
Originally posted by Kizlevru
Your suspitions are wrong.

At least try to answer my question: Why do athiests celebrate Christmas?

Let me simplify the question for you.

Athiests do not believe Jesus Christ existed, but yet they celebrate His birth (Christmas)......Why?


It has been answered, but you choose to remain ignorant. We like the excuse to do nice things for family and such, and it's a nice excuse to party.
Originally posted by Kizlevru

My question is "sigh" why do athiests celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ our Saviour (Christmas) when athiests they say he didn't exist? Is this question too difficult.
We don't. We don't celebrate the birth of some mythical chap. We use that date as a simple excuse to live it up. Same as Halloween, February 29th, Melbourne Cup day, the Ashes, and many other dates. Whatever importance the christians attach to the time is irrelevent. It's just another day for a party.
And another point, how do you know Athiests celebrate christmas? Could be another holiday just on the same date. An example from Seinfeld when George's dad made a holiday called 'Festive'. Its a day when the family comes together WITHOUT the religious stuff.
In fact, I'm gonna start doing that. I'm sure Pollux would join me

Edit: I don't celebrate the birth of Jesus. Never have done, never will do
Thats great, how about celebrating Hanukkah, Ramadan, Saturnalia, Winter Solstice and Kwanzaa as well
Maybe because American companies haven't commercialised them much and/or you probably won't get away with asking for a day off on those days
Your suspitions are wrong.

No, I don't think so, and in fact, my suspicions are increasing.

Let me simplify the question for you.

Unfortunately, the question is not that simple, and neither is the answer, which is why you need to clarify your position. If you don't, then your question is meaningless and can only be seen as a vehicle to berate our fine, upstanding sciforums members. You are simply setting a trap to make everyone look like fools. However, if you were to outline your Christmas celebrations in not too great of detail of course, I think we will find that it is you who is guilty of being a hypocrite and looking the fool.

Athiests do not believe Jesus Christ existed, but yet they celebrate His birth (Christmas)......Why?

Like I said, you need to clarify exactly what you consider celebration of his birth and what it is you yourself do to celebrate his birth.
Australia was established primarily by christians from England. They of course brought that tradition with them. However, the religion didn't last long here; it's pretty much dead. But we kept the christmas occasion as an excuse to party. Hannakah never had such an introduction here.
Christmas is barely Christian

Originally posted by Kizlevru
I go to Church with my family, and we all have a great time celebrating with other Christians.
We Christians celebrate Christmas and we have a great time. It’s such a grand celebration that atheists want a piece of the action too.
You're missing the point here.

What, other than going to mass/church service, is Christian about the "Christmas" Holiday?

Check out some history about various "Christian" customs:

December 25th
"There were mid-winter festivals in ancient Babylon and Egypt, and Germanic fertility festivals also took place at this time. The birth of the ancient sun-god Attis in Phrygia was celebrated on December 25th, as was the birth of the Persian sun-god, Mithras. The Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a festival dedicated to Saturn, the god of peace and plenty, that ran from the 17th to 24th of December. Public gathering places were decorated with flowers, gifts and candles were exchanged and the population, slaves and masters alike, celebrated the occasion with great enthusiasm."

"Christmas" Candles, The Yule Log
Can be traced back to pagan Solstice celebrations. The candle/fire-light was an important symbol on the shortest day of the year. The word Yule, itself, is a Scandinavian name for a series of winter festivals.

Holly and Mistletoe
"Holly, Ivy and other greenery such as Mistletoe were originally used in the pre-Christian times to help celebrate the Winter Solstice Festival and ward off evil spirits and celebrate new growth."

Holiday Carols
"Carols were first sung in Europe thousands of years ago, but these were not Christmas Carols. They were pagan songs, sung at the Winter Solstice celebration as people danced round stone circles. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, usually around the 22nd December. The word Carols actually means dance or a song of praise and joy! Carols used to be written and sung during all four seasons, but only the tradition of singing them at Christmas survived!"

The "Christmas" Tree
"Winter in the northern countries was harsh. As the early Germans observed Fall with the gradual dying of nature, when plants and leaves of trees began to change color, shriveled up and fell to the ground, followed by Winter with ice and snow, they blamed evil spirits for the "killing." Only a few trees stayed "alive," the evergreens, and to them they became a symbol of immortality. Good spirits and the magic power of the evergreen were believed to resist the life-threatening powers of darkness and cold. They believed in the special powers of these trees and wherever they were, evil spirits could not go, so they brought the greenery into their homes.
The decorated tree was originally a pagan tradition in Germany's upper Rhine region. A decorated holly tree was brought into the house and even placed in the village square. We know this because in 14th-century Alsace laws were written which forbade farmers to cut down evergreens for Christmas uses.
In the 15th or 16th century, the church gave new meaning to the customary symbol of life by decorating trees during the holiday season with apples to symbolize Adam and Eve's expulsion from Eden. Greens were incorporated into medieval miracle plays and into a Christmas a play, honoring Adam and Eve, that was traditionally presented. An evergreen hung with apples, the fruit of knowledge, was the stage prop."

As you can see. The "Christmas" holiday can hardly be considered exclusively Christian. As a matter of fact, most of the things that you do, thinking that they are Christian, are actually pagan in origin.

The question should be, why do Christian practice pagan traditions on Christmas?

Christmas is a Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Heres something I dont understand. Why arent we all singing "Happy BIrthday to you dear Jesus!"? Why arent we lighting candles on a birthday cake? Why are we buying presents for ourselves instead?
First of all Christmas trees have nothing to do with the Christian religion, neither do holly/mistletoe, neither do candles nor yule logs....I already said that Christmas has turned towards a happy and jolly time rather than about Christ!!!!! When most people hear Christmas they associate it with shopping, Christmas trees, snow, Santa.........BUT Jesus doesn't come to mind first. Only if you celebrate Christmas because of Jesus, would you associate it with him.

Some carols are about the religion, but I don't know if they were just added, like with the Christmas tree.

I don't have much background with your saying december 25 is not the day when Christ was born? The Chrisitians stole the day from another culture?

You're missing the point here.

Thanks. I was beginning to think about hitting him over the head with a 2x4.


Only the atheist ones... No, not everyone, just atheists...


I go to Church with my family, and we all have a great time celebrating with other Christians.

We Christians celebrate Christmas and we have a great time.

Could you possibly be anymore vague ? Like Raithere says, you're totally missing the point or else you're simply being deceptive. What is it you're trying to hide ? I want to know what it is you do, aside from attending your local services, to "celebrate Christmas" and "have a great time". Answer the questions.
Originally posted by Kizlevru
It seems that atheists lack consistency. If atheists truly believe that Jesus Christ never existed, then he couldn’t have been born and Christmas wouldn’t exist, would it.
This has been explained to you many times, by me and others. The occasion existed before christianity.
Its pretty simple. I celebrate halloween. Why? Its fun. I don't really believe in witchcraft, demons, etc. But I don't 'protest' halloween. I have fun with it and enjoy myself.

See the correlation?

BTW, you never answered my question: do you participate in halloween activities?
Originally posted by grazzhoppa
I don't have much background with your saying december 25 is not the day when Christ was born? The Chrisitians stole the day from another culture?
Well, it's hard to say. There's really very little evidence that Jesus existed as described in the Bible, much less a record of his birth date but basically; yes.

Originally posted by Kizlevru
It seems that atheists lack consistency. If atheists truly believe that Jesus Christ never existed, then he couldn’t have been born and Christmas wouldn’t exist, would it.
Actually, an atheist may well believe that Jesus existed... just not that he's the son of God. But you're argument here is very weak. People believe all manner of untrue propositions. BTW, do you realize your argument can be used to validate all other religions?

So why don’t atheists stand up for what they believe by “not” celebrating Christmas. If you deny Christ, you deny Christmas.
We don't (generally speaking).

If you deny something, be prepared to stand by your denial.
Did you even read my last post? The better question is, "Why do you (and George W.) practice pagan traditions?

Originally posted by Kizlevru
I have learned from your replies that the attitude of an atheist is the same as a spoilt brat.

Hi Kizlevru, I hope you are well. May I ask what exactly I said in my reply left you with the impression that I'm a spoiled brat?

Raithere summed it up well.

If you celebrate chrismas, you are indeed indulging in non-christian activities which have been adopted by christianity. It's very simple really.

PS: And yes, several of us have given you some history on the celebration.
Originally posted by Kizlevru
I don’t, but you’d better ask Mr Bush Snr for his answer. I can’t speak for him
Ok. So, no Tree, no Gifts, no Carols, no Mistletoe, no Yule logs or Christmas candles, no bells, and not on December 25th.

What exactly does this "grand celebration" consist of? Sounds kinda lame to me.


Thankyou for the gracious apology

However, I have to say that the points made by the others are essentially no different from my own.

Let me try to explain my feeling here.

Today is All Saints Day. For Christians this is a day to remember those who have passed away, and yet many athiests/agnostics use this day to pay a special tribute to their loved ones who have died. Would you describe these as "hypocrites"?

On Sunday my Dad will be holding an All Saints service in church, non-believers will attend, not to praise God, but as a tribute to those they love who are no longer with us. Would you describe them as "hypocrites"?

For me Christmas is summed up in the term "Peace On Earth, Goodwill To All Men", (obviously I include all women before I get flamed by any feminists). The mix of religious and secular aspects is a wonderful opportunity for people to join together and share regardless of their beliefs. I am pleased that I am sent a card with a picture of the Baby Jesus on it from someone who is special to me and I do not begrudge them kissing me under the mistletoe.

I hope you have a good Christmas Kizlevru.
Originally posted by Kizlevru
I have learned from your replies that the attitude of an atheist is the same as a spoilt brat.
The remark was aimed at Q and Adam

Typical, resorts to name calling when left with no leg to stand.

Especially Q, that guy is going to give athiests a very bad name.

The sword of reason is indeed mighty and should be feared, especially by those who are content to live a life of fantasy.

And as far as this thread is concerned, it is pointless and should be locked since its purpose is obviously that of troll bait.
Grazzhoppa said:
When most people hear Christmas they associate it with shopping
Not here, I'm more like 'Ah crap, not again'

Kizlevru said:
If atheists truly believe that Jesus Christ never existed, then he couldn’t have been born and Christmas wouldn’t exist, would it
I have not said that he did not exsist. I just question whether he is the savior of mankind :rolleyes:

So why don’t atheists stand up for what they believe by “not” celebrating Christmas. If you deny Christ, you deny Christmas.
A- I don't celebrate it
B- I don't deny Christ I just don't accept him in the same light as you
C- How can you deny what you know for a fact is happening once a year

In the 1980s, George Bush senior was asked by a scientific magazine how he planned on earning the votes of the atheist citizens of America. George Bush then replied, "I don't know that atheists should be considered citizens... This is a nation under God, and anyone that can deny God denies this country and everything it stands for. I seriously question if atheists should have the right to vote..."
So, here's the list of people not allowed to vote because of what they are:
Ethnic Minorities

Zoiks, all that from one post, not bad going Kiz

Very much like moths around a bright light
Mustn't be a very bright light :p

Quite rightly so….give him the boot!
What the hell do you wear, a red arm band with a Swaztika on it?

I have learned from your replies that the attitude of an atheist is the same as a spoilt brat
And I have learnt that your attitude is similar to that of an autistic child. Are you jealous that we made a decision on our own?

Especially Q, that guy is going to give athiests a very bad name.
May I ask why? What's so wrong in sticking up for what you believe in?

Get your own celebration day, y'know atheists national day
We will if you will

Q, just shut up and be quiet
Why the hell should he. He has as much right to speak his mind as you do

but I still can't see the connection that athiests can have with All Saints Day.
Just think of it as non-soldiers on Remberance Sunday :rolleyes:

or is it that I have been misled by wind-up merchants
You're lucky non of them have shown up

wrong belief
There is no such thing as a wrong belief

Well, this was fun, must do it again sometime, toodles
Is there an intellegent reply coming our way, or are you gonna use my age against me which I know that you know as you just looked at my profile.

"The unwise dismiss people because of their youth"