened to be one of his lecturers. Gore learned enough of the science to understand that scientists had been warning about it as early as 1900.None of the consequences that the fool gore came out with ever existed, or come to be, and people are still trying to push this moron science con on people.
Therefore your statement fails on the following grounds
(1) You falsely state that anthropogenic global warming never happened. It was confirmed by 1958 by Revelle's protege Charles D Keeling.
(2) You characterize climate science as a "moron con". You therefore are attacking not Gore, who was only the messenger, but all of the scientists above who actually bothered to take measurements to find out what is causing global warming.
False and incorrect:Amazing the theory was so rubbish they had to change it to climate change
global warming: a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.
climate change: a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.
That makes no sense. Human emissions are continually pumping more greenhouse gases into the air, accelerating the rate of global warming and hastening climate change.when thats happening all the time,
False and incorrect. Regional climate patterns are changing faster due to human activity, accelerating global ice melt, destroying ecosystems, and driving countless species into extinction. The issue has nothing to do with local weather, but rather changing patterns over regions. As spring arrives earlier and winter arrives later, migratory birds, for example, do not arrive on time for blossoms which host insects they feed on during breeding. Human activity therefore is driving them into extinction since they can not adapt fast enough to the changing regional patterns.morons actually believed that the weather stayed the same, lol.
The shrinking length of winter is shrinking global ice and driving species into extinction. The rising heat over tropical waters in producing more energy capable of producing ever stronger hurricanes and cyclones. Increased atmospheric energy leads to more frequent and more severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. The Greenland ice sheet alone will raise ocean levels several feet as it melts. Coastal areas will flood, and wetlands will be destroyed by sea water. When all of the ice is gone, major rivers and countless tributaries will dry up.The weather is always changing normally and no dunce moron called humans could ever predict it,
so how can they say what will happen.
(1)CO[sub]2[/sub] is a greenhouse gas in small quantities
(2)humans are producing large quantities of CO[sub]2[/sub]
(3)average surface temperatures are rising faster than by natural causes
(4)global ice is melting more rapidly than by natural causes
(5)climate patterns are changing
(6)warm seasons are arriving earlier and ending later
(7)species sensitive to high heat are being driven into extinction
(8)species sensitive to earlier springs are being driven into extinction
(9)species sensitive to ice melt are being driven into extinction.
. . . scientists who have been studying the climate for 190 years . . .The morons whom were seen to bring this con,
Deduced that human produced CO[sub]2[/sub] would cause global warming by 1900, measured it in 1958, announced it in 1964, received funding to study it in detail from the 1970s to present, and have repeatedly measured it ever since.are still trying to convince people that change is manmade,
Average surface temperatures are climbing faster than normal. Human produced CO[sub]2[/sub] is causing this increase.when change is normal within normal cycles.