Church and Hitler


Registered Senior Member
I have come to two different sources, both people, claiming difference's on the Roman Catholic Church's involvement with Hitler in WW2. Before you tell me to go look it up myself, i tried, and the only stuff I got ... well... some sources contradicted each other. I have no idea which is right and I was hoping one of you very bright individuals could tell me? ;)
The Catholic Church is implicated in both the first and second World Wars. The part played by cardinal Pacelli, later Pope Pius 12th, is well analysed in Hitler’s Pope. Pacelli systematically undermined the powerful catholic Centre Party negotiating them out of political action in accord with Hitler’s wishes.

The Centre Party, which had been important in resisting Bismarck, was thus neutralised. The foolishness was forwarded in particular by Papen, Centre Party deputy and Weimar Chancellor; and by Kaas, who was a priest, Centre Party leader, and a Centre Party representative in the Weimar government.

The first ‘state’ to recognise Hitler’s third Reich was the Vatican
I have come to two different sources, both people, claiming difference's on the Roman Catholic Church's involvement with Hitler in WW2. Before you tell me to go look it up myself, i tried, and the only stuff I got ... well... some sources contradicted each other. I have no idea which is right and I was hoping one of you very bright individuals could tell me? ;)

The catholic church has always played the harlot with the kings of the earth. Why should it be different in Hitler’s case?

At the time they feared the communist more than anything else so they supported the fascists. Just like the USA when it supported Saddam because it feared the Iranian Islamic’s more. The world is full of people playing the dirty game of power. Their game is a game of eternal losers, Jesus will put an end to it one day. Maybe soon.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I have come to two different sources, both people, claiming difference's on the Roman Catholic Church's involvement with Hitler in WW2. Before you tell me to go look it up myself, i tried, and the only stuff I got ... well... some sources contradicted each other. I have no idea which is right and I was hoping one of you very bright individuals could tell me? ;)

Yeah the Pope could have stopped Hitler any time, didnt you know that? ha ha.

The truth is the Catholic church was insignificant to the third reich, they were occult based...that is the truth.
he was(Hitler), in point of fact, latent homosexual and later on became dependant on pharmaceutical speed, which only fostered these desires...although he knew about this the dependance was too strong...thus the battle within. there you have it.
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he was(Hitler), in point of fact, latent homosexual and later on became dependant on pharmaceutical speed, which only fostered these desires...although he knew about this the dependance was too strong...thus the battle within. there you have it.

M*W: Well, that's a new one to me. I know about his rampant drug use, and I'm not surprised that he may have been a latent homosexual, but I find a problem in that his drug use would "foster his homosexual desires." I could more easily understand it if his drug use lowered his inhibitions to where he acted on his homosexual desires, but fostered it, I don't think so. His homosexual desires were probably a manifestation of his insatiable hunger for power and control. And Eva was no prize either.
M*W: Well, that's a new one to me. I know about his rampant drug use, and I'm not surprised that he may have been a latent homosexual, but I find a problem in that his drug use would "foster his homosexual desires." I could more easily understand it if his drug use lowered his inhibitions to where he acted on his homosexual desires, but fostered it, I don't think so. His homosexual desires were probably a manifestation of his insatiable hunger for power and control. And Eva was no prize either.

I am certain my post is accurate. The particular drug (type) known to wreak havoc on sexual impulses, not to mentoin rage. Inhibition has noithing to do with it, he could have dealt with it (there nothing wrong with feeling that way) and hid it but that drug was like fuel and it was not so much what he did in that respect or waether he acted on those feelings but the thoughts inside his head. He became consumed with it and this was manifesetd in his feeling of self loathiong and disgust.

Yes, do you explain her? Why would she believe in him? I wonder if she killed herself or if someone killed her. I bet she was done in.

Have you seen the John Cusack movie about Hitler being a failed artist? I dont remember the name but it was very good.
I am certain my post is accurate. The particular drug (type) known to wreak havoc on sexual impulses, not to mentoin rage. Inhibition has noithing to do with it, he could have dealt with it (there nothing wrong with feeling that way) and hid it but that drug was like fuel and it was not so much what he did in that respect or waether he acted on those feelings but the thoughts inside his head. He became consumed with it and this was manifesetd in his feeling of self loathiong and disgust.

Yes, do you explain her? Why would she believe in him? I wonder if she killed herself or if someone killed her. I bet she was done in.

Have you seen the John Cusack movie about Hitler being a failed artist? I dont remember the name but it was very good.

M*W: No, I haven't seen the movie, but Hitler's failure as an artist and his hypersexual expression seems to go together. All art comes from within the sexual self. Obviously, if he was an artistic failure, he was a sexual failure as well.

I don't think Eva had a choice. If Hitler committed suicide, and as far as I know he did, Eva probably committed suicide, too. However, I guess none of us will ever really know what happened in that bunker except for what we've been told. Didn't they take some drugs before shooting themselves? Perhaps they were unconscious when someone else pulled the triggers. I don't know, but I don't believe they ever came out of that bunker alive.

Hitler had a thing for a young niece whose story goes that she was impregnated by her Uncle Adolf, and she met with her demise at the young age of 15 or so.
Could anyone provide proof of some sorts that Hitler and the church were involved at least in some positive (if you could call it that) way with each other? I'd really enjoy showing it to some of my... rather loud and obnoxious Catholic friends who find everyone else damned automatically.
I love how the conservative asserts that the Nazi Germany regime was quick to disassociate his own religion with the horrors of human history.

The Nazi regime was aimed at the creation of a "perfect" society by eliminating the "undesirables".

This is a running theme of atheist dictators.
The Nazi regime was aimed at the creation of a "perfect" society by eliminating the "undesirables".

This is a running theme of atheist dictators.
it's the running theme for all dictators. Ida Amin Dada was muslim, Saddam Hussain muslim, Qadhafi muslim, your point is, what.
it's the running theme for all dictators. Ida Amin Dada was muslim, Saddam Hussain muslim, Qadhafi muslim, your point is, what.

The others weren't aiming for a perfect society, only a powerless one.
You missed the point. A dictator, is a dictator, is a dictator. They are all aiming for monopolic control.

That would make every President a dictator.

Atheist dictators otoh, are aiming for a certain type of society and eliminate everyone who does not fulfil their "requirements"
Could anyone provide proof of some sorts that Hitler and the church were involved at least in some positive (if you could call it that) way with each other? I'd really enjoy showing it to some of my... rather loud and obnoxious Catholic friends who find everyone else damned automatically.

M*W: There is much information on this topic. A bibliography is included from this site:'s_Pope
Hitler may have been personally atheist, but he used religion as a tool of control.
That would make every President a dictator.

Atheist dictators otoh, are aiming for a certain type of society and eliminate everyone who does not fulfil their "requirements"
Not exactly. Not that he's being very representative of the job he's supposed to be doing, but our president (the position that is) is not a dictatorial position. He has, count with me, 565 members of Congress and the Judicial branch to keep him in check. Which is what they (Congress) are trying to do now. That's why you see a huge debate between the dems and gop. A true dictator would not have to worry about Congress keeping him in check. If our president was a full blown dictator, as bad as we are off right now, we'd be a lot worse.
Are you from/live in the United States? It doesn't seem like it.
I was under the impression that the nazi regime was founded and forced aryan supremacy with a touch of puritan religion if you will. Hitler et al wished to remove religions that "endangered the german race". Both judaism and the jehovah witness religion were heavily persecuted while protestant and catholic powers by and large looked on in silence. Matter of fact, the nazi regime even had an installed bishop of the protestant persuasion.

Other facets and aspects notwithstanding, religion was clearly a part of the nazi regime; to blatantly plaster atheism over an illogical form of leadership is a clear attempt at demonizing what is conceived as religions' current enemy.
I was under the impression that the nazi regime was founded and forced aryan supremacy with a touch of puritan religion if you will. Hitler et al wished to remove religions that "endangered the german race". Both judaism and the jehovah witness religion were heavily persecuted while protestant and catholic powers by and large looked on in silence. Matter of fact, the nazi regime even had an installed bishop of the protestant persuasion.

Other facets and aspects notwithstanding, religion was clearly a part of the nazi regime; to blatantly plaster atheism over an illogical form of leadership is a clear attempt at demonizing what is conceived as religions' current enemy.

Nothing to do with the perceived inability of Jews to assimilate in "society", then? Or gays? Or handicapped? Tramps? Africans? Untermenschen? Or the 6 million or so Poles who were a "threat" to Nazi ideology of a perfect society? The "scientific" experiments on infants brought up in isolation? The "tests" of racial supremacy and eugenics?

Wait, thats all religion of course.:rolleyes: