Christians: Your Thoughts

I remember when I was a christian, I wouldn't read anything that was contrary to my religion. The pope would authorize each book we as catholics could read.
Look M*W: some Christians I know would laugh at this statement! Were you living in the Vatican? :p

So blame the pope for your laziness? Poor old guy... well, which one did that by the way? I guess it's the Polish one?

I do suspect, however, that the most fundamentalist and the most "Roman" Catholics can produce the most outspoken and vehement atheists.

A complete rebellion, trying to overcome that inner insecurity - the inner need for leadership. This is not a religious trait, this is simply human. If you don't find a leader in the Pope you find it in some other authority (professionals?) eh?
Yes, even professionals can be wrong. That's why I think it is important to not follow blindly. It's not a terrible thing to want knowledge. It's a terrible thing to not want it!
Well, here we are again: what is knowledge?

What you seem to offer is a surfeit of data, information, and conjecture (this above anything else).

What you have yet to offer is knowledge.

And thank God for people who will not blindly follow the conjecture you post at times.
Look M*W: some Christians I know would laugh at this statement! Were you living in the Vatican? :p

So blame the pope for your laziness? Poor old guy... well, which one did that by the way? I guess it's the Polish one?

M*W: Well, you won't find too many die-hard catholics who would laugh at this. There was a time I didn't associate with anyone unless they were a fanatical catholic like I was! I was young and dumb.

As a matter of fact, I did live in Vatican City which is technically The Vatican. It was walking distance, not even one block. I traveled there to study more about catholicism, and boy did I learn! I got to be in JPII's first audience, and I got to meet him. All things considered, he was a good pope. I blame absolutely NOTHING on him. It was all my own doing -- believing blindly, not venturing out of my safe little mind-controlled world, etc. I traveled to The Vatican as a sincere devout catholic searching for a closer relationship with Jesus, but I left Jesus behind, because I became a whole lot wiser to the scam.

I do suspect, however, that the most fundamentalist and the most "Roman" Catholics can produce the most outspoken and vehement atheists.

M*W: Yes, I'll agree. Our fervor doesn't change. We just replace one "truth" for "another."

A complete rebellion, trying to overcome that inner insecurity - the inner need for leadership. This is not a religious trait, this is simply human. If you don't find a leader in the Pope you find it in some other authority (professionals?) eh?Well, here we are again: what is knowledge?

M*W: I wouldn't call it a "rebellion." I didn't set-out to defy The Vatican. Mostly, I ended up defying myself, if you can understand what I mean. It's like I wanted to be a catholic forever, but the knowledge I gained wouldn't allow me to see it through. I argued with myself plenty. It was a matter of losing my faith, which I wasn't really "losing" it but rather giving it up rationally. I don't condemn The Vatican for my "loss." I'm very thankful that I had the opportunity to see for myself what it was all about. How many people out there, catholics, have had the same opportunities I've had? A christian would think that I should be thankful to Jesus or whomever for giving me these opportunities, but no, I thank my own self for bringing me to where I am today. There's no god to thank. It's all about us and what we do for ourselves.

When I first became a catholic, I was looking for leadership. I liked all the rules and rituals having been raised in an agnostic home. I guess I just reached a point where I couldn't find the leadership I was looking for when I was in The Vatican. So, I became my own leader and took it from there.

All things considered, JPII was a good pope and a good human being. Like I said, I don't blame him or anyone for reevaluating my "faith." I am totally responsible for where I stand today. If it had been left up to The Vatican, I'd still be there obeying all their rules and practicing all the rituals, but The Vatican just wasn't stronger than my own will.

What you seem to offer is a surfeit of data, information, and conjecture (this above anything else). What you have yet to offer is knowledge.

M*W: Well, that's relative. It may be conjecture to you, but to others it's an awakening. That's all I could hope for. There is nothing I can say or do to make a person become an atheist. That comes as a personal realization, like a light bulb goes off in the head. If you only knew the PMs I get from all over the world, not to mention personal emails, it's almost as if I have a cult following! I try to write as much as I can on sciforums in answers to some of the questions I get, but I do most of my writing on a personal level. Some of the threads I've started have come from questions I've received from people all over the world. I find it amazing that people who write me really do their own research, yet on sciforums, I've noticed that when I make a new thread, it dies out quickly. That tells me that there is very little extracurricular biblical reading, except among the atheists. Knowledge will come when someone WANTS to learn. Knowledge will NOT come when one thinks they know it all.

And thank God for people who will not blindly follow the conjecture you post at times.

M*W: Just because you don't want to know the truth, why are you thankful that others remain blind? That's a very selfish thing to say, and not very thoughtful. It sounds to me that you would like to control others with your own lack of knowledge. I suppose you think it's smarter to follow a mythological being who was never there except in fiction than it is to follow someone who's been there, done that, and bought a t-shirt.
MarcAC, is there a reason you aren't using your own screen name?
Great! And it continues... :D

Vindicator, is the screen name, silly. :p

Two people or ten people could be using the same screen name to post on this site.

Similarly, one person could be using two or ten screen names. Two friends could switch screen names... the list goes on.

The question is: why do you care? Look at the post, not the screen name. :D
I find it amazing that people who write me really do their own research, yet on sciforums, I've noticed that when I make a new thread, it dies out quickly. That tells me that there is very little extracurricular biblical reading, except among the atheists.
People do their research, M*W, but when there's just too much information to formulate any meaningful conclusion, there is just too much information.

You know like in statistical methods: too many equations and too few variables and you end up not arriving at an "absolute" solution.

Too many "Jesus theories" and "mythstories" and it all remains a mystery.

Then one asks; "Why jump from this bandwagon to that one when it is as unverifiable as the one I'm on right now?"
Knowledge will come when someone WANTS to learn. Knowledge will NOT come when one thinks they know it all.
Yes, but it is only knowledge when one believes they know. Otherwise, they just accumulate a mass of data and information - not all of it is useful, a lot is just "noise".
Just because you don't want to know the truth, why are you thankful that others remain blind? That's a very selfish thing to say, and not very thoughtful.
I was so amazed by the post until it got to this paragraph; then it all went to the gutter.

What truth M*W??? :confused:

It would almost seem like my previous post about two people typing using the same username was taken to extremes here; even two people typing on the same post. :D

The above paragraph obviously betrays the fact that what you think you offer your readers is truth, not information. You think you offer knowledge.

Others remain blind to what M*W? I stated thank God others don't blindly follow your conjecture. What did you think I meant? People can read and disagree totally with the stuff you type: are they blind then? That's what you're saying?
I suppose you think it's smarter to follow a mythological being who was never there except in fiction than it is to follow someone who's been there, done that, and bought a t-shirt.
Actually, I'd rather not follow anyone but myself. You want people to follow you? What are you trying to be some female Jesus??? :confused:
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People do their research, M*W, but when there's just too much information to formulate any meaningful conclusion, there is just too much information.

You know like in statistical methods: too many equations and too few variables and you end up not arriving at an "absolute" solution.

Too many "Jesus theories" and "myth stories" and it all remains a mystery.

Then one asks; "Why jump from this bandwagon to that one when it is as unverifiable as the one I'm on right now?"Yes, but it is only knowledge when one believes they know. Otherwise, they just accumulate a mass of data and information - not all of it is useful, a lot is just "noise".I was so amazed by the post until it got to this paragraph; then it all went to the gutter.

What truth M*W??? :confused:

It would almost seem like my previous post about two people typing using the same username was taken to extremes here; even two people typing on the same post. :D

The above paragraph obviously betrays the fact that what you think you offer your readers is truth, not information. You think you offer knowledge.

Others remain blind to what M*W? I stated thank God others don't blindly follow your conjecture. What did you think I meant? People can read and disagree totally with the stuff you type: are they blind then? That's what you're saying?Actually, I'd rather not follow anyone but myself. You want people to follow you? What are you trying to be some female Jesus??? :confused:[/color]

M*W: I don't pretend to be some female Jesus. That is really off the wall! If some think of myself as a teacher, then so be it. If some think of me as blasphemer, so be it. I can only offer the truth as I see it. You can only accept the truth as you see it.
-I heard that once a thought passed through a Christian mind…and it was someone else’s.

-The only time Christians are inspired to think is when their myths concerning their own central position in God’s mind and their hypothetical future eternal life is threatened.

-What the difference between a Muslim crashing his airplane into a building, believing he will be rewarded with eternal life and a multitude of virgins, and a Christian, sacrificing his every rational thought to a hypothetical, believing he will e rewarded with an eternity beside God’s side?
If you think of one let me know.

-Whenever a Christian wants to think about reality, he opens the Bible, not the window.

-The common ground between a religious fanatic and a homosexual? They both bend over for another’s “love” and they both can’t define what “love” is...but they certainly feel it.
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-I once heard a religious mind thinking…the silence was deafening.

-A religious fanatic wakes up in one ‘epistemology’ and goes to sleep in another.

-When God made his followers, he remembered to make them simple enough to never ask too many difficult questions.

-God rapes another’s wife and then he reminds man that adultery is a sin….He’s going for a monopoly.

-I heard of a religious mind thinking once; I later found out that it drowned in the oxymoronic absurdity….no word on an afterlife yet. I’m guessing it saw a bright light followed by……..
People used to try and make me Christian. I was raised as a Christian, sang in the choir, went to vacation-bible school (under much protest, mind you)...*sigh*....a tortured childhood it was. All that work for nothing. Not a Christian. Nope. Not even a little bit. I think people fear I will go to...shhh...H-E-L-L. Christianity is great if you don't want to think for yourself or take responsibility for your actions. There is also the perks of getting to torture, burn, and mutilate those who don't think like you. Yay!
So now I am compelled to ask. What are your views on the history of the world? How did we get here?

M*W: I'm assuming these are the questions you wanted me to answer, so I'll try.

My personal views on the history of the world are that history was written by the victors, usually the males of the species. Therefore, history was profoundly biased against women, as the true heros of civilization, when it was transcribed.

If it weren't for the cavewomen, our civilizations would not have survived. The cavemen traveled out from their camps to kill the big game. More often than not, they themselves became the prey. During the weeks and months of being out on the hunt, cavewomen birthed and cared for their little Neanderthals while the cavemen were gone. They picked roots and leaves and berries to feed their young and make them strong. They killed small animals like birds, squirrels, rabbits, and they fished where it was available, to keep their children alive. We're here today, so we need to thank our cave mothers for a job well-done. I believe this in a nutshell is how we got here today.
We believe that Jesus was the messiah - that belief encompasses many, many things and stretches back before Genesis and forward past Revelations. If you part from this belief, you become...something other than a Christian. Oh yeah, and we love Him.
They both bend over for another’s “love” and they both can’t define what “love” is...but they certainly feel it.
I can just imagine that the look on your face is rather similar to that Avatar during those episodes... you should know after all, since you know they "certainly feel it"?