Churches quit feeding homeless

If people want to feed the "gay homeless" then they should be free to do so without being forced to not do it by religious groups. See, it goes both ways.

You haven't read this thread, have you?? ...LOL!

I guess it is the "doo-gooder" in me that carries the hope.

Hope is a wonderful thing, Bells, but it shouldn't be used to hide from the truth or the ugliness of the world of reality.

Hope is a wonderful thing, Bells, but it shouldn't be used in such a way that it ultimately dashes the aspirations of thousands when that hope fails to materialize.

If human groups were smaller, clan-type or tribal, all of the hope and liberalism would be great and useful. But human groups are simply too freakin' large now and failed hoping is what's caused much of the problems in the groups. A boy is told to hope for better things, but not taught to handle failure. He's taught that he can be president if he wants to ....yet he's not taught to handle the truth of failure. So he goes out and murders people becuase he can't handle the truth - that warm, fuzzy idealism that y'all keep spouting so as to make yourselves feel good.

Baron Max
I'm going to kill myself, I hate the world, I hate myself, Fuck yersall.

Baron Max.

p.s so ban me!
barron there are tablets which will help you with that dispare:)

Basically you live in the middle of a compleatly self centered world in a country which encorages that self centeredness. Luckly that same country has been shown this week to hold very little real power left, the world is leaving the US behind and you will be left an even smaller backwater than the UK was because the UK was smart enough to aline itself with a bigger economic block (the EU), the US doesnt have that option so you will just find yourselves slowly sinking into oblivian and hopefully taking your "me me me" attitudes with you. For the rest of us who live in the rest of the world, we understand that the welfare of the people of a country is just as (if not far MORE) important than how many distroyers or tanks the goverment has. Maybe some day you will realise this too but i dont hold much hope of that, if the tent cities from the great depression and now dont move you then maybe nothing will. Oh well basically the US is the old beaten lion sinking off to lick its own wounds while China and India are the young ones fighting it out for who will rule the pride. Maybe you will even live long enough to realise this fact
This isn't especially hard to figure out.

"When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left.

"Then the King will say to those at his right hand, 'Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.'

"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink? And when did we see thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee? And when did we see thee sick or in prison and visit thee?'

"And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.'

"Then he will say to those at his left hand, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.'

"Then they also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see thee hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to thee?'

"Then he will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.' And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

(Matthew 25.31-46)

Whatever happened to the "Christ" part of "Christian"?


The Bible: Revised Standard Version.

That's not Christian. Who does this Jesus guy think he is?
Christian is owning a gun, making a good living, voting Republican, and saying "I believe in Christ".
Say it loud and clear, 'cos them's the magic words that gets yer into heaven, no matter how bad you are.
Anyways. the World is about to end, so we can screw it up with impunity.
God will make it all shiny for us again.
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barron there are tablets which will help you with that dispare:)

Basically you live in the middle of a compleatly self centered world in a country which encorages that self centeredness. Luckly that same country has been shown this week to hold very little real power left, the world is leaving the US behind and you will be left an even smaller backwater than the UK was because the UK was smart enough to aline itself with a bigger economic block (the EU), the US doesnt have that option so you will just find yourselves slowly sinking into oblivian and hopefully taking your "me me me" attitudes with you. For the rest of us who live in the rest of the world, we understand that the welfare of the people of a country is just as (if not far MORE) important than how many distroyers or tanks the goverment has. Maybe some day you will realise this too but i dont hold much hope of that, if the tent cities from the great depression and now dont move you then maybe nothing will. Oh well basically the US is the old beaten lion sinking off to lick its own wounds while China and India are the young ones fighting it out for who will rule the pride. Maybe you will even live long enough to realise this fact

By the rules of the site, are you permitted to make such personal attacks on other members like that? And if so, can I begin to do the same without being warned or banned?

Please let me know soon so I can beging attacking other members that I don't like. :D

Baron Max
Oh well basically the US is the old beaten lion sinking off to lick its own wounds while China and India are the young ones fighting it out for who will rule the pride. Maybe you will even live long enough to realise this fact

The USA left the rest of the world behind about four decades ago, asguard. Where have you been?

Countries in Europe are now beginning to face much of the same problems that the USA already dealt with and moved on from... but Europe can't get around them. The problem with Europe today is that nothing new comes out of that place. The same holds true for the other stagnant places like Australia. People don't want to work. There is no innovation, no invention, no exportation of ideas in those places. Much of the non-American white world (and this might include yourself) is a viciously racist, socialist, lazy bunch of whiners who essentially complain about America for their own sakes because it takes their minds off being taxed to death or the equivalent, if not greater, failures in their own countries. EXAMPLE: The British and French bitched about how so many people died in katrina, while over 35,000 europeans died in a... heat wave in 2003. That's right: a heat wave. Way to provide for the welfare.

Meanwhile, the USA *still* sets the political, economic, and cultural tone for the rest of the world. Remember that the next time you hitch your star to the worst human rights abusers in the world: China. :cool:
What is wrong with you people! This is not about countries. Asguard, take your US bashing elsewhere. You act as if bad thing never happen where you live.

This is about how a bunch of christians decided they could no longer feed the poor/homeless with other christians because of homosexuality beliefs.
What is wrong with you people! This is not about countries. Asguard, take your US bashing elsewhere. You act as if bad thing never happen where you live.

This is about how a bunch of christians decided they could no longer feed the poor/homeless with other christians because of homosexuality beliefs.

you dont think country or culture matters?

you dont think that if a decent unemployment benifit was paid to people that it would matter who a charity wanted to give money to?

HA, goverment is the first port of call for 90% of people in distress, i doubt any Australian (reciving benifts or not) wouldnt know where the closest centerlink office was. The only department more widly used than centerlink is medicare (and alot of people dont even have to step into a medicare office because doctors can chose bulk bill medicare for consutations). I would be willing to put money on that being the case in every developed nation EXCEPT the US.
you dont think country or culture matters?

you dont think that if a decent unemployment benifit was paid to people that it would matter who a charity wanted to give money to?

HA, goverment is the first port of call for 90% of people in distress, i doubt any Australian (reciving benifts or not) wouldnt know where the closest centerlink office was. The only department more widly used than centerlink is medicare (and alot of people dont even have to step into a medicare office because doctors can chose bulk bill medicare for consutations). I would be willing to put money on that being the case in every developed nation EXCEPT the US.

put up or shut up you little troll!
The US gvmt has just expanded unemployment benefits. They are also paying for reeducation for people who want to go back to college. You can get free - $10 vaccinations at the health dept. They pay for day care and preschool. Children get free breakfast and lunch at school. The list goes on and on.
Americans just have something called pride and don't go around broadcasting or whining how they need and use help.
The US gvmt has nothing to do with a churches decision to break away from other churches. NOTHING!
What is wrong with you people! This is not about countries. Asguard, take your US bashing elsewhere. You act as if bad thing never happen where you live.

This is about how a bunch of christians decided they could no longer feed the poor/homeless with other christians because of homosexuality beliefs.

Why do they have to feed the homeless with other churches that go against recognised biblical doctrine? As the link in the OP clearly said:

from your link said:
McNally and Vestrand also say they remain committed to serving the poor and homeless. “Our heart toward the homeless has not deviated at all,” Vestrand said.

Whats the big deal?
That's not Christmassy at all.:(

Yes it is.
If there's one thing Christmas is good for it's bringing out the cynical fuck in all of us. And if it doesn't, you deserve yourself.
Ho Ho fucking Ho! Christmas is shit ( mind you boxing day is sweet).