
*hugs Vienna*

and you thought you were tired
76hrs without any sleep, go figure eh

Well, I must say I am absolutly shocked by your reply, someone has realised these debates can go on forever and they never get settled. I have to agree with you :)

Try to imagine been a spectator to this planet
I have done that many times. We humans can act very, very silly indeed. We've all acted silly, in fact, I just tried doing a hand stand behind my door and its 0205 in the morning and I've got little energy left...not the cleverest thing I've ever done :(

Put religions and beliefs to one side and what do we have left....Mankind. I think we should try harder to look after it.
Could not agree more

*hugs Vienna more*

I'll respect your beliefs if you respect mine, deal? :)

And I'm not fooking Adam, he lives all the way in Aus, I'm in the UK, hes prolly at work :mad: :( :confused: :eek:
I apologise for my incoherency earlier on, I've just drank a couple of cans of Pepsi, that should sort me out.

I also apologise if I did in fact insult you and your friends, it was unintentional

Everytime, without doubt

*shakes hands and both walk into the sunset to Burt Bacarach - Raindrops Keep falling on my Head* :D
So far, it has been so blatently obvious that you are trolling that I haven't bothered responding seriously to your tripe.

They believe in blasphemy and foul language, they're not exactly the kind people I would like to be indentified with.

Very well. But when the dominent religion starts burning heretics, don't expect any of us to protect you.

Pretending that you would not be attacked is sheer lunacy, which actually does characterize a man who attacks the very foundations on which his "freedom" rests upon.

Vulgarity? FUCK. Is that vulgarity?

More vulgar than any obscenity is a ungrateful little twat like you who has the unmitigated gall to attack the very edifice that protects him. You haven't been burned at the stake because of people like us who had not only the temerity to espouse the ideals of democracy and human rights, but to fight for these ideals.

Instead of getting down on your knees and singing the praises of democracy, as well you should, you dare attack its ideals.

Originally posted by Vienna
I can't believe that you are trying to justify the vulgar comments made by atheists on this forum.
I wasn't justifying anything... merely demonstrating that being Christian or Atheist obviously has nothing to do with "vulgarity" as you have termed it. While I agree that some of the comments you listed are simply worthless you should view them for what they are... angry replies and troll-bait. Others, while possibly offensive to some, were valid replies in one context or another. However, your use of them to somehow justify Bush's ignorant and bigoted remark and your own asinine conclusion "...they are the devil’s work, and the scum of society." is hypocritical, ignorant and deserved a sharp rebuke.

Originally posted by secretasianman
I might ask whether the quotes are taken from context (the Martin Luther quote, especially...
I, as someone who "deals in universal skepticism" (thank you, F. Scott Fitzgerald), need more context.
Excellent point and the results are interesting. In particular, that this seems to be a reference to what we are discussing elsewhere regarding Paul vs James and John in topic of faith and works. Luther seems to have been very strongly in the Pauline camp. That is, he emphasized faith as the redeeming facet of Christianity. It also seems that the quotation shifts somewhat depending upon the translation... I'm sure we'd need to read the original German to know for sure. While I've been able to find many of Luther's works online the specific ones in questions are sparse.

Here are some variations:

"If you are a preacher of grace, then preach a true and not a fictitious grace; if grace is true, you must bear a true and not a fictitious sin. God does not save people who are only fictitious sinners. Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly . . . as long as we are here [in this world] we have to sin. . . . No sin will separate us from the Lamb, even though we commit fornication and murder a thousand times a day" (Letter to Melanchthon, August 1, 1521, American Edition, Luther's Works, vol. 48, pp. 281-82).

"If you are a preacher of mercy, do not preach an imaginary but the true mercy. If the mercy is true, you must therefore bear the true, not an imaginary sin. God does not save those who are only imaginary sinners. Be a sinner, and let your sins be strong, but let your trust in Christ be stronger, and rejoice in Christ who is the victor over sin, death, and the world. We will commit sins while we are here, for this life is not a place where justice resides. We, however, says Peter (2. Peter 3:13) are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth where justice will reign. It suffices that through God's glory we have recognized the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world. No sin can separate us from Him, even if we were to kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day. Do you think such an exalted Lamb paid merely a small price with a meager sacrifice for our sins? Pray hard for you are quite a sinner." (This text was translated for Project Wittenberg by Erika Flores and is in the public domain. You may freely distribute, copy or print this text. Please direct any comments or suggestions to: Rev. Robert E. Smith of the Walther Library at Concordia Theological Seminary.)

And some other, rather disturbing, references indicating his position:

"When the devil comes to tempt and harass you . . . in-dulge some sin in hatred of the evil spirit and to torment him . . . otherwise we are beaten if we are too nervously sensitive about guarding against sin . . . I tell you, we must put all the Ten Commandments, with which the devil tempts and plagues us so greatly, out of sight and out of mind" (Table Talk in De Wette, 5.188; De Wette was a protestant scholar who collected the most significant sayings of Luther in several volumes).

"Wherever the Scriptures order and command to do good works, you must so understand it that the Scriptures forbid good works"(Luther's Works, Wittenberg ed. 2:171.6).

"If Moses should attempt to intimidate you with his stupid Ten Commandments, tell him right out: chase yourself to the Jews" (Luther's Works, Wittenberg ed., ad.5:1573).

"They are fools who attempt to overcome temptations [to lust] by fasting, prayer and chastisement. For such temptations and immoral attacks are easily overcome when there are plenty of maidens and women" (Luther's Works, Jena ed., 1558, 2, 116; cited in P. F. O'Hare, "The Facts About Luther", Rockford, 1987, 311).

"I sit here in idleness and pray, alas, little, and sigh not for the Church of God. Much more am I consumed by the fires of my unbridled flesh. In a word, I who should burn of the spirit, am consumed by the flesh, and by lasciviousness" (De Wette 2. 22., cited in O'Hare p. 3l4).

"I burn with a thousand flames in my unsubdued flesh: I feel myself carried on with rage towards women that approaches madness. I who ought to be fervent in spirit, am only fervent in impurity" ("Table Talk" cited in O'Hare p. 315).

Not quite what I had expected.

ugh, I dont want to read Martin Luther but I'll reply anyways:

of course Christians never stop sinning - the old nature comes into conflict with the new. Sounds like he felt a lot of guilt over that. But yeah, looks like Martin Luther was out there, or maybe he didn't know when to shut up - at least I was never a Lutheran.
I looked at it as him saying "faith can conquer sins", but then I'm pretty sleepy and I've got a lot to do so I'll have to wait till tomorrow/Friday for this.

EDIT: Two things - first, thank you Raithere for finding the quotes, even though I probably failed to see your entire argument (which brings me to my second point); I am a retard. Anyways, I'm going to have coffee with some Christian guy later today if I don't collapse from exhaustion first - I'll bring up Luther somehow.
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Raithere - in addition to editing my last post:
"Wherever the Scriptures order and command to do good works, you must so understand it that the Scriptures forbid good works"(Luther's Works, Wittenberg ed. 2:171.6).

Woah. Anyways, thanks for putting up with me thus far.

You seem obsessed with me. Are you stalking me? Coz that, as Van Wilder said, would be super! :p
Vienna Snausage

I'm the Devil... all athiests are my minions. Give me your
pitiful excuse for a soul you selfish hag!

P.S. Please pass the Grey Pouppon.
Hah, this troll is funny.

Either that or we have an actual fundie on our hands, which is just as amusing. Convincing little christians everywhere that their lord jeebus was a big lie grows tiresome, outright blasphemy and prayers to lords satan & Cthulu are more fun. Also, I just don't care.

Anyway, for my adoring public:

Disemboweled on the altar jesus christ
Entrails in the pentagram circle
Spill his blood and reversing catholic humn
Invocate the onslaught of Satan

Master Lord lucifer
From behind the light thou shall rise
Drink ourselves as you feed
His offering of purity

Bible bleed, hell on Earth has been achieved
Thou will fail before Lord Satan
Casting sin, pissing on their crucifix
Stepping forth into his creation

Master Lord lucifer
From behind the light thou shall rise
Walk His Earth, invade in pain
His christians become the enslaved

What was once is never more
Infernal Lord Father restored
Blinding priest in disbelief
Revenge onto god he has sworn

Ta! :)

Sorry for the things I have said, Vienna, they're merely humor. While you as a person who thinks they're blasphemous may not find them funny, some people do. :)
People who blaspheme and use foul language are not the kind of people I associate with...That still applies, OK.

Well and good.
I don't associate with neo-Nazis or prudes. I will, however, defend their "right" to say what they please.

Sir, I disagree vehemently with what you say. However, I will defend to the death my right to call you an asshole for saying it.

I have not pretended that I would not be attacked by anyone. and which is this dominent religion that is going to burn heretics?.

First off, learn to punctuate your sentances like a normal English speaker.

Second, does it matter which religion is dominent? Anyone with a rudimentary grasp of history can tell you what massacres happen when church and state combine.

What is this very edifice that protects me that you say I've attacked?
I have exercised the ideals of democracy the same way you have with freedom of speech, but I have the ability to recognise that what I have said is not always correct, and I am mature enough to apologize for it.

No wonder why the Pesident of the USA George Bush senior said: "I don't know that athiests should be considered citizens... This is a nation under God, and anyone that can deny God denies this country and everything it stands for. I seriously question if athiests should have the right to vote..."

Did you or did you not support an attack on the ideal of
"human rights"?

And is it not this ideal that protects your "right" to believe in ideals different from the norm? Do you honestly think that you are completely orthodox?

Fuck, we don't even know what orthodoxy is anymore.

In conclusion, you remain a foolish and hypocritical little flame-baiter, and would be well advised to remember that you are living on the bounty of the people you attack.
While insulting Islam may well be popular in whatever white-trash trailer park you live in, most semi-educated people do not see the hilarity here.

In other words, may great Cthulhu, eater of souls, punish you for your impudence.
While insulting Islam may well be popular in whatever white-trash trailer park you live in, most semi-educated people do not see the hilarity here.

Hmmm, so your not an atheist at all are you. You're a black muslim .......clever :)
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If your reaction to what you percieve as blasphemy violates the tenets of your religion, you either need a new religion or some serious character development.