
Athiests can give tribute to their loved ones anytime, and rightly so., but I still can't see the connection that athiests can have with All Saints Day.

Christians can give tribute to their loved ones anytime to. So why make a holiday of it?

"The unwise dismiss people because of their youth"

I got your back Thor.
Originally posted by Kizlevru
Anyway if you wish to have a more qualified answer to my question, ask your Dad, please and let me know what he says. I am curious.



Hi Kiz,

It's half past one in the morning here and I am not going to wake up my Dad. I will say this, if I chose to slag you off because of your beliefs I would be wrong because I have no right to do that. By the same measure I think you are wrong to slag me off, and those who believe as I do.

I like Christmas, it's a time for forgiveness, for coming together. It's something we can all share. If you want to celebrate the birth of Jesus, I'm cool with that. If I treat it as a chance to get closer to my family, friends and people I would not normally associate with - to put it bluntly like you then that's good too.

I am not a hypocrite.

I am not shallow.

Like most people I like having a day when I'm reminded that everyone is special.

Athiests are people, I recognise we may be wrong and that God does exist, please do not write us off as hypocrites and stuff - we have thought about this.

I wish you well.:)
What's that Kiz....silence?

Thank you to send you those pics.... :D
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
Christians can give tribute to their loved ones anytime to. So why make a holiday of it?

Sometimes having a special day works, it brings everyone's attention to something at the same time.
Do you really believe that Christmas is Jesus Christ birthday??
As the date was changed to stop the so called Pagans of Britain form celebrating there winter solstice by moving the date to there Pagan day.
So you could say that YOU are celebrating the winter solstice.
Now I might be wrong about this but I think that it should be June if you want to celebrate Jesus Christ birthday!

We used to be taught this in school as it part of our history
Shhhhhhh, everyone. Q wanted this thread finishing, I'm not supposed to be on here.

Shinobi, I think you misunderstood me....I think your brill

Thor Can u send some pics for me too.....

Oh ho! look out I think Q's back....

Merry Christmas everyone....he hee!
come on don't opt out,just because they do not agree with you.
The problem here is that Kizlevru is an idiot. He/she/it has been given history and logic, and refuses to notice either, preferring to live in some weird-arse fantasy.
preferring to live in some weird-arse fantasy.
Yes thats because he she its old boy at the church told them!
:( :(
Christmas isn't about Jesus. Go into any home in the western world and you'll see it is actually about:

1) Presents. And hoarding them in the corner and greedily counting them.

2) Eating until you puke. Then eating some more.

3) Bitter confrontations with family members.

4) Booze.

4) Swimming in the sea until you get a coating of salt all over your skin. (Southern Hemisphere).

We don't celebrate christmas we just get together with family, exchange presents and put up a tree at the exact same time as christmas occurs.

<Tiassa>And lastly, I'd like to bitch about what a crappy thread this is. Surely you can come up with something alittle more worthy than this. Even if it is purely flamebait, I'm sure you can come up with something a tad less low brow. </ Tiassa>
Originally posted by Voodoo Child

1) Presents. And hoarding them in the corner and greedily counting them.

2) Eating until you puke. Then eating some more.

3) Bitter confrontations with family members.

4) Booze.

4) Swimming in the sea until you get a coating of salt all over your skin. (Southern Hemisphere).
Dude! Spot on. :D
Dude! Spot on.
Yes spot on!:D
Please note:

Kizlevru has edited his opening post. Perhaps he has succumbed to the ways of the pagan.

Merry Xmas to you too, Kiz. And I hope you see past your bitterness of atheists, at least one day of the year, and I think you know which day.

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