climate change and prophesy


Registered Senior Member
Recently the news media has been bombarded with climate warming and all its ramafications, wars, famines,earthquakes, floods etc. My question is if all these things are going to happen in a short period of time would that make alot of atheists re-think their positions.

The destruction proposed by some scientists reaches epic proportions and would test every atheistic position.

Would such a situation promote religious wars on the pretext that this is gods punishment and you can only be saved if you're a member of xyz sect?

If severe climatic changes awaits us, we are indeed living in interesting times.
Why would the occurrence of natural events cause an atheist to "re-think their positions"?

Any type of an Armagedon event would scare even the most devout atheist. Questions are going to be raised about the accuracy of the prophesies and logical arguments about their falacies will seem irrelevent.

"There's no atheist in a foxhole" philosophy might get a boost. Pascals wager may become a good bet. If the green house effect is as advertised it might test us all.
Greco said:
Any type of an Armagedon event would scare even the most devout atheist. Questions are going to be raised about the accuracy of the prophesies and logical arguments about their falacies will seem irrelevent.

"There's no atheist in a foxhole" philosophy might get a boost. Pascals wager may become a good bet. If the green house effect is as advertised it might test us all.

God has nothing to do with it.

Any type of Armegedon effect would simply be down to changes of the physical Earth. No great imaginary being has any effect on anything apart from the weak willed.
Vienna said:
God has nothing to do with it.

Any type of Armegedon effect would simply be down to changes of the physical Earth. No great imaginary being has any effect on anything apart from the weak willed.

As long as logic prevails I agree Vienna, but what happens when our thinking slips into survival mode. At that point you're trying to survive on this earth and maybe also lay a bet on the hereafter. What do you have to lose?
Greco said:
As long as logic prevails I agree Vienna, but what happens when our thinking slips into survival mode. At that point you're trying to survive on this earth and maybe also lay a bet on the hereafter. What do you have to lose?
I agree, when you've got nothing to loose you'll believe anything. That human nature isn't it, death is final and it's unknown. It also says a lot about believing in the Jolly Green Giant wouldn't you say.
Greco said:
Any type of an Armagedon event would scare even the most devout atheist. Questions are going to be raised about the accuracy of the prophesies and logical arguments about their falacies will seem irrelevent.

"There's no atheist in a foxhole" philosophy might get a boost. Pascals wager may become a good bet. If the green house effect is as advertised it might test us all.
None of which sounds like reconsideration to me, just desperate wishing by people in distress... hopeful fantasy. While humans are prone to do this type of thing it's not really the same thing as reconsidering one's position. So I guess if your point is that such conditions will tend to lead towards and increase in religious hysteria, I agree. But if your point is that such occurrences will lead atheists to a reasoned and rational abandonment of atheism in favor of theism, I disagree.

Greco said:
Any type of an Armagedon event would scare even the most devout atheist. Questions are going to be raised about the accuracy of the prophesies and logical arguments about their falacies will seem irrelevent.

"There's no atheist in a foxhole" philosophy might get a boost. Pascals wager may become a good bet. If the green house effect is as advertised it might test us all.

Socrates once said "Fear is the pretence of wisdom and not true wisdom". Similarly, believing in a god out of fear is not true believe, only a pretence.
Flores said:
Socrates once said "Fear is the pretence of wisdom and not true wisdom". Similarly, believing in a god out of fear is not true believe, only a pretence.

Fear is a necessary ingredient in a any organized religion. Do as God says or else.... It's that or else part that keeps you from deviating too far from the path.
Raithere said:
None of which sounds like reconsideration to me, just desperate wishing by people in distress... hopeful fantasy. While humans are prone to do this type of thing it's not really the same thing as reconsidering one's position. So I guess if your point is that such conditions will tend to lead towards and increase in religious hysteria, I agree. But if your point is that such occurrences will lead atheists to a reasoned and rational abandonment of atheism in favor of theism, I disagree.

Spoken like a true fatalist. Que sera,sera... as the song goes.
Greco said:
Fear is a necessary ingredient in a any organized religion. Do as God says or else.... It's that or else part that keeps you from deviating too far from the path.

There is a big difference between fear of god and being afraid of god.
Flores said:
There is a big difference between fear of god and being afraid of god.

Now you getting too intellectual for me Flores, could you expand a bit on that statement.
I was AFRAID you would ask me that. If I feared you enough, I would not have been in this position of being afraid of you.

There is a fear that is slavish or unquestioning, one that drives us away from the object, and there is a fear that is sweet and luring and draws us closer to the object…. God means for His power and holiness to kindle fear in us, not to drive us from Him, but to drive us to Him.
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Fear any god but the false god Allah. Why? Because the mortal French hero Charles Martel, kicked Allah's virtual butt when he & his muslim armies tried to conquer France & the rest of the free ancient world. VIVA LA FRANCE! Ye saved us from the oppression of Islam!!!
DoctorNO said:
Fear any god but the false god Allah. Why? Because the mortal French hero Charles Martel, kicked Allah's virtual butt when he & his muslim armies tried to conquer France & the rest of the free ancient world. VIVA LA FRANCE! Ye saved us from the oppression of Islam!!!

Ignorance is a bliss.

Allah is the arabic word for god you moron. God the creator of the universe and all man kind...I'm sorry, we muslims can't make a movie or paint you a picture of god.

Now go along and watch some passion of christ to understand the christian god. study how the flesh peaces were flying off his body and how accurately did the number of blood drops in the movie match the actual death of jesus. Go make Gibson a trillionaire. I have never seen any thing more idiotic than christians...Pouring their money to fatten Gibson's pocket and depicting their god in the most awefull way possible...Go figure.

Allah is not a blue eyed blonde hair Jesus with flesh flying all over the place and millions of idiots making Gibson's pocket fat by believing in him.
DoctorNO said:
Fear any god but the false god Allah. Why? Because the mortal French hero Charles Martel, kicked Allah's virtual butt when he & his muslim armies tried to conquer France & the rest of the free ancient world. VIVA LA FRANCE! Ye saved us from the oppression of Islam!!!

I wouldn't give too much credit to a man defeating a bunch of malnourished, "way away from home", out of their league, freazing, lost muslim army. I didn't hear Allah was with them. Next time you make a sighting of Allah, tell him I say hello.
Flores said:
Allah is the arabic word for god you moron.
Cool it, moma. Of course I know that. I am just using that term to refer to the Islamic (false) version of God.
Vienna said:
Allah is the arabic word for moon god... got it!


So now you are teaching me and other muslims about a new god called a moon god? What does that make you? The moon messanger.

If you don't see your own ignorance and hypocracy, then you're really a hopeless case.