

Registered Senior Member
The atheists who make the comments like the ones below are the scum of society.

I have been reading through this forum and it would seem that atheists are not quite what I thought. I used to be under the impression that they were everyday folk who didn’t believe in any god. How wrong could I have been, these people are the devil’s work, and the scum of society.

No wonder why the Pesident of the USA George Bush senior said: "I don't know that athiests should be considered citizens... This is a nation under God, and anyone that can deny God denies this country and everything it stands for. I seriously question if athiests should have the right to vote..."

Here are quotes from the atheists on this forum:

El Presidente
988 posts

God is good
God is great
God knows who to masturbate!

By Counsler Coffee

P.S. I do poetry readings mondays and fridays at a cafe for old homeless jews, black crackheads, and white rapists.

Heres my take on that Jesus guy.

His family life: His dad to was a carpenter Jesus must of learned the tricks of the trades from him, his mom was a stay at home woman with little to nothing to do. He has no uncles, no brothers or sister, and no other relatives, lucky bastard. He is also Jewish.

His Parent's: I think the name of his mom is Mary but Im not really that sure, and his dads was something like Joe. It's obvious to anyone that thinks long and hard that Mary was cheating on Joe. Joe never had sex with Mary, Joe obviously being a repressed homosexual.

His Job: Jesus started out as a con-man, claiming to be the Son Of God, playing on peoples emotions and doing cheap parlor tricks. He started his own religion in the year 1976 known as christianity, it has since grown "out of control" in his own words. Jesus finally opted out of the religion business in 1993 and went to find work elsewhere. Jesus now works as a carpenter for IKEA making book cases and furniture, selling it to the masses and making a prophet.

That's all I really know about this Jesus guy, for more information look up Jesus on the web or read a bible, I think hes in it somewhere



YOUR PRIEST IS A LIAR AND YOUR GOD IS DEAD! The day of the serpent is nigh when your god will be denied you will burn in the flames of the hell you created while hordes of demonic legions sweep over a blackened and corrupt earth brining terror and destruction in their wake BLASPHEME THE GHOST SELL YOUR SOUL your satanic father is calling you to drown in the pleasures of degraded flesh without hope of heaven without redemption AVE SATANIS AVE SATANIS AVE SATANIS!

God is dead --Nietzsche

God is fucking gay -- You Killed Jesus


Hey! That's no fun! Say, in a very irritated-sounding tone of voice: "We don't believe in God here. We believe in Satan, and Satan will suck your fucking cock when you go to hell!"


You Killed Jesus

But god really is a big fag! I'd beat him up.
Rip the sacred flesh
Sodomize the holy asshole
Drink the red blood of the mother of earth
Masturbation on the dead body of christ
The king of Jews is dead
and so are the lies
Vomit on the host of Heaven
Masturbate on the throne of God
Break the seals of angels
Drink the sweet blood of Christ
Taste the flesh of the priest
Sodomize holy nuns
The king of Jews is a liar
The Heavens will burn
Dethrone the son of God
God is dead
Holyness is gone
Purity is gone
Prayers are burned
Covered in black shit
Rape the holy ghost
Unclean birth of Jesus Christ
Heaven will fall
Fuck the church
Fuck Christ
Fuck the Virgin
Fuck the gods of Heaven
Fuck the name of Jesus

Disemboweled on the altar jesus christ
Entrails in the pentagram circle
Spill his blood and reversing catholic humn
Invocate the onslaught of Satan

Master Lord lucifer
From behind the light thou shall rise
Drink ourselves as you feed
His offering of purity

Bible bleed, hell on Earth has been achieved
Thou will fail before Lord Satan
Casting sin, pissing on their crucifix
Stepping forth into his creation

Master Lord lucifer
From behind the light thou shall rise
Walk His Earth, invade in pain
His christians become the enslaved

What was once is never more
Infernal Lord Father restored
Blinding priest in disbelief
Revenge onto god he has sworn


That Jerk

You stupid cock-sucking retard of a Christian motherfucker



Master of Illusion
Junior Member
26 posts

You Killed Jesus, I enjoy blasphemy, it's one of my "hobbies".

I especially enjoy modifying bible verses......



Tears of blood - from your fallen domination
Tears of blood - see your creation burn down
Churches and crosses destroyed by fire
Fire that one day will embrace the earth
Crying and begging for help from your god
Your god does not exist!

Religious demise, extinction of lies
When you burn on the cross as my servant
I can't describe the sight I saw, the sight of mighty fire
No thing is more beautiful than fire

Firestorms embrace the holy earth
Christ burn! Make my deed complete
Heaven lost, this battle we have won
We have won!

Fire glow into his blessed creation
Make them blind by your beauty
Blind by the light

Heaven burn, ashes to the ground
The cross of Christ denied

Churches and crosses destroyed by fire
Fire that one day will embrace the earth
Crying and begging for help from your god
Your god does not exist!

Oh fuck yes! Abuse me, God! Beat me! Punish me! I am a terrible filthy sinner and I deserve to be punished!

But anyhow, it doesn't matter 'cause Bush Sr. is a twat,


George Bush senior said: "I don't know that athiests should be considered citizens... This is a nation under God, and anyone that can deny God denies this country and everything it stands for. I seriously question if athiests should have the right to vote..."

Now I can understand why he said that. These athiests don't exactly sound like fine upstanding citizens, and yet, these "people" still have the right to vote.

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um WHAT god?

which is bush talking about?

dont u have a thing that says no mixing church and state?

YOUR PRIEST IS A LIAR AND YOUR GOD IS DEAD! The day of the serpent is nigh when your god will be denied you will burn in the flames of the hell you created while hordes of demonic legions sweep over a blackened and corrupt earth brining terror and destruction in their wake BLASPHEME THE GHOST SELL YOUR SOUL your satanic father is calling you to drown in the pleasures of degraded flesh without hope of heaven without redemption AVE SATANIS AVE SATANIS AVE SATANIS!

God is dead --Nietzsche

God is fucking gay -- You Killed Jesus


HEY! I said this, not GB-Gil.

Ooooh, and I misspelled "bringing". That's humiliating.

But anyhow, it doesn't matter 'cause Bush Sr. is a twat, Xev is in love, and:



Beware the mackrel.
Actually, being female, I'm not a "sir" at all.

You may call me "ma'am" or "Most sublime and bootylicious mistress of the cosmos, Xev".

P.S: Your society sucks rubber turkey dildo.

*Edit* Oh, and you are forgiven your impertinence for not at least calling me "mistress". This time. But I do demand to be addressed by my full title, or you will be dragged to the Dungeon of Little Yappy Dogs and fed to Cthulhu.

Would you hold the same views had these people said the same things about the Wicked Witch from OZ? Remember that gods and cartoon Witches are equally imaginary.

Of course if you can show a god that is more than imaginary then please go ahead.

Of course inflammatory attacks targeted at people who believe that imaginary characters are real, is probably not a good approach, helping them find psychiatric advice would be more productive.

Do you realize it was George Bush the father that was the outspoken atheist hater, the bigot, and ignorant of the founding basis of the USA and of the constitution?
I know I've said this before but.... Vienna, where do you get your red arm bands with Swaztikas on them from? You must have loads :rolleyes:

Most sublime and bootylicious mistress of the cosmos, Xev, can't it be chicken, it tastes so much nicer than turkey?
Vienna - I actually took the time to respond to your query on one of the threads I posted on, something about a movement. Basically asking for links... Anyways, I can tell it's not a lack of free time that's holding you back.

As far as who's more full of crap, this board or the president... :p

edited for... a typo
Nah, we can be serious if we want me now

I'm uber serious :cool:
Originally posted by Vienna
I have been reading through this forum and it would seem that atheists are not quite what I thought. I used to be under the impression that they were everyday folk who didn’t believe in any god. How wrong could I have been, they are the devil’s work, and the scum of society.
Amen and Hallelujah. Listen not to the vile atheists but trust the good words of the Christian Priests and Saints:

The Son of God died; it is by all means to be believed because it is absurd. And he was buried and rose again; the fact is certain, because it is impossible. -- Tertullian

To arrive at the truth in all things, we ought always to be ready to believe that what seems to us white is black if the hierarchical Church so defines it. -- Ignatius de Loyola

The little child is in this red hot oven. Hear the fire! It beats its head against the roof of the oven. It stamps its little feet on the floor. You can see on the face of this little child what you see on the faces of all in hell, despair, desperate and horrible... This child committed very bad mortal sins, knowing well the harm of what it was doing, and knowing that hell would be the punishment. God was very good to this child. Very likely God saw that this child would get worse and worse, and would never repent, and so it would have to be punished much more in hell. So God, in His mercy, called it out of the world in its early childhood. -- Roman Catholic Church, Tracts for Spiritual Reading, an official Roman Catholic Children's book

The Bible is the inerrant ... word of the living God. It is absolutely infallible,without error in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as well as in areas such as geography, science, history, etc. -- Jerry Falwell

As regards the individual nature, woman is defective and misbegotten, for the active power of the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex; while the production of a woman comes from defect in the active power. -- Thomas Aquinas,

Women should not be enlightened or educated in any way. They should, in fact, be segregated as they are the cause of hideous and involuntary erections in holy men. -- St. Augustine

To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin. -- Cardinal Bellarmine

The Christian glories in the death of a pagan because thereby Christ himself is glorified. -- Saint Bernard

Man is not a mammal. -- William Jennings Bryan

The slave should be resigned to his lot, in obeying his master he is obeying God. -- St. John Chrysostom

Use against heretics the spiritual sword of excommunication, and if this does not prove effective, use the material sword. -- Pope Innocent III

And in the ocean, of course, we have huge creatures.... this is where the plesiosauruses seem to be today, and perhaps also this fire breathing dragon is still down there -- very rare, but occasionally there. -- Rev. Walter Lang

If men only believe enough in Christ they can commit adultery and murder a thousand times a day without periling their salvation. -- Martin Luther

The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians. -- Pat Robertson

I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good.... Our goal is a Christian nation. -- Randall Terry

Overcoming reason through faith. -- (sign on a church)

Raithere - thanks for the quotes... but among the less "questionable sources" (the really sorta "infant" understanding from *ancient history*, or Falwell... Robertson... "Randall Terry"... people who are strongly disagreed with by the Christians who I see) - when people aren't pushing their agendas of white supremacism, sexism etc. under the guise of Christianity - I might ask whether the quotes are taken from context (the Martin Luther quote, especially):
If men only believe enough in Christ they can commit adultery and murder a thousand times a day without periling their salvation. -- Martin Luther
Luther might have been using irony here to criticize the corruption in the Catholic church, referring to how easily forgiveness could be purchased. Or he could have been expressing the unlimited capacity Jesus has to forgive sin, although if that is the case he could have done a lot better.
I, as someone who "deals in universal skepticism" (thank you, F. Scott Fitzgerald), need more context.
I can't believe that you are trying to justify the vulgar comments made by atheists on this forum.

Well, its a hell of a lot better than what you are saying. You're saying that people should have the most basic of rights taken away from them because of what they believe in. How barbaric are you? (rhetorical)

So, here's the list of people not allowed to vote because of what they are:
Ethnic Minorities

And you are also putting Islamic people and various over people into there as well

And don't give me that crap about how Islamic people are terrorist's, cos thats total bull.

I'm just so very glad that I live in the United Kingdom, where anyone who is over 16 and a British Citizen can vote regardless

I pity you're shallow mindedness
Isn't atheism all about what you don't beleive in?
I believe that there is no god

Where did you get that second quote from, I never said that.

Sorry, I'm extremely tired atm. that was a quote I put down in another thread

I never said that
I know, but they don't believe in 'your' God.

I never said that either
I know, but thats the general attitude of some people here

To vote in UK parliamentary elections a person must be 18 years of age or over on polling day
My bad, I had the number 16 on my mind at the time

I pity your ignorance
Moi, ignorant. Afraid not. Very open minded I am...although it hasn't shown here much

Although, I believe in what i believe in. Only hard facts can shift my beliefs.

And I believe what George Bush said to be one of the most moronic statements of our time. And the fact you agreed with me makes me question peoples humanity today
Your god, as in the one you believe in. Not too hard to understand
Woody Allen once said that if there is a god we really can't call him an ass; the worst that can be said of him is that he's an underachiever.

And I agree. If this is god's best, I'm not too impressed. And if god chose not to do his best (meaning - this is not his best), then he's just lazy and an underachiever.

Edit to add:

Also, you should learn something new, it's called a sense of humour.
Hey, HEY. I'm not doing anything wrong here.

Atheists are the scum of society
Really. Let me tell you something about where I live. I live in the South of England. There are a lot of really, really stupid idiots here who act 'hard' and are generally assholes. And guess what, they are mainly Protestant. Many believe in a god. Now, the Athiests here are damn nice people (well, the ones I've met anyway) and should not be classed as scum.

And I'm assuming you're Christian as you seem to be so far up your own ass and think you're better than any athiest (like some Christians do). I am yet to meet a Hindu or Muslim that looks down on people for their believes.

Sure, you can treat us like scum, but we know that we are right to stand by what we believe in and anyone who says otherwise can get a plane over to England and kiss my ass cos they are the true scum.

My family have been outcast by our two neighbours just because I don't believe in a god. They are strong christian families and have pre-judged us. They have no right what so ever to do so.

The people you are having a go at are damned good people
Counsler is a top bloke, Xev is a good person, You Killed Jesus did nothing wrong (and if you think words are harmful, you need to grow up), That Jerk was getting pissed off for a good reason. I don't know about MoI, I haven't talked to that person much, but he/she is only exercising Freedom of Speech.

You are becoming tedious, perhaps you should get some sleep.
I would if I fucking could. I have fireworks blasting outside of my fucking window 24/7 and the majority of Christian posters here have been posting the most ridiculous posts I've seen in a loooooong time

Can't you just accept the fact that people have made a decision to be something that they want to be and not be lead around by the nose by something that seems so illogical, its hilarious.
What did I agree with you on???
Sorry, its all these fireworks. Replace the 'Me' with 'Him'

And so are millions of religious people.
I know that there are a lot of good religious people.
I have nothing against any religion except Christianity (and maybe the RC faith). Many people in these two religions think they are part of an elite club and have they're noses so far up their own asses, they don't seem to be able to grasp the concept that not everyone can see whats so good about their fooking god. I have had it up to here with preachers and other Christian folk. Leave us alone and stop discriminating against Athiests. Come back when you have emptied your mind of all these primitive ideals of yours

And so am I.
And I respect that. Its just that I disagree with a majority of what you have written

Correct me if I'm wrong but atheists do not believe in any concept of God, not just the Christian God, but any God. So whatever an atheist says about the Christian God, it is said about Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Allah and all other Gods.
You are not wrong, which is why we don't believe in any of those gods. I don't think anyone has actually said they do. Athiests only have a beef with the Christian one as they are the ones that are opposing us with primitive ideals. The majority of other religions accept the fact that not everyone agrees with them.
Why is it so hard for most Christians to do the same?

You're the ones picking the fights here, we are merely defending ourselves

I may be as tired as fuck, but I am still willing to defend what I believe in.
Who the fuck??? Adam, WTF. If you think this is an alternative profile of Adam's, you are very much mistaken

You believe in nothing, your reward is nothing, yes, defend it.
Ok, you keep believing that...and you call me ignorant :rolleyes:

I have a lot of Christian friends. You insult them, you insult me. You insult their God, you insult mine.
You better lay off the wacky tabacky there. I'm not insulting anyone. I am merely defending what I believe in and I believe there is no god of any shape or form

Yes Adam, defend what you believe in, use it to make an example to follow throughout your life and to make someone of yourself
You know I will. I am proud of what I am and no-one can change that.

Defend it Adam, stand by it, I'm sure it'll make something of you
I'm sure it will. And what you consider blasphemous may be considered art by someone else. And I'm not fooking Adam!! :mad: