Cigarettes - do you buy into all the hype?

That is his point.....They would only relate it to smoking BECAUSE he was a smoker....even though 75% of all lung cancer is in non-smoking patients.

How do they know that the smoker didn't die of lung cancer for the same reason that the non-smoker did? The decision is made without any scientific study.....the same goes for heart disease. Simply by association with cigarettes, they claim it is a smoking realted death. If you don't believe me, call a local Dr., and ask them....
They don't need to be able to tell if a specific smoker died of lung cancer to ascertain the scientific fact that smoking in the general population increased the frequency of certain kind of lung cancers and other diseases.
No, they simply need to turn a blind eye to other factors that came about at the same time, because 'they' can't possibly hope to un-industrialize the US. But, they can hang tobacco farmers out to be the scape goat.

I am really shocked at you monkey....I thought you were an analytical person that would not simply accept what was thrown at him by the 'man'. You refuse to even entertain the idea that possibly industrialization has more to do with lung cancer than smoking....I am glad to see how easliy led you are by the gov't. I would have pegged you to be more of a free thinker than that.....just goes to show you that you can't always believe what you first think to be true.
getts said:
No, they simply need to turn a blind eye to other factors that came about at the same time, because 'they' can't possibly hope to un-industrialize the US. But, they can hang tobacco farmers out to be the scape goat.

Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night, man. Though to be honest I've never heard anyone disparaging Tobaco farmers in all of this hulabaloo.

getts said:
I am glad to see how easliy led you are by the gov't.

Being that the government has all the incentive in the world to keep telling us that cigarettes aren't harmful to us, and in fact are actually healthy, I think the fact that they heed the scientific evidence and let us know that they'll kill us is rather noble. This sort of action is a relic from the past, when government actually took reality into account when making decisions. o/`Meeeeemories.o/`
I take it you haven't read my post on why it makes the gov't more money to be against smoking (and by the way NOT ban it all together, hmmmmm - why haven't they if it is soooooo bad, and they just have the kiddies interest at heart)......
getts said:
(and by the way NOT ban it all together, hmmmmm - why haven't they if it is soooooo bad, and they just have the kiddies interest at heart)......

Well there's always the fact that prohibition worked so very well on alcohol, and currently on marijuana and other drugs and whoever proposed such a ban would most certainly be committing political suicide.
Oh, shit!! I'm gay?!?!?! Does that mean that I'll now have to go marching in those long, crowded, hot protest marches for gay rights? That I'll have to start posting here about how gays are being denied Constitutional rights that we gauaranteed by the founding fathers (who were all probably so gay that they didn't even consider "gay-ness" when they wrote the Constitution!).

Oh, shit ....this is a horrible predicament. I'm gonna' go suck on the barrel of my 44 Magnum until it spurts it's "juice"!! :)

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
I'm gonna' go suck on the barrel of my 44 Magnum until it spurts it's "juice"!!

have fun, please remember to buy hollow points to make sure you get the job done.
Hey, if you can't beat the facts.....just call someone gay!! That always solves everything, doesn't it!!!! Fucking idiot!
getts said:
Hey, if you can't beat the facts.....just call someone gay!!

I don't think that facts have much to do with this thread. Do some damned research. Not that I think it'll help. You seem kind of like one of those UFO cultists, or a religious fanatic in your beliefs about cigarettes. You've already got all the answers, and it doesn't matter worth a damn how much scientific evidence discredits your views.
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getts said:
No, they simply need to turn a blind eye to other factors that came about at the same time, because 'they' can't possibly hope to un-industrialize the US. But, they can hang tobacco farmers out to be the scape goat.

I am really shocked at you monkey....I thought you were an analytical person that would not simply accept what was thrown at him by the 'man'. You refuse to even entertain the idea that possibly industrialization has more to do with lung cancer than smoking....I am glad to see how easliy led you are by the gov't. I would have pegged you to be more of a free thinker than that.....just goes to show you that you can't always believe what you first think to be true.

You keep saying nothing and repeating that. Maybe it is time for some argument.

I'm not pegged by the government. I haven't voted in 15 years. I don't even live in my own country. God save the Queen.
Apparently lung cancer is not the only cancer to worry about. Some other nice cancers to worry about:
Bladder cancer
Cervical cancer
Esophageal cancer
Kidney cancer
Laryngeal cancer
Oral cancer
Pancreatic cancer
Stomach cancer.
Cancer is just a hoax thought up by the greeting card industry's highly paid think-tanks in order to sell more "get well soon" cards.
Proof?? I have given just keep saying that it is common show one shread of proof, and then when I show that it is also at the same time as industrialization, you discredit that without a thought.

Show me some scientific proof....not conjecture. It is not up to me to prove that cigarettes do NOT cause can't prove a negative (if you knew ANYTHING about science, you would know that). Don't give me a me some science.
I mean, really, show me one study done that has strict controls.....that takes into account where the people live, how they eat, how they exercise, how much they drink, etc., into account. Then we can begin to discuss this. These studies that view the only difference as people that smoke and people that don't - they really are a scientific sham! must be having trouble coming up with that study.......why doesn't that suprise me??????? I'll keep checking in to see if you can find one........I better get comfortable, it may be a long wait!
Here is an interesting thought for you....I decided to try something because I was having this discussion with someone else and decided to test her sources.

One of the largest problems is misinformation. An organization can 'decide' that 87% of all lung cancer is caused by smoking....(the Cancer institute for example). They don't even have to have any supporting documentation to make this claim...for example, go to the National Cancer Institute website. You can clearly see that 87% of all lung cancer is caused by smoking. The average Joe will believe this, without questioning it. Well, today I decided to question it. I actually first found this figure at the American Lung Association. I called and asked them (I challenge you to do the same). I was advised that no one could actually find out (after holding for 30 mins while they researched this) where that number came from. Finally someone told me to check with the National Cancer Institute.

I went to their website, and went to the 'Contact Us' section. Here is what (verbatim) happened when I 'chatted' with their helo folks:

Tue Jun 28 12:28:43 EDT 2005
Welcome to LiveHelp, the National Cancer Institute’s On-Line cancer information service. LiveHelp users sometimes lose their connection because of technical problems on the Internet. If that happens, please try to reconnect or, if you live in the United States, you may call the Cancer Information Service at 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237) between 9 AM and 4:30 PM local time.
LiveHelp information specialists cannot provide medical advice, consultations, or make referrals to physicians. However, they can provide information about cancer that you may find useful.

Welcome! Please wait for the next available specialist...

NCI Information Specialist : How may I help you?

NCI Information Specialist : Hello, how may I help you?

CA_24439 : Yes, I was wondering if you could provide the supporting documentation for the 87% figure that your website states is the % of lung cancer caused by smoking

NCI Information Specialist : I can look for information to answer your questions. In order to provide the most relevant information, it would be helpful to know more about the specific situation.

CA_24439 : Your website states:
"Cigarette smoking causes 87 percent of lung cancer deaths and is responsible for most cancers of the larynx, oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus, and bladder (see Question 1)."

And I was simply wondering how you arrived at that figure.

NCI Information Specialist : Please hold.

CA_24439 : Thanks!

NCI Information Specialist : Our resources and statistics come form the National Cancer Institute's technical writers. For information on the written source you may contact our office of Public Inquiries 301-435-3848.

NCI Information Specialist : Is there anything else I can help you with?

CA_24439 : So, there is no way to find out with out a long distance call where this number comes from?

NCI Information Specialist : If you need information immediately, please call 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237), 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. local time, Monday through Friday; TTY 1-800-332-8615. Otherwise, use the form below to e-mail questions or suggestions about this Web site ( Alternatively, you may send an e-mail to Should your message require a response, you may expect one within 5 to 7 business days.

NCI Information Specialist : Through the email you can receive and answer to your concern.

CA_24439 : Ok, thanks, I'll try them

NCI Information Specialist : May I ask you a question to help us evaluate our program and see who we are serving? Your response will be completely confidential.

CA_24439 : Sure

NCI Information Specialist : Here is the link in order to send the email.

NCI Information Specialist : Have you used our service before?

CA_24439 : No I have not

NCI Information Specialist : Thank you for using the National Cancer Institute's LiveHelp service. Please contact us again if you need further assistance. Have a nice day.

CA_24439 : Thanks!

I then called the number provided.....I was placed on hold for another 10 minutes. When the lady returned to the phone, I was advised that she would have to do FURTHER RESEARCH to find out, because....GUESS WHAT?!?!? No one knew where the number came from....

If you doubt the validity of this, try it for yourself....I will be gald to update you if and when anybody gets back with me. But, I knida doubt that they will.
Yes, because a customer services rep that makes $6.50 an hour should know all the answers. From one statistic in their report and how they arrived at that figure... right.

Keep smokin bub.