
*sits at the sideline waving a 'Xev' flag*

Root, root...nah, I best not encourage someones demise, its just not cricket

For your sake, I really hope that you don't speak that way in real life. If I knew you, and we went somewhere in public together, I'd probably pretend that I didn't. :D

I've read about enough sheer lunacy, unmitigated gall and temerity to espouse to last me a lifetime.

First off, learn to punctuate your sentances like a normal English speaker.

Sorry for putting this sentEnce so blatAntly and dominAntly, but for God sakes (sorry, heheh), stop using this board for your linguistic masturbation.

If you're going to use a thesaurus you might as well use a spell-checker while you're at it. Here. I'll go ahead and provide you with a handy link so you won't have to do all of that hard work:

Be sure to bookmark this page so that you can reach it easily, as you'll be referring to it often. :)