climate change and prophesy

I was wondering if such an event would have any effect on atheists/ agnostics? Would such an event make a non-believer re-think his/hers position? Are all atheists going to their graves as stanch atheists or would there be doubters? If there's doubters, which religion would make more sense to them to join? What does Islam say about catastrophic events and of the world scenarios?

Simple answer? All atheists will stay atheists, and if their was doubters, they wouldnt really have time to think about what religion makes sense, and since most have come to the conclusion none make sense, there probably wont be too many that decide to suddenly believe in a god that cant save them. Also what would be the point? As far as im aware not believing in god is a sure way to go to hell according to any religion, and since thats already happened believing wouldnt change their fate.
I think in fact its more likely that those that believe in a god that is supposed to protect and save them will convert to atheism if faced with certain death(and we all face it eventually), it would seem their life was a lie and anything they couldnt do according to their religion they'd regret not doing.
Flores said:
WHICH PART OF "He has made the sun and the moon subservient (to you); each pursues its course till an appointed time; and that Allah is Aware of what you do?" DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND.

I find your comments strange, because everyone can see a moon placed at the highest point on every mosque.

This thread is "climate change and prophesy" and we are digressing.

So I think a new thread is required here.
DoctorNO said:
Fear any god but the false god Allah. Why? Because the mortal French hero Charles Martel, kicked Allah's virtual butt when he & his muslim armies tried to conquer France & the rest of the free ancient world. VIVA LA FRANCE! Ye saved us from the oppression of Islam!!!

VIVA LA CONSTANTIPOLE !!! the Capital of christendom is now MUSLIM capital !!

Vienna said:
I find your comments strange, because everyone can see a moon placed at the highest point on every mosque.

These are not my comments, these are the exact quotes from the Quran. As far as mosques, they have nothing to do with Islam nor are they recognised by god in the Quran. Check out the only mosque recognised by Allah in the Quran, AlKaaba in Mecca. No crescent there my dear.
Proud_Muslim said:
VIVA LA CONSTANTIPOLE !!! the Capital of christendom is now MUSLIM capital !!


And how in the world did it come to pass that one of the worlds most magnificent churchs was turned into a mosque if muslims fully respect other faiths and are so benevolent towards them?? Get ready for some bovine excretia coming thisa way folks. You also remind us of the peaceful siege and sack of constantinople by the friendly neighborhood muslim hordes :p
For the same reason more than 70 mosques converted into churches in ONE city alone, Granada-Spain.
Proud Muslim,
Are you aware of the arabic saying "GET TAKAHALHA 3AMETHA"

It means "Whenever you try to apply massacra to the eye to make it beautifull, you end up putting too much to the point of blinding the eye."

PM, the art of putting makeup is that noone can tell you have anything on....Apply that to religion.
Thank you sister flores for your advice, I shall take it into consideration insha allah.

Allah bless you.
Proud_Muslim said:
For the same reason more than 70 mosques converted into churches in ONE city alone, Granada-Spain.
Riiiigghht, conquest, jihad, the muslim version of crusade ;)